Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 232 The war has begun

Chapter 232 The war has begun

After hearing the notification from the system, Emperor Shenwu was stunned. What happened?I must have heard wrong.

He opened the faction relationship panel to check, well, it seems that he heard it right, there were four new forces in the column of the hostile faction.

His face turned ashen for a while, dry, as expected, there is no such thing as a good thing in the world.

He has experienced so many years of ups and downs in the shopping malls in his life, and he has long realized a truth. If something is good and there is a ghost, then this thing probably has a ghost.

He thought there was something wrong with it before, but he didn't expect to be waiting for him here.

But thinking about it carefully, this kind of result doesn't seem to be surprising, forming an alliance with Deathwing means that there has been an enmity with the other four dragon clans... He very much suspected that this was a trick set by the GM, but there was no evidence.

The subordinates around him also heard the system prompt, and they were all inexplicably horrified. The five dragon clans can be said to be very powerful forces in this world. A force that controls a part of the world's laws and authority.

Now I have provoked four at once, how can this be done?
Everyone looked at each other in dismay, a little frustrated, but unexpectedly, Emperor Shenwu thought for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hehe, hahahaha, ahhahahaha.

Throughout the night, the roar of dragons in the Ashenvale forest continued.

"The boss is really thoughtful. I will arrange the live broadcast and advertisement right now. Boss, should we find external advertisers to join? I think if this war is broadcast live, we can place a lot of advertisements."

Boom!Deathwing's huge body descended from the sky, and directly landed on the space reserved by Emperor Shenwu. The ground seemed to tremble with it, and the waves of air that it set off spread in all directions.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Soldiers of the Black Dragon Legion, warriors of the Black Dragon Clan, the 1-year dormancy has finally come to an end, the 1-year preparation has come to an end, it's time to let the world know—— No one can resist the will of the Black Dragon Legion!

"Boss, if we can kill the guardian dragon, should we pay more bonuses or something?"

In fact, there are not a few parrots who want to take a group photo together, but they all fall down without getting close. The effect of Longwei is not for nothing. In addition, the mental resistance of small animals is basically 0. Demerits can only be far away. watched. "

On the outskirts of the city, there is an encirclement formed by an army of hundreds of thousands of centaurs. Continuous spears, swords and axes are spread all over like a forest, and they are waiting for the horn of attack.

Around the giant tree wall in Astlanar, the night elves had gathered all their military power in Ashenvale. Tens of thousands of night elf warriors stood behind the river bank, on the tall giant trees, ready for battle.

Some people think that it is possible to give centaurs two leg armor equipment slots, but remove the boot equipment slots, anyway, centaurs use hooves, so it will not be balanced.

Fearless and fearless, they launched an attack on every elf outpost, and for a while there were fighting everywhere in Ashen Valley.

It's good as it is now, Deathwing is strong, and we may not lose.

By the next morning, when the sun shone in the Ashenvale forest, the fierce battle had ended, and the shattered corpses of centaurs and night elves were everywhere in the forest.

After such a short episode, Emperor Shenwu quickly adjusted his mentality.

Tyrande (High Priest of the Moon God): "Let the sisters retreat to Astrana, the ancient tree of war has grown, and we will wipe out those barbaric beasts here!"

Although it feels a bit too far away, it doesn't hurt to think about it.

Behind him, thousands of black dragons soared into the sky, their black wings covering the sky and flying towards the battlefield of Ashenvale.

As for the cost issue... By the way, I will immediately contact the major game live broadcast platforms. I will sell the broadcast rights of this battle and ask if they are interested. "

The roar echoed in the mountains, and a black dragon fell into the group of dragons without a sound. It was Murphys, who quickly joined the roar, and exchanged glances with Nefarian.

However, Emperor Shenwu didn't seem to show any signs of sealing the demons at all, instead his behavior was completely different.

Not only the hosts, but also a lot of trumpets who came to watch the excitement, and they also built parrot accounts. As a result, parrots can be seen everywhere on the big trees around the battlefield.

Fierce battles took place in every part of the Ashenvale forest. The centaur's iron hooves smashed through the flowers and plants, and flattened the muddy forest.

How much attention does this attract?

"Guys, look quickly, this is the legendary Deathwing, he is really domineering, wait for me to fly over to take a photo with him... Hey, hey, why did I fall from the sky?"

But immediately someone said, isn't the tauren also have hooves, why can they still wear shoes.

Because Kalimdor has not been fully opened yet, many people don't know what happened here. It wasn't until the heat of this battle fermented that people were surprised to find that it was still possible to play like this?

Different from the internal intrigues of the alliance, the Centaur Empire was completely dictated by Emperor Shenwu, and the company's employees were not usually fast. When Emperor Shenwu gave an order, the five armies accelerated their attack speed at the same time.

Of course, most of them still maintain the mentality of watching the excitement. There are even many gloating people who think that it is impossible for a wild monster race like centaur to become an official race. Just a problem with equipment can't be solved. You said that the centaur If you can wear two pairs of pants and two pairs of boots, wouldn't you be born with two more equipment slots than other professions.

It is absolutely impossible to cancel the covenant. If this is the calculation of the game company, then even if the covenant is cancelled, the four dragons may not be able to forgive us, and if Deathwing is furious and starts war with us again, then we will really The enemy was attacked.

"I rely on me, it's lively now!"

"Don't be nervous, everyone, this is just a game, so what about the guardian dragon, even if the gods come down, it's just a longer blood bar and a more powerful skill, we have millions of troops, and we have Deathwing to help , The winner or loser of this game is still unknown.

A powerful man, relying on the management of a wild monster force, tried to conquer the entire Kalimdor continent. This kind of ambition and operation shocked everyone.

Murphy pretended not to see Murphys, and when he saw that the momentum was almost agitated, he roared and flapped his wings.

In addition, we can also advertise the group's new products. Anyway, general game events have sponsors. We produce and sell our own in a near-water platform, so we can't waste such a large amount of traffic, right?

Shandris Feathermoon (Sentry General): "Lord Tyrande, the centaur's offensive is very fierce, and all our outposts have been destroyed."

Alexstrasza and her pathetic allies will die without a place to die!
Cheers, my people, the time for the rise of the black dragon clan has finally come, follow your king, and step into the end of destiny together! "

But it doesn't matter, a good show is about to be staged, every actor is in place, and the final battle is about to start.

"Thank you Chairman Wang for giving us the opportunity to cooperate on the platform, Ga."

At this moment, Emperor Shenwu was standing on a temporary high platform, watching the night elf city in the distance.

It is definitely more enjoyable and popular than ordinary top game events.

Maybe I also have a chance to join hands. If I can get the dragon soul, I will be really invincible.

Therefore, there are not a few people who support the Centaur Empire.

"Understood the chairman." The centaur prophet said, and hurriedly went offline to work.

But he smiled casually, "It's okay, just buy a few more yachts, it won't cost much.

This appearance immediately became the focus of attention of the audience.

And what Emperor Shenwu said is right, the more you come, the more enjoyable it will be to fight.

At the same time, Emperor Shenwu also had some hope in his heart. This time, the four guardian dragon clans will attack together. It seems that Deathwing's goal is indeed the soul of the dragon.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "You are doing very well King of the Centaur. I have to say that as a mortal you impress me a bit. Now, let your soldiers attack, my The black dragon army will cover you."

If it was just a battle between the centaur and the night elves, it might still lack a little weight, but now that the five guardian dragons have collectively participated in the battle, judging from the current lineup and influence of the two parties participating in the battle, it is definitely the top big event in the firmament world Ah, I am afraid that the importance and appreciation are not weaker than the war between the Alliance and the Horde.

He knew where the kid had gone.

"Haha, what the boss said is good, don't care what the guardian dragon is, come and do it one by one."

The parrot belongs to the small animal template and has no hatred value. As long as it is not unlucky to enter the range of the firefight, it can watch the battlefield very comfortably.

Deathwing's scarlet eyes scanned the surrounding black dragons.

In just one day, this battle has become the most popular event in the game circle.

The parrots on the surrounding trees all screamed and screamed.

At this moment, the attention of all major platforms to this battle has gone crazy. This is a battle of millions of troops. There are also five guardian dragons participating in the battle, and the night elves' heroic regiment. This scene is rare. It was more lively than the previous Battle of Black Gate, and even the war between Stormwind City and the Horde was overshadowed for a while.

All the allies of the night elves were slaughtered accordingly.

This Haotian Group really knows how to do business, but he still remembers his mission, he must maintain the majesty that a black dragon king should have, and he must not reveal his identity as a player.

If they want to come, then come!The guardian dragons are the most powerful bosses, if one or two can be killed, there might be an artifact. "

This is the first time someone called the boss instead of His Majesty. It is not difficult to see the seriousness of this prophet. Emperor Shenwu knows why. This centaur prophet is the chief financial officer of Haotian Group. most sensitive.

"Order to all departments to have the Fifth Route Army launch a full-scale attack. Before dawn tomorrow, I want all troops to approach the city of Astrana!"

"Hmph, you mortals are never willing to recognize the reality, well, then it's up to you to order yourself, but don't make me wait too long, my patience is limited."

Once sold, although it is impossible to amortize all costs, some losses can be reduced anyway.

He glanced around, paused in his heart, and Murphys was gone.

"Quack, yes yes yes, Your Majesty Shenwu, we have arranged for dozens of anchors to live broadcast this battle at the same time, ensuring that every angle is taken care of in all aspects. Now the total number of viewers on the live broadcast platform has exceeded 3000 million, and there are still In the process of increasing, don't worry, this time the drainage will definitely be successful."

His smile actually made his subordinates stunned, what the hell was going on in their minds, could the boss have been so stimulated that he lost his mind?

And the most amazing thing is that this war was completely triggered by the Haotian Group, all of them were members of the Haotian Group. If this kind of big scene is broadcast live, it will definitely be a traffic code.

at this time--

"Deathwing actually came, I thought it was just bragging."

Watching the centaur generals leave like lightning, a centaur prophet on the side frowned and said: "Boss, your optimism is admirable, but this accident will double the cost of our plan." Ascension, even the possibility of failure, I think you'd better think about it again, or you can simply terminate the covenant with Deathwing, anyway, our centaur tribe is directly controlled by the company's employees, and loyalty doesn't matter."

After listening to the boss's words, everyone present immediately became more relaxed. They will be brave soldiers, and the boss doesn't take it seriously. We employees have nothing to worry about.

Coupled with the popularity of Shenwu Emperor Flower, the forum is now full of discussion posts about the Centaur Empire, especially the discussion about whether the monster forces can become the official camp, because the game was originally advertised as a free world, and players created it. history.

With the participation of the black dragon army, the night elves completely lost their ability to resist. As an ally, the black dragon and the centaur will automatically cooperate. The black dragon condescends to find out where the night elves are hiding. They swarmed in and wiped out the lone night elf sentinels.

"Forget about external advertisers, let's not make this war too childish, it will destroy the epic sense, but our company's own products can be arranged, don't be too exaggerated, put some billboards around the camp That's it."

"Call me Your Majesty."

Mo Fei was speechless watching a group of centaurs not far away put up huge billboards for electric vehicles on the arrow towers around the battlefield.

Some people even opened an overseas bet, betting on whether the centaur or the night elves would win the war.

At this moment, the Ashenvale forest is experiencing an unprecedented bloody battle, and the most tragic war since the War of the Ancients is being staged here.

Well done, well done, I was worried that this war would be won too easily and lack of challenge, but now I finally feel a little more interesting.

"You're right, boss, with our army of one million, we can pile them up to death."

The chief financial officer's eyes suddenly brightened, yes, he can sell the rights to broadcast the battle.

I've found the lost artifact - the Dragon Soul!It was hidden in the forest far away by those traitors, and soon, I will take it back, regain the lost authority, and rule the power of all dragons in this world, and by that time, no one will Can fight against me and the black dragon army.

A parrot next to him was chatting excitedly with him.

Meanwhile - Astrana, the Emerald Temple.

Hearing the enthusiastic response from his subordinates, Emperor Shenwu smiled and waved, "Of course there is a bonus, but you have to win it. Hurry up and fight for me. While it's still early today, I can crush the night elves' defense line in one go." to Astrana."

Emperor Shenwu knew that once the four guardian dragon clans fully participated in the battle, the war would definitely be lost. In this case, before the four dragon clans appeared, but Deathwing had already arrived, the night elves were dealt with in advance Well, as long as there is no assistance from the mortal army, the threat will not be so great with the strength of the four dragon clans alone.

Murphy landed on Stone Talon Peak.

As the parrot said, the confrontation between the two armies at this time is in the quiet stage before the war, and there are parrots flying around everywhere. Because there are no ready-made characters, the anchor wants to build a centaur trumpet and is easy to be killed by mistake. The human race has no way to speak and communicate, so almost everyone in this temporary live broadcast has built a parrot account by coincidence.

Roar!Countless black dragons echoed their king with deafening roars.

However, the most discussed point is not the war between these well-known heroes and villains, but the miraculous event about the rise of the centaur, a wild monster race, to challenge the night elves, an ancient force.

Go back to the gold account and give orders again.

"West grass, it's Deathwing!"

He looked down at Emperor Shenwu with a ferocious and contemptuous look.

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan): "Please pay attention to your attitude Deathwing, we are allies, but I am not your subordinate, you are not qualified to order me." The attitude of Emperor Shenwu was much colder than yesterday, and the alliance They were potential enemies and allies before, but after forming an alliance, there is no need to be so polite.

After speaking, Deathwing flew into the sky again, and in the sky, dense black dragons were circling around Astrana.

The huge shadow cast by Deathwing terrified the night elves below.

Emperor Shenwu stepped forward and came to the high platform. He was dressed in golden armor, and his stature was more than twice that of an ordinary centaur. He looked extremely powerful. He raised the spear in his hand high, "Attack !"

Woohoo, the desolate horn sounded continuously, and in the forest, countless centaurs showed their majestic figures, armored and sharp, bows and arrows, and the war - began.

(End of this chapter)

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