Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 233 The Battle of Astrana

Chapter 233 The Battle of Astrana

The night elves are ready to fight, and the army of people and horses is ready to move.

The first wave of attack was thousands of 'centaur forerunners', a low-level wild monster with a level of 12-14, and the most common low-level combat unit in the centaur tribe.

There was no decent armor, and the weapons were only simple battle axes. A group of 35 eleven swarmed up in a mess, charging towards Astrana from all directions.

Rather than a charge, it would be more accurate to say that it was death. Astlanna was surrounded by rivers on two sides, and the other two sides were raised highlands covered with towering trees and densely packed with archers.

Although there is no city wall in the strict sense, its defense is not weaker than ordinary cities.

This kind of blind charge has almost no chance of winning.

What awaited them was a dense rain of arrows. The number of archers in the night elf sentry was more than [-]%.

These centaur forerunners who lacked armor and had little blood were wiped out almost instantly, leaving corpses covered in sharp arrows all over the place.

But Emperor Shenwu didn't care about these casualties. This kind of low-level wild monsters were originally used as cannon fodder, and they were all spawned by the system for free. No matter how many people die, they don't feel bad, and they can free up some people to breed. More advanced units, not dead, not dead.

It worked!The centaur, who had been shot miserably before, let out bursts of cheers, and rushed towards the night elf who had lost its cover behind the ancient war tree with all its strength.

These seemingly indestructible ancient war trees have a frighteningly low flame resistance and move slowly. The damage to the dragon's breath is completely absorbed, and they burn into huge torches, and they are reduced to ashes under the burning of the dragon's flame.

But once a group of siege comes up, even an adult dragon will be unable to stand up.

The third centaur Khan, a supporter of the personnel department, also agreed with this guess, "Yes, if the other party really prepared a pocket array as Lin Meng said, it must be here."

A single charge defeated the night elf troops at the mouth of the river. Without stopping, they charged directly into the city. More centaur marauders rushed in, as if they were going to use this gap to break through.

The sharp axes of the centaurs pierced through the limbs of the night elves, and the iron hooves trampled on the bodies of the night elves. These elf archers were completely unable to withstand the frontal impact of the centaurs in full iron armor. Some were trampled under their feet, some were knocked into the air, and some Some of them were hacked and killed by sharp axes, and the bloody killing made these centaurs completely plunged into frenzy.

Both night elves and centaurs are good at archery, but centaurs are horseback archers, while night elves are footmen. Power, at first glance, seems to be half a catty, but such a large-scale battle, it is almost impossible to avoid, the sky is full of arrows, no matter where you go, you will be shot, this kind of stand-up firefighting method is obviously on the side of the night elves There are some more advantages.

Immediately afterwards, the centaur pushed up the catapults one after another, and the huge burning stones slammed towards the city, which made the night elves feel tremendous pressure.

"Let all the tribes send out the main army, archers, and catapults to launch a feint attack around to attract the attention of the enemy. The offensive must be fierce. Then, when I blow the second horn, the Iron Horse clan will launch a strong attack from the front and break through the gap.

Although it felt weird, the momentum of the charge did not stop at all. The forest needs a certain density to block the charge of the centaur.

Facing the sparse rain of arrows, the armored marauder with the iron armor defense specialty rushed in without fear.

The night elves responded immediately. The arrows from both sides were coming and going, covering the sky, almost covering the sunlight. The density of the arrow rain was so high that they would often collide in mid-air.

And the night elves immediately returned the favor with the catapult, and the huge flying blade projected easily shredded the body of the centaur, destroying the catapult.

The trees in this forest were extraordinarily thick. Although they were not many in number, they clearly formed a line of defense. Behind this thin line of defense were thousands of night elf shooters waiting in full force.

Each dragon's breath can burn an ancient war tree into a huge torch.

There was a decision immediately.

Suddenly, a huge hole was blasted out of the chaotic sky.

Even for those adult dragons, these hippogryphs are a certain threat. The scales of adult dragons are too hard, and the blood volume is too thick. It is difficult for a hippogryph to do much damage even if it scratches and pecks.

Tyrande shook his head, with a dignified expression, "No, the matter is not that simple, they are testing our deployment of troops."

"Maybe it's a trap?" said the other centaur Khan.

Occasionally, a few fish that slip through the net rush to the big tree to stop them, and they will immediately encounter a large number of archers who focus on fire and shoot hedgehogs.

He is not going to be lazy and hide his clumsiness. With the four guardian dragons participating in the battle, he has no room to keep his hands.

Murphys didn't dare to refuse, with a roar, dozens of young black dragons immediately followed him and swooped down from the opened gap.

Agnes (Black Dragon Lord): "Obey Lord Neltharion!"

Brutal charge!boom!This blow firmly hit the ancient war tree. The tree trembled, but it didn't retreat at all. Instead, the centaur warlord retreated again and again after being shaken.

Tyrande watched with anger in his eyes.

Although he wants to prevent Emperor Shenwu from dominating Kalimdor, but he has no enmity with Emperor Shenwu, and he doesn't want to cheat him too much, so he still has to take action.

Ancient Dragon Flames!

However, when the troops rushed into the river mouth, they found that what awaited them was a sparse and strange forest.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Nefarian, Agnes, use dragon language magic to beat these things down."

The night elves in the city suddenly burst into cheers.

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince): "Yes, father."

Seeing that there are more and more night elves around, and the enemy has been mobilized in large numbers, the second horn finally sounded.

"Damn it, those black dragons! The Horned Eagle Knight strikes, don't let those black dragons disrupt our actions."

Shadow Flame!

The sound of horseshoes was deafening, and the ground was trembling. These centaur leather armored predators were all in heavy armor, holding heavy battle axes. Thousands of centaurs charged together, and their power was quite similar to that of human heavy knights.

Hula, one after another dragon flames swept across the battlefield, spitting crazily at the ancient war trees below.

The night elves on the ground shot arrows into the air one after another, but the black dragon's strong defense allowed them to attack the ground against the rain of arrows.

Seeing that the river mouth plain was blocked by more and more centaur troops, the night elves shot all the arrows in this direction, with the effect of killing people.

However, the centaur also has its own method. Once the blood volume drops to less than half after being hit by too many arrows while running, the centaur will immediately run back and retreat, and quickly leave the fighting area. There are already a large number of wild boars in each camp. Human witch doctors are planting healing totems all over the ground to restore blood to the wounded.

"Your Majesty, the deployment of the enemy's troops has been tested." Next to the map, several centaur khans quickly sorted out the layout of the night elves. Small flags representing corpses were inserted all over the map. There are significantly fewer corpses at the entrance of the side cities.

After receiving the order, several centaur khans immediately went to their respective clans to prepare to command the attack.

Hippogryphs may not look like extraordinary creatures, but their air combat ability is not weaker than that of ordinary black young dragons. Although they don't have dragon breath, their sharp sword-like pecks are extremely deadly weapons, and their blade-like claws are even more deadly. It can easily tear the ungrown skin of the baby dragon.

Of course, the night elves also have their own healing methods. The priests of Elune can use various divine spells to heal, and the druids can even release the rain of tranquility directly.

The Centaur Warlord charged forward, but was stopped by an ancient war tree.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Follow Lord Neltharion."

Even the boss must talk about human rights. In front of the "weapons of war", charging is impossible to be effective.

The two sides are coming and going, not giving in to each other, and there are more and more night elves on the defense line outside the city.

Teams of centaur archers rushed up and circled the Mercedes-Benz to ride and shoot. When the remaining blood was shot, they immediately pulled back to recover the blood, and when the blood was full, they rushed up to shoot arrows again.

The Iron Horse Clan is one of the core clans of the Centaur Empire. At this time, more than 44 'Centaur Armored Marauders (level [-] wild monsters)' were sent out in a neat formation to charge towards the mouth of the river. Behind them are a large number of centaur blast shooters, and the centaur witch is responsible for covering.

Concentrate the elite troops to attack this gap. As long as this gap is opened, my army can pour in and completely destroy the city with an absolute numerical advantage.

Thousands of furbolgs, led by Chief Timbermaw, went into battle.

The night elves' archers took the opportunity to output wildly from behind.

kill!The leading warlord roared, and rushed over without hesitation.

Go, Mother Earth protects you! "

"Let the sisters retreat, Chief Timbermaw, and bring your furbolg warriors up!"

These armored marauders in iron armor are enhanced versions of centaur marauders, high-level wild monsters up to level 44, with three powerful skills: armored defense, brutal charge, and trample attack.

The centaur tried to bypass the ancient war trees again, but the narrow space between the ancient war trees simply couldn't allow them to pass through in large numbers, and they were often slapped into a pulp by the ancient war trees as soon as they approached.

And Tyrande was immediately shocked.

The ancient tree of war, a war weapon with a level up to level 60, with a HP of over 1000, possesses the skill of "Crushing Strike", and has a certain probability of killing a medium-sized unit with a HP of less than [-] in one hit.

This kind of attack has almost no effect, and the level of the centaur hunter is also not high, only 15-16, which is stronger than cannon fodder and limited.

Emperor Shenwu already had some experience with this war.

Dragon Language Magic - Thunderstorm!
In the sky, fire clouds filled the sky, thunder raged, and the powerful dragon language magic immediately caused those hippogryphs to be blasted down in pieces.

Murphy took a look and knew it was time to make a move.

However, all of a sudden, those giant trees started to move one after another. They pulled out their roots from the ground and grew their limbs. Their huge bodies moved like human figures, taking slow and firm steps, and arranged them neatly. The front line began to surround and close from all directions.

Hundreds of hippogryph knights and thousands of armed hippogryphs immediately flew out of their lairs and charged towards the black dragon.

"The firepower on the east and west sides of Astrana is the fiercest. Due to the terrain, the north side cannot deploy a large number of troops. However, in the open area near the river mouth in the south, the enemy's strength does not seem to be secret. The density of arrows is obviously lower. , many centaur hunters escaped back, this place may be our breakthrough, but maybe..."

A horn sounded, and immediately thousands of centaur pioneers rushed out of the position, followed by thousands of centaur hunters, shooting sparse arrows at the night elves on the river bank.

This centaur warlord is not bad, those centaur armored marauders are not even bosses, they are mounted on a big tree and turn their backs on their own, they can't rush through.

More than 22 centaur archers (level 35 wild monsters), centaur blasters (level 38 wild monsters), and centaur wind hunters (level [-] wild monsters) rushed to the border of Astrana, They shot arrows one by one while running fast, like horse archers.

Dragon Language Magic - Burning Clouds!

At the very least, Felwood can be captured. "

Soon, when the first horn sounded, all the tribes sent out their troops at the same time.

"For the Empire!"

Emperor Shenwu smiled, "Don't guess, it's a trap, but it doesn't matter, now that we have the black dragon to help us fight, even if there is a trap, we are not afraid, since the opponent has left a gap for us, then let's do it.

The two sides fought fiercely, but there were not many casualties.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Murpheus, come and lead the attack and destroy those ancient war trees."

Seeing that the enemy finally dispatched elite troops, Tyrande breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his plan had succeeded, and the enemy had really been fooled.

Sure enough, the attacking troops were met with fierce counterattacks immediately. The night elf archers, who were condescending and had an advantage in range, easily shot and killed the centaur hunters on the river bank.

The only disadvantage is that the speed is slow, but at this time they are lined up in a row, which is simply a moving city wall.

"Quick, stop those black dragons!"

"For the Empire!"

Roar!With Murphy's dragon roar, the black dragon army in the sky immediately started to move.

In just ten minutes, thousands of centaur corpses had been left around the city. Finally, the retreat horn sounded, and the remaining centaur troops retreated as if they were amnesty.

Seeing the black dragon being entangled by the Hippogryph, Mo Fei hurriedly ordered.

Murphys is definitely a professional when it comes to breathing fire.

Black Dragon Flame!

As long as the night elves' army in Astrana is completely wiped out, they will not be able to gather a second army of this size in a short period of time, and we can gain at least half a month of strength, half a month , might be able to take down the World Tree.


Adorable rabbit with two ponytails (General Sentinel): "Haha, these savage beasts are really vulnerable."

Finally stopped the centaur's charging momentum.

The two sides started a hand-to-hand fight in this narrow area less than 500 meters away.

The furbolg is a standard 'monster infantry', best at this kind of close combat, and the battle fell into a stalemate for a while.

But Emperor Shenwu immediately sent new reinforcements.

(End of this chapter)

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