Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 234 Cenarius' Wrath

Chapter 234 Cenarius' Wrath

Just as the siege of Astrana was in full swing, in the forest seventy miles north of Astrana, an elite centaur troop was quietly lurking in the forest.

The leader of the team is the shadow of war (death knight), the capable general under the command of Emperor Shenwu.

He led five hundred Khan's personal guards, five hundred centaur eagle shooters, and a thousand elite troops, quietly lurking in the forest, and came here to perform a special mission.

In addition to the shadow of war, Gul'dan also brought hundreds of orcs under him to ambush here.

They have only one mission, to ambush the demigod Cenarius. As a demigod, Cenarius possesses extremely powerful mana. Once he reunites with the night elves, he will inevitably exert terrifying power. They must ensure that this powerful demigod will not Join the battlefield and rewrite the situation.

"Master, do you really want to fight for that Emperor Shenwu?" Galona asked in confusion while sharpening the two knives in her hands.

Although her reputation is not obvious now, as the legendary assassin who assassinated King Ryan in the past, Garona is undoubtedly the strongest sharp blade under Gul'dan's command.

Now that he is under the fence, Gul'dan has a little more patience with these past subordinates.

Hearing Galona's doubts at this time, Gul'dan smiled in a low voice, "I have already made an agreement with Emperor Shenwu, as long as I help him get rid of that Cenarius, he will send me an army to help I accomplish anything I set my mind to."

Gul'dan (Demon Summoner): "Demon from the Twisting Nether, in the name of the contract I signed with your race, follow Gul'dan's call and come to this world!"

Um?What's the weird name for a fish that doesn't eat cats?
Gul'dan's knowledge of demons is very profound, and he can easily tell which area the other party comes from from the Twisting Nether and which demon group he belongs to by the name of the demon.

Gul'dan (Demon Summoner): "Demon from the Twisting Nether, in the name of the contract I signed with your race, follow Gul'dan's call and come to this world!"

The most powerful thing about a succubus lies in its natural ability to charm, no matter what race it is, as long as it is a creature, it will be attracted.

This is Cenarius' own aura skill - Natural Domain.

Squeezing a smile to the Succubus Queen in front of her, "Ah, the great Succubus Queen, welcome to this world, I'm glad you accepted my call."

He winked at Talon Gorefiend at the side, who immediately rushed over violently and punched and kicked those apprentices, "Cheer up, you trash, the master is about to start summoning."

Until now, Gul'dan still hasn't given up on this goal. In fact, due to the various ordeals that happened in the past, Galona can feel that the fire of ambition in Gul'dan's heart is becoming more and more intense.

I didn't expect to summon a doomsday guard for the first time. This thing can fight very fiercely.

A huge portal slowly emerged, and a doomsday guard slowly walked out of the purple portal.

Hellscream is very confident, even if he is a demigod, he has the confidence to kill him.

Lucifer (orc warlock): "It's not our turn to explode anything. If you want me to say, just grab and run after a fight. What's the use of playing with Gul'dan when you have good equipment."

Those orc warlock adventurers looked straight, "I'm going, this succubus is too sexy, Master Gul'dan, sometime you will teach us how to summon succubi."

"Master, here we come!" she said.

Not bad, good start. Gul'dan is in a good mood. The demons summoned by this ritual are often not fixed. It depends on luck. If you are not lucky, it is possible to summon a bunch of lemurs.

For those who are hostile to Cenarius, they naturally become enemies of nature.

A succubus queen with wings on her back came out of the portal.

But it's already here, so let's call it first, after all, it's a lord-level demon.

Soon these orc warlocks formed a formation around the magic circle. Gul'dan stood at the position of the summoner, raised the staff in his hand, and began to cast fel magic.

It was as if the whole of nature was hostile to them.

"Enough of Gul'dan, shut up your stinking mouth, I won't be bewitched by you again, don't think I don't understand what happened, you can't escape the destruction of Draenor, I didn't have much in the past I was too ignorant, but now I have completely seen through it." Hellscream shouted angrily, and Gul'dan shrank his neck with fierce eyes.

The few sorcerer apprentices over there were suddenly speechless, thinking about their taste, some people like Hellscream's looks.

Hell Wotou (orc warlock): "That's it."

Fish that don't eat cats (Queen Succubus), level 70.Horror first-order boss.

The Shadow of War screamed, and the centaur army rushed out from their hiding place immediately.

Faced with the succubus' teasing Hellscream, he immediately lit up a blood roar, "Go away, demon, don't force me to do it."

Cenarius (Keeper of the Forest): Demigod.Level value? ? ? ? .

Although the strength is not bad, he always feels that these adventurer warlocks are a bit out of tune, and the summoning of demons is like a fashion show.

Gul'dan shook his head helplessly, "Well, if you really want to be so arrogant, then you can do it." Gul'dan was a little puzzled by Hellscream's transformation, but it didn't matter, no matter how powerful that Cenarius was There is only one person. They have so many elite troops here, as well as their powerful fighters and warlocks. This time Cenarius is dead.

"Quiet me!" Shadow of War suddenly growled, and the group of orc warlocks fell silent.

Sure enough, in the distant forest, there was a tremor of the earth.

He has majestic and mighty muscles, with four deer legs on his lower body, huge antlers on his head, and green branches and leaves hanging from his hair. His shape is unusually wild, and he is somewhat similar to a centaur.

He glanced around, but landed on Hellscream, "Hey, this decadent uncle still has some personality."

"Yes, yes, Master Gul'dan, please accept me as an apprentice."

The succubus queen in front of her is more than three meters tall, with snow-white skin, long black hair, a graceful figure, horns on the top of her head, wings on her back, and a small tail on her buttocks. The orcs and centaurs who came over made a commotion.

good, go ahead-

Cenarius (Forest Guardian): "Who, who dares to bring the evil breath of the devil into this holy forest! Show up, despicable villain! Face the wrath of Cenarius and nature! "

In the past, Gul'dan signed a contract with the Burning Legion, so he could directly summon the legion demons, but now, he has completely fallen out with the Burning Legion, and now he can only temporarily summon some wild demons from the Twisting Nether through the summoning ceremony .

This Gorehowl is not as simple as it seems. Grommash's great-grandfather was the first generation of Gorehowl messenger. He killed six legendary Gorons with Gorehowl. The hearts of these six Gorons were sealed in Gorehowl. Give it great power.

Although he couldn't see the data, Gul'dan could clearly feel the extraordinaryness of the creature in front of him. The powerful aura emanating from his body reminded him of Mannoroth, the demon king of the abyss. No, maybe he was more powerful than Mannoroth. Even stronger.

Lucifer (orc warlock): "Fart demigod, we have Hellscream, when the time comes, we'll be killed with an axe, don't worry, we can gain some experience afterward."

Within a range of 300 yards, nature will automatically sense Cenarius' will and change with his will.

The only regret is that there is a hoof under that beautiful leg.

Cenarius is neither a hero nor a BOSS, but a special demigod template, second only to the existence of the gods.

Galona didn't say anything more, she didn't care about Gul'dan's life or death, she just wanted to know where her future path would lead.

The Shadow of War waved his halberd, "Ready to fight."

Gul'dan looked at Hellscream who was polishing his weapon.

roll roll roll!Gul'dan disgustedly kicked away the two players who wanted to hug their thighs.

A few orc warlock players ran over and hugged their thighs.

Several warlock apprentices gathered around the magic circle, posing in poses, ready to assist him in completing the summoning ceremony. There are many adventurer warlocks among this group of warlock apprentices. These adventurers can maintain their image when they are busy. When they got down, they immediately revealed their true nature, muttering and discussing something one by one.

At this moment, Galona, ​​who had been on guard from the tree, suddenly jumped down lightly.

Cenarius stopped suddenly, he sniffed the air, and a look of rage immediately appeared on his face.

This time, it was a two-headed hellhound that was summoned. It was seven or eight meters long, with lava-like saliva flowing from its two big mouths, and a breath like sulfurous flames.

boom!The portal instantly lit up and began to expand gradually. Gul'dan was excited for a while. The size of the portal is often related to the summoned demons. The larger the portal, the stronger the summoned demons. A sign of a lord-level demon, not bad, even if the lord of the wild demon group is not as good as the demon lord of the Burning Legion, he is still a lord anyway.

He looked at the Gorehowl in his hand, and said to himself: "I will kill that Cenarius, just use this Gorehowl in my hand, after everything here is over, Gul'dan, we will There's a bill to settle."

Gul'dan was stunned for a moment. He knew what he had summoned this time—the succubus. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The succubus is not good at fighting. Although the charm ability is easy to use, he probably can't deal with demigods. Come in handy.

From a distance, the trees and plants in the forest spread out automatically, and a huge "deer man" with a height of seven or eight meters was running quickly in the forest.

The elite troops of one thousand and a half horsemen immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

She hoped that what the black dragon said was true, that the tomb of Sargeras was a power that Gul'dan could not touch, and she even hoped that Gul'dan would die in that demon's tomb.

But just to be on the safe side, Gul'dan decided to summon some demons to help him fight.

He didn't say what his goal was, but it goes without saying that Galona knew that it must be to find the Tomb of Sargeras and obtain the power within it.

"Hehehe, do you have a personality? My sister likes rough men like you."

Disciples of Aza (Doom Guard), level 80.

He hastily injected mana to stabilize the portal.

Gul'dan also hastily ordered all the orcs and demons under him to act.

He injected mana again and finally pulled the demon over.

Poison Scholar Jia Xu (Orc Warlock): "Shh, keep your voice down, don't you see that dog is looking this way?"

Gul'dan (Demon Summoner): "Demon from the Twisting Nether, in the name of the contract I signed with your race, follow Gul'dan's call and come to this world!"

Soon a huge magic circle has been arranged.

"I can't hide it anymore, let's go up together, and fight him with real swords and guns.!"

The succubus in front of her stared at Gul'dan for a while, but her charming face showed a disgusted expression, "Oh, what an old and ugly old orc, why are all these warlocks so greasy now."

Under the eyes of everyone, a beautiful white leg suddenly stretched out from the portal.

The next second, everyone was horrified to find that the surrounding plants suddenly grew wildly, the flowers and plants grew jagged branches and leaves, entangled towards everyone, the trees grew sharp branches, and sharp thorns grew towards everyone. with.

"Hellscream, don't you really want a cup of demon blood? That Cenarion is said to be very powerful. Without the power of demon blood, you may not be able to defeat him."

Barr (orc warlock): "Experience is useful, and explosive equipment is powerful. Do you think Cenarius can explode something? Can you explode an artifact or something?"

make persistent efforts--

Hell Wotou (orc warlock): "Wow grass, we are going to ambush Cenarius, that is a demigod, can we beat it?"

But 'fish that don't eat cats'?Gul'dan felt that his demon knowledge had been refreshed again.

Gul'dan shook his head helplessly. It's a pity that the orc warlocks of the Shadow Council died and disappeared in that naval battle. Even Cho'gall disappeared, leaving only one Talon Gorefiend by his side , otherwise there is no need to make such effort at all, and let these useless adventurer warlocks make up the numbers.

It was discovered!

Cenarius became angry when he saw it, "It's you despicable descendants who dare to disrespect your ancestors, and today I will punish you!"

The centaur is the descendant of Cenarius' eldest son, Zalta, and Princess Theradras. Strictly speaking, Cenarius is indeed their ancestor.

However, the ancestors of the ancestors are not my ancestors. The centaur even killed its direct ancestor Zaetar, so naturally it doesn't care about Cenarius, a cheap ancestor.

A dense rain of arrows shot over immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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