Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 235 The Power of Evil Energy

Chapter 235 The Power of Evil Energy
Facing the dense arrow rain of centaurs, Cenarius did not dodge or dodge, and even showed disdain in his emerald green eyes.

Countless arrows shot at him in an instant, but only a bunch of white words "immunity, immunity, immunity" appeared.

The arrow slid off Cenarius' steely muscles like grass, without hurting him a bit.

The attacks of these centaurs were almost like scratching an itch to him.

What?Shadow of War was shocked immediately.

Gul'dan and the others were also taken aback, which is a bit powerful.

Cenarius (Keeper of the Forest): "Ignorant offspring, despicable offspring, I am angry at your rudeness, amazed at your stupidity, I am the son of Elune and Malorne, the demigod, your Weapons can't hurt me at all, now, pay the price for your arrogance and viciousness-wake up forest!"

Divine Art——Summon a swarm of treants!
Following Cenarius' roar, the surrounding trees trembled and grew limbs, pulled out their roots from the soil, turned into tall treants, and charged towards the centaur.

Although these Ents are not comparable to the Ancient War Tree, they are still five or six meters high, and they are superior in number. There are hundreds of Ents. It is simply an active forest, and the speed is more flexible. Dozens of hundreds of Ents Rows rushed over, and the centaurs were scattered in all directions.

However, elites are elites after all, and the eagle archers retreated quickly, continuing to shoot arrows while dispersing, while Khan's personal guards rushed forward with giant axes and swords, ready to fight hand to hand.

What shocked him so much was that his demigod body was also penetrated by this force, leaving a huge wound on his body.

He jumped up, and the Gorehowl in his hand slashed at Cenarius' chest with an axe.

Khan's personal guards also wielded a huge sword and long axe to hack at the tree man. The hacking attack was obviously more effective than the piercing attack.
44! -39! -61!Click click click.

Countless economic vines grew instantly on the ground, entwining everyone like poisonous snakes. Whether it was a centaur or an orc, there was no good way to face these vines, but to slash them vigorously.

When the centaur and Cenarius were fighting, Gul'dan called the orc warlocks under him and found an excellent position.

He looked at the huge wound on his body, showing a furious expression.

It worked!The players all showed excited eyes. This is a moment to witness history.

"I think it's a bit like the posture of Kamehae Qigong."

This ax was really beyond Cenarius' surprise, and it cut his demigod's body with a physical attack alone.

"It's said that we can learn this skill anytime, it's exciting to watch."

However, Shadow of War didn't care, and just beckoned his subordinates to continue the onslaught.

Roar!Hellscream rushed out without hesitation - Fearless Slash!

But these vines are extremely tough, and they cannot be cut down. They grow endlessly from the ground, and they are covered with poisonous barbs. live strangled.

The Condor Archer immediately activated the [Fire Arrow] skill, and the flaming arrows shot at the tree man, and the damage was doubled in an instant.

Up to 65 health points.

Haunted by evil fire!

The eyes of several orc warlocks next to him were shining.

Disabling technique!
All kinds of negative magic were cast on Cenarius desperately.

Gul'dan (Demon Controller): "Listen to my order, let's fight together, Hellscream, I will use fel energy to weaken Cenarius first, and then you will follow and kill him."

He clenched his fists hard, and Hellscream's damage numbers kept popping out of his head.
359! -457! -414!

For Cenarius, who admires nature, the power of fel energy is the filthiest and most evil aura, and he hates it even if it is stained with it. He will be cast with various fel energy spells one after another, and he will be even more angry immediately.Although Cenarius is a demigod, he has amazing toughness and can save most of them, but he can't kill people and disgusting people.

"I'll go, this move looks pretty strong, what kind of skill is this?"

In the next second, Cenarius stretched out his hand suddenly, and grabbed Hellscream squarely. He was seven or eight meters tall, and his huge palm directly held Hellscream in his hand.

This is the scariest part of evil energy. Even the gods will be harmed by this evil magic power from the Twisting Nether. Not only that, but the evil energy also has a powerful corrosive ability. Cenarius felt that the evil energy flowed along the blood. corrode his body.

His health bar finally lit up for the first time.

Even if the flame arrow is shot at the body, it only deals single-digit damage.

"Small creature, dare to challenge Cenarius' will!"

Seeing the tree people turned into piles of wood under the attack of Khan's personal guards, the eagle archer immediately turned his direction and continued to shoot at Cenarion. However, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the damage was 0.5 at first glance. Cenarius, a demigod It's not for nothing, the body has divine blessings, and ordinary swords can't do any damage at all.

Gul'dan shook his head: "Don't be too arrogant, Hellscream, this Cenarius is very powerful, I can feel that he has power that I don't understand."

The Cerberus opened its mouth wide, spouting raging fel flames, and the vines were burned in pieces.

Evil energy - piercing - wave!

Cenarius was caught off guard, and was immediately hit. A huge damage number floated above his head, -21789!

The rain of arrows shot at these huge treants, making a rattling sound -15! -18! -13!

Hellscream didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

"Evil creature, face the wrath of nature!"

As soon as Gul'dan pushed his hands, the green power of fel energy turned into a beam of fel energy exuding a destructive aura, blasting towards Cenarius.

Gul'dan took a deep breath, and the power of the evil energy in his body instantly ignited, and the flames of the evil energy surrounded his body, and the robe on his body roared with the evil energy, and the aura instantly rose.

He folded his hands together, and the power of evil energy gathered at his fingertips to form a constantly restless energy cluster.

Hellscream (Warsong Chief): "Well, I can beat him without you."

Gul'dan hurriedly commanded his demons to help.

As expected of a demigod, the strength of just one hand made it difficult for Hellscream to break free.


Disaster of Thorns!

"That's enough, I think it must be a hero skill, and adventurers shouldn't be able to learn it."

These treants obviously have passive physical damage reduction skills, and the damage is not high.

At this time, Gul'dan and several orc warlocks cast all kinds of evil magic towards Cenarius. Cenarius threw it vigorously, and Hellscream was thrown out, breaking five or six big trees in one breath. Just stopped.

Amidst the discussions among several people, Gul'dan finally gathered

But the pain also inspired the power of Hellscream, Hellscream roared, and an ax fell on Cenarius' hand.

The doom guard summoned the flame rain, regardless of whether it would cause accidental injury, and released it on those entangled centaurs and orcs. Although it would cause accidental injury, it could at least make the entangled person break free. The flaming giant sword in his hand was even more Slashing vigorously, the vines were chopped off and burned.

Gul'dan even released the rain of destruction, and the fel energy flames that filled the sky fell like raindrops.

Those thorny vines and treant clusters were continuously reduced by the flames, and they were about to be burned up.

Cenarius was startled and angry. These centaurs didn't know that they had found so many powerful enemies from there. These evil magics made him feel threatened.

Must be taken seriously!
PS: Chapter 2 will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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