Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 236 Leap of Faith

Chapter 236 Leap of Faith
Cenarius suddenly took a horn from his waist and blew it vigorously.

Ang woo... A distant sound of horns spread far away, like an invisible wave sweeping across the earth, and the hearts of the people who were fighting felt their hearts tremble, as if something terrible had happened.


Everyone looked at Cenarius one after another, only to see that Cenarius, who was originally only six or seven meters tall, suddenly grew a lot taller, reaching a height of twelve and one meters.

However, the change in body shape is the most inconspicuous. Green energy radiates around his body, which is different from the evil green of evil energy. It is emerald green representing life and nature.

His eyes also radiated green light, and the plants around Cenarius were growing crazily, growing, aging, dying, and then growing again... the endless cycle.

"That's... the power of the gods."

Gul'dan muttered to himself, for the first time a look of fear appeared in his eyes.

He was right, this is the power of the gods.

Cenarius used his big move——[Divine Power Release]

Hellscream gritted his teeth and was about to catch the blood of the demon.

"Hellscream, drink it quickly, only the blood of the devil can give you the strength to defeat that enemy, or we will all die!"

More and more orcs and centaurs fell, and more and more vines and beasts attacked them.

However, this is not over yet, everyone is busy fighting these monsters.

Finally, Hellscream had had enough.

"Drink Hellscream, drink it, this is our last chance."

Gul'dan saw that it was an evil orc warrior under him. At the beginning, he established an evil orc battle group, which was composed of hundreds of evil orcs who drank the blood of demons many times. Of course, what they drank were diluted Even so, these evil orcs are much stronger than ordinary orcs.

From Hellscream's point of view, Draenor was polluted by fel energy, the entire planet was turned into wasteland, and his family must have died long ago.

But Hellscream didn't care. In order to prevent struggling, he simply hugged the Succubus Queen in his arms, and a grapple made her have no room to break free.

Divine Power Blessing - Disaster of Thorns!
The same skill, after being enhanced with divine power, has completely different power.

At this time, facing the terrifying eyes of Hellscream, he suddenly panicked.

The poisonous Jia Xu suddenly shouted to Hellscream: "Grom, don't you want to see your family anymore?"

The devil's muscular man raised his neck and gulped it down in one gulp.

"No, I will never be tempted by you, just die, maybe I should have died long ago."

He let out a roar like a beast, and the original exhaustion and exhaustion disappeared instantly.

Hearing this, Hellscream's eyes suddenly revealed a look of struggle.

The devil's blood kept pouring into Hellscream's mouth, and the Succubus Queen screamed and struggled, with a look of pain and despair on her face.

Countless violent vines emerged from the ground like crazy. The original vines were only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, but now they are as thick as a bucket. What's more terrible is that these vines are not afraid of flames at all.

[Death Wish: Unleash all life potential, so that in the next ten seconds, your attack power will increase by 100%, the chance of a fatal blow will increase by 300%, you will be immune to all control skills, and you will not be able to be killed. After the skills end, You will immediately be in a near-death state. 】

Cenarius was releasing his divine power, when suddenly his heart tightened, he actually felt threatened again.

"Ah! You stinky rascal, get out of here!"

At this time, he was slashing wildly with his battle ax, but he was also somewhat domineering.

Gale without a shadow!With a flash of his figure, he disappeared in place. A hot wind of evil energy whizzed past in the air, and the vines on the ground were burned one after another.

The power of evil energy suddenly surged in his body, and the already exaggerated muscles swelled up even more. The muscles all over his body were as terrifying as a mountain of meat, just like his name.

Cenarius threw another jerk.

"No, there's also devil's blood!" Hellscream said, and suddenly looked at the Succubus Queen.

"Impossible, Draenor has been destroyed by fel energy."

Gul'dan suddenly shouted: "No, what he said is true, Nagrand is indeed not destroyed, I have seen the forests and grasslands there with my own eyes, the elemental spirits there have not been destroyed, they will purify Fel energy, protect that land."

The devil muscular man took the blood of the devil.

"Hellscream, this is the last drink, drink it!"

Blessing of Divine Power - Summon Nature's Allies!
With a wave of his hand, he scattered several green light balls.

"If you let those orcs know that there is a way out, how can they be driven by me to attack this world? Your family is still alive Hellscream, but if you die here, you will never see them again .”

His feet suddenly tightened, and he was entangled tightly.

Then he split the vines that were entwining him, and another ax felled a huge wild boar that was charging at him.

The demons summoned by Gul'dan fought bravely, and all of them were killed. Only the succubus queen watched the excitement from beginning to end.

Devil Muscular Man (Evil Orc Warrior): "Master Dogdan, let me do it!" An orc warrior rushed up suddenly, waving his battle ax to resist the attack, while reaching out his hand towards Gul'dan.

Even if you have to die, you have to fight and die.

However, Hellscream turned a deaf ear to it, and just slashed vigorously. He rushed towards Cenarius, leaped vigorously, and was sent flying back again.

A wild boar was running wildly, and when the green light landed on it, it swelled and became bigger, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a terrifying giant beast with a height of two to three meters and a body length of six to seven meters.

Waste!Gul'dan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

"You you you, look what I am doing."

Stepping on it, the ground in a cone-shaped range of 50 meters in front shook violently, and the figure of Hellscream suddenly appeared.

He hurriedly slapped down a ball of fel energy flames, looked at Cenarius exuding a powerful aura in the distance, gritted his teeth, and took out the blood of the devil again.

It took a while to get up on the ground. He seemed to have no strength and was out of breath, but his eyes became more determined, and he didn't even look at Gul'dan.

Poisoner Jia Xu said loudly: "No, although most of Draenor has been destroyed, Nagrand is still a pure land. Your family members are still alive, and you still have a son."

But at this moment, he was only a dozen meters away.

This is not normal!He thought about it, but stepped out without hesitation.

This item can be used as a core material to refine legendary potions. It is said that the alchemists in Booty Bay like this kind of thing very much. 】

Having said that, Hellscream still waved Goreroar, cutting off the vines one by one.

It turned out to be a core material?Shouldn't it be medicine?
No matter, I can't control so much at this time.

A small snake was digging into the soil, and when the green light hit its body, its body wriggled and swelled instantly, turning into a giant python more than 20 meters long.

This was originally just an ordinary skill, but at this time it was blessed with divine power, and its power was doubled immediately.

An owl was about to fly away when it was shot by the green light, its wings stretched instantly, and it turned into a giant eagle with a wingspan of more than ten meters.

In an instant, the flames of fel energy ignited on Hellscream's body, and the vines were burned one by one.

The Succubus Queen wanted to run, but was surrounded by violent vines, and there was nowhere to hide.

"No!" Gul'dan looked at the blood of demons scattered all over the ground, and now he broke his defense. "It's too late."

The light of evil energy flowed through his whole body along with his blood vessels.

Gul'dan's eyes lit up, and he thought there was something going on, and in the next second, he saw the devil's muscular man being knocked to the ground by a vine as thick as a bucket, and a dozen vine tentacles surrounded him and beat him violently. Meat puree.

Gul'dan gritted his teeth and handed over the demon's blood.

"Get away from me, you dirty orc." The Succubus Queen swept over with a whip, but Hellscream grabbed it straight, pulled it hard, and even pulled the Succubus Queen into her arms. On her white neck, the sharp canine teeth pierced deeply into the skin, the succubus queen screamed in pain and wanted to push him away.

60 meters, 50 meters—crack, a few vines finally entangled him.

Cenarius (God of Nature): "Vicious and ugly creature, face the wrath of nature."

The devil's muscular man let out an excited roar, "Such a powerful force, hahahaha, that's exactly what it feels like! I can feel the power of the devil's blood burning in my body, Cenarius, wait for me, and watch me jump!" I chopped you! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" roared and rushed up.

Gritting his teeth, he took out another cup of devil's blood from his bosom.

This time, however, Hellscream didn't let madness take over his brain, and he felt calmer than ever.

At this time, Cenarius' face was expressionless, and his calm face was truly like a god.

Hellscream approached Cenarius step by step.

Shake the earth!

Unexpectedly, a giant eagle swooped down suddenly and grabbed the devil's blood.

ah!Amidst the screams, the orcs under Gul'dan were almost killed or injured.

Death wish!

"Draenor has been destroyed by fel energy. There is no hope for that dead world. I'm afraid they have all died of hunger." Hellscream panted. "And it's all because of me, and I will never make the same mistake again."

Hellscream didn't explain, and rushed straight towards the Succubus Queen. A few vines entwined, Hellscream slashed vigorously, and rushed to the Succubus Queen's side in the blink of an eye.

A group of harmless small animals that were originally humans and animals turned into a group of terrifying giant beasts in an instant.

Like huge tentacles, frantically whipping all living creatures around.Centaurs and orcs were constantly knocked down by vines, or dragged into the ground to become fertilizer.

The crimson muscles of this muscular devil are bulging, and in terms of shape alone, they are more powerful than Hellscream.

Gul'dan was shocked. He tried his best to release the fire of fel energy, but he could barely protect himself.

Hellscream looked at Gul'dan in disbelief, "Then why didn't you say it before?"

The power in the blood of the succubus queen is naturally not as powerful as that of the abyss demon king, but at least it is a demon lord, and the power contained in it is enough to ignite the gradually dormant evil energy in his body.

[Divine Power Release: Release the power of the gods in your body for 180 seconds, during which time all your skills will be upgraded to divine power skills. 】

[Mannoroth's Devil's Blood (core material)
Item introduction: The blood of Mannoroth, the demon king of the abyss, contains the terrifying power of fel energy. It is said that drinking the blood of the devil can gain powerful power, but blindly chasing power will definitely pay the price.

Fearless cut!
Hellscream jumped up, Cenarius waved his hand, and countless vines blocked him. In the next second, a hole in the shape of a human was burnt out between the vines by the flames of evil energy, and Hellscream's figure leaped away. out.

Pooh!Gorehowl slashed heavily into Cenarius' chest.
614122 (fatal blow)!

Cenarius had an unbelievable look on his face and fell down.

PS: Sorry for the update so late, I added a thousand words of free content as a little compensation.

(End of this chapter)

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