Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 237 The actor is in place

Chapter 237 The actor is in place
At the same time - Astrana battlefield.

"Kane - are you ready? I think it's time for you to show your worth."

Kane Bloodhoof, who had been watching the battle together, sighed. He has witnessed too many killings today. The more he watched, the more he realized that Emperor Shenwu is a terrible ruler. Everyone is involved in the war, and the tauren are destined to not stay out of it.

"I've got everything ready, tell me what needs me to do?"

"Go there and open a passage." Emperor Shenwu pointed to the battlefield and said.

Kane Bloodhoof nodded, "I will complete your mission."

With a loud roar, he led more than 1000 tauren heavy warriors who had already prepared and rushed towards the mouth of the river.

At this time, the area of ​​the river mouth has become like a meat grinder. The ancient war tree tramples the flesh of the centaur, the black dragon burns the ancient war tree to ashes, and the night elf's elite archer shoots the black dragon down from the sky...

The fierce fighting unfolded in every area, and both sides invested a lot of troops. One side wanted to open the gap, while the other side swore to resist. Countless lives were killed every moment.

The addition of these thousand heavily armored Tauren warriors instantly tipped the balance of the war towards the Centaur Empire.

Rumble!The ground suddenly cracked and bulged, and huge rock-structured creatures slowly crawled out of the ground. Four granite puppet statues with a height of more than ten meters rushed towards the battlefield without any hesitation.

I saw the air behind Tyrande suddenly twisted, and an elf with long bronze hair came out. He had a high bun, long beard fluttering, dragon patterns tattooed on his naked upper body, and a shoulder armor on the right side. It is in the shape of a dragon's head, and the dragon's eyes seem to have time passing by, and the strange shape of the body gives a feeling of detachment.

Damn, almost!Watching the centaur marauders who broke in were cut down one by one and pushed back, Emperor Shenwu gritted his teeth for the first time.

Countless vines grew from the ground, entangled to those centaur and tauren.

Especially in those key plot characters, this sense of fate is extremely profound.

Shadow of War: Boss, Cenarius has been killed.

Wang Xuan: Mo Fei, you bastard, I asked you to prevent the rise of the Centaur Empire, not to help them rise, what the hell are you doing.

This flurry of blades is another magical skill, allowing these 50-level elite swordsmen to have super harvesting abilities.

I was so nervous that I didn't even act.

Tyrande bent his bow and set an arrow, and shot out, the arrow drew a silver meteor and shot into the gap between the two scales.

Emperor Shenwu's expression gradually became dignified. The night elves deserved to be the chosen race that has been passed down for thousands of years. This background is strong.

Dozens of giant chimera beasts with a wingspan of more than 20 meters flew out of the chimera perch and entered the battlefield. These terrifying giant beasts have two huge weird heads, one lion head and the other sheep head, which can spray lightning at the same time Attacks with breath and acidic venom.

Kane Bloodhoof swung his battle axe, but he couldn't break through this line of defense.

"It's time to attack across the board!"

Now the tauren was in a terrible situation. They were beaten up by the mountain giant, and then they were hit by the chimera lightning and poison in the air, and they fell down row by row.

The tauren is more than three meters tall, each holding a big ax and hammer, and has three skills: smashing blow, tenacious life, and ancestor power, especially the smashing blow, once triggered, it will cause range damage to surrounding enemies, plus large creatures have Anti-infantry damage bonus, joining the melee at this time is the nemesis of these furbolgs in front of you.

"Nozdormu? It's you!" Deathwing's voice was full of shock and anger, but Murphy secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Despite the huge difference in strength, she had to fight.

These Khan's personal guards are his real elite troops, the elite monsters of Yishui.

While continuing to dispatch troops to fill it in, Emperor Shenwu glanced at the Khan's personal guards who were 500 meters behind him.

For a ground unit like the tauren, which has no anti-air capabilities at all, it is a one-sided massacre.

Tyrande (High Priestess of Luna): "Get out of my city Deathwing, Cenarius is coming soon! Don't blame me for not warning you."

Only the granite puppet, which is made of rock and has super high fire resistance, survived.

Seeing Deathwing raging in the city, burning the night elf's direction to pieces, Emperor Shenwu immediately seized the opportunity.

This mouthful of flames spewed out from one side of the river mouth to the other side, forcibly burning a channel of ashes and flames, and the flames scattered in all directions. The hundreds of elf sword dancers had disappeared, and they all turned into burning on the ground. Charred corpses.

As Murphy said, he took a deep breath and swooped down towards the battlefield below. He rushed straight towards the mouth of the river. Murphy, who had been working hard all the time, hurriedly flew aside to give way to the attacking route. , I saw Deathwing suddenly spread his wings, the dark wings cast a shadow like a god of death, and he opened his mouth - the flames of the wild!
Raging dragon fire spewed out, whether it was vines, furbolgs, centaurs, tauren, or even mountain giants, they were instantly reduced to ashes in the flames.

Murphy has been watching the excitement in the sky, he doesn't care if the centaur can win, but this time the opponent asks for help, but he has to make a move.

Nozdormu (Guardian of Time): "Yes, it is me. Your evil plan will fail after all, but I think you have already expected this, haven't you?"

Corpses were piling up on the battlefield, and Emperor Shenwu sent a team of centaur psychics. These spellcasters who studied evil witchcraft summoned skeletons from the dead bodies to rejoin the battle. However, these centaur psychics also It didn't take too long to be arrogant, and was quickly assassinated by a group of elf shadow assassins who appeared out of nowhere.

These mountain giants are made of rocks, and the weapons in their hands are taken directly from whole trees.

Without the potential threat of Cenarius, he can finally do what he wants.

"Xiao Chen, bring a thousand Khan's personal guards to fight in and supervise the battle from behind!"

"Goddess of the Earth, please lend me your power, elements from the abyss of rocks, listen to my orders!"

Emperor Shenwu was not surprised by this result. He continued to send troops into the gap like a meat grinder with no expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of harpies rushed into the arena with their wings flashing. They did not participate in the air battle between the black dragon and the hippogryph, but swooped down one after another. A goblin bomb.

These 20-meter-high giants punched each other with shocking blows. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the centaur headed towards the depths of the city to kill.

Nozdormu (Keeper of Time): "Brother, have you forgotten us?"

BOSS skills - Summon granite golems.

However, a Druid wearing a feather robe and a beard appeared in front of the two armies.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Small elf, you are brave—but also stupid. Who gave you the courage to face the wrath of the Black Dragon King!"

Fortunately, the black dragon led by Murphys did not leave, and confronted Chimera, giving the tauren a little respite.

All kinds of extraordinary arms emerged one after another, and all kinds of allied races continued to emerge, causing this estuary plain to become a black hole that swallowed life. Now he has tens of thousands of elites filling this bottomless pit.

"Hmph, as you wish! Get your people ready, and I will open a path."

I just don't know how strong the power of fate is?Is it something human can reverse it?
Hehe, that's okay, then let me try what it feels like to change my life against the sky.

Even though the tauren was three or four meters tall and mighty, he was extremely burly in front of the bear monsters, but compared with these mountain giants, he immediately became a dwarf.

Although the Centaur Empire has millions of troops, most of them are mid-level mobs of around [-] or [-] levels, and there are many low-level mobs of more than ten levels. The number of real high-level monsters does not exceed [-]. One-third of the time has been consumed here.

Emperor Shenwu: Well done, how did you die?

Emperor Shenwu: Understood, the person who led you should withdraw, there may be tasks for you to do next.

The level of monsters is still too low. This kind of mid- and low-level wild monsters of more than 20 levels is too weak. No matter how many they rush in, they will be cut down.

This thing is a high-level soldier, and it needs a lot of experience to be promoted. It took so many battles to save the three thousand Khan's personal guards. Once they are exhausted, there is no way to replenish them in a short time.

A white tiger suddenly appeared on top of a tall tree tower, and Tyrande in a long white dress sat impressively on it.

You guys are finally here, I don’t know what to do if I don’t come, I can’t really kill Tyrande and let the horse empire rise.

A thousand Khan's personal guards slowly advanced behind and wiped out all survivors.

The key now lies in this gap. Once it is torn open, the centaur army can rush into the city.

"Deathwing, I need your help." He yelled at the black dragon king in the sky.

Murphy felt a slight tingling pain in his chest, looked down, and immediately laughed.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hahahaha, little elf, your bluff is meaningless to me. I don't care about Cenarius at all. Besides, the demigod you serve has fallen. This world Nothing can stop me!"

A thousand heavily armored Tauren warriors smashed their way all the way, beating the furbolgs until they ran away, and they were about to open the gap.

Mo Fei was taken aback for a moment, thinking what does this mean?There is something in the words.

But unless it is absolutely necessary, he does not intend to invest in it.

At this moment, a message appeared on Murphy's private message channel.

The 20-and-a-half-man marauders went in. Although the fighting power of these [-]-plus mobs was not strong, they were cheaper. The system would be refreshed in large numbers every day. No matter how they died, they didn't feel bad. Then they gritted their teeth.

The centaur who entered the gap was almost slaughtered like cutting vegetables and melons.

The little Chen that Emperor Shenwu spoke of was a "White Horse General" with pure white hair, silver scale armor, and a barren halberd in his hand. Although he was a centaur, he had a somewhat heroic temperament.

Seeing this wave of offensives break into the city, Astrana's situation suddenly fell into a critical situation.

Deathwing!Tyrande stared at the huge monster in midair. She had witnessed the fall of Deathwing in the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, but she never expected to see it again 1 years later.

Shadow of War: Hellscream's jump and chop, in addition, Hellscream still drank the blood of the devil.

Boom boom boom!A series of explosions completely wiped out the mixed army of furbolgs and elf warriors, leaving only eight or nine mountain giants still fighting.

Fandral Staghelm (Arch Druid): "Feel the wrath of nature."

As soon as Mo Fei breathed out his dragon's breath, he was shot all over his body by the night elf archer behind the line.

Mo Fei didn't bother to pay attention to it, he just spit out flames to himself, thinking why didn't those people come?
Soon the whole city was engulfed in flames, with burning trees everywhere.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Shenwu's mouth.

With the boss's halo to boost morale, the ten thousand and a half marauders rushed into the city as if having fun, slashing and killing the scattered elf shooters.

A dozen mountain giants with a height of more than ten meters rushed up carrying the big tree.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of night elf sword dancers joined the battle. These double-edged warriors had tens of thousands of years of combat experience, and their sword skills were extremely superb.

Turning off the private message, Emperor Shenwu was thoughtful. It seems that the previous speculation of the advisory group may be true, and there may be such a thing as a fate line in this world.

But the granite golem that followed immediately let them know which is harder, granite or stone.

He didn't care too much, the thick dragon scales gave him a super high damage reduction, not like in the past when Murphys had to dodge, he directly resisted the air attack and continued to lick the ground, spraying a few breaths of dragon's breath , the shooter troops also suffered heavy casualties.

Tyrande saw that the furbolg was going to be overwhelmed, so he hurriedly sent new units to join the battlefield.

Thousands of troops and horses avoiding the white robe (centaur governor): "Your Majesty, just watch." After speaking, he waved his halberd and killed him with a thousand Khan's personal guards.

He glanced at the still anxious battle situation, and he had already made up his mind that it was time to place all the chips.

Disaster of Thorns!

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, after so many years, you are still the same, you like to play charades."

Suddenly a black dragon lord exclaimed in the sky, "Lord Neltharion, we are under attack."

In the sky, red dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, bronze dragons, and dragons all over the sky emerged out of thin air, attacking the black dragon army.

Mo Fei looked up, feeling very comforted in his heart, thank God you brought a lot of younger brothers here, it's ok, ok, if you don't come less, Lao Tzu's plot will really succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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