Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 240 Preparing to Execute Plan B

Chapter 240 Preparing to Execute Plan B
Time back to 10 minutes ago——

On the tallest tree tower in Astrana, two giant dragons, one black and one blue, descended from the sky and took human form at the same time.

One is Murphys, and the other is the blue dragon lord Kalecgos, who is also Malygos' adjutant.

The surrounding night elves immediately surrounded him.

Casting an unkind look at Murphys, Kalecgos hastily raised his hand.

Kalecgos (ancient blue dragon): "Don't be nervous, everyone, Murphys is our ally, this time it was he who passed the news of Deathwing's invasion to us."

The night guard didn't do anything.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Don't waste time Kalecgos, we must hurry up and act, my friends can't wait."

Kalecgos nodded, arcane energy gathered around him, he raised his hand suddenly, and summoned a portal.

As soon as the portal was formed, silhouettes came out of the portal immediately.

The two turned into two giant dragons and soared into the sky again.

I rely on, a lot of experience.

In comparison, dwarf and gnome heroes are very rare.

Qingfeng Lanhuai (Master Ranger): "That's right, we are both elves, and I feel for the suffering of our compatriots. We must save the elves first."

"How can there be an army of one million, there are only about 70 left, and there are too many enemies, this war has already been lost."

The core clans, as well as the tens of thousands of elites in the hands of Emperor Shenwu, began to quickly leave the battlefield.

What, the alliance joined the war?Are you kidding, didn't they fight with the tribe in the eastern continent?Still have time to meddle in Kalimdor's business?
And how did they get here?Don't think I don't understand, teleportation magic is not just to wear it wherever you want, you must have a magic node to be the target of the teleportation, especially with such a long distance between the eastern continent and Kalimdor, it is impossible to teleport directly.

Morgan Lisa, Sigret, Dalabon, Night Magic God, Dawn Excalibur...

Opening the ultra-long-distance portal across the endless sea is only possible for the ancient blue dragon who can communicate with the magic net and has a huge amount of magic power.

Needless to say, the legal heroes in the team immediately seized the favorable terrain. Some time ago, they used the castle and the tribe to fight such a long war of attrition, and they were already handy for this situation.

This kind of big scene, even if you play soy sauce, you can get a thousand or eight hundred plot points, and there are so many dragons as allies, the danger is undoubtedly much smaller, so there is an endless stream of applicants, which is naturally indispensable Murphys matchmaking, vertically and horizontally boycotting.

Those melee heroes built a line of defense on the ramp of the tree tower, and more than 20 powerful heroes defended, so many people came and died.

At this moment, Tyrande, who was riding a white tiger, also noticed the abnormality of this tree tower and rushed over.

If the enemy sends people to chase and kill them, if they send less, they will be easily counter-killed, and if they send more, they will not be able to catch up.

Suddenly she saw a few familiar figures, but they were more than a dozen high elf heroes. Speaking of elves, because of their appearance, the number of heroes was second only to humans.

at the same time--

Tyrande sighed, "My city is at war, and I will not refuse any help. Behold, those barbaric centaurs have invaded the city. There are too many of them, and my warriors cannot stop them. Only by guarding this intersection can it be possible to block the enemy's attack, but my troops have been divided, and I have no way to contact them.

Murphys gritted his teeth, "Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I will do it myself!"

Then this plan was quickly known by the major guilds, especially when they learned that the four guardian dragons were going to participate in the battle, they signed up enthusiastically. Just kidding, how could they miss such a good opportunity to follow the thigh to get plot points.

But the players didn't care about that much. At that time, many people had the idea of ​​participating in the war.

I believe that we can reach a consensus on the matter of fighting evil. "

The Shadow of War is still looking for turning points in the war on the map.

Floating Dream (Great Astrologist): "That's right, Ms. Tyrande, don't look at me so surprised. We are high elves. Although our two races have been separated for thousands of years, we were once one after all. I heard that Dark Night The elves have been attacked by savage centaurs, and we feel it, and we're here to help."

There is a luxurious team composed of more than 40 heroes, all of whom have signed up to defeat Deathwing, and the leader is Varian Wrynn.

Compared to the task of ambushing Cenarius, Shadow of War still prefers the scene of this kind of battle.

Tyrande's complexion was quite complicated. The night elves and high elves had a history of several generations for the high elves, but for Tyrande, it was a personal experience. Bad luck is impossible.

Taking another look at the young dragons who were preparing to carry them not far away, all the players immediately showed the expressions of you making fun of me.

In addition, notify the personnel department to prepare to implement plan B. "

Morpheus (Ancient Black Dragon): "Heroes of the Alliance, warriors of the Stormwind Kingdom, don't waste any more time. Deathwing must be eliminated as soon as possible. He is fighting the four dragon kings outside. I have prepared it for you. Young dragons, they will carry you to battle."

The prehistoric flames spewed out all over the sky, forbidden spells and spells were used indiscriminately, all kinds of guardian powers were continuously released, and even the clouds in the sky were dissipated by the shock wave. The battle of the five guardian dragons was simply tragic and terrifying.

When Murphys and Nefarian went to Stormwind City to propose to join forces to deal with Deathwing in exchange for joining the Black Dragon Legion, King Ryan was very hesitant about this. After all, the black dragon has a bad reputation, which is hard to believe. .

Emperor Shenwu was stunned.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Sorry, I don't think we can do this job, why don't we help clean up those monsters in the city first."

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, yes, I think the situation in the city is more critical. Those evil centaurs must be stopped. How dare they hurt our beautiful night elf sister? Dalabang will be the first to disagree."

Tyrande's eyes lit up, but Murphys was a little speechless. He originally wanted to let these players join the battle to help fight Deathwing, but he didn't expect to directly spawn mobs.

A large number of cannon fodder troops were left behind. Although the level was not high, the number was here, and it was enough to delay time.

When the Shadow of War returned with his remnants of troops, what he saw was an extremely tragic scene of war.

Well, it's not all bad news. A group of centaurs rushed in from behind the promise, led by the Shadow of War.

If there is no conspiracy in it, it will be a ghost.

Emperor Shenwu is not an ordinary clan leader, but the real chairman of the group. With an order, even if he is unwilling or thinks about it, the leaders of each clan will immediately take action.

At this time, more than 40 alliance heroes looked around curiously.

"After all, this world is ruled by extraordinary power. The number of troops is not the decisive force. The moment the four dragon kings joined the battle, we had already lost by three points. I wanted to make a time difference by operating. The city was occupied and slowly consumed, but I didn't expect that the alliance is now participating in the war... Now that the troops are under the fortification of the city, the attack cannot be conquered, and the retreat cannot be defended. There are strong enemies outside, and the opportunity has been lost. Go for the top.

As he spoke and waved, dozens of young dragons of different colors descended from the sky.

Emperor Shenwu listened to his subordinate's report, his face was cloudy and uncertain. This war was full of conspiracy from the beginning to the end. It seems that today is going to be lost, and the loss is too weird.

Dark Night God (Great Element Envoy): "Look, there are a lot of centaurs. Hey, the one leading the team seems to be a player."

Shadow of War (Death Knight): "What! Retreat? Isn't that right, Chairman, where is this going? We still have millions of troops, and we can still fight."

When the heroes saw it, their eyes lit up immediately.

Sure enough, under the tree tower, you can see the centaur army pouring into the city like a torrent.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "This beautiful elf lady, please don't be nervous. We are humans and elves from the Eastern Continent. We are fighting against the savage orcs under the banner of the Alliance. I heard that you are facing the same experience. , so he led a group of fearless warriors to the battle.

But she can also tell the difference. Now that the enemy is facing the enemy, she will naturally not refuse to have such a group of powerful fighters to help.

If you want to run away, the centaur is really not afraid of the opponent's pursuit. After all, pure cavalry troops can run whatever they want.

"Not at all, we still have an advantage in strength." The Shadow of War quickly came to the sand table, "We can send cannon fodder troops to hold back the Druid Legion, concentrate the elite to encircle and wipe out the Watcher Legion first, and then establish a few lines in the rear The defense line, let all the vassal tribes defend layer by layer to delay time, our large army uses the advantage of mobility to directly attack the World Tree, now that the Holy Tree Army has left the stronghold, there is a high chance of winning..."

At this moment, there was a huge explosion in the sky, and when everyone looked up, they saw that Deathwing was engaged in a tragic and bloody hand-to-hand fight with the four dragon kings.

Do it, it must be the ghost of that GM, if you can't do it head-on, just use this method to cheat me, wait for my lawyer's letter.

Morgan Lisa (Great Arcanist): "Wow, is this the city of the night elves? It's really unique."

However, as soon as he arrived at the camp of the Chinese army, he saw Emperor Shenwu's expression of being a hero.

Tyrande looked at these strange creatures in surprise, "Who are you?"

Kalecgos was also a little anxious. "Murphys, what do we do now?"

And you can stand on the tree tower to rain, such a good terrain, it is a waste not to make good use of it.

One by one stood on the tree tower and it started to rain.

The centaur, who had suffered a tragic blow, immediately concentrated its forces to attack the tree tower.

Flame rain, blizzard, thunderstorm, star rain... all kinds of AOE magic poured out crazily.

Don't you understand, we have no chance, let's retreat, let the main army retreat first, leave those cannon fodder clans behind, and all wild monsters below level [-] will also stay. As long as the main force can withdraw, we There is still capital to continue fighting.

What a big scene, haha, I can finally give full play to my full-scale war master strength.

Morgan Lisa (Great Element Envoy): "Leave it to us, Ms. Tyrande! We will guard this passage, so what are you waiting for, handsome beauties, let's start working."

At first, they thought that Deathwing's alliance was just a piece of cake from the sky, but only now did they realize that it was a big scapegoat from the sky.

More than a dozen hero-level archmages, great elementalists, great astrologists, and great arcanists... started crazy AOE against the centaurs on the streets on both sides of the tree tower.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "There are so many night elf ladies."

"No chance..." Emperor Shenwu shook his head.

So when Kalimdor began to fight, according to the previous plan, dozens of heroes gathered together in the mage tower of Stormwind City. As Kalecgos opened the portal to Stormwind City, Everyone was able to reach the battlefield quickly.

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan): "Shadow of War, you are back, just in time, prepare to retreat!"

Countless legions are at war with each other, and battlefields are everywhere.

While retreating, Emperor Shenwu asked casually.

"By the way, where are Gul'dan and Hellscream?"

"Hellscream left. He said he was going home to find his family and son, in the camp behind Gul'dan."

"Well, let Hellscream go, his mission has been completed, as for Gul'dan...don't let him go, he still needs his help to execute Plan B."

(End of this chapter)

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