Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 241 The Fall of the Dragon

Chapter 241 The Fall of the Dragon
When the battle between mortals and mortals on the ground finally came to an end, the battle belonging to the dragons in the sky was still going on.

The Black Dragon Legion and the Dragon Clan Allied Forces, which were fighting in a melee, have all stopped fighting now. More than two thousand dragons of different colors hovered above the sky, forming a huge circle, surrounding the central battlefield, watching the battle of death. Yi and the four dragon kings fought.

The airspace of more than twenty kilometers was completely emptied and became the arena for the five dragon kings.

All dragons are quietly waiting for their king to win or to perish.

There are tens of thousands of parrots who are also paying attention to this battle, but they can't fly so high, and are also affected by Longwei, so they can only watch the battle from the perspective of looking up to the sky.

Of course, there are also a small number of players among the Dragon Clan. It is much more convenient for them to watch the battle, and they have the best perspective, especially for a few anchor players. At this time, the popularity of the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "Damn, it's too intense. Did you see that, that is the boss of our family, Deathwing, and he will beat them in a [-]v[-]! Let me tell you, if you want to play Dragon Clan, you must If you want to play black dragon, other dragons are too weak."

Alduin (wandering black dragon): "That's right, high-level dragon fights rely on dragon breath and hand-to-hand combat. Black dragons are the dragons with the strongest physique. You have to go up and help the boss."

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "If you want to fuck, you can fuck, whoever gets killed in this scene will die."

A black shadow suddenly flew over from above, it was Murphys, and immediately attracted the attention of two black dragon players.

If you accept the power of the abyss and completely degenerate, you really have a chance to kill the four dragon kings.If it was just a game, he might really accept it, but is it really just a game?

It turned out to be the player... Murphy immediately understood, he nodded noncommittally, and continued to pay attention to the battle between the five dragon kings.

Ancient Dragon Flames!When Murphys opened his mouth, raging flames were about to burst out. Although it was much worse than Deathwing's wild flames, the ancient dragon's flames were also very powerful breath skills, especially with various enhancements added to Murphy's talent. Talent, in terms of the power of dragon's breath alone, it may be second only to Deathwing in the Black Dragon Legion.

The four dragon kings exchanged glances with each other, and immediately prepared to act.

Malygos (King of the Blue Dragon): "Stop talking nonsense with him, Deathwing must die today no matter what!" Malygos was furious and blasted another arcane comet.

His eyes were not far away, "Murphys—help me!" Nefarian shouted at Murphys with the magic of communication.

Murphy blocked Nefarian's body in front of him, boom!The flames of the ancient dragon blasted firmly on Nefarian's body.

Nefarian (Black Dragon Prince): "Father, I will help you!"

The whispers were still ringing, and Murphy's spirit became irritable again.

The fear of being dominated by his father surged into his heart crazily.

Among the various blackening abilities, the power of the abyss is undoubtedly the front row, especially in the transformation and strengthening of the flesh and blood. In this regard, I am afraid that even the evil energy may not be comparable.

As the so-called blackening is three times stronger, in all power systems, the general evil ones are always stronger.

Mo Fei was very happy in his heart, he was too good at talking loudly and making some plausible prophecies and hints.

This stunned everyone, the four dragon kings were taken aback, but they didn't take it too seriously. To put it bluntly, it wasn't their own dragon who died anyway, and no matter how many people died, they didn't feel bad.

He heaved a sigh of relief, the task was finally completed, and he looked at the dragon hearts in his bag, and found that he had gained a lot of benefits. As for the heart of the guardian dragon, don't even think about it. It's too hard to kill, it's time to find a reason to leave.

Alduin (the wandering black dragon): "Of course I know, I'm your die-hard fan. When you went to fight Dalaran, I even rewarded a rocket in the live broadcast room. I was so excited when I watched it." , and then I practiced a Black Dragon number."

Alexstrasza was at a loss, is this Deathwing talking to their four dragon kings?Why doesn't it feel right?Could it be that he has really gone crazy, so what are those words just now?
She looked at the other three dragon kings. Malygos was only angry, and Ysera was also puzzled. Only Nozdormu, who seemed to understand the meaning, looked at Deathwing expressionlessly.

Murphys looked at the five dragon kings, but a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, "That's right!"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon) "Go away! You twisted monster, ominous whisperer, I will never be at your mercy. I am Deathwing, the Destroyer of Destiny, this world shall end, and You who are attached to this world will never be spared."

The moment the two black dragons flew behind Deathwing, the two dragons struck at the same time.

Murphy's eyes were in a daze. He saw tentacles growing out of the gaps in the armor. The dark and viscous substance squirmed in his blood vessels. The wounds on his body recovered in the blink of an eye, and his body swelled even bigger. Turning into an extremely distorted dragon-shaped monster, the four dragon kings were defeated and slaughtered in an instant.

Father, just let me take over your business, and you can die in safety!
However, in the next second, Deathwing seemed to have eyes behind him, and he turned his head abruptly, with a playful smile on his lips, which made Nefarian feel fear in his heart.

Seeing this situation, several dragons among the other four-color dragon clan immediately wanted to join the battle, but they were immediately stopped by their companions who knew the inside story.

But he can't just walk away, anyway, he is also a world-destroying villain, and there must be a step down if he wants to leave the scene.

But you can't look at the problem from my perspective at all. You are struggling in vain like a group of ignorant beasts, thinking that you are maintaining this world, but you are nothing more than puppets driven by fate. "

But he is still right to talk about it.

It wasn't until Deathwing pulled out Nefarian's dragon heart with his claws, and let the corpse fall from the sky, looking at Murphys firmly, that Murphys braked urgently, and circled around like a fish swimming in mid-air, Before Deathwing's dragon breath sprayed him, he flew behind the four dragon kings and then ran away.

Murphy tilted his head to dodge the magical bombardment, but he didn't fight back. His dragon's breath can indeed cause huge damage to the opponent, but with Alexstrasza as the guardian of life, as long as he can't beheaded, it will be useless. meaningful.

Alduin (the wandering black dragon): "Boss, are you going to help?"

Pooh!The huge dragon claw directly pinched his neck and tore his chest, and the first character of Dragon Soul Tear was interrupted before it could be read.

The earth was torn apart, and the body of the ancient god rose from the ground, corrupting the whole world.

Ysera said suddenly: "Don't pay attention to his words, Deathwing is already mad, it's just his gibberish."

This made Alduin look a little strange, what was going on in his heart?Are all the Dragon Alliance forces so confident?
boom!It was another fierce confrontation between dragon's breath and dragon's breath. The shock wave spread in all directions, and the dull sound resounded through the sky. The five dragon kings separated again and faced each other. Both sides tried their best.

This magic is the result of painstaking research over the years, and it was specially developed to deal with dragons. In theory, even the guardian dragon will suffer tons of damage. Of course, this move is not enough to kill Deathwing, but as long as It is enough to deal him a heavy blow, and the four dragon kings will help him ascend the throne...

Murphys didn't seem to hear it at all, and sprayed out a mouthful of dragon's breath.

But Deathwing's eyes only had endless killing intent and a taunt he couldn't understand.

To complete the Dragon Feast Ceremony, ten dragon hearts are needed. Although the mysterious voice said that there is no requirement, Mo Fei feels that if he can gather all the five-color teams, some special mechanism may be triggered.

He devoured their flesh and chewed their bones...

The power of death, the power of evil energy, and of course the power of the abyss.

Murphys didn't mean to stop at all, he flew around in a circle, as if he wanted to bypass Nefarian and burn Deathwing to death, but Nefarian absorbed most of the damage, and the remaining part participated in the flame attack. For Deathwing, it wasn't even a tickle, and he, who had tapped the talent of deep breathing, breathed out for more than ten seconds in one breath.

Mo Fei sneered in his heart, hehe, well done, it just so happened that the dragon he got this time still lacked the most important bottom of the box.

Murphy had a feeling in his heart that it was beyond his control.

After all, there are tens of thousands of dragons in the world. If you want to transform into a dragon, what kind of dragon you will change into is very important. The last dragon heart is of course the higher the quality, the better. Maybe the key to transforming a dragon is the same as the last dragon. It's about the heart.

At this time, two black dragons also arrived on the battlefield.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, you don't know anything about the truth of this world. The abyss is just one of many threats, and there are darker and more terrifying forces coveting this world. Only destruction can save the world.

And Naiflai'an directly raised his hand with a dragon language magic - tearing the dragon soul!
Facing Deathwing, he was about to release it.

Morpheus and Nefarian flew up from behind Deathwing at the same time, seeming to intend to fight alongside Deathwing.

Murphy flapped his wings and looked at the four dragon kings around him. His blood volume had dropped by half. Looking around, he saw that the centaur had collapsed and the main force was retreating. The participating tribes were being frantically hunted down by night elf reinforcements.

Murphys (ancient black dragon): "Master Neltharion, I will help you."

Nefarian looked into Deathwing's crazy eyes and begged, "Father... my lord... don't..."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hahahaha, it seems that I think highly of you Ysera, you are not as smart as I thought, or you are just too cowardly, facing the terrifying truth, Did you choose to escape after all?
But Nozdormu, you foresaw all this, didn't you - Guardian of Time?The destruction of this world is inevitable, and I am destined to become the world-destroying dragon! "

I have to say that the temptation of N'Zoth is indeed very attractive. Leaving aside the issue of appearance, in terms of strength alone, accepting the transformation of the Old God can undoubtedly instantly gain super combat power.

These words immediately made the four dragon kings slightly taken aback.

Murphys looked at the two black dragons, one big and one small, strangely, "Do you know me?"

As he spoke, he waved his wings and flew towards the center of the battlefield.

Alexstrasza looked at Nozdormu and Ysera suspiciously, but both the Green Dragon Queen and the Bronze Dragon King showed puzzled expressions.

Suddenly, a whisper sounded in Murphy's ear.

The whisper in the abyss: "It seems that you have already noticed part of the truth of this world Deathwing, then you should understand that you have no choice, you have been cast aside by this world, accept my gift, accept my gift Strength, the power of the abyss will make you invincible, let us all change this."

He jerked violently, recovering from the hallucination, his heart beating wildly.

Nefarian is very clear about the rules of the game of power. Although he has agreed with Murphys on their respective gains, only when he shows enough sincerity and strength can the four dragon kings support him.

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "Nesharion, I know that the reason you fell was because of the corruption of the power of the abyss, and my Emerald Dream was also invaded by the power of the abyss, but we still have a chance to save this Everything, surrender, maybe we can help you, don't go wrong anymore."

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "What do you mean?"

Ye Fu (black young dragon): "Wo Cao, it's Murphys! — Mo Ge Mo Ge, this way!"

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Nesharion, let's face it, your evil ally has failed, and you have no chance of victory. Surrender now, and we will give you one." Fair trial."

Another possibility is the last dragon heart.

At the same time, Nefarian on the side also flew out from the black dragon camp. The two black dragons looked at each other and flew towards the center of the battlefield in tacit agreement.

It's just that he didn't expect that Deathwing went crazy and even killed his own son. It seemed that he was really crazy.

What really worried them was the ult that Deathwing had memorized.

The next second, Deathwing laughed loudly.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "You ignorant idiots, pathetic reptiles, think you can rely on these two traitors to deal with me? It's so naive and ridiculous. I've already seen your plot. I have already foreseen the trap of fate, no one can stop me, my name is Deathwing, the Destroyer of Destiny, the terminator of all things, irreversible, irresistible, all those who betray me will only have a dead end!
Let's face my ultimate judgment - cataclysm! "

(End of this chapter)

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