Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 242 The Great Maelstrom

Chapter 242 The Great Maelstrom

Of course, Murphy will not have a cataclysm. This trick is different from Dragon Language Magic. It cannot be mastered by hard work. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the later version of the skill. At this time, it is in a gray locked state and cannot be used at all.

However, the dragon kings on the opposite side didn't know it. When they heard the name of this 'catastrophe' skill, they subconsciously used their own protective skills to prepare for the impact.

However, in the next second—Deathwing swooped down and fled into the distance.

This trick came again... The four dragon kings couldn't help being a little speechless, but they didn't expect Deathwing to run away as soon as he said it.

While flapping his wings, Mo Fei complained secretly in his heart, the dragon's heart was taken, the centaur was done, and the guardian dragon's heart couldn't be obtained, so what are you waiting for if you don't run away.

But this time, he was stunned by the Black Dragon Legion who was watching the battle. Too many things happened in just ten seconds.

what's the situation?Why was Nefarian killed by the boss?Why did Murphys rebel?Why did the boss run away?
And different from the previous tactical transfer, this time it seemed that he really wanted to run, and flew directly out of the huge circle surrounded by two thousand dragons, flying towards the east, and turned into a black spot on the horizon in the blink of an eye.

The black dragon army is all in Bengbu, and the invincible Deathwing actually escaped?
Ye Fu (black young dragon): "What should we do, should we follow, or continue to fight?"

Alduin (the wandering black dragon): "Take some wool, the four guardian dragons on the opposite side, a bunch of ancient and lord-level dragons, let's fight with the head, I think we should run too."

In fact, not only the players, but also the gang of black dragon lords subconsciously wanted to follow.

Moen Trisha (high-ranking black dragon lord): "How dare you betray Lord Neltharion! Murphys, you are dead!"

He rushed towards Malygos suddenly, the huge dragon claws pierced into the other's ribs, and bit Malygos' neck with one bite, tearing a huge wound instantly.

It seems that they really like to keep themselves.

Mo Fei sensed that the pursuers were gradually approaching from behind, so he also hastily used the Dragon Language magic - Flying in the Wind!
The air in front of him automatically flowed to both sides, and the speed immediately increased a lot.

Die with me!

Looking back at the four dragon kings and the group of dragons behind them, they looked mocking.

Morpheus (ancient black dragon): "Hmph, don't you understand? Deathwing is already crazy. He won't even let his own son go. It's time to give up following that madman and tyrant. Return to the Dragon Legion and become a member of the Dragon Covenant!"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "This hunt is over, you stubborn fellows, you can cheer and celebrate that you think you have won, but this is just the beginning. Destruction has long been inevitable, and when I return again, this world will tremble with the power of God!
Goodbye everyone. "

All the black dragon lords looked at each other in blank dismay, and the few black dragon lords who had a good relationship with Murphys immediately hesitated, but those black dragon lords who hadn't dealt with Murphys in the past became unhappy.

No one knows what's in the depths of that vortex... except the players.

When flying to the center of the maelstrom, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Xuan: Aren't you good at flying? If you can't run by yourself, it's over.

The magic power in his body had already gathered together, and the dragon scales on Malygos' back lit up one by one with the gathering of arcane energy in his body. Finally, the dragon's mouth opened, and he sprayed out a stream of pure arcane energy. composed breath.

Although the four dragon kings can keep up with the speed of Deathwing, and even breathe out the dragon's breath while flying, it is almost impossible to keep Deathwing behind. Hitting the target can only rely on luck, and most of the attacks are missed.

Deathwing: Useless trash!

Mo Fei contacted Wang Xuan while flying.

Kutrafist (Ancient Black Dragon): "That's right, when he returns to the Obsidian Temple, I'll see if you still dare to say that."

Not to be outdone, Malygos was completely swallowed by hatred, and directly bit Deathwing, breathing dragon breath at each other.

This blow gathered all the energy of Malygos, and it was so powerful that it pierced through Deathwing's thick scales in an instant, tore the flesh and blood of Deathwing, shot in from the chest, and came out through the body.

The Maelstrom is a peculiar landscape in the center of the Endless Sea. Its origin can be traced back to the War of the Ancients 1000 years ago. When the Well of Eternity exploded and shattered the entire primordial continent, the Well of Eternity was also submerged by sea water. However, at the location of the Well of Eternity, a huge vortex appeared. Although 1 years have passed, this vortex has not disappeared.

This chase lasted for several hours, and soon the sea appeared in front of him, but Mo Fei was speechless to find that the dragons behind him had no intention of stopping their pursuit.

But immediately after, more than a dozen smaller dragons chased after them, and the leaders were Murphys and Kalecgos, but their strength was not enough compared to the guardian dragons, so it was very easy to rush up After being killed by one move, he could only follow from a distance, with a strong momentum.

Seeing Deathwing flying towards the maelstrom, all the giant dragons showed helpless eyes. The maelstrom is a place that is unfamiliar and dangerous even to the giant guardian dragons, and they dare not follow.

Although the giant guardian dragons started slowly because of their huge size and heavy tonnage, once the speed was raised, it was still very impressive. The five guardian dragons chased each other and fled hundreds of kilometers in the blink of an eye.

After saying the last ruthless words, Mo Fei plunged into the depths of the maelstrom.

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "The Obsidian Temple? It's not like that."

But at this time, the two dragons had already fallen into the turbulence of the maelstrom and disappeared into the waves.

Agnes (Black Dragon Lord): "Morpheus, what the hell is going on?"

Malygos (King of Blue Dragons): "No, you can't escape!"

Mo Fei turned off the private message and glanced at the status panel. After the fierce battle with the Four Dragon Kings before, his blood volume dropped by half, and he was hung up in several negative states. It can't provide effective defense at all. Once it is caught up and beaten, it may really hang up.

Wang Xuan: You are so big, I can't teleport, why don't you shake them off first, and then transform back into a human form and I will teleport to pick you up.

At the same time—the four guardian dragons also chased in the direction where Deathwing was escaping.

At this moment, Murphys flew over.

The destructive beam of magic power and the wild flames burned each other's body, and they were completely desperate to send them away.

All the giant dragons rushed to help.

The severe pain and fear of death made him lose his mind in an instant.

Deathwing: Emperor Xuan, my job is done, hurry up and arrange for me to retreat.

Faced with Murphys' righteous rebound and the ultimatum of righteous words, the black dragon lords fell into silence for a while. The black dragon has been influenced by Deathwing for a long time, but it has no concept of loyalty at all. The admiration and admiration of power, Deathwing was able to rule the black dragon army, not because of any special reason, just because of his unparalleled strength, but now that Deathwing ran, the image of invincibility collapsed.

He originally wanted to fly directly back to the Obsidian Temple, but now it seems that the situation does not allow him to do so.

Murphy gritted his teeth, slightly deviated from the original course, and accelerated his speed again.

Murphys (Ancient Black Dragon): "Deathwing will not come back again. He is doomed today. Look around you. Isn't the situation already obvious? Now you have only two choices. Follow me to join the Dragon Covenant , or you want to die with him.

It didn't appear again until the time of the Great Cataclysm.

Moentrisha (high-ranking black dragon lord): "Lord Neltharion is the king of black dragons! Only he can command the black dragon army."

Several other Long Xiang could only accept this result, only Malygos could not accept it.

Nozdormu (Lord of the Bronze Dragons): "It's the Maelstrom!"

Looks like it's just a gamble.

As a secondary plane located deep in the ground, the Abyss of Rock is the center of the earth, and it is also the home field of Deathwing. As the guardian of the earth, he will get a huge increase in power there, and he can also rely on the power of the earth. Heal your wounds.

Malygos (King of the Blue Dragon): "The Obsidian Temple is far away in the Eastern Continent. If you really want to fly there, you may have to fly there for two days and three nights. With Deathwing's injury, it is absolutely impossible to succeed."

Malygos directly used the speed-up magic, and Nozdormu also used the power of protection-time acceleration!
The speed of the four dragon kings immediately increased by nearly [-]%.

The dragons looked at each other, silent for a while, but Kalecgos couldn't help but wanted to rush down, but the Red Dragon Queen stopped him.

This is not good, Deathwing's death is not a big deal, but it is not good to hang up his account.

While chasing back, breathing out dragon's breath.

This is the terrifying magic that he has painstakingly researched to deal with Deathwing. It combines dragon breath with magic, and releases the magic energy in the form of breath. Since he can mobilize the magic power of the entire magic net, he can get the maximum effect The effect of damage output.

The guardian of the magic net, the king of the blue dragon, completely gave up his ingenious magic power, and fought Deathwing in the most primitive way.

Forbidden Curse - Malygos' Breath of Annihilation!

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Where is he flying?"

In the original history, Deathwing also had a fierce battle with the four dragon kings for the soul of the dragon. After being seriously injured and defeated in the battle, Deathwing fled to the Abyss of Rocks to recuperate.

The next second, Malygos activated the flash magic again, and instantly appeared in front of Deathwing.

Deathwing: I can't run away, they are a group of dragons chasing me, so teleport me quickly.

boom! -117901 (tear attack)!

This breath is different from the ordinary dragon's breath that will gradually spread when it is sprayed. The energy of the breath gathers and does not disperse, forming an energy beam with a diameter of two meters, blasting out like a rail gun.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Don't go down! No one knows where the maelstrom leads, and no one has ever come back alive."

That's right, it's the Great Whirlpool. A huge turbulence suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea in front of it. The ocean sank downward. The huge ocean current swirled, making weird and terrifying noises. A huge vortex spreading hundreds of kilometers appeared. In front of the dragons, the vortex spiraled downward, leading to the dark abyss where no one knew where.

By comparing the game data of Warcraft and Deathwing's memory, Murphy is very sure that the bottom of the maelstrom is the abyss of rock.

Coupled with the fact that the current situation is so weird, they dare not make choices easily.

He suddenly spread his wings and stopped in mid-air.

The hatred of 1 years, but the revenge was about to fail, made him completely lose his mind.

I have already made an agreement with the four great dragon kings that as long as Deathwing dies, the black dragon family will return to the giant dragon family, but if you want to continue to follow Deathwing, then I can only regard you as rebellious. Your choice, you only have this one chance. "

Murphy felt severe pain as if his body was being torn apart, a big hole was blasted out of his chest, and blood gushed out like lava.

Kutrafist (ancient black dragon): "Murpheus, you traitor! You have already planned all this, haven't you?"

Kalecgos couldn't accept it, he was his boss, "Lord Nozdormu, can you see anything?"

Nozdormu shook his head: "I can't see what will happen in the pitch-black abyss below the maelstrom, there is only endless darkness, it seems that there is some kind of terrifying power that covers all cause and effect, Alexstrasza You're right, we can't go down."

"But Lord Malygos..."

"He chose his own path, as for the result, he can only wait for the judgment of fate."

(End of this chapter)

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