Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 246 World Announcement

Chapter 246 World Announcement
[World Announcement: In 1438 of the Era of the Firmament, after several days of fierce fighting, the Battle of Ashenvale finally came to an end. The war finally came to an end with the tragic victory of the Night Elf Alliance.

In this battle, the Centaur Empire suffered heavy casualties under the city of Astrana, losing more than 50 troops.

A total of three clan khans, seven centaur generals, 29 centaur warlords, and a large number of vassal race troops were killed. The reputation of the centaur empire suffered a heavy blow, and many conquered wild monster groups declared rebellion again.

The power evaluation of the Centaur Empire has been downgraded from 'very powerful' to - 'relatively powerful'.

In this battle, the Night Elf Alliance also suffered a tragic loss, losing more than [-] night elf troops, as well as a large number of allied race troops. The powerful demigod Cenarius died unexpectedly, and two sentinel generals died in battle , countless natural allies were reduced to ashes in the flames of war.

The power evaluation of the night elves has been downgraded from 'Super Powerful' to - 'Very Powerful'.

In this battle, the Black Dragon Legion also suffered tragic losses. The King of the Black Dragon, Neltharion, was missing, the Lord of the Black Dragon, Nefarian, was killed, and more than [-] dragon members were lost.

The power evaluation of the Black Dragon Legion has been downgraded from 'relatively powerful' to 'generally powerful'.

In this battle, the blue dragon army also suffered huge losses. Malygos, the king of the blue dragon, was missing, and he probably died in the maelstrom.

The power evaluation of the blue dragon army has been downgraded from 'generally strong' to 'relatively weak'.

Although the battle is over, the confrontation between the Centaur Empire and the Night Elf Alliance has not yet been decided. The Centaur Empire still occupies many territories including the Barrens, Desolace, Feralas, and Mulgore. Perhaps The next war could start again at any time.

At the same time, the night elves are also brooding over the death of the demigod Cenarius, and their hatred for the Centaur Empire makes the end of this war seem far away.

[Battle of Ashen Valley] completely terminated the expansion of the Centaur Empire, and also allowed the two powerful forces on Kalimdor Road to truly enter the war situation.

At the same time, the participation of the alliance and the giant dragon also made the subsequent development of the situation more complicated and confusing.

This plot event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky. 】

In the tavern, Murphy was drinking with three GMs, discussing the pros and cons of this plot incident, when he suddenly heard the voice of the world announcement.

Murphy couldn't help feeling a little emotional, "Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to be a three-lose situation in the end. The night elves, the Centaur Empire, and the Black Dragon Army all suffered huge losses, and no one was able to win."

"Haha, look at that Emperor Shenwu can't be arrogant this time. Damn, I am a majestic envoy of the gods. This guy doesn't even take me seriously. Now I see that he is still awesome." Su Wenrui looked stunned, looking Mo Fei's eyes were full of smiles.

"Thank you, brother Mo Fei. If you have anything to do in the future, feel free to ask me. I will never hesitate to help you."

Murphy smiled, but he didn't take it too seriously. He could see that although these GMs had a little authority, they were far behind the traditional GMs.

The key is to find them to do business, and maybe you will get into trouble. He doesn't want to encounter things like the whispers of the ancient gods again. Play your own game.

He changed the subject casually, "Do you think Emperor Shenwu will continue to attack?"

Zhang Zhen shook his head, "I think it's enough, the power of the night elves is much stronger than that of upstarts like the Centaur Empire. They are all old monsters who have lived for 1 years, but those who are drawn out to fight are all elites.

Moreover, the night elves have a lot of supernatural power, and they have a very deep foundation. They still have an alliance relationship with the Dragon Covenant. He was hung up and beaten. "

Wang Xuandao: "You still can't be careless, the centaurs are an army of 50 anyway, and the birth rate of centaurs is high, it will take a few months to complete the army of one million, while the birth rate of night elves is much worse. If it’s a quick battle, it’s okay, but if it’s a war of attrition, the centaur might still have a chance.”

Mo Fei thought it was true, "What do you think Emperor Shenwu is doing now?"

"Haha, I guess he was slapping the table."

at the same time--

boom!Emperor Shenwu slammed his fist heavily on the sand table, and he glanced at the crowd present with piercing eyes.

Surrounded by a circle of khans, generals, and warlords of the centaur empire.

Of course, in reality, they are all employees of Haotian Group, Khan is the manager of each department, the CEO of each branch company, and the generals are all senior clerks. As for the warlord, all kinds of low-level clerks, company security, and even the cleaning lady , the janitor in the mail room are all mixed in.

Anyway, those who were not busy with work came in to join the battle.

"We have just suffered a tragic defeat, but it doesn't matter, we still have 50 troops, especially a large number of elite troops have survived. This is a gratifying thing. In the wilderness outside Ashenvale, we The mobility of the centaurs can really be used. If the night elves dare to leave the forest, they will definitely let them come and die. The war is not over yet, and we still have a chance to win."

A clan khan said: "Chairman, the enemy is now joined by a giant dragon. Our black dragon army has withdrawn from the war. I am afraid that if we fight head-on, we will not have much advantage..."

Emperor Shenwu waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, let those allied races recruit troops for the second time. In addition, we still have two complete clans in the west of Ashenvale and Feralas that have not joined the war. As long as the Light Clan and the Raging Flame Clan launch an attack, everything will be done." It'll all be fine."

Several khans looked at each other, and finally the shadow of war spoke.

"Your Majesty, the reinforcements of the Light Clan were blocked by the treants in the Darkmoon Canyon. The Flame Clan launched a cross-sea attack, intending to take a detour to attack Auberdine on the Darkshore, but they were attacked by the Naga Legion on the way. Disastrous, they have already retreated in the direction of Desolation.

As for the allied races... Both the wild boar and the harpy defected from the empire, the tauren lost too much to continue participating in the war, the satyr rejected your alliance agreement, and the fang druids in the Wailing Cavern also fled... "

In an instant, seven or eight bad news rushed in front of him, and Emperor Shenwu finally couldn't hold back this time.

"I'm asshole to you, those wastes in the branch, they only want to play tricks, and they also want to carry out cross-sea attacks, as long as their few broken ships can transport a few soldiers, and they want to fight Auberdine, why not Just go and fight Teldaril.

Withdraw after heavy losses?Retreat Nima, that is an order, and attacking Ashenvale is an order, at all costs, even if only one person is dead, you must attack, against him, how dare you disobey my order?Do you think it is a branch company so you don't have to listen to my command..."

All the khan generals were silent, and they were scolded one by one in despondency.

After scolding for a while, Emperor Shenwu finally finished venting, glanced at his subordinates, and sighed, "Forget it, I can't blame you for this matter, if you want to blame, you can blame the game company. There is definitely something wrong with the black dragon army and the dragon covenant for the show operation.

But it doesn't matter, isn't it just a show operation, don't you think I can't?
Attention all departments, implement plan B! "

PS: I just found out that the wrong number of chapters was posted in the previous five chapters, and this chapter has changed back.

(End of this chapter)

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