Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 247 Alliance and Alliance

Chapter 247 Alliance and Alliance

After leaving the tavern, Murphy walked on the streets of Stormwind City. Without the pressure of Deathwing and the whispers of the ancient gods, he suddenly felt so relaxed.

The atmosphere of war in Stormwind City is very strong, they haven't come back for a few days, and the current tribe is already approaching the city.

King Ryan issued seven summons orders in a row, and a large number of civilians were armed and pulled closer to the barracks. Of course, the biggest main force was the adventurers, who could be resurrected after all, and various war reward notices were slowly posted on the bulletin board.

Adventure teams of three or four or dozens of people are everywhere, doing various missions for this war, such as scouting, burning the barracks, and killing a few animals.

Murphy returned to his room in the palace, and couldn't wait to take stock of what he had gained this time.

There are a total of seven dragon hearts, which is really cool, especially there are two lord-level dragon hearts among them.

[Heart of the Red Dragon Lord (Core Material/Epic)

Story Item: Unique.

Item introduction: The heart of the red dragon lord Valastrasz. Valastrasz is one of the consorts of Alexstrasza, the guardian of life. His dragon heart contains a lot of life force.

This item can be used as a core material for crafting epic equipment or props. 】

[Heart of the Black Dragon Prince (core material/epic)

Story Item: Unique.

Item introduction: The heart of Nefarian, the prince of the black dragon. Nefarian is the parent and son of Neltharion, the guardian of the earth. He studies dark magic and dragon language magic. His dragon heart contains a lot of power of the earth and dark magic. strength.

This item can be used as a core material for crafting epic equipment or props. 】

Of course, the most precious thing is the dragon heart of Malygos.

This is the heart of the guardian dragon. Although Murphy had fantasized about it before, he never imagined that he would get it one day.

Carefully take out the dragon heart from the bag. This dragon heart is obviously different from other dragon hearts. It has no texture of flesh and blood at all. Instead, it looks crystal clear and shines with a strange blue light like a spar.I don't even know what it tastes like.

He touched it with his hands, but he didn't know how to chew on such a hard texture.

[Heart of Malygos (Core Material/Legend)

Story Item: Unique.

Item introduction: The heart of Malygos, the king of blue dragons, contains extremely powerful magic power, as well as the power of some guardians of the magic net.

This item can be used as a core material to craft legendary items or artifacts. 】

The power of some magic net guardians?Why only some?

Murphy was a little puzzled.

After thinking for a while, he thought of two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the power of the magic net guardian may not be a concrete item or energy, but more like a certain kind of authority, a kind of identity, only the blue dragon king is qualified to use it, if Maligo After Si died, a new blue dragon king appeared, and perhaps the authority of the guardian of the magic net would also be dispersed.

The second possibility is that when the Dragon Soul was created, the five dragon kings each injected part of their power into the Dragon Soul, but the book does not explain what this power is. Could it be said that the power of some magic net guardians Infused into the soul of the dragon?
That would be a bad idea, unless the Dragon Soul is destroyed, this part of authority may not be able to get back.

But part is part, it's better than nothing.

Mo Fei looked at the row of seven dragon hearts in the bag, and said to himself that he now has so many dragon hearts, he can eat as much as he wants in one sitting, and he can just transform into a dragon at that time.

I just don't know what kind of dragon it will turn into.

And without Deathwing, it would be troublesome to go to Skyreach Peak. You need to find someone to teleport to Alterac, and then walk over there.

Mo Fei was thinking about when to go to the dragon feast ceremony.

Suddenly, the voice of the World Announcement sounded in my ears again.

[World Announcement: The ancient black dragon Murphys became the new king of black dragons, and led the black dragon army to return to the dragon covenant.

The power evaluation of the Dragon Covenant has been changed from Super Powerful to - Super Powerful.

The return of the Black Dragon Legion means that the guardian dragons are united again. Facing the increasingly complex world situation, the Dragon Covenant will bring new order and balance to the world.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

What!Murphy was a little surprised, Murphys turned out to be the new king of the black dragon, this kid is good, a bit awesome, he can even deal with those rebellious high-ranking lords in the black dragon army and those few in the obsidian temple old man?
He really couldn't figure out how Murphys did it, could it be that it relied on the support of the four dragon kings—no, it should be the support of the three dragon kings?

But how can relying on external support alone convince the public?
Well, it seems that there should be something else to say about this matter.

Murphy sighed for a while, next time we meet, I have to ask him how he did it.

[World Announcement: Murphys led the Black Dragon Army to form an alliance with the Alliance. Due to the huge losses of the Black Dragon Army in the Battle of Ashenvale, Murphys, the king of the Black Dragon, decided not to fully intervene in the war between the Alliance and the Horde. Thanks to the gratitude, Murphys still decided to send some black dragons to join the alliance to provide air support for the alliance and fight side by side with the alliance.

The addition of the Black Dragon Legion gave the Stormwind Kingdom, which was at an absolute disadvantage, a chance to breathe, but it still couldn't completely change the situation of the war.

Even so, the people of the Stormwind Kingdom still saw a glimmer of hope.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

Well, Murphys' actions are really one wave after another. Unexpectedly, Murphys is still a diplomatic talent. He first returned to the Dragon Covenant, and then cooperated with the alliance. This is the rhythm of completely cleansing.

Meanwhile - Astrana -

"Thanks to the help of all the warriors of the Alliance. You have won the friendship of the night elves. However, since the war is not over, I am sorry that I cannot entertain you."

Tyrande said to Varian.

Varian bowed, "Don't mind Ms. Tyrande, fighting against evil is the purpose of the alliance. It's a great honor to fight side by side with you. Maybe one day in the future, we can face those evil enemies together. My kingdom is still here. Invaded, please forgive me for not being able to stay any longer.

Regarding the misunderstanding between the Black Dragon Legion and the Night Elves, please forgive Ms. Tyrande. The Black Dragon Legion was completely influenced by Deathwing's evil. Now that Deathwing is dead, the Black Dragon Legion has returned. It's time to let go of the hatred of the past . "

Tyrande glanced at Murphys next to Varian, and nodded with a complicated expression.

Watching Varian leave with the heroes of the Alliance, Tyrande sighed.

There are still more troubles to face in the future.

Back in the council hall, at this moment, in the conference hall, the senior leaders of the night elves also gathered together to discuss the next battle. Compared with the centaur empire, the atmosphere here is more serious, and the centaur will die Now, Emperor Shenwu can also return to reality and become his chairman, but for the night elves, this is a battle of life and death.

Maiev Shadowsong (Watcher): "My scouts have found the remains of Cenarius. He was killed by the demon's evil magic. A large number of demonic breaths were found at the scene, as well as some ugly creatures with green skin and red skin. , They are also full of evil energy, obviously, the Burning Legion is back!"

Malfurion pondered for a moment, "Could it be the work of the Satyrs? And after the War of the Ancients, there are still some demons roaming the continent, maybe..."

Fandral Staghelm (Arch Druid): "No, absolutely impossible, Cenarius is a powerful demigod, ordinary demons can't be his opponent at all, it must be done by centaurs, they must be with The Burning Legion is in collusion! These evil creatures must be destroyed."

Tyrande suddenly thought of something, could it be that those green-skinned monsters are the "orcs" in the mouth of the alliance?Varian did mention that the orcs were driven by demons.

At this time, a night elf sentry suddenly broke in.

"High Priest! Arch Druid! The centaur sent a special envoy over, and he said that he has something important to discuss with a few of you."

Fandral Staghelmet (Grand Druid): "What! They dare to come here, hey, it must have come in the afternoon, kill him, cut off his head and send it back to the enemy with Hippogryph, we must Express our position."

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "No, you can't do that, beheading the messenger is a barbaric act, how can we degenerate to such a degree, besides, I also really want to know what they are going to say, let him in .”

The sentinel didn't hesitate at all, and immediately went out to lead the people.

Fandral Staghelmet looked a little ugly at the side. He was also an Archdruid, but Malfurion was Cenarius' direct disciple. He had led the night elves against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, and he didn't know the right to speak. How much higher.

Now that Cenarius is killed, basically Malfurion has become the supreme leader of the night elves. In addition, the high priest of Tyrande is his wife. The couple go into battle together, playing political struggles. Fandral Staghelmet is not at all Well, although the night elves don't have the title of king, they have a parliamentary system, and they don't even have a clear leader, but Malfurion is undoubtedly the leader of the night elves in the actual sense.

This annoyed him.

Soon a centaur came in. Unlike the rough centaur warriors I saw during the day, the centaur in front of me turned out to be a woman, with a slender figure, and she seemed a bit quiet and beautiful.

Nine Xiaohuanpei (Centaur Illusionist): "I'm sorry to hear about Cenarius' death. As Cenarius' heirs, we are all deeply pained."

What?The senior night elves who were present were all stunned. Have you ever seen a shameless person but have you never seen such a shameless person? Are you still in deep pain?

You have killed your ancestor Zaltar, and you are ashamed to express your grief.

But there is really no way to refute this, after all, the centaur is indeed the heir of Cenarius.

The female centaur in front of her continued talking.

"We heard that Cenarius died of fel magic. Obviously, the Burning Legion is back. What our boss was most worried about happened. Well, let our boss talk to you."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to cast a spell, and a magic spell emerged the image of Emperor Shenwu.

Seeing the image of Emperor Shenwu, everyone present showed stern expressions.

"Emperor Shenwu, put away your hypocritical tricks and tell us why you are here."

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan): "I'm here to form an alliance with you."

What!Everyone in the room was speechless, thinking that you are joking, yesterday they fought to death, and today they will form an alliance.

Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan): "First of all, I regret the war that happened before, but I also hope that you can understand that I don't want to start a war. I am actually very peace-loving. We centaurs are also a very peace-loving race. , We haven't had any fights with night elves in thousands of years.

But I have to make this difficult decision, a painful choice. In fact, I have already foreseen the return of the Burning Legion. They have been coveting the power of the World Tree. Sooner or later, the Burning Legion will invade massively.

But to fight against the Burning Legion, there must be a powerful force to fight against it. Splitting us apart, only by uniting can it be possible to deal with this threat and defeat our enemies.

I always thought that the night elves would become the leader of the various races, but for thousands of years, you just stood around the world tree and enjoyed your eternal life, doing nothing.

Therefore, I had to stand up to bear this burden. I prayed to the Mother Earth, and obtained the divine power she bestowed on me. I plan to use this power to unify the Kalimdor continent and unite the Kalimdor continent. All forces and all ethnic groups unite to face this threat.

This is why I launched an attack on Ashenvale. Only by defeating the night elves can I become the real king of Kalimdor, and I will add you to my command, and integrate all forces to fight the Burning Legion, but obviously, I failed .

Although my army is still strong, continuing to fight will only bring meaningless casualties. The greater our losses, the more vulnerable we will be in the face of the Burning Legion in the future. In order to avoid the fearless consumption, I decided to ask you for peace. Centaurs will join the Night Elf Alliance and become your allies to fight for the world.

So what do you say?To continue our entanglement for meaningless hatred, or to accept this covenant for the future of this world. "

After hearing Emperor Shenwu's words, all the senior leaders of the night elves were stunned.

The words of Emperor Shenwu directly seized the moral high ground, and also raised a big banner by the way. For unity, to fight against the Burning Legion, and to protect the world, what a lofty reason.

Malfurion was still thinking, but Fandral Staghelm was furious, "You evil beasts, dirty monsters, we will never ally with you!"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Shenwu was even more excited than him when he heard this, and roared angrily, "Shut up, you blasphemer, are you blaspheming Elune's glory!"

Fandral Staghelmet said angrily, "Elune is the goddess our night elves believe in, how could I have such disrespectful thoughts, you really slandered me!"

Emperor Shenwu said solemnly: "Then do you know the origin of our centaur race?
Fandral Staghelmet looked disdainful, "Aren't you the descendants of Zaetar and Princess Therades? Hmph, what's not clear about that."

"Then you should know that Zaetar is the son of Cenarius, and Cenarius is the descendant of the moon god Elune and the demigod Malorne, that is to say, our centaur family is actually Elune Son of Un, you call us vile brutes, foul monsters, but what is our ancestor Elune?"

Fandral Staghelmet was stunned. This, this, this thing can be understood in this way?

However, after careful inspection, I found that I was right.

It is rare for a god to give birth to a child in the history of the firmament world. Elune and Malorne gave birth to Cenarius, which is a relatively eye-catching event.

Based on this calculation, the centaur is really the descendant of Elune.

(End of this chapter)

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