Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 248

Chapter 248

"You! You! You!" Fandral's stag helmet was robbed by Emperor Shenwu, and he didn't know how to refute for a while.

Malfurion said in a deep voice from the side: "Enough, don't waste your time on these trivial details, your background can't change the consequences of your evil actions.

There may be noble reasons for your actions—maybe there are no, but your actions have brought great pain to the land.

This makes it difficult for me to trust your words easily, let alone form an alliance with you.

Those dead night elf warriors will not agree, those allies who died heroically will not agree, and Cenarius will not agree. Unless you can show more sincerity, I don't think there is any need for us to talk. "

When Emperor Shenwu heard this, he immediately laughed.

Malfurion's words seemed to be just and righteous, as if he intended to reject his proposal of forming an alliance, but he left a point, the so-called 'show more sincerity', which is actually asking for a lot of money.

As the founder of a business empire and a successful businessman, he easily captured the deep meaning in Malfurion's words.

He suddenly realized that Malfurion was also a professional politician.That would be easy, he wasn't afraid to deal with politicians, as long as he could talk, he would have a headache negotiating with an emotional guy like Fandral Staghelmet, once the other party got angry, there was really no way out.

Since Malfurion is willing to talk, then just make an offer.

At the same time, he couldn't help sighing. Malfurion is worthy of being a leader who has lived for 1 years. He is quite sophisticated and wise. Obviously, he was not fooled by his arrogant words at all. He got the initiative and started to prepare to cut his flesh. up.

It seems that this time there will be no blood.

But he is not afraid, anyway, he has already prepared various plans.

Emperor Shenwu (Khan of the Empire): "Of course, I can completely understand what the archdruid said. Hatred cannot be easily resolved. In order to show sincerity, although my generals feel that we should continue to fight, in order to be able to save With a living force against the Burning Legion, I am willing to revoke the title of Centaur Emperor and join the Night Alliance as the Centaur King.

In other words, the centaur will become a member of the Night Alliance, rather than a collaborator against the night elves. I think this can reflect my sincerity. "

What!Tyrande was taken aback. Although the words were more tactful, it was basically equivalent to taking refuge. Although the night elves won the Battle of Ashenvale, the Centaur Empire still retained most of its strength, and its military strength even surpassed that of Dark Night. The elves are just weaker in high-end combat power.

In addition, there is a lack of powerful allies such as the Dragon Covenant.

If the centaur continues to consume, although she is confident that she will lead the night elves to the final victory, this war will undoubtedly drag on for a long time, and some will end up fighting.

Now that Emperor Shenwu said he would take refuge, he would take refuge. From this point of view, this Emperor Shenwu is really sincere.

She didn't know how to choose, and looked at Malfurion with some confusion, but Malfurion showed no surprise at all, but shook his head instead.

"That's not enough, if the centaur wants to join the Night Alliance, what about the races you enslaved?
And what about Cenarius' death?What role did you centaurs play in this?Cenarius was killed by a demon just as we were fighting, don't tell me it's a coincidence? "

Emperor Shenwu said righteously: "I swear to the Mother Earth that Cenarius' death has nothing to do with us centaurs. He undoubtedly died at the hands of demons. I heard that the Burning Legion secretly enslaved a beastman named Race, they are the minions of the Burning Legion, perhaps it is they who have done such evil.

In fact, not long ago, my scouts reported to me that I had seen a green-skinned creature on the eastern coast of the Barrens, but at that time I was focused on preparing for war, so I didn't pay much attention to it. The creatures are orcs. I will immediately send a scouting team to conduct a large-scale search, and we must catch these evil enemies. "

Malfurion nodded in satisfaction, "In addition, the Centaur Empire must join the Night Alliance as an allied race, and all races enslaved by centaurs must be freed, and the Centaur Empire can join the Night Alliance." Get a seat."

Emperor Shenwu didn't think for a moment, then nodded, "No problem, as long as I can let go of the dispute, I am willing to cancel the status of the emperor of the Centaur Empire, and let all the vassal races of the Centaur Empire choose for themselves."

Anyway, those conquered vassals under his hands either rebelled and became self-reliant, or ran away, and the only thing left in his hands was the tauren.

However, the Tauren population has suffered serious losses through continuous wars, and it will not be useful in a short period of time, so let's stand on our own.

Emperor Shenwu's goal is to become the official faction, let the centaur race become an optional race for adventurers, and he himself is to become the leader of the faction. The next best thing is to become the leader of the power.

He knew why Malfurion would insist on asking him to hunt down the murderer who killed Cenarion. To put it bluntly, it is difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly. Whether or not demons have anything to do is a matter of confusion.

Malfurion's asking him to hunt down the murderer actually had a deep meaning. It would be good if the centaur had no connection with the demon, it would be equivalent to killing someone with a borrowed knife.

And if the centaur is related to the devil, then killing the 'murderer' is actually asking him to hand in a certificate.

Fandral's staghelmet was on the sidelines, but the more he heard something was wrong.

"Malfurion, you don't really intend to accept their terms, do you? They killed so many of our people and caused so much damage to our forest, so let's just forget about it?"

Malfurion glanced at Staghelm indifferently, "So you mean to continue fighting with the centaur? Until one side is completely wiped out?"

Fandral Staghelm nodded, "Of course, I have the confidence to lead the night elves to the final victory!"

As soon as these words came out, Malfurion's face darkened.

Are you confident older night elves?Then what am I.

Of course this cannot be said.

"Hmph, but have you ever thought about how many night elf warriors will die in this war? Our main enemy is the Burning Legion. In order to fight against the Burning Legion, we must focus on the overall situation and try our best to You should unite the forces of Kalimdor more, instead of wasting soldiers on this fearless conflict, Staghelm, you obviously don't have the height to look at the problem from the overall perspective."

Malfurion's words made Staghelmet look angry.

But he knew that he couldn't speak out against the other party when he slapped his mouth, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Then let the parliament decide!"

Malfurion smiled when he heard that, and nodded slightly: "Of course, it should be decided by the council. As a member of the council, I think the centaur clan should be given a chance to show their sincerity. Whoever agrees, whoever agrees be opposed to?"

"I object!" Fandral Buckhelm immediately shouted.

Malfurion looked to the left disapprovingly, "Lunara, what do you think?"

Lunara is the leader of the dryad and the eldest daughter of Cenarius. The dryad has been an ally of the night elves for tens of thousands of years and an important member of the council. The dryad has the body of a deer and the upper body of a girl , the half-man, half-deer appearance is somewhat similar to that of a centaur.

Lunara looked sad at this time, "If they can really help us catch the murderer who killed our father, I agree to join the centaur."

"Don't worry, Lunara, Cenarius is also the ancestor of our centaur family. Speaking of which, we are also relatives. We will definitely hunt down the murderer with all our strength."

Emperor Shenwu is familiar with himself, and he directly turns on the mode of recognizing relatives.

Malfurion was not surprised by this, and looked at Maiev Shadowsong, the leader of the Warden Legion, "Maev, what do you think?"

Maiev shook her head indifferently: "I have no objection to these, but I have to remind you that Shadow Castle is now empty of guards, and I must rush back to guard it as soon as possible, otherwise Illidan will be in trouble if he escapes from prison."

Malfurion was also not surprised by this, he couldn't understand the grievances between Maiev and his younger brother Illidan.

"Tyrande, leader of the Sentinels, High Priest of Elune, what do you think?"

Tyrande's mood was actually somewhat complicated, her hatred for the centaur, and her surprise at Emperor Shenwu made her hesitate.

But her husband chose to accept it, so of course she supported him.

"I think the addition of centaurs is acceptable. Of course, as Lunara said, they must want to show sincerity."

Malfurion looked at the leader of the Sacred Tree Legion again, but this old man directly chose to abstain.

With three votes in favor, two abstentions and one vote against, the answer is obvious.

Malfurion looked at Staghelmet indifferently, "It seems that the council has made a choice."

Fandral Staghelmet finally came to his senses now, Maiev went back to guard Illidan wholeheartedly and didn't want to take care of things at all, Lunara only wanted revenge, Tyrande was Malfurion's wife, Sentinel General was basically Following Tyrande, there was no one in the entire council except him.

Sure enough, they are all the same raccoon dog!He thought angrily in his heart.

Don't you even want principles for the sake of profit?

"You will regret it, you will definitely regret it!" He said through gritted teeth.

Malfurion ignored him, "Then the decision has been made, Emperor Shenwu, as long as you can catch the murderer of Cenarius, and you are willing to release the race you enslaved, and join the Night Alliance as equals, we I accept your request for peace."

Emperor Shenwu nodded solemnly, "Very well, then I think I should start acting now." The image disappeared immediately.

Returning his mind to his golden tent, Emperor Shenwu was thinking.

Things went much smoother than expected. Malfurion is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for 1 years. He is a scheming, standard old-fashioned politician who basically doesn't act emotionally. As long as the interests are sufficient, he can cooperate.In contrast, the deer helmet is much more extreme, no wonder it will be blackened later.

Of course, the other party will never trust him. No matter how much sincerity the centaur shows, once it enters the Dark Night Alliance, it will inevitably face a power struggle.

I'm afraid there will be more to do in the future.

He was quite looking forward to this.

The Night Alliance is a parliamentary system, and it seems unfair to the centaurs to join the Night Alliance as an allied race. After all, there is only one vote for so many people.

But even the interior of the dark night is not monolithic, and there is still room for manipulation.

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to become an optional race for adventurers, the official camp, and join if you can't beat it. This is also an acceptable result.

Then the next step is to hunt down the 'murderer'.

Half an hour later————

"Gul'dan, you did a good job. You got rid of the great enemy Cenarius for me. I am a person who keeps my promise. I will send you a troop to complete your plan."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Gul'dan said humbly, but there was a burst of excitement in his heart, and he was finally about to succeed.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay and fight the night elves with me?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, our tribe is currently facing a powerful enemy. The war has reached a critical moment. I must lead the reinforcements back to the Eastern Continent to join the war. I believe that the army sent by Your Majesty will definitely give the tribe the confidence to win.

The alliance between tribes and empires will also be the beginning of conquering the world! "

That's right, the reason Gul'dan wanted an army was to form an alliance with the Centaur Empire on behalf of the Horde.

This is why he is not worried that Emperor Shenwu will go back on his word. In his opinion, being able to form an alliance with the tribe is undoubtedly a very good thing for the Centaur Empire, which is currently facing a severe war.

In his opinion, Emperor Shenwu is the same as those orc chiefs, they are both brutal and warlike leaders for power, there is no difference.

He didn't know that Emperor Shenwu's plans were not on the same level at all.

Emperor Shenwu smiled: "Hahaha, it doesn't matter, those elf girls just won by chance with the help of the giant dragon, but I still have a million troops, and the war will eventually be won.

I also hope that you can defeat the alliance as soon as possible. The humans and elves of the alliance actually helped the night elves to fight us. Well, sooner or later they will kill the eastern continent and razed those human kingdoms to the ground. "

"Come on, let me take you to see the legion I prepared for you."

When Emperor Shenwu brought Gul'dan to the school field, what he saw was ten thousand and a half soldiers lined up neatly.

[-] and a half people Khan guards, [-] and a half people are eagle shooters, [-] and a half people are wind messengers, [-] and a half people are armored warriors, and [-] and a half people are blasters.

A whole army of [-] was neatly displayed in the open square.

Gul'dan was pleasantly surprised. He originally thought that Emperor Shenwu would randomly send him some miscellaneous soldiers like centaur marauders and centaur hunters.

I didn't expect that there would be [-] elite units directly, including [-] elite units.

No thanks for working so hard.

Now he is a little worried that he will not be able to control this legion.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"You're welcome, you deserve it, but before you leave, I need you to do me a favor. I want to borrow something from you."

"What, your Majesty, speak as soon as possible, as long as I have it, I will never refuse it"

"I want to borrow a voting certificate from you."

"Certificate of nomination? What is that? I don't think I have it in my hand."

"Haha, of course you have it, but it's not in your hand, but on your neck."

What?Gul'dan's expression changed.

The next second, I saw Emperor Shenwu wave his hand, and the army of ten and a half thousand horses raised their weapons in unison, and surrounded them from all directions...

(End of this chapter)

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