Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 250 The Crisis in Alterac

Chapter 250 The Crisis in Alterac

I go!The amount of information this time is a bit large.

Murphy was taken aback. He carefully read the world announcement twice. The more he read it, the more he admired and sighed. what.

Murphy had already guessed what the other party was thinking.

Since he couldn't conquer the night elves, he might as well turn to the night elves. Anyway, his goal was to become the leader of the faction. Although he was not the leader of the faction now, he was still one of the leaders of the faction.

With the support of the centaur, the power of the Night Alliance is strong enough to meet the criteria for becoming an official camp.

Originally, the power of the night elves was very strong, but because of the living habits of the race, most of them lived scatteredly. There were only two main cities, Teldrassil and Nordrassil. Now there is the centaur Haotian City, the standard of the three main cities. Achievement, immediately triggers the plot line of becoming an official camp.

And Emperor Shenwu also took advantage of the trend to become a member of the leader of the Dark Night Alliance camp.

Moreover, the strength of the centaur clan in the Night Alliance is second only to the night elves. It shouldn't be a problem for Emperor Shenwu to be the second master, almost equivalent to the status of the Storm Kingdom in the alliance.

As for Emperor Shenwu, he would automatically turn himself into a hero from a boss.

Alsace was stupefied, thinking that when will I get ahead.

"Just go if you have to, unless you want to treason, and don't forget, Stormwind City will eventually fall. Once the city is broken, it will be very dangerous to stay. If you can't help it, you will be killed by the plot."

Darkseid had a serious expression on his face, "You don't know yet? There is also an army of orcs in Alterac. We fought two battles before, and those orcs violently robbed us of Alterac. Several castles, even the Jackdaw City were almost taken down.

And even if it's just low-level creatures like jackals and kobolds, it's not easy to become a boss. You don't even need to think about investing tens of millions. What's more likely is that you haven't waited to conquer other tribes. It was killed by adventurers and heroes.

Sigret looked shocked, "Hey, why did the Emperor Shenwu suddenly join the night elves? He fought so fiercely before... Wait a minute, now that centaurs are an optional race for adventurers, wouldn't Emperor Shenwu become the leader of the faction? ?”

Task content: Your father, King Aiden, has issued a recall order to you, requiring you to bring troops back to Alterac to join the battle immediately.

Demacia Perenolde (Prince of Alterac), Bronze Tier 60 Hero, Level [-].

In short, my task has been completed, you can choose whether you go back or not. "

"We can blacken it first, become a monster force, and then accept Zhao'an."

He was not joking. Participating in plot events is never risk-free. For example, when everyone went to Kalimdor to participate in the battle, even if they had an absolute advantage in terrain, they still killed two heroes in Astrana. Players, war is war, and as long as you participate in war, you have to bear risks.

"Damn, are you stupid? There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, don't you understand?"

Mission failure penalty: Your reputation in the Kingdom of Alterac will be reset to zero, and you will be awarded the title of traitor, and your favorability with all alliance forces will drop by 1000 points.Your blackening index is increased by 25%. 】

Murphy looked behind Dakseid, and suddenly smiled, "Are you sure this is what the father meant? As a member of the alliance and an ally of the Stormwind Kingdom, if we see our allies in crisis, shouldn't we take action?" Help? This is the responsibility established when the alliance was established."

But now this task has actually been completed, because the task description is actually - to go to the Kingdom of Stormwind to investigate the truth of the orc invasion, and to attend the alliance meeting.

It took me a while to remember.

Don't look at the white and weak three points, the boss becomes a hero and the strength immediately drops a level. It seems to be a disadvantage, but the benefits are also great.

The two cheap brothers were equally shocked.

Dry!What a coincidence?Dakseid suddenly complained secretly, but now there is no need to pretend.

At that time, what if the people who take refuge in him don't accept it?Can only be a small boss waiting to be pushed. "

Siegret nodded, "That's true, but what you said inspired me. There are many strange and weird races in the sky world, and some of them are relatively weak. The key to becoming a camp leader is to control For an entire race, as long as he spends a few hundred million to become the boss of a weak race, and then finds a way to form an alliance with an alliance tribe, wouldn't he also be able to become a faction leader?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect to hear some great advice." A voice tinged with anger suddenly came from behind, and Dakseid was stunned when he turned his head.

First of all, there is no need to worry about entering the dungeon and being overthrown by adventurers. No matter how strong the boss is, no matter how many subordinates he has, he still has to pick a group when he enters the dungeon, and he may be killed by 40 footmen.

Dalabang also reacted, "That's right, it's true, it's amazing that a player can also become a faction leader! Wocao can still play like this?"

But Emperor Shenwu is a rich man, worth hundreds of billions. Could it be that he is just doing it to make money?There must be a deeper purpose.

Sigret's eyes suddenly moved, "Wait a minute, doesn't that mean we can do the same?"

Varian looked at Darkseid angrily, with his hands on the hilt, murderous.

[System prompt: Trigger the story mission [Alterac's Crisis].

Dalabang was surprised: "Fifth Brother? Sixth Brother? Why are you here?"

"Ah, Prince Varian, nice to meet you. I heard that Stormwind City is being besieged by orcs. I am very sorry about this. Although I really want to help you, our Alterac is also being attacked by an army of orcs. , The current battle situation is very critical, my father appointed me as a special envoy to summon my three younger brothers and the Alterac Navy back, I hope you can understand."

Mo Feixin said that Siegret really dared to think about it, but it was not completely impossible.

He lowered his voice and said, "Varian, if Stormwind City is really indefensible, then lead your people to retreat. Don't make fearless sacrifices. As long as people are alive, there is hope. The most important thing in a kingdom is people.

King Aiden asked them to come here to participate in the alliance meeting, trying to find a way to mess up the matter of the Stormwind Kingdom asking for help.

"Yoyo, isn't this my dear Odoudou? It looks like you guys are having a great time here."

And you Alsace, don’t always try to stand out when you are in danger, don’t always think about saving the world alone, you still have more than 40 brothers, and Varian and I, the world doesn’t need you alone Come to the rescue, understand? "

Dalabang shook his head and said, "We are originally an alliance, and we are not a monster force, so what do we do?"

And he knew that according to the system's plot inertia and the game company's persistent control over the development of the game's plot, the fall of Stormwind City and the birth of the Lich King would have a high probability of happening.

Unlike the friendship between players, these two can be regarded as true life-and-death friends with him.

Of course, the most important thing is that as a faction leader, you can drive adventurers to serve you as much as you want. In the future, if you see who is not pleasing to your eyes, just issue a crusade mission, and there will naturally be countless adventurers to attack and crusade in groups. What do you need? Treasure materials, directly release a collection task, naturally there will be adventurers to help collect.

But now Varian has too many burdens. Once Stormwind City falls, it is very likely that he will encounter danger and even die in battle.

Of course, although it is not easy to do, once it is done, the benefits will be great.

Darkseid Perenolde (Prince of Alterac), silver Tier 59 hero, level [-].

When the three raised their heads, they were all taken aback. There were two heroic players in military uniforms standing in front of them, but the people who came were two acquaintances.

Second brother?Darkseid glanced at Varian, and thought to himself, why is he still the second brother?
"I understand, it's not your fault." Varian said with anger on his face, "Those pedantic aristocratic kings have already forgotten the oath they made back then, and they have long since lost their honor and responsibility. You should be the king." Yes! Then we can-"

Of course, it is also possible to become a vassal race, just like the furbolgs in the Night Alliance, they can be used as cannon fodder during wars, so don't even think about adventurers.

Take the local gnoll tribe in Elwynn Forest as an example. Now that the alliance and tribes are fighting, it has reached a critical moment. The alliance needs more troops, and the tribe needs local leaders. If the gnolls collectively choose to join a certain party now, maybe It can really make an allied race.

"Hehe, I don't understand what you said. The father appointed me as the special envoy of Alterac to attend the alliance meeting and investigate the truth of the orc invasion. Now that the truth has been investigated, the orc invasion is real. We are not very good Did you complete the task?"

The fate of Arthas is also uncertain.

I didn't expect to meet in such a way.

Dalabun asked in surprise, "Alterac is being attacked by an army of orcs? Is it true?"

Murphy was also a little ashamed. He stayed in Stormwind City for too long, and he played Deathwing and participated in various battles during the period, so that he completely forgot the mission that King Aiden gave him back then.

But heroes are different, it doesn't matter how many younger brothers you have by your side, you can win a fight as a group, especially for a powerful player like Emperor Shenwu, the more subordinates you have, the better.

He looked at Varian and spread his hands regretfully.

It turned out to be Varian Wrynn and Arthas. He just arrived in Stormwind City today, and he originally wanted to find a relationship with Varian Lara, to get close, to have a shadow or something.

It seems that there is no way to participate in the Stormwind City siege and defense battle, but that's okay, he just finished the Dragon Feast Ceremony after returning, and he can't wait for it.

And you have completely violated the mission assigned to you by your father. "

Things like shit stirrers didn't appear in the mission text.

I don't know how Wang Xuan and the others will react when they hear this news.

Murphy was thinking about the possible impact of this incident when a familiar but unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded.

And as the leader of the faction, the system will definitely give certain preferential treatment secretly. This is what Murphy guessed, but he thinks it is likely to happen.

It is equivalent to being lucky and will not die easily.

After speaking, Murphy hesitated for a moment.He really likes these two little brothers.

If it was Varian in the original history, he didn't need to worry too much, he was just a kid with no other choice but to run away.

Sigret and Dalabon are a little unwilling, and the next battle is Stormwind City. Collecting experience points and plot points will definitely fly off.

Darkseid sneered and said: "Why else, of course it is for you, you don't know yet, the father is very angry at you for taking away the Alterac fleet privately, and even sent the navy It was abducted, and that was the only fleet in Alterac.

day!Murphy immediately cursed secretly, this is the strength of the leader of the faction, even if it is a parallel importer like King Aiden, he can still call him back to fight with one order.

"That won't work. The Emperor Shenwu is a centaur emperor. The whole race listens to him. What kind of concept is this, so he has to accept it because he has turned to the night elves. Even if we are blackened, we are just a local rebel army and bandit leader. The strength is nothing in the human race, so can it be compared?

Especially in this kind of battle, once you accidentally fall into the siege, even if you are a hero, it is only a few thousand or ten thousand blood volume, and once you are set on fire, you will die as well.

To put it bluntly, the degree of freedom in this game is still very high. Those high-level NPCs often have very high intelligence, almost like living people. As long as they can be persuaded, they may be able to join.

But a centaur adventurer?This thing is really unimaginable, and I don't know what talents and optional occupations are available, maybe there will be a race-specific occupation, but Murphy thinks that the popularity should not be too low, after all, it is the first one. The four-legged adventurer race, even if it is just out of curiosity, there must be many candidates.

If you want to kill a certain BOSS, you can also call adventurers to go to mine, and just wait for the harvest.

"Varian, I understand what you mean." Murphy patted Varian on the shoulder, then glanced at Alsace next to him, "Don't worry, I have never forgotten the agreement between the three of us, I will never forget the mission of protecting the alliance and the world, and we will meet again soon, I promise."

With the free labor of adventurers who can be resurrected infinitely, the fourth natural disaster has the ability to leverage the entire game plot.

Now the battle in Alterac is urgent and troops are urgently needed. My father said that if you don't go back, you will be declared traitors.

Task completion reward: 100 plot points.

He really didn't want these two brothers to die or fall in the plot.

"What is the mission that the father gave us?" Dalabun asked Murphy and Sigret blankly.

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Hmph, don't think I don't understand. The king actually wants you to find a way to destroy the establishment of a coalition to support Stormwind. Our Kingdom of Alterac is far away from the front lines. There is no need to waste troops and resources for the crisis of other countries, let the Stormwind Kingdom face it by itself."

"Sorry, brother, it seems I have to go back to Alterac."

Just like the lord who runs Novice Village, players can use adventurers to profit. Once they become the leader of the faction, all adventurers of this race will be managed. It's too easy to make money from title sales and the like.

Wang Xuan's reaction was temporarily invisible, but the reaction of the two cheap brothers was extremely intense.

Murphy lowered his voice and said to the two.

But seeing Mo Fei's serious look, he nodded seriously. "I see."

Varian struggled a bit, but still nodded, "I understand."

"Then goodbye Varian, Arthas, let's see you in the future."

(The Fall of the Dragon - End)

(End of this chapter)

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