Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 251 Prelude to Natural Disaster

Chapter 251 Prelude to Natural Disaster

Dark, chaotic, weird, distorted, shadow and chaotic energy run through the edge of the universe, colored clouds and bright ribbons blend together, broken celestial bodies float in the eerie void, forming an incomprehensible mortal world. eerie scene.

This is the Twisting Nether, the birthplace of evil full of chaotic energy, and the source of arcane energy. Demons, void creatures, twisted aberrations, evil spirits, and countless evil creatures reside here.

In this chaotic and endless void, a confused consciousness is quietly floating in this void...

"Gul'dan, before you leave, I need you to do me a favor. I want to borrow something from you."

The majestic voice was ethereal and unreal, as if it came from some distant place.

Looking at the blurred face in front of him, Gul'dan felt a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart, as if something terrible was about to happen.

He wanted to escape, but his body was completely unable to move, and he said involuntarily: "What, your Majesty, speak as soon as possible, as long as I have it, I will never refuse it."

"I want to borrow a voting certificate from you."

Gul'dan suddenly realized what was going to happen, anger, fear, hatred... But it was useless, he was still talking to himself.

"No! My great journey must not end here, my ambition, my supremacy, my plan to conquer the world - no!"

The only way to truly kill a demon is to go to the Twisting Nether and kill its soul.

(I was harmed by that bastard Emperor Shenwu, but because of using the demon incarnation, my soul drifted into the Twisting Nether!)
Gul'dan's research on demons and fel energy is very in-depth. According to his understanding, demons are born in the twisting void. When demons are killed in reality, they will not really die. Their souls will Return to the Twisting Nether and gradually regenerate from the chaotic energies of the Twisting Nether.

But soon, a huge force grabbed him and dragged him to the endless twisting void. The surrounding darkness and coldness were replaced by chaotic fel energy and the shadow force of the void.

"Oh, remorse? Maybe, but the pain... You are far from having experienced it, Tichondrius, teach him a good lesson and let him understand what the end of betraying the Legion is."

This matter is naturally not within the agreement with Kil'jaeden, especially the act of searching for the tomb of Sargeras. For the Burning Legion, it is a taboo behavior. Gul'dan only hopes that the other party does not know own plan.

"Haha, of course you have it, but it's not in your hand, but on your neck."

He summoned the flames of hell again, trying to disperse the besieging enemies, and then a black figure burst out from the flames, and a knight covered in icy armor rushed towards him. eyes of light.

Every minute seemed as long as a month or a year, and finally, after suffering an unknown amount of time, he was brought before Kil'jaeden again.

'The Deceiver' Kil'jaeden (Overlord of the Burning Legion): "It is said that mortals will only truly understand themselves when they are deprived of their freedom. I was thinking, how well do you understand yourself, Gul'dan?

No!Gul'dan could already feel death.

Today, you will be saved from death and get a new life, but you will soon understand that any redemption has a price, and the prison of the Burning Legion will walk with you. This set of armor is your new cage.

A demon with huge wings stepped out from the surrounding demons.

Dozens of eredar warlocks cast their magic at the same time, and countless evil powers gathered together, tearing a crack in the void in front of them. Through the crack, you can vaguely see the blue planet of Azeroth.

"I have felt pain and remorse, ah, great Kil'jaeden, I have been repenting for my stupidity all the time, please give me another chance, I will definitely..."

"Certificate of nomination? What is that? I don't think I have it in my hand."

It's just that Gul'dan was gradually dissatisfied with the fate of being a lackey, and finally chose to leave the tribe to find the tomb of Sargeras, wanting to get rid of the control of the Burning Legion and realize his own ambition...

Also the smartest and cunning of the demons, often serving as intelligence agents, interrogators, and infiltrators.

Gul'dan felt a burst of despair, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. Maybe someone would save him and get him out of this embarrassing situation. With so many orc warlocks in the Shadow Council, there must be a few who survived. Well, maybe they'll call themselves one day...

However, the larger the size, the more attacks it suffers.

"I accept the call, take me out of this ghost place!"

"Hehehehe, Gul'dan, you are finally willing to accept my call. After messing up the mission I gave you, after showing your ambition that is completely inconsistent with your own strength, you finally knelt down again. in front of me.

Countless arrows shot out, covering Gul'dan's whole body in an instant.

However, he fell into the endless darkness and coldness.

Gul'dan recognized this person—the Shadow of War, a death knight. Gul'dan also has a lot of research on necromancy, knowing that this kind of undead creature is difficult to kill, he raised his hand, trying to release a fel The killing wave killed the opponent in seconds, but the death knight suddenly accelerated, and the halberd in his hand swept towards him. Gul'dan felt his eyes darken, and his perspective instantly flew into the air. He saw his headless corpse slumped down, turning into a Fel fire spewed everywhere.

Every time he put on one, he felt the biting cold eroding his soul, as if trying to fuse the power of death with his soul.

Everything around him suddenly began to change mysteriously. The weird scene of the Twisting Void turned into streams of fluid light. He felt a force dragging him out of the Twisting Void. Finally, his eyes suddenly lit up——

Devil incarnate!He finally unleashed his final big move of pressing the bottom of the box, turning into a huge demon seven or eight meters high.

In the next second, I saw the figure in front of me wave his hand, and countless enemies appeared indistinctly around him. They raised their weapons in unison and surrounded them from all directions...

But now he has no choice.

"Great Kil'jaeden, please grant me the order, and I will complete it." Gul'dan said sincerely.

Looking around again, groups of demons lined up all around, the sky was dark purple, and the earth was burning with evil fires of evil energy. Although I didn't know where this place was, it was clearly the world ruled by the Burning Legion.

Tell me Gul'dan, how should I torture you?Only by punishing you can you deeply feel the pain and regret? "

The cold helmet was slowly put on Gul'dan's head, and he instantly felt the cold death chill covering his whole body, imprisoning his soul in it.

Gul'dan's consciousness was very vague, and he didn't realize what happened. The last fragment of his life was repeated in his consciousness, and he didn't know how long he was floating. His soul finally regained some consciousness.

But as he drifted through the Twisting Nether, he gradually realized that he didn't belong in this place.

"Well, maybe." Kil'jaeden waved his hand.

He observes the surroundings from the perspective of the soul, I am - distorting the void!Gul'dan reacted immediately.

Gul'dan felt the piercing pain, and his heart was extremely frightened and angry. He released the fel energy angrily, summoned the fire rain of destruction, and then summoned one demon after another. Under the threat of death, his fel magic Unprecedentedly powerful and skillful, the surrounding corpses piled up like mountains.

The scene of his life resurfaced again.Gul'dan suddenly understood what happened to him.

Kil'jaeden grabbed Gul'dan, who was wrapped in ice, and stared into the pair of ice-blue eyes in the helmet, "Gul'dan, seize your last chance and destroy everything for the Legion." Your mission, starting today, you will acquire a new identity, called the Lich King!"

Tichondrius is a dreadlord, one of the original race of demons born from the chaotic energies of the void, these enormous winged demons.

It's over, it's over, it fell into the hands of the Burning Legion, it's really over now.

At the same time, he is very good at soul magic, and is also a group of subordinates that Kil'jaeden relies on most.

As Kil'jaeden threw it vigorously, the ice passed through the gap and fell towards the blue planet.

Until one day, he heard a voice.

It was Kil'jaeden who tempted Gul'dan back then, endowed him with evil energy, and then bewitched the orcs through Gul'dan, turning the orcs into a war machine to conquer and invade Azeroth.

Go, go to the icy Northrend continent in the firmament world, lie dormant, and build an army of the dead for me! "

He couldn't tell who the voice was, but he couldn't care less about it.

Several dread demon kings took out a set of armor.

Originally he was afraid of death, but now, he just wanted to throw himself into the arms of death and get rid of this endless torture.

"Kil'jaeden!" Gul'dan looked at the demon in front of him, and suddenly let out a desperate and powerless cry.Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, second-in-command of the Burning Legion, and Sargeras' second-in-command.

However, when Gul'dan saw the surrounding scene clearly, he immediately realized that something was wrong. At this time, he was trapped in a magic circle in the form of a soul, and in front of his eyes was a red-skinned man with the height of ferocious tentacles. A huge demon of hundreds of meters.

Day after day, the endless torture made Gul'dan's consciousness on the verge of collapse, begging for mercy, cursing, crying, but all of these were meaningless.

The life value will soon come to an end.

"Gul'dan lowered his head humbly, his erratic spirit body seemed to dissipate at any time, but he knew that as long as the other party didn't allow him, he couldn't truly die.

"Follow him too, monitor him, and remember, the will of the Burning Legion must be enforced."

who!Gul'dan was pleasantly surprised,
"Gul'dan! Heed my call and come to me."

The Lich King?Gul'dan recited the name silently in his heart. He had no choice but to accept it. Facing the power of the demon lord, he dared not have the slightest thought of disobedience.

'The Deceiver' Kil'jaeden (Overlord of the Burning Legion): "Gul'dan, your betrayal made me very angry, but I am kind, and now I am willing to give you another chance, a plan to make up for it, and you will Serve the Legion once more, but if you dare disobey my orders again, then I will inflict upon you truly eternal pain and torment.

For a few seconds, he felt the call from the world of the dead, as if there was a vortex dragging him into the unknown world of darkness and death.

Unlike demons, his body is not made of evil energy, but is still a mortal body of flesh and blood, so he cannot be reborn through the chaotic energy in the Twisting Nether. He can only drift like this, endlessly.

Gul'dan felt a burst of despair.

"Gul'dan! Heed my call and come to me."

The war is about to begin, the firmament world will be completely destroyed, and those enemies who dare to resist the will of the legion will be drowned in the tide of death.

They are ruthless villains who feed on the energy of mortals.They use intimidation and tricks to turn brothers against each other, collapse regimes, and provoke wars, thereby bringing the entire world to submit to darkness.

At this time, four fear demon kings surrounded him, and Gul'dan's soul was taken down. In the next period of time, the fear demon king used all kinds of terrifying magic to destroy his soul. These magic created unimaginable Pain, but every time Gul'dan's soul is about to collapse, it restores him again.

His soul was dragged from its cage, and several dreadlords put the armor on him.

However, the anger and sneer in Kil'jaeden's eyes made him gradually despair.

But over time, that expectation faded away, and he drifted aimlessly through the void, perhaps forever—

So make a choice Gul'dan, choose your destiny. "

It's just that Gul'dan never imagined that he would end up in this place. He didn't know whether to be grateful or annoyed.

Frost attached to his soul layer by layer, forming a huge ice coffin, freezing his soul and this set of armor on his body.

The cold armor exuded the chill of death, especially the helmet. Gul'dan immediately realized that this thing was a creation of some kind of death magic, which surprised him a bit. The Burning Legion mainly uses fel magic. Why? Will you use this thing?

Several fear demon kings flew into the crack one after another.

Kil'jaeden looked at the slowly disappearing crack and showed a satisfied smile. The orc plan launched by Archimonde has obviously failed. Without Gul'dan's bewitching and control, the orcs have gradually given up their dependence on fel energy , began to re-use elemental magic, but it doesn't matter, war will bring hatred, and hatred can breed revenge, and the will of mortals will be swallowed by hatred and anger.

Eventually reduced to servants and slaves of the Legion.

The action to conquer the firmament world has just begun, and soon, a natural disaster will befall this world, and at that time, no one can resist the will of the legion.

(End of this chapter)

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