Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 252 Race Settings of Centaur Adventurers

Chapter 252 Race Settings of Centaur Adventurers
Adventurer Race: Centaur.

Main city: Haotian City.

Racial leader: Emperor Shenwu (Imperial Khan).

Race introduction: The centaur is the descendant of Zaetar, the guardian of the forest, and Therades, the princess of the stone element.

For thousands of years, this barbaric and warlike race has been fighting with each other. Now under the leadership of Emperor Shenwu, the centaur clan finally put aside their disputes and successfully united under one banner, ending the clan wars for thousands of years. .

But now, the centaur has joined the Night Alliance and has become a brave warrior to maintain order and peace in Kalimdor.

Although the war with the night elves has long since ended and the two sides have reached an alliance, the hatred brought about by the trauma of the war has not completely disappeared, and there is still vigilance and vigilance between them.

But this does not prevent the brave centaur warriors from fighting for the new order of Kalimdor.

Racial initial attributes——

Health: 280
Mana: 80
Physical value: 120.

After Murphy finished his breakfast, he lay down in the game cabin.

But it can't stand the wind, and for the powerful party with extreme strength, it is good to increase the damage even a little bit, and the small fireball of the black whelp can also be used to relieve the stupor state, which is more or less useful.

Or maybe another knight is carried behind the knight, and the two knights charge together...

He has worked hard in the city where he lives for several years, and changed his residence several times, but he has never really felt that kind of home, even where he lives now, which is obviously bought by himself, and occasionally There will still be a strange feeling.

This race is really quite special. Not only does it have its own mount function, but it can also carry teammates to fight. It has to be said that it is very eye-catching. If it is used well, it can definitely play a miraculous effect.

In the series of battles in the Kingdom of Stormwind, not only were the heroes promoted several levels, but several of the seventeen knights he brought were also promoted, including Razidanan and Roland knights.

Stamina 8.

Spirit 4.

If this is the field PK, it will definitely be useful.

Racial Talent 1: Wild Gallop.Centaurs cannot learn riding skills, nor can they use mounts, but they have their own LV1 gallop skill, which can gain a 30% movement speed bonus when outdoors. This skill can be upgraded at level 20, level 40, and level 60. , up to 100% movement speed bonus.

This is really ironic.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he came to the cabin.

He laughed at himself, opened his backpack casually, and took out a box from the bag.

He is now considered half a plot character, as long as he continues to participate in plot events, he may be able to advance and become a hero someday.

It's very OP when you think about it, it's definitely the version answer.

A hunter is carried behind the hunter, and the double hunter combination moves and shoots arrows while running, so don't be too powerful when flying the kite.

But Murphy is not short of this money now, so he doesn't plan to make a move for the time being, maybe it can be used for other purposes in the future.

Racial Talent 3: Earth Affinity.Centaurs are a race favored by the Earth Goddess, and they are also descendants of the Earth Princess Therades, so they get a 5% strength bonus, a 10% constitution bonus, and 5 points of physical damage reduction for every tenth level...

The most basic function of black dragon eggs is to sell them as pet eggs.

Exclusive occupations: Centaur Gale Archer, Centaur Wind Messenger, Centaur Iron Guard.

Murphy can think of several combinations at this time, such as a soldier carrying a nanny on his back, and asking if you are afraid if it comes with healing.

After fighting in various places in the Kingdom of Stormwind, it is finally time to return to Alterac. Thinking about Alterac's majestic mountains, the majestic city walls, the rivers and forests under the snow-capped mountains, and the small fiefdom of his own family, it has made people He felt like a wanderer returning home.

The battleship broke through the waves, and Murphy stood at the bow, quite excited.

Intelligence 3.

It's a pity that I'm playing a hero, so I don't need to think about it for now, but if I have a chance in the future, I can find a way to find a centaur team and try it out.

Optional occupations: warrior, knight, hunter, shaman, psychic.

This thing is a proper luxury accessory. As a small pet, the black dragonling can shoot fireballs, causing 1-5 points of fire damage.


Power 6.

Racial Talent 2: Unity of man and horse.When a centaur is engaged in battle, it defaults to a riding combat state, and can get a speed damage bonus when attacking. A centaur can be equipped with a breastplate and a vest at the same time, but cannot be equipped with leg armor. A centaur can also be equipped with a saddle and carry a Teammates fight together.

"Well, I see." Murphy nodded, and couldn't help but glance at the portrait on his subordinate's head again.

This is the box he got when he went to Princess Catherine to complete the decryption task before he left. There were ten black dragon eggs in it.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Mo Fei hurriedly put away the dragon eggs.

This is really a bit strange, he has never had this feeling in reality.

When he was still Murphys, he put this box of dragon eggs in the hands of Princess Catherine before destroying the account. He thought that he would sell it for money after getting it in the future, but now he has changed his mind.

There is little improvement in actual combat effectiveness.

The key point is that this thing does not take up the equipment column, and it can be carried by any profession, so one black dragon egg can still be sold for several thousand yuan, and ten black dragon eggs are also worth tens of thousands.

This thing has a price but no market, and it is rarely circulated in the market. After all, only by killing a black dragon can it drop with a certain probability, which is very rare.

Razidanan's template has finally advanced to become an elite template. Not only has his blood volume doubled, but he has also unlocked an invigorating aura skill, which can increase the morale and attack power of nearby friendly troops by 10 points and 5 points.

Agility 4.

Razidanan (Knight Captain): "Your Highness, we are about to reach Southsea Town."

Charm 4.

Physique 6.

I checked the time, it was almost 8 o'clock, so let's go online quickly.

Walking out of the cabin, the sky is clear and blue, and there is an endless sea in front of you.

Murphy brought seventeen knights with him when he set off, but now there are only nine knights left.

Murphy looked at the racial information about centaur adventurers on the official website, and found it more and more interesting.

Of course, the risk of becoming an elite template is not small. Becoming a plot character means that if you die in a plot battle, you will also die. Unlike ordinary soldier templates, you can be reborn in the barracks the next day after death.

If he had chosen to advance to the extraordinary unit, then he would not have to worry about the plot kill. However, although the extraordinary unit is powerful in combat, it cannot be further advanced, so after much entanglement, Razidanan chose the advanced elite template to give it a go. , maybe a bicycle will become a motorcycle.

Moreover, becoming a plot character also means leaving one's own name in the annals of the sky. It is difficult for a man to resist the temptation to write history.

PS: There will be another chapter in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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