Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 254 The Beastmen

Chapter 254 The Beastmen

The warship slowly approached at the pier in Nanhai Town, and the group couldn't wait to disembark, stopped at the port for a while, and immediately prepared to set off for Alterac City.

However, when he entered the city to prepare for action, he was stopped by the mayor of Nanhai Town.

"Your Highnesses, it's getting late today, and it's going to be dark soon. There are beastmen everywhere outside the city, so it's not safe. It's better to wait until dawn tomorrow before setting off, so as to avoid accidents."

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Stop rambling, there are only some beastmen in the area. What is the strength of our four brothers, no matter how many beastmen come - but it is always right to be careful. The garrison was assembled, just as I was going to fight in Alterac."

"Sorry Your Highness, the guards in the city were transferred three days ago, and now there are only a few dozen guards in the city, and the militias from nearby villages and towns."

Darkseid was a little surprised, "What? Whose order is this?"

"Of course it is His Majesty's order."

"Do it!" Darkseid hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the three of them, "Three brothers, why don't we stay here tonight? Those beastmen are actually quite troublesome."

I'll go, you've changed your face too quickly.

After walking for more than an hour, hundreds of them were killed.

Murphy nodded, accepting the statement.

These orc-type monsters completely replaced the ecological niche of the bandit-type monsters in the past, either in groups of three or four, or gathered in the Beastman camps one by one, or spawned around abandoned farms and sentry towers.

Darkseid explained: "When the Frostwolf Tribe marched, they knocked down all the bandit strongholds they encountered along the way, and after they passed by, these bandit strongholds turned into beastman fortresses, and began to farm beastman-type fortresses. monster.

"That's right, our level is so low, why are you running away, isn't the person who killed us before pretty awesome."

These beastmen do not belong to the Frostwolf orcs, but wild monsters generated by the system, but they belong to an alliance with the Frostwolf orcs and will not attack players of the tribe.

Abandoned farms and burnt wheat fields can be seen everywhere in the wild, breached sentry towers and closed guard corpses on the side of the road, as well as beastmen can be seen everywhere.

The orc players didn't dare to chase after them, but they didn't run away either. Instead, they taunted and cursed at a distance.

The Bandit Fortress is said to be a fortress, but it is actually a copycat. Generally, every copycat will spawn an elite bandit leader, and some will also spawn small bosses, which are equivalent to large wild monster strongholds. Generally, adventurers will also spawn if they don’t have any dungeons. Brush the bandit fortress, upgrade and hit treasure.

Another 800 sailors from the navy were pulled out, plus four guards and horses, it can be regarded as a considerable army.

When I came to a crossroad, I suddenly saw a group of orcs running towards a group of human adventurers in the distance.

From time to time, you can also see the adventurer team fighting these beastmen, spawning monsters and upgrading them.

Moreover, these beastmen are not weak, their average level is above thirty, and the small bosses they spawn are also stronger than the previous bandit leaders. The most terrible thing is that they often take their younger brothers out of the fortress to patrol. Generally, there are dozens of people in a team , It's quite dangerous to accidentally encounter it. "

Murphy nodded. Of course he knew this. He had cleared a lot of bandit fortresses when he was doing the mission, and he even had a skill book on Blade Flurry.

This is quite possible, the hero's expertise depends entirely on experience, and all kinds of weird things may appear.

Hiding inside the team finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The red name looks shocking. These wild monsters have no IQ, and they won't dodge when they see a large group of people, and they keep rushing up to die.

"That's right, your tribe is trash—all trash!"

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of these beastmen is obviously much stronger than those bandits and robbers in the past. Not only are they higher in level, higher in blood volume, and higher in damage, but also have a lot more elite monsters.

Murphy took a quick glance and found that something was wrong. Those orcs had all kinds of equipment and different professions, and their names changed from monster names like orc robbers and orc looters to obvious player-style names. 'Depressed Ecstasy Rice', obviously an adventurer from the tribe!
The level of these tribal adventurers is generally not high, the highest is only more than 30 levels, but the number is extremely large, there are three to 40 people, while the alliance adventurers have less than ten people, who were kicked out and ran around, seeing this The large army led by Bian Mofei immediately ran over to seek shelter.

Adventurer teams often dare to open monsters with a superior number, and the fight is very difficult.

Darkseid explained: "Strictly speaking, the Beastmen are not Frostwolf orcs, but wild monsters from the Horde camp. You know that there are many bandit fortresses in Alterac, right?"

Players in the alliance here are not to be outdone.

After leaving the gate of Nanhai Town, they headed towards the Alterac Mountains in a mighty way.

Mo Fei thought that there was such a thing, "It's just a few dozen orcs, so they won't pose a threat to us, right?"

"Damn, what are you pretending, isn't your tribe just relying on how many people you have, come and fight if you have the ability!"

After hesitating for a while, Murphy still agreed. It is really not safe to march in the dark.

"Damn, I dare not. After these NPCs leave, we will see how you die."

"But it can turn the wild monster stronghold into an alliance wild monster, what is the principle?"

That night, they stayed in Nanhai Town for one night. At dawn the next day, the four gathered together, leading more than 70 north wind knights and snow mountain tourers.

"I don't know, but we discussed it at the beginning, and guessed that it may be the effect of the hero specialty of a certain orc hero."

"Haha, if you can't beat it, ask an NPC for help. Alliance dogs are useless as expected."

Not long after leaving the city, Murphy felt the change in the atmosphere in the kingdom.

Murphy was a little puzzled: "Didn't all the Frostwolf orcs go to Alterac Valley? Why did some stay?"

"Of course it's okay to have these Beastmen alone, but Durotan left some Frostwolf Cavalry wandering in the wilderness. These Beastmen can't beat the reception and will blow the horn to summon the Frostwolf Cavalry. Trouble."

Mo Fei finally couldn't help listening to the confrontation between the two sides.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I said, how can you tell that we are NPCs?"

As soon as these words came out, the two sides fell silent for a while.

"What are you waiting for, go!" Dalabang gave an order, and dozens of cavalry immediately lined up and rushed over, followed by hundreds of Alterac sailors. The few alliance adventurers met Overjoyed, hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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