Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 255 The Chaos in Alterac

Chapter 255 The Chaos in Alterac
Depressed and ecstasy fan (shaman): "Wo Cao, it's a hero player, retreat quickly!" After saying nothing, he turned into a ghost wolf and ran away.

Those orc adventurers were stunned for a moment and turned around to run away, but they couldn't run with two legs better than four legs. They were charged by the cavalry from behind, and all of them were killed, except for the one who was so sad that he ran as fast as a dog. , I was stunned that I was not caught up.

"Haha, cool." A few alliance adventurers hurried over to pick up the equipment that the orc adventurers broke out. The potion, those alliance adventurers didn't dislike it, and cleaned it up.

Murphy didn't bother to pick up the rubbish. When these people finished picking up, he called over and asked, "Where did these orc adventurers come from?"

"They all ran here with the Frostwolf Clan. After the Frostwolf Clan entered the mountains, these adventurers stayed. These days, we often PK with them. At the beginning, their level was very low, and they were not very good at fighting. We We still have an advantage. Now that their level is gradually rising, coupled with the large number of people, we will not be able to fight well.

Especially recently, when King Aiden released the national war mission, most of the adventurers went to Alterac City to participate in the war, and we were completely kicked out, depressed.

What's more, these tribes don't talk about martial arts at all. If they can't beat them, they run to the orc fortress. We dare not chase them, and we are so angry. "

Murphy nodded. Sure enough, he came with the Frostwolf Clan, probably following Thrall, but Murphy was still a little curious. The leveling points around South Sea Town were mainly monsters from the bandit faction, and some wild beasts. of.

Now that the bandit camp is occupied, where can they go to level up?
"Then where do they usually level up?"

"Just cut down the farmers on the nearby farms to upgrade. Our farmers and villagers are monsters in their eyes. If you kill them, you will be given experience and explosive equipment. So this gang of bandits is like devils entering the village. The surroundings of Nanhai Town are about to be scourge It's over."

These Horde adventurers probably don't want Alterac to be a long-term upgrade map.

Not only explosive equipment but also explosive skill books...

"It's just some muddy legs, let them die, this is their fate."

He exchanged glances with Dalabon and Sigret behind him. Now that the country is in peril, there are many factions in the country. The three of them must hold together to keep warm, so that they can survive this crisis of subjugation and even seek benefits.

The four of them didn't stop, and went straight to the palace. In the palace, a military meeting was being held at this time.

It seems that I still have to do it myself to turn the tide.

The reactions of the princes were more complicated. Seeing the hero ranks above the heads of the three, the princes around immediately cast envious eyes.

The difficulty is not so high. The most important thing is that as long as the Frostwolf Clan survives, the adventurers will not disappear.

So as long as the Horde resurrection point near South Sea Town is destroyed, the orc adventurers can be expelled.

But the resurrection point is generally near the stronghold of the clan, which means that all the strongholds of the orcs must be destroyed.

Murphy looked at the Alterac City in front of him and was quite emotional. Alterac City seemed much more lively than before.

In the final analysis, the orcs are invaders. Even a relatively 'civilized' clan like the Frostwolf clan aims to conquer and seize land.

With his loud shout, the noise in the conference hall was immediately silenced.

Continue to go in, and soon the troops entered the mountains of Alterac, walked for two days, moved on the next afternoon, finally, the city walls of Alterac appeared in front of the four of them.

"Shameless! The son of the mountain will never surrender!"

The nobles naturally paid close attention to this.

The farmer is the small boss, the village head and the mayor are the big boss, and the villagers, blacksmiths and farmers are all kinds of mobs.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Father, the two of you and I have completed the tasks you entrusted to me and returned smoothly."

According to this trend, it is impossible to eliminate adventurers, but there is still a chance to expel them. The key lies in the respawn point. If adventurers want to fight monsters and upgrade for a long time, they will generally not be too far away from the respawn point. If it is far away, you have to run over every time you fight monsters, so the efficiency is too low.

He glanced at King Aiden on the throne again. In the final analysis, he is still a king. A raging soldier, a nest of raging soldiers, this King Aiden is good at playing tricks and tricks, but he can't control the scene at all when he encounters such a big war. up.

Adventurers are full of pits and valleys. On the streets and in taverns, there are players discussing war everywhere.

The nobles in the hall were noisy and noisy, but the princes were all silent, just whispering to each other and exchanging opinions with their own ghosts.

Mo Fei thought that was the case, no wonder there were such miserable scenes everywhere along the way.

The map of this game is very large, and the map is not so easy to run.

After entering the city, you can see many nobles, vassals and private soldiers gathered in the city.

The further they went, the more frequent the conflicts between the alliance and the tribe became. Sure enough, there were a lot of adventurers in the tribe. Murphy even saw a group of hundreds of people attacking a sentry tower.

More than 20 princes and dozens of nobles and nobles gathered together to discuss how to deal with the orc invasion.

Another baron said, "There is no need to fight those orcs. We just need to defend the castle. Those beasts only have brute force and cannot break through our castle."

This is the most disgusting thing about adventurers, no matter how many times they kill, they can be resurrected when they turn around.

The city wall was full of heavily armed soldiers, guarding Senyang, and the barracks were full of people.

Sitting on the throne, King Aiden looked sad, looking at the chaotic quarrels below with a look of unloved expression.

Murphy couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The Kingdom of Alterac really deserves to be the bottom of the alliance camp. The Kingdom of Stormwind has an army of millions of tough orcs. Facing a team of orcs who quarreled like this, this is the gap.

After understanding the situation, Murphy led the team to trigger again.

Everyone looked sideways. This Prince Aidan came back from the front line of the Stormwind Kingdom's war, so he must have first-hand information about the orcs.

"But what about the people? Those orc barbarians are constantly destroying our farms, slaughtering our farmers, burning farmland and wheat fields, and our people have suffered heavy casualties."

Murphy couldn't help feeling a little worried. It seemed that things were a little troublesome.

The adventurer said again: "We have accepted the long-term PVP mission to eliminate the orcs, and they have been fighting with them a lot these days, but we are all adventurers, and no one can kill the other, we can only kill each other to consume them."

Not to mention players, the fourth natural disaster is no joke, as long as it is famous and popular equipment, all are monsters.

At present, this situation does not have much impact on adventurer players. In the past, the bandits and bandits used to be used, and the beastmen are now used for the same upgrade. It is just that there are more orc players and their wild PVP, but PVP is also the content of the game. It can be said The game experience does not drop but rises.

But the farmers in the villages and farms around Nanhai Town suffered from being treated as monsters by orc players every day.

"If you want me to say, we must fight those orcs!" A count shouted loudly.

It is completely impossible to kill them all.

The other marquis looked disdainful, "How to start a war? The Northern Wind Knights have been defeated. Those orcs are too fierce. Our soldiers are no match at all."

One Silver Tier [-], one Silver Tier [-], and one Silver Tier [-], in Stormwind City, where there are so many Silver heroes like dogs, and Gold Heroes everywhere, it's nothing, but in the backcountry of Alterac, it's still a bit cool of.

There is no way, these Alterac princes are basically fake local tyrants, they basically start at the bronze level, and those who start at the first level of silver are considered rich.

In addition, there are no major incidents happening in Alterac, and the only way to increase the rank is to rely on the little kingdom missions. Pity nearly thirty princes, and there is not even a gold-ranked hero.

Seeing that the three of them went to Stormwind City and they all rose several levels, can you not be jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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