Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 256 3 losses and 3 wins

Chapter 256 Three defeats and three victories
Mo Fei didn't take everyone's gaze seriously, walked straight to the throne, and bowed his head.

Sigret and Dalabang behind them also performed a royal etiquette.

King Aiden was also quite pleasantly surprised: "Ah, my dear children, you are finally back, tell me quickly, what happened in the Stormwind Kingdom, I have heard many rumors, some of them are very absurd , and others are terribly frightening.”

The nobles also showed a posture of listening attentively.

Murphy had already thought up his speech.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The orc invasion is real. The orc army from the world of Draenor is invading this world. They destroy castles and towns along the way, and wipe out all living humans. Their goal is to completely conquer This world, make this world their new home.

The Kingdom of Stormwind is now doing its best to resist the attack of the orcs, but judging from the current situation, unless the alliance supports them as soon as possible, it may not be able to last for too long. "

All the nobles immediately talked about it, although they had already learned some rumors and information in advance, and even an envoy from Stormwind City came to ask for help.

But hearing the real situation from his own prince himself still worried the nobles.

A nobleman interjected and asked, "Your Highness, how many troops do those orcs have?"

The reason why they don't ask about the fighting power of the orcs is because they have seen it before. The fighting power of the orcs is undoubtedly higher than that of ordinary human soldiers.

"The orcs have dozens of clans, bringing together warriors, infantry, cavalry, and vassal races from the entire Draenor world, adding up to more than a million people."

"What! A million troops!"

"My God, that's impossible."

"Bless the Light! We're finished now."

"How could the alliance fight against such a terrible enemy!"

The surrounding nobles let out a burst of exclamation, a million-dollar army, what is that concept, the entire alliance's army does not add up to 100 million, let alone those orcs are ferocious and brutal, and their fighting power far exceeds that of human soldiers.

Immediately, everyone showed worried expressions.

The princes didn't respond to each other. This information has long been the content of the bad street on the forum, and it's nothing new.

King Aiden was even more shocked than the nobles. The concept of a million-strong army was completely beyond his understanding.

The orcs of the Frostwolf Clan were only [-] troops, so he was so scared that he hid in the city and dared not go out. If the army of one million orcs pushed all the way, what would the alliance have to resist?
Aiden (King of Alterac): "What to do, what to do, by the way—what is King Lane doing now?"

We are all kings, and we all face the threat of orcs, so we can always use it as a reference.

Murphy glanced at King Aiden, immediately understood his thoughts, and suddenly smiled, "Of course I'm resisting the orcs in Stormwind City, what else can I do."

"Didn't he escape?" King Aiden asked expectantly.

Murphy shook his head again and again, "Of course not. King Ryan said that his ancestors used their blood and sweat to open up the land that appeared. As the king of the Stormwind Kingdom, how could he abandon the land and his people? The only way to fight to the death is to fight Only by living and dying with our own kingdom can we be worthy of the glory of our ancestors and the expectations of the people of Stormwind Kingdom."

These words made King Aiden's complexion change for a while, and he was a little bit stuck.

"Did he really say that? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Murphy shook his head again, "Of course not, King Ryan is indeed very majestic, and he is not afraid of the crisis, which makes the envoys of all countries very impressed, but don't worry, father, I have already shown our position to the alliance countries, absolutely no Losing the prestige of our son of the mountain has not weakened your reputation."

King Aiden's eyes widened, "What position? What did you do?"

"Of course it is the son of the mountain who will never give in and never be afraid. At the alliance meeting, envoys from various countries gathered, and everyone was discussing how to deal with the orc invasion. When they heard that Alterac was under attack, they were all very concerned. , and also asked whether Alterac could resist the orc invasion, and whether it needed support or something.

I told them, father, you are the king of the mountains, the conqueror of the frost trolls, the first warrior of Alterac, and only tens of thousands of orcs, you will never be afraid, and you will definitely lead the army yourself , Destroy those brutal beasts, let them rest assured that Alterac will never fall.

The envoys from all over the world admired this and expressed their admiration for the bravery and fearlessness of the father. How about the father, I did the right thing. "

King Aiden stared wide-eyed, "You, you, you bastard, how could I say that!"

"Why don't you say that?" Murphy said with an innocent face: "You can't say that you are afraid of orcs, you can only hide in the castle and tremble, and you don't dare to fight the orcs at all, I think you must not be like this People, right?"

"You! You! You!" King Aiden stood up angrily, but pointed at Murphy and trembled for a long time, but was speechless. This matter really cannot be admitted.

Murphy suddenly laughed, "Haha, you don't have to get excited, my father, Sigret, Dalabon, and I fought several battles against orcs in the Kingdom of Stormwind, participated in the Second Battle of Black Gate, the Battle of Dagger Ridge, Red Ridge Mountain In the defensive battle, countless enemies were killed, even the first orc chief Hellscream who drank the blood of the devil was defeated by me.

I know the reality of the orcs. There are only [-] orcs. In my eyes, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs. My Alterac Kingdom has strong generals like clouds and warriors like rain. A mere Frostwolf clan, how could it be no match for you? Right everyone? "

The nobles looked at each other, and Earl Adalian smiled wryly, "Prince Aidan, we have already fought those orcs before, and we suffered a disastrous defeat. We really have no face to admit what you just said."

"Hehe, my lords don't have to be ashamed. I don't blame you for the defeat in the previous battle. I have already learned about the process of that battle when I came. First, I didn't gather enough troops. Second, the father didn't personally When you go into battle, you don't belong to each other, the military orders are different, and you don't know those orcs well, so it's normal that you didn't win.

But this time our three brothers have returned and brought back detailed information about the orcs, so we will surely win. "

Duke Barov (Lord of Darrow City): "Oh, I don't know Prince Aidan, how can we win?"

Murphy glanced at the Duke who had spoken, and smiled slightly, "War is based on the art of war, you know the art of war, you have to use your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, I use the art of war to see that the Frostwolf clan had three defeats, and we Trank has three victories.

The Frostwolf Clan went on an expedition, and the lone army went deep, unable to understand the geography of our country. This was a defeat.

My Alterac men are all native sons of the mountains, and they are very familiar with every plant and tree in Alterac. This is a home game, and this is a victory.

The Frostwolf clan are invaders, they came here to rob land and wealth, and they don't have the will to fight to the death. As long as we hit them head-on and let them know how powerful we are, they will retreat. This is a double defeat.

But I, the Alterac warrior, fought for my homeland and never retreated. This is two victories.

The Frostwolf orcs are far away from their homeland, and all the people are soldiers. One dies and one loses. Once defeated, there will be no second chance. This is three defeats.

But we are fighting the enemy on our own land. Even if the soldiers are lost, we can immediately recruit more soldiers. If we mobilize with all our strength, a hundred thousand troops can gather. The strength of our troops far exceeds that of the Frostwolf orcs. Even if we lose once or twice, You can also fight again with the whole army. This is three victories.

With three defeats and three victories, why should father be worried. "

After hearing this, all the nobles suddenly looked stunned. They didn't expect us to have such a big advantage, so what are you afraid of?

(End of this chapter)

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