Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 257 The Meeting of the Princes

Chapter 257 The Meeting of the Princes

Even King Aiden looked relieved.

Mo Feiyou continued: "The reason why we couldn't win the previous battle is that we didn't gather all our troops, and at the same time, the father didn't go to battle in person. If the father led the army in person, the morale would be greatly boosted, and we would naturally be able to win the battle." .”

"Personally... go into battle?" King Aiden had a embarrassed expression on his face.

Mo Fei was thinking about how to persuade him, but one of the nobles over there stepped forward.

"That's right, His Majesty the King should go to battle in person, aren't you the blood of the King of the Mountain!"

This statement immediately received a burst of approval.

"That's right, Your Majesty, you must be afraid of those orcs, right?"

These words immediately made King Aiden a little embarrassed to step down. He was frightened to death when he heard that the orcs had invaded, so it was really difficult for him to let him go into battle.

But this matter is absolutely unacceptable. Although the peace of the alliance countries has been somewhat decayed after hundreds of years, the martial spirit is still there. The king's appeal and sanctity are largely due to his strong personal charm and Supported by strength.

If he really admitted that he was afraid of orcs, then the king would not do it.

And this matter really can't be done without him. To put it bluntly, fighting is a matter of strength and morale. Alterac Kingdom and the Frostwolf clan are not much different in strength, so morale is very important.

If the morale is low, it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness. Once the morale is too low, the army will collapse.

But as long as the king is on the battlefield, at least 20 more morale points can be added, and the soldiers can last longer.

The nobles questioned, and the princes also began to follow suit.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, the king of Lane has gone to the battlefield in person, what's wrong with you, Dad?"

Zhuo Genbao (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, Dad, you are still a man, how can we mountain warriors lose the chain at this time."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Father, don't worry, with my God of War Lu Bu here, I will never let you suffer the slightest harm on the battlefield. In my opinion, Durotan is like selling the first bid. I didn't do it last time." If there is time to participate in the battle, this time we will definitely let him come back.”

"Father! Father! Father, you must stand up!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you must take responsibility."

Faced with the collective instigation of the princes and nobles, King Aiden was in a dilemma.

Aiden (King of Alterac): "But those orcs are too fierce, can you really beat them? Why don't you hold the castle and let them retreat by themselves."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "The so-called brother who fights the tiger goes into battle as a father and son soldier. More than 20 of us go up together, and let him lie down with one big move per person."

Barov (Lord of Darrow City): "Your Majesty, don't worry, we will also lead the warriors of various families to fight."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Father, don't be ignorant of good and bad. If you really don't want to take responsibility, you might as well pass on the throne to me and let me command the battle instead of you."

Murphy was a little stunned when he saw these brothers forcing the palace. He just couldn't understand the cowardice of this cheap old man and said a few words, but he didn't expect these brothers to cooperate so much and put Aiden up together.

These nobles are also quite powerful.

Now King Aiden finally had no choice.

Aiden (King of Alterac): "Well, I will personally lead the army, but as a king, I have to be responsible to the soldiers of the kingdom, and I must not go to war lightly, I must gather enough troops. "

"Your Majesty, all the troops of the Kingdom have been gathered in the city now. There are a total of [-] troops. Even the navy sailors have been transferred back. Where can there be any troops to call?"

Aiden (King of Alterac): "You can ask the nobles to transfer all the defenders in their castles to join the battle, and also recruit militias from towns and cities in various places. Also, how are the adventurers recruited? Send another For the wave recruitment mission, the standard of recruitment can be lowered a bit, anyone who can afford a sword (above level one) can participate in the battle."

Now the nobles can quit. To put it bluntly, the castle is their lifeblood. If their own castle is lost, it will be meaningless to win.

"I have made up my mind, and I will implement it immediately, otherwise I will be charged with treason, and today's meeting will come to an end."

King Aiden left after speaking.

Now the nobles are silent.

The princes all had weird expressions, and the atmosphere was quite subtle.


When Murphy walked out of the conference hall, he was immediately stopped by someone.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, brother Aidan, you played well today, and finally persuaded that old waste Aiden, you don't know, he refused to say what we said before. To participate in the war, we can only fight with our brothers, but in the end, without the morale of the king, he can’t go up, and there is no unified command in the war, and now we can finally have the strength to fight.”

"By the way, come to the side hall later, all three of you will come."

Murphy exchanged glances with Dalabonba and Sigret, followed Victor and walked there, and soon came to a side hall, where more than 20 princes were all there.

Lu Bu, the god of war, asked his men to guard the gate, and then a group of princes gathered around for a meeting.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "What's the situation? Why are you still having a small meeting?"

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Of course, we have a meeting to study how to fight this war. We are all brothers and players. We can say that our interests are the same. That old man Aiden doesn't agree with us. Well, this guy has defected to the orcs in history, and the entire Alterac Kingdom has been destroyed.

We can't let him make the same mistakes again.

Those aristocrats are even more selfish. They only want to protect themselves and their own power and status. It is not credible, so we brothers must discuss how to play when we go to the battlefield. We can't let them sell it, otherwise Losing a battle is a small matter, but losing an account is a major issue. My account is a good one with the money saved from returning a car, so there is absolutely no room for loss. "

"Second brother is right. To come to Alterac to be a prince, it is not easy for everyone to get money. We must not let those insidious old guys get hurt."

Several princes vented their dissatisfaction in a hurry.

After hearing this, Murphy knew what was going on. It turned out that the princes were very motivated during the last war, thinking that if they couldn't keep up with the Stormwind battle, it would be fine if they wiped out the Frostwolf clan on their own land. Can earn a lot of plot points.

And there are so many lords and heroes here, how can they not lose.

As a result, after going to the battlefield, it was found that there was no king whose morale was low, and those nobles all brought their own private soldiers to work without any effort. The cavalry suddenly cut down the three princes in one encounter, and the rest collapsed immediately after seeing something bad.

Murphy also secretly sighed in his heart. These old brothers are really sad. Every time the three brothers are in Stormwind City, there are a large number of NPCs in front of them to absorb the damage. Varian, King Lane, Lothar, and Bolvar Duke, everyone takes the lead, and players can easily follow behind to gain plot points. The nobles in Alterac are really fucking cheating, and they sold their teammates directly.

But it’s not surprising, the royal family and nobles in Alterac have always been low-five boys in history. King Aiden defected to the Horde, and Duke Barov defected to the Scourge. They are nothing compared to the Dream Team from the Stormwind Kingdom. ah.

(End of this chapter)

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