Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 258

Chapter 258
Murphy was not surprised at all by the cheating attributes of the royal family and nobles in Alterac, but what surprised him was the fighting power of the Frostwolf orcs.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Is Durotan so fierce? He doesn't have many victories in history."

Victor explained: "Although Durotan is quite fierce, he is actually a commander-in-chief hero. He mainly commanded the Frostwolf cavalry that day, and he didn't take part in the battle himself. It was Saurfang who actually killed our three brothers."

"Lord Saurfang?"

"No, it's King Saurfang and his elder brother—Broxxigar Saurfang, who somehow was sent by Orgrim to be a guest general in the Frostwolf clan. He and Lao Ba felt that they could compare each other, and the two of them went up together, but they were cut off when they met each other..."

I'm going, it's this one!

Murphy still knows something about this person. Broxshiga Saurfang, the elder brother of King Saurfang, the most legendary orc hero in the tribe, has experienced three wars in the history of orcs. Saurfang A family of three heroes, each of them is fierce, but this elder brother should be regarded as the fiercest one.

In fact, this Broxigar didn't appear in the game, but played a big role in the official novel War of the Ancients trilogy. The biggest achievement of this guy was to cut Sargeras' thigh with an axe.

Speaking of which, this matter also involves time travel. After the establishment of the new tribe, the red dragon Krasus, the human mage Ronin, and Broxiga Saurfang traveled together to the ancient land 1 years ago. The war ended just as Sargeras invaded Azeroth.

In the last war, with the oak ax given by Cenarius, he killed countless demons in the Well of Eternity, and finally faced Sargeras as a mortal. The wound, considering the height issue, was probably cut on Sargeras' foot with an axe.

Successfully delayed the pace of the Burning Legion's march into Azeroth.

So some old players back then even thought that Broxiga Saurfang was the strongest orc in the history of the tribe.

Of course, this kind of thing is a matter of opinion.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What level of hero is Broxigar?"

"Epic Tier [-], Durotan is also Epic Tier [-], and there is Drek'Thar, Epic Tier [-], these three guys are the most fierce, and the rest is easy to say."

Murphy thought that would be enough, this is the gap, even if King Aiden went to the battlefield, he would have to give away his first-level gold strength for nothing, and those nobles would be ruined.

The appearance of Broxshiga is not accidental, and Murphy is very suspicious that this is the influence exerted by the system to ensure the development of the plot.

He now suddenly understands why there are only 50 princes in Alterac. Not only is it a matter of national power, but the biggest reason is that Alterac was the first country in the alliance camp to die, and it was completely destroyed. Didn't get up either.

Unlike other countries, tossing and tossing can still cheat the corpse and restore the country.

Alterac has even severed the royal blood, and the land was directly annexed by Lordaeron, not even a scum left. According to the consistent nature of the system, the plot will be guided to develop according to the original historical plot line.

Maybe this is the biggest reason why Alterac Prince is cheap.

Thinking of this, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged.

This time it seemed that he was going to have to fight the system, but he wasn't particularly worried. After all, the system would only guide and not forcibly interfere with the plot. Didn't Emperor Shenwu succeed in ascending the throne?

But it's definitely not enough to rely on yourself, and you still have to let these brothers work together to succeed.

Thinking of this, Murphy heaved a long sigh, "Brothers, good brothers, I have to say that this time we are probably going to face the biggest crisis. If we can't make it through, once Alterac falls, I'm afraid our title of prince will be lost."

The princes couldn't believe it.

William (Prince of Alterac): "Isn't it? Didn't you say that we have three victories and the Horde has three defeats?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I was fooling those NPCs, in fact, in my opinion, we are the three losers, and the Horde is the three victories.

You see, the Frostwolf clan left their hometown and came here to occupy land to make a living. You can see this by looking at the surrounding environment. They are surrounded by enemy countries. Only the Alterac Valley is the most suitable place for them to live. There is no place to run, so it can be said that they have fought their last battle, and this is a victory.

On the other hand, the nobles of Alterac have their own little calculations. They all want to preserve their strength. Anyway, if they are defeated, they will not destroy the country. You can escape to a foreign country to become a rich man, so naturally you won't fight so desperately.This is a defeat.

The orcs were united, the government orders were smooth, and Durotan made a decision with one word, and there was no command problem at all. This is two wins.

And we Alterac's Aiden's old trash has insufficient prestige, and the nobles have their own ghosts. To be honest, our group of princes can't be said to be very united. Two defeats.

But the most important thing is that the Frostwolf has survived in the Alterac Valley in history, but the Alterac Kingdom has really perished.

I don't know if you have noticed, but as far as I feel, the system of this game always seems to be guiding the game plot to develop in the original historical direction.

In other words - destiny is no longer on us.

If this feeling is true, it means that the Frostwolf clan occupying Alterac Valley is blessed by destiny.This is three wins.

And the subjugation of Alterac itself has no destiny, and it is destined to become a short-lived kingdom. This is a triple defeat.

With three victories and three losses, if we don't work together, it's hard to think about it. "

All the princes were dumbfounded when they heard this, with serious expressions on their faces, thinking that this is completely different from what you said before, why did you let you say all the good things?

But don't tell me, let Mo Fei make such an analysis, the originally good situation seems to have suddenly fallen into a desperate situation, on the verge of national subjugation.

Falling Leaves with the Wind (Prince of Alterac): "Brother Aidan is quite reasonable, and it's more than that. According to the adventurer's report, the Frostwolf orcs may have formed an alliance with the ice elemental lord Lokhora. With the help of elemental lords, our chances of winning are slightly lower."

Ice elemental lord Lockhora?Murphy immediately remembered that among the three most difficult kingdom missions in Alterac, there was the mission of expelling the ice elemental lord. He didn't expect that no one would complete this mission after he left for so long.

The shaman is best at communicating with all spirits, and among them, elements are the most common. The Fire Demon King of Black Rock Mountain has now formed an alliance with the tribal army in the south. Unexpectedly, the Frostwolf also hooked up with one. They found a reinforcement.

This kind of lord-level elemental creature should not be too fierce on the battlefield.

The strength of ordinary soldiers is of course important, but such extraordinary creatures can undoubtedly change the balance of war.

Fortunately, I am about to perform the Dragon Feast Ceremony, and I am also a supernatural being.

But this can't be said out loud, let's finish the Dragon Feast Ceremony after the meeting, otherwise it will be really dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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