Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Large amount and full control (two in one)

The wolf cavalry saw the extraordinary weapon in his hand, and fled in all directions, not daring to fight Murphy head-on.

"Shoot his horse, shoot his horse!" A deep and strange voice suddenly sounded, and it was unknown which clever ghost was shouting.

Immediately, several Frostwolf Ax Throwing Cavalry surrounded them. The Frostwolf Ax Throwing Cavalry is a long-range variant of the Frostwolf Knight, who can use throwing axes for long-range attacks. Rows of throwing axes are projected towards Murphy, and Murphy He raised his sword to block it, but forgot that the Storm Controller could not be used as a shield like the dragon-slaying giant sword, and the warhorse fell to the ground with a whine after a round of fire.

Murphy himself was hit by a throwing axe and lost dozens of drops of blood.

He fell headfirst from the horse, and immediately jumped up when he landed—the incarnation of thunder cloud!
It turned into a violent thundercloud with strange flashes of lightning and flew directly to the group of Frostwolf axe-throwing cavalry, and suddenly fell from the sky. When it landed, a cloud of thunder exploded and spread in all directions, and the shock wave even lifted several Frostwolf knights. overturned.

Murphy swung his storm sword and slashed at the nearest orc.

Charge up and hit!

Almost one sword at a time, cut down four or five Frostwolf cavalry in an instant.

The remaining ax-throwing cavalry quickly distanced themselves and threw throwing axes again.

Murphy waved his hand - Hurricane Armor!
[Hurricane Armor: You are surrounded by a violent hurricane for 30 seconds. During this period, enemies within 5 yards around you will be affected by a continuous deceleration effect, and any long-range physical attacks targeting you will be affected Influence of the skew effect. 】

A bitter whirlwind whizzed and swirled around Mur Fei immediately, and the flying axes were blown off course before they got close.

And once Murphy approached, the deceleration effect of the hurricane made these wolf knights unable to run even if they wanted to.

Murphy continued to chase and killed several wolf knights in a row.

Seeing that the Frostwolf knights couldn't beat them, the leader let out a strange cry and fled in all directions.

At the same time, Roland also led his team of North Wind Knights to repel the siege of the wolf cavalry on the left.

Seeing that all the Frostwolf cavalry had run away, Murphy hastily ordered not to pursue them, and quickly took stock of the results of the battle. Nineteen of the Frostwolf knights died, and in just a short while, eleven of the 32 North Wind knights also died. .

Roland brought a war horse that had lost its owner to Murphy. As he got on the horse, Murphy secretly marveled. The fighting power of these Frostwolf knights is really fierce, and they can't get any bargain against the North Wind Knights on the same scale.

If it weren't for the hero himself who took the lead and cut down a large wave of enemies, this wave would probably have wiped out the entire army.

Without any hesitation, Mo Fei immediately asked his men to continue on the road. Although the enemy was repelled, this encounter may have attracted the attention of the enemy, and they must move forward as soon as possible, aiming at Tongtian Peak.

The biting cold wind was blowing head-on, and 22 riders galloped over the snow field.

However, he was afraid of something, and suddenly there was a wolf howling in the darkness in the distance. Mo Fei turned his head and looked to the north, and a black pack of Frostwolf cavalry appeared on the distant mountain ridge.

The number is as many as thousands.

[System prompt: Trigger the plot event [Ice Field Pursuit], you are about to enter the plot event, your identity in this plot event is [The Prince in Distress], please be prepared. 】

Murphy's face suddenly changed. With so many enemies, there was no need to fight at all.

And since it is a plot event, it means that the opponent is led by at least one hero, which is not good.


Murphy ran towards Tongtian Peak with his knights, followed by the Frostwolf Knights.

Fortunately, when running in a straight line, the speed of the Alterac horse is not weaker than the Frostwolf. However, before Murphy had time to rejoice, he saw a strange red light flickering in the darkness behind him.

No, it's bloodthirsty!
Bloodlust: Increases a unit's attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 25%.

The opponent actually has an army shaman, and it seems that the level is quite high. The group bloodthirsty technique was obviously used just now. Although it did not affect the entire army, it also strengthened the speed of more than 100 wolf knights, and added more than 100 frost wolves with buffs. The knight's speed increased immediately, and he quickly approached Murphy and the others.

Mo Fei groaned secretly, if he was entangled, he might not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

Roland (guardian knight): "Your Highness, you go first, let me lead the knights to prevent them from delaying time."

Murphy glanced at the old knight with white beard and hair, and was slightly moved in his heart. Suddenly, his heart moved, and his eyes fell on the Storm Controller in his hand.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "No, let's go together—as a prince, I can't abandon my soldiers and escape alone. You take the cavalry and go first, and I will finish off—this is an order! "

After speaking, Wei Wei pulled the reins abruptly, and fell to the back of the team.

Roland was taken aback, but he still gritted his teeth and led the knights to run wildly.

Seeing that Roland and the cavalry had already ran several hundred meters away, the more than 100 wolf cavalry behind them gradually approached.

Mo Fei suddenly raised the storm controller in his hand, and he raised the big sword high.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Storm - listen to me!"

Hum, the clear sword body suddenly made the sound of howling wind, and an invisible whirlwind revolved around the sword body, getting bigger and bigger, spreading continuously, and the snow on the ground also rose up with the whistling storm, and the snowstorm all over the sky melted A blizzard visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

Weapon special effect 1: Arouse the storm (limited to one use per day).Summons a small storm, causing a continuous blowing effect on small-sized units within the storm range, and a continuous slowing effect on medium-sized and above units. You can increase the power and influence range of the storm by consuming additional mana.

Although it was only a small storm, it covered hundreds of meters. Murphy poured mana into the sword again. As the storm expanded, those Frostwolf knights were immediately engulfed in ice and snow.

These Frostwolf knights were all medium-sized units, and they didn't have any magic immunity resistance. Under the stinging wind, they staggered to and fro, and their speed dropped drastically.

Murphy laughed, the legendary weapon is really cool to use.

With a pat on the horse, he turned around and rushed through the storm without hindrance.

Weapon Special Effect 2: Hurricane Eye (passive), automatically deflects all wind magic that targets you, and is immune to the deceleration and blowing effects of all wind skills.

After Murphy's blockage, the wolf cavalry army's pursuit speed was immediately blocked a lot. Mur Fei ran out for a few miles in one breath, and the wolf cavalry finally bypassed the range of the storm and started their pursuit again.

Really persevering.

But Mo Fei was not in a hurry, because Tongtian Peak was not far away.

You chased me and fled. Half an hour later, when the wolf cavalry narrowed the distance to 300 meters again, Mo Fei and the others finally arrived at the foot of Tongtian Peak.

Looking at the towering black peaks piercing into the sky above his head and the thunder storm hovering above the peaks, Murphy let out a long breath.

It's basically safe here.

"Don't stop, go!" he shouted to Roland who was waiting for him.

He led the cavalry directly into the snake man ruins below Tongtian Peak.

"Get off the horse and go in!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Murphy jumped off the horse.

Roland also dismounted with the knights, and all the group rushed into the ruins. At the same time, the Frostwolf cavalry also came after them.

The Frostwolf warlord who took the lead paid special attention to the small group of cavalry in front of him.

Originally, I just wanted to isolate the battlefield and prevent humans from investigating the Frostwolf territory, but I didn't expect to block a big fish. The storm just now was definitely the effect of some kind of powerful magic or shaman spells. There must be big people in this group of humans .

"One team and two teams, block the surrounding area and see if there are other exits, and the rest will chase after me."

A group of frost wolf knights also got off the wolf one after another, but they didn't leave their war horses outside like Murphy and the others, but drove the frost wolf directly into the ruins - the frost wolf is also a fighting unit.

Soon the Frostwolf Warlord led his troops to the tunnel leading to the underground cave.

"That's right here, those humans are inside, kill!" The Frostwolf Warlord roared and rushed in, followed by his men. The dark passage was five or six meters wide, and dozens of Frostwolves rushed in at once. The cavalry and a dozen war wolves, but just as they were about to reach the end of the passage, a figure appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Murphy faced the swarming enemies without fear.

Dragon Feast Secret Art - the pure flame of Arundel!

Aww——With a dragon roar, a huge ferocious black dragon head appeared in front of the exit out of thin air, with a mouth open, and flames spewed out.

At this time, this narrow passage became the best place for the dragon's breath to exert its power. Dozens of frost wolf cavalry and dozens of frost wolves squeezed in the passage, which was simply a perfect place to block.

Blazing white flames directly filled the tunnel, flickering with terrifying heat and light, burning through from one end of the tunnel to the other.

Facing the terrifying flames, the Frostwolf Warlord was frightened and froze in place. The next second, a force of frost suddenly surrounded him.

It was the shaman accompanying the army who set him a frost barrier.

The Frostwolf Warlord didn't dare to hesitate, turned around and ran away. By the time he escaped from the passage, his blood volume had already been reduced by half.

Looking back, the Frostwolf warriors in the passage had all been reduced to ashes.

Murphy finally stopped talking, and the head of the black dragon disappeared immediately.

call!So cool!

He sprayed it for more than ten seconds, consuming more than 300 mana, almost exhausting his mana.

But it's really cool.

He took out a bottle of magic potion and drank it quickly.

Seeing that his mana had returned to more than 200 points, Murphy felt a little relieved.

The Dragon Feast Secret Art is powerful, but it also consumes a lot of mana.

There are a thousand orcs outside, if these enemies really rush in desperately, he really can't stand it, and the mana is not enough.

Fortunately, the person on the other side seemed to be frightened by the fire just now, so he only dared to hide at the other end of the passage and growled helplessly.

Galvan (Frostwolf Warlord): "Prince of humans, your magic is indeed powerful. If you are willing to surrender, I can promise not to kill you."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You despicable orcs, I will not believe your words, you are all beasts from another world, your vicious nature and animal nature will never win my trust, if you have Go ahead and send your soldiers in to die if you dare, and my flames will burn them all to ashes."

Galvan (Frostwolf Warlord): "Don't be obsessed, there is no other exit here, you can't escape, don't think you can stay inside forever, I've already gone back to transfer people, as long as the siege troops arrive, you guys Don’t even want to live at all.”

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Just let the horse come, I'm waiting for you."

The two chattered for a while, and it seemed that the opponent did not plan to attack by force, and Murphy was relieved.

The Roland knight on the side said anxiously, "What should I do, Your Highness? We are trapped."

"Hehehe, no one can trap me yet, come with me."

Mo Fei originally wanted to go up to Tongtian Peak alone, but at this time, keeping his subordinates is to let them die. Anyway, they are all NPCs, and Mo Fei is not afraid of revealing the secret, so he just took people up the mountain to hide.

He came to the ancient dragon statue and took out the ancient dragon rock statue from his backpack...

As the passage in the stone mirror appeared, all the knights showed surprised expressions, especially Roland. As an elite, he was considered a very intelligent NPC, and even faintly flushed with excitement on his face.

"Your Highness, is this...?"

Murphy didn't explain, and walked in directly, followed by a group of knights. After the last Northern Wind knight passed through the portal, Murphy closed the gate again and walked along the ancient stone steps towards the peak of Tongtian Peak. go.

The cold wind on Tongtian Peak was even harsher, but the Northern Wind Knights were all highlanders, with the talent to resist the cold, and with fur-lined armor, they would not be harmed by the cold.

Without the pursuers, the Northern Wind Knights relaxed a lot and followed Murphy step by step.

Roland was even more shocked when he saw the bones of those giant dragons. Finally, a group of people came to the top of the mountain.

Looking at the ancient round hall and stone steps in front of him, Roland faintly felt awe.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Roland, take the knights and stand outside. I'm going to start a ceremony, so don't be disturbed."

Roland (Guardian Knight): "Yes, Your Highness."

He immediately directed the knights to form a circle around, but no one stepped on the stone platform.

Mo Fei walked straight up to the stone platform of the Longxiang Ceremony Hall, and came to the altar surrounded by the ancient dragon stone statue.

The mysterious voice sounded immediately, as always.

Mysterious voice: "Wow, wow, let me see, you brought so many people here, are they here to keep you company? Or are you planning to rebuild the Dragon Feast Knights?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Dragon Feast Order? What's that?"

Mysterious voice: "The ancient human warriors gained power by devouring giant dragons, and thus gathered together. The best of them, Emperor Thoradin, summoned a group of the most powerful dragon eaters and created the Dragon Eater Knights. Although The Knights eventually fell apart due to various reasons, but undoubtedly left a heavy mark in history.

It can be said to be the oldest knight order of mankind. "

Murphy shook his head, "I don't have such an idea yet." He is enough for a dragon eater.

Mysterious voice: "Hehe, it's really an expected choice. Ordinary people always cherish power and never want to share it. Well, then, let's put the dragon heart on the altar this time, and let's start the ceremony." .”

The first thing Murphy took out was the dragon heart of Malygos. He couldn't wait for it. If he ate it, the skills he would give would definitely be the same. Maybe he could...

Mysterious voice: "...That is! That is! That is the heart of the guardian dragon! I am not dreaming, how is this possible!"

Hearing the surprised voice of the mysterious voice, Mo Fei was quite relieved in his heart, thinking that there are times when you can't hold back, this mysterious voice has always been extremely mysterious, as if everything is under its control, today finally I was also scared.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What? Scared you?"

Mysterious Voice: Scared of me?Hehe, of course not, it's more like a surprise, the heart of the guardian dragon... Do you know what this means?The power of protection used to belong to the authority of the Dragon God, and was stolen by those five traitors, and now it has finally returned, although only a small part...

But it's certainly a good start, I don't know how the hell you got this thing, but if you keep it up, maybe one day..."

"One day what?" Murphy asked expectantly.

The mysterious voice did not return, but the singing sounded instead.



The majestic singing sounded.

There were looming figures looming around, Mo Fei didn't continue to ask, no matter what happened, he ate it first, picked up the dragon's heart and gnawed it into his mouth.

As soon as he took a bite, Murphy felt a sharp pain in his teeth, and his teeth almost collapsed.
1!A bright red figure popped out of the head.

He looked at the spar-like Dragon Heart in his hand with a dazed expression - my god, what's going on?Can't even chew it?

He took another bite, and this time he finally found the problem. It wasn't that the spar was so hard, but that there seemed to be an invisible force field barrier around the dragon's heart, which couldn't be bitten down at all.

Mysterious voice: Hahahaha, idiot, you don't think the power of protection is so easy to obtain, do you?Now you are far from having such qualifications. "

Murphy was a little dumbfounded now.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "How can I absorb it? Is there any special ritual required?"

Mysterious voice: No, just eat it, but your current strength is not enough to swallow the heart of the guardian dragon, so that time has not yet come.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The current strength? When will it take? Is this road to dragon feast still divided into stages?"

Mysterious voice: "That's right, only dragons are qualified to bear the power of protection, and you are not a dragon. You are just a mortal body now. Only by evolving into a giant dragon can you enter the next stage. Now you There is still a long way to go, let's move forward slowly on the road of Longxiang."

Mo Feixin said that was the case, that is to say, after transforming into a dragon, the Dragon Feast Ceremony can continue, which is really good.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I'm short of six dragon hearts, right?"

Mysterious voice: "That's right."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then I'm relieved. Fortunately, I brought some here this time."

As Mo Fei said, he took out all the remaining eight dragon hearts.

If you are full, it should be enough for you.

Mysterious voice: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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