Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 263 The Road to Dragon Feast——Turning into a Dragon

Chapter 263 The Road to Dragon Feast——Turning into a Dragon

The thunder was rolling, the dark red lightning was shining in the storm, the storm was circling and whistling, and the terrifying and spectacular celestial phenomenon enveloped Tongtian Peak in a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

"What do you think the prince is doing?" A knight looked at Aidan in front of the altar from a distance and couldn't help asking.

"Who knows, maybe it's a sacrifice to a certain god. Those princes like to worship some weird things and do things that make people puzzled. Last week, I went to the Han Dynasty with the Seventeenth Prince. On the battlefield outside Crow City, digging up corpses in the middle of the night is called an infiltrator."

"Hey, a lot of people died in the last battle. I don't know if we can win those orcs."

"We will definitely win. It is said that the king has summoned all the troops of the whole country, and asked all the lords to go back to gather troops. It is really impossible, and there are still adventurers."

"Shh - did you hear any strange singing?"



The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!

Amidst the majestic singing, Mo Fei had already completely eaten a dragon's heart.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony, obtained the skill - [Harlin's Arcane Diversion], and your progress on the Dragon Feast Road has increased to 50%. 】

[Harlin's Arcane Diversion (Dragon Feast Skill)
Passive effect: Your mana regeneration speed is increased by 100%, and your spell power is +30.

Skill introduction: Harrin, the blue dragon spellweaver, is responsible for maintaining the magic net all the year round, and absorbs a lot of arcane energy from it. When you devour the dragon heart, you get part of the infusion of arcane energy. 】

That's it?Looking at the skill description, Murphy couldn't help but be disappointed.

The effect of this skill is somewhat similar to the dragon heart of the 'Lava Fire Dragon Flor' that he ate for the first time, only two passive effects were added.

It seems that the three dragon hearts for active skills that I ate before should be regarded as the best.

He picked up a dragon heart and gnawed it again.


The singing continued, and in the blink of an eye, the second dragon's heart was eaten.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony, obtained the skill - [Atreis's Life Gift], and your progress on the Dragon Feast Road has increased to 60%. 】

This Atreus is a red dragon, and it doesn't seem to be a particularly strong dragon in memory.

I took a look at the skill description, and sure enough——

【Atres' Life Gift (Dragon Feast Skill)
Passive effect: Your health regen is increased by 100%, and your maximum health is increased by 300.

Skill introduction: Atreus is one of the many descendants of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. At the beginning of his birth, he received the blessing of life from the Red Dragon Queen. The life cycle circulates, but now this power falls to you Body, this is the gift of life from Atreus. 】

It's a passive effect again... But it's ok, it's good to have more HP. If you add more passives, you might be able to build a hexagonal warrior. Keep eating.

This time, Mo Fei carefully selected and chose a green dragon heart. He is only one green dragon heart away from being able to gather the five-color team, so this green dragon heart must be eaten.

After one sip, the green dragon's heart tasted a bit bitter like a plant, and it felt like biting a bitter gourd. After eating, there was even a poison sign hanging on the top of Mo Fei's head.

Fortunately, the poisoning effect disappeared after eating the dragon heart.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony, obtained the skill - [Demsekar's Poisonous Dragon Bites], and your progress on the Dragon Feast Road has increased to 70%. 】

[Demsekar's Poisonous Dragon Biting (Dragon Feast Combat Technique)

Use: Transforms the dragon head of the green dragon Demsekar, bites the target in front, and triggers an attack of opportunity.

He gritted his fangs fiercely.Bite the target in front, causing 475 points of physical damage and adding a poisonous effect.

Bloody bite.Bite the target in front, causing 475 physical damage to it and adding a bleeding effect.

Conditions of use: 50 mana points, triggering an attack of opportunity consumes an additional 25 mana points.

Skill description: Demsekar devours highly poisonous plants all year round and absorbs the toxin into the body. It can be injected into the enemy's body when attacking, and now the toxin is also transferred to your body. 】

This skill is not bad. The enhanced poisonous version of Dragon Biter should be good against large targets. Whether it is poisonous or bleeding, it is an effective means to enhance damage.

Then Murphy chose another red dragon heart and ate it. He remembered that the red dragon named Rex was very vigorous. Can you give me some strength?

Soon the fourth dragon heart was also eaten.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony, obtained the skill - [Rex's Giant Dragon Claw], and your progress on the Dragon Feast Road has increased to 80%. 】

[Rex's Giant Dragon Claw (Dragon Feast Combat Technique)

Use: Transform into a huge dragon claw to attack the target in front, you can choose one of two different attack types.

Dragon Claw Slam: Slap a target within five yards in front with a huge dragon claw, causing 500% unarmed attack damage to it, and knocking down the opponent.

Dragon Claw Grapple: Grasp a target within five yards in front with huge dragon claws, making it immobile, and continuously causing 5 points of crushing damage to it within 555 seconds.

Conditions of use: Consume 80 mana.

Skill description: The red dragon Rex has devoted his whole life to improving his physical strength and hand-to-hand combat skills. He is proud of defeating powerful enemies with his bare-handed dragon claws. However, in the end, he cannot escape the fate of being torn apart by the dragon claws. This is the irony of fate. and wonderful. 】


Well, this skill is not too bad.

However, I don't know what it feels like to cast a dragon claw slam in human form. It slightly overlaps with my giant sword macho position. After all, it is a physical attack, but in case the weapon is disarmed one day, you can hit it unexpectedly. one time.

Mo Fei comforted himself, feeling quite helpless about the quality of these dragon hearts.

But there is no way, after all, the battle was very chaotic at that time, the few dragons he killed were all daring to rush up to fight him, or they ran slowly and were caught up by him, and they were all given some melee skills It's understandable.

It doesn't matter, I still have the hearts of two lord-level dragons to eat. These two are the best, and they can definitely give you powerful skills.

Thinking in his heart, he put the dragon hearts of Nefarian and Valastrasz in front of him.

After eating so many dragon hearts, he didn't feel full at all, instead he was even hungrier. He desperately wanted to devour more.

And not far away, those knights looked at Murphy in astonishment. At this time, scales of giant dragons had grown on Murphy's body. A pair of inconspicuous horns appeared, and something protruded from the gap in the armor on the back, but Prince Aidan seemed to be so focused on cooking that he was not aware of these changes in himself at all.

"Lord Roland, Prince Aidan... what's wrong with him?"

Roland's expression was unexpectedly calm, "There is nothing to make a fuss about, Your Highness is completing his ceremony, we are knights, we swear to fight for the kingdom, the royal family, and the prince, so don't panic, let alone panic, the prince will definitely Know what he's doing. We just have to witness it."

The knights stopped talking and just witnessed this strange ceremony.

Murphy had already begun to devour the dragon heart of the Red Dragon Lord Valastraz. This dragon heart was extremely hot and exuded a strong breath of life. Even though it had been dead for so long, the beating of the dragon heart But still powerful.

One mouthful, two mouthfuls, large pieces of flesh and blood were swallowed into his stomach, and Mo Fei felt a surge of heat in his body, and his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible strength. This feeling was completely absent when he ate those dragon hearts before.

As expected of a lord-level dragon heart, this thing is a great supplement!

The more Mo Fei ate, the more excited he became, and soon he also ate the huge red dragon heart.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony and obtained the skill - [Varastrasz's Red Dragon Essence]. You have absorbed the life essence in the dragon's heart, and your upper limit of health has been permanently increased by 500 points. You The progress of the Dragon Food Road has increased to 90%. 】

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a dragon heart of the lord level. It not only adds additional attributes to the skills.

Mo Fei looked forward to checking this dragon feast skill.

[The Red Dragon Essence of Valastrasz (Dragon Feast Mystery)

Use: Unleash the dragon essence within you, increasing the mana/rage/energy regeneration of all friendly units within 30 yards by 300% for 180 seconds.

Conditions of use: Consume 500 HP.Every time you use this skill, you will enter a 'weak state'. In this state, you cannot use this skill again, and the stamina attribute will be reduced by 20 points for 24 hours.

Skill description: Valastrasz is one of the spouses of the Red Dragon Queen. During the long-term contact with the Red Dragon Queen, Valastrasz's life has gradually been sublimated, and the red dragon essence in his body has also become a A powerful energy carrier. 】

Um?It turned out to be a buff skill, this is the first time I encountered it, it was a bit surprising.

But judging by the effect, it is really quite powerful, equivalent to a powerful BUFF for a group, and the 3-minute burst skill is definitely useful in a big battle.

Without the slightest hesitation, Murphy was ready to continue eating.

He picked up Nefarian's dragon heart, feeling a little excited. This is the tenth dragon heart. Once this dragon heart is eaten, the path of the dragon feast will reach 100%, and he will be able to transform into a dragon.

There are three results of transforming a dragon.

Failure: Transformed into a deformed half-human, half-dragon monster.

Small success: Transformed into a dragon and lost the ability to transform back into a human.

Great success: become the real person who has mastered the will and power of the dragon, and can transform into a dragon with skills and return to human form.

Murphy took a deep breath. Although he thought he knew the power of the dragon well, he was still a little nervous. If he failed to transform the dragon, he would turn into a monster like a lava dragon.

Even a small success is not good. If you can't turn back into a human after transforming into a giant dragon boss, it means that the foundation you built in Alterac will be lost, but this result is still acceptable. Speaking of which, the BOSS template is also very cool to play.

Of course, the best thing is to be a big success, to become a real dragon feeder, who can transform into a dragon and return to human form, that would be perfect.

Murphy is still very confident. Based on the fact that he has trained an ancient black dragon like Murphys in the past, and has experience in piloting Deathwing, it should be no problem to transform a dragon or something.

Thinking of this, he took a bite, one bite after another.

Murphy devoured Nefarian's dragon heart, and as he ate, he finally felt a bit of satisfaction, just like a starving ghost who ate all afternoon in the cafeteria and finally got full, he felt the muscles and bones radiate. There was a weird sound, the spine was growing and growing, and the eyes were in a trance, and the light suddenly became much brighter.

Mo Fei felt astonished, it started, the dragon transformation has already started!

It seemed to feel this change, and even the singing voices of those ancient souls around him also showed a slight change.


The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!
The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, gave birth to scales and sharp claws!
The person of Longxiang, the person of Longxiang, the dragon soul has become a dragon!

Give birth to scales?Grow claws?
Murphy looked down, and sure enough, his hands had turned into dragon claws. On the stone table of the altar, his eyes with vertical pupils were reflected in the smooth mirror. He wanted to stand up, but he staggered and fell down. The legs have transformed into the hind limbs of a giant dragon.

There is no turning back!With a heartbroken heart, he ate the last bite of dragon heart.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ritual and obtained the skill - [Nefarian's Dragon Soul Tearing], you have absorbed the shadow essence in the dragon's heart, your shadow resistance has been permanently increased by 50 points, your The progress of the Dragon Feast Road has increased to 100%. 】

[System prompt: Your progress on the road to dragon food has reached 100%, you have obtained a one-time plot skill [Dragon Transformation], this skill will automatically disappear within 24 hours, please use it as soon as possible.

Warning: This skill is an original skill. Using this skill may cause unknown consequences and cause unknown risks to the player. Please use it with caution. 】

24 hours?It's okay, in time.

Mo Fei felt a little relieved, and he showed the last skill of Long Xiang.

[Nefarian's Dragon Soul Tearing (Dragon Feast Secret Technique)
Use: Tears the soul of a target, causing 500 soul damage to it. If the target is a Dragon, the effect is doubled and a Grievous Wound effect is added.

Conditions of use: Consume 100 mana points, cooldown time is 24 hours.

Skill introduction: Nefarian, the black dragon prince, painstakingly researched and created a powerful magic that can tear the soul of a dragon. The black dragon prince injected his hatred for his father into this magic, but he couldn't use it in time. Now you are in his The magic was found in the remaining power. 】

PS: There will be another chapter in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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