Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 264 Extraordinary Evolution

Chapter 264 Extraordinary Evolution
Not bad, although it is a single-target skill, the soul damage is almost equivalent to real damage. Not only can it ignore the target's armor and resistance, but it can also consume the same amount of mana as the target while causing damage.

Especially for dragons, a serious injury effect can at least weaken the target's combat power by 20%.

The strong vitality of the dragon clan makes it difficult to be hit with serious injury effects, and it is difficult for various poisoning curses to work, but this tearing of the dragon soul can take effect, which can be described as a dragon-slaying magic skill.

At this time, the bones on his body suddenly felt another sharp pain, crackling.

Murphy fell to his knees all of a sudden, it's not good!

Although it was said to be used within 24 hours, Mo Fei could feel that if the huge power in his body was not released, something serious might happen.

God knows what kind of monster this force will twist him into.


Murphy let out a painful roar, which turned into the roar of a giant dragon in the second half.

Murphy struggled to open his arms, and the bones of his arms twisted for a while, giving him a feeling that he wanted to flap his wings to soar. Murphy was not deceived by this illusion, and pressed his left arm to the ground with a bang, and then the other His arms were also pressed to the ground.

There are also differences between giant dragons and flying dragons in the dragon clan. The biggest difference between the two is that giant dragons have four legs and two wings, while flying dragons have two legs and two wings.

Giant dragons are real dragons, while flying dragons are lower dragons.

Murphy has been playing Dragon Clan for so long, and he knows very well that when human limbs are transformed into dragons, they are also the limbs of giant dragons, and the wings are the extra two limbs. Therefore, if you really try to fly with two arms, the two There is a high probability that the arms will turn into dragon wings, and in that case, it will most likely turn into a flying dragon.

This is the advantage of having played Dragon Clan. He is well aware of the corresponding relationship between the body of a dragon and a human body, and will never be misled by this phantom-like feeling.

Click, the muscles on the back were torn, and a pair of bone spurs slowly grew out. They were the ends of the dragon wings. Murphy did not adjust the feeling back to 30%, but still maintained it at 100%. Although it was extremely painful, it was still possible. Better feel every change in the body, the rhythm of every bone, and the growth of every muscle.

Come out for me!He worked hard to exercise the muscles and bones of his back, and felt the control of the wings. The control of this new body is very difficult for those who have never experienced it, but it is easy for Murphy.

He easily sensed the wings, and controlled the wings to grow and expand continuously. Hula, the huge dragon wings finally stretched out of his body completely, lifted high like a sail.


Murphy was excited. He knew very well that controlling the wings was the most difficult moment, followed by the tail. After these two were done, all he had to do was let nature take its course.

Flapping the wings, blood and membranes quickly grew between the wing bones, and the legs kicked back hard, turning into the thick hind legs of a giant dragon in the blink of an eye, kicking the ground hard, and the huge force made him fly straight into the air.

Staggered, he quickly regained his balance with his tail, and every time he flapped his wings, his muscles and bones were further adjusted to the proper position.

His dragon body was slightly different from the black dragon he had flown in the past, but the difference was not very big, and he soon became familiar with the rhythm of flying.

Finally, Mo Fei fully grasped the body of the giant dragon. He soared in the air, feeling the refreshing feeling of the cold wind blowing between the dragon's wings.

He still has some doubts in his heart, and he doesn't know what kind of dragon he has turned into?The last dragon heart I ate was Nefarian, could it be the black dragon?

But three of the ten dragon hearts are red dragon hearts. Could it be that he has become a red dragon?
Well, just spray the dragon's breath and you'll know.

He opened his mouth wide, but nothing came out.

Um?What's going on here, can't breathe out the dragon's breath?

At this moment, the sound of the system finally rang in my ears.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Transformation Ceremony and obtained the Dragon Feast skill - the giant dragon incarnation (Ancestor Dragon), you have completed the Dragon Feast Road and obtained 1000 plot points. 】

Murphy was taken aback for a moment, thinking what the hell is the proto-dragon?

He hurriedly opened the properties panel.

[Aidan Delong (Ancestral Dragon) boss template, the second level of horror.Level 35, HP 47500.

Talent points: 7 points.

Basic skills: dragon claw slam, dragon bite, dragon tail sweep, dragon wing pounce.

Dragon Feast Skills: (can be used in dragon form, but still need to consume mana)'

Flor's Lava Blood (Passive), Harling's Arcane Tap (Passive), Atreus' Gift of Life (Passive).

Arandel's Pure Flame, Arkanagos' Arcane Vortex, Noreldormu's Temporal Flux, Demthekar's Venomous Dragon's Bite, Rex's Dragon Claw, Nefarian's Dragon Soul Tear, Valastrasz's Red Dragon Essence.

Basic Abilities: Flying, Dragon's Breath (not unlocked).

Innate Skill: Extraordinary Evolution (not activated)...]

The previous ones were nothing special, they were nothing more than standard dragon melee skill modules, as well as the dragon food skill - the dragon food skill could be used in the form of a giant dragon, which surprised him a bit.

But what kind of skill is 'Extraordinary Evolution'?Never heard of it before.

Murphy hurriedly opened the skill introduction.

[Extraordinary evolution (talent skill)
Activation effect: energy extraction.When you come into contact with energy, your body will automatically undergo extraordinary transformation. Once it reaches 100%, your race will automatically transform from the proto-dragon to the dragon that corresponds to the energy.

Current evolution completion: 0%.

Skill description: The dragon race is a race with strong adaptability. It can absorb any energy and convert it into its own power. Those that hurt you but cannot kill you will definitely make you stronger.

However, without their immortal bodies, proto-dragons can no longer separate their souls from their bodies like their ancestors did.

Extraordinary evolution can bring extraordinary power, but it will also change the mind because of this power...]

I see!Murphy carefully studied the skill description several times, and finally understood what was going on with this extraordinary evolution. At the same time, he also suddenly understood why there are so many dragon species in this world.

It turned out that it was all caused by this extraordinary evolution.

As long as the corresponding energy is absorbed, it can be transformed into the corresponding dragon type. That is to say, at the beginning, all dragons should be proto-dragons, but different proto-dragons have been exposed to different energies, so they turned into different dragons.

Those who come into contact with the earth and shadow power become black dragons.

Those who were exposed to arcane energy turned into blue dragons.

Those who were exposed to the power of time turned into bronze dragons...

After evolution, the regenerated offspring became the five-color dragons and other dragon subspecies today.

It turns out that it is equivalent to getting a chance to freely switch races (only dragon race), no, it is not that simple, it is equivalent to having the opportunity to create a new dragon race.

Then you have to think carefully about what kind of dragon clan you want to evolve into.

Is it to absorb arcane energy and take the legal route?
Still absorb the shadow and the earth, and return to the old road of the black dragon, which is the dragon family he is most familiar with.

Or—the power of time?Become a bronze dragon?However, no one has disclosed where the Cavern of Time is until now, which is a bit difficult.

Moreover, the bronze dragon might not be willing to let him in. In his current form of the proto-dragon, he might be killed if he meets him.

No, you can't choose these popular dragon clans, that would be too common. After all, you have the opportunity to create a new dragon clan. The first dragon of a brand new dragon clan should be able to automatically obtain the status of Dragon King, right?
How about absorbing the power of the Holy Light to evolve into a Holy Light Dragon?It's golden, it's probably very cool.

Or inject the fel energy in the Ring of Sargeras Domination into himself, and incarnate the fel energy Demon King Dragon?It should be quite domineering, but in that case, it is estimated that it will really be blackened.

Or absorb the power of death and become a death dragon?But what is the difference between a dead dragon and an undead dragon?

It was difficult for Murphy to choose for a while.


An explosion of thunder caused Mo Fei, who was thinking, to suddenly look up. The storm in the sky was stirring, and the red lightning flashed in the dark clouds, making a frightening roar.

The storm swirled, obscuring the stars and moonlight.

Only the dark red thunder light illuminates the surroundings, making everything look very strange.

Yes, the storm!Murphy suddenly remembered one of his talents.

[Son of the Storm (Awakened)
Talent introduction: The blood of Annolos, the God of Storms, flows in your body. Although this blood has long been thin and insignificant, thanks to the blessing of the God of Storms, the power in this blood has finally awakened again, and the power of the storm god is in your body In turn, the power of your lightning skills is increased by 50%, the power of your wind skills is increased by 50%, your lightning resistance is increased by 100 points, and you can trigger any hidden tasks related to the God of Storms. 】

I should absorb the power of the storm and thunder, and transform into a dragon of the storm!

I have the blood of the God of Storms in my body, and lightning and wind skills have a 50% increase in power. That is to say, once I transform into a storm dragon, the power of my life skills will naturally increase by 50%. What is this concept? It is equivalent to increasing the damage by half Ah, it's a perfect fit.

Moreover, he still has 100 points of lightning resistance, which also allows him to obtain maximum safety when absorbing the power of thunder.

Murphy calculated it carefully again, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, and this storm was right in front of him, hitting the sun was not as good as today, and it was you.

Thinking of this, he shook his wings violently, and flew directly into the dark storm clouds with red lightning shining in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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