Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 265 Storm Dragon King

Chapter 265 Storm Dragon King
The proto-dragon's flying ability is very good. Since it has not absorbed any energy, the body of the giant dragon is flesh-red, the skin is tough dragon skin, and has not yet grown thick scales, so the body is extremely light, almost riding the wind. .

In the blink of an eye, it flew into the clouds.

Surrounded by howling air currents and dense dark clouds, Mo Fei rode the wind and flew directly towards the most dazzling cloud layer where the thunder flashed.

As if the storm felt the challenge, dazzling thunder flashed in the sky again, and there was a loud roar.

A flash of lightning flashed across the clouds, and the lightning seemed to tear everything apart. The crimson thunder cast a death-like shadow under the dark clouds, and the figure of Aidan Deron's giant dragon was directly reflected in the surrounding thick clouds among.

There was a tremor in Murphy's heart. The thunder was so shocking and so close that he couldn't help feeling a little fear in his heart. The fear of the power of the world and everything around him was so real that he completely forgot It's just a game.

But this fear was fleeting, and then it became a heroic ambition that was not afraid of anything.

He activated the energy extraction function of extraordinary evolution and accelerated again.

Aidandron (Proto-Dragon): "Come! Thunder! Storm! Unleash your power, unleash your wrath, come—" Boom!A red lightning bolt hit him and interrupted his monologue.

The lightning flashed, and -1108 popped out of his head instantly!damage figures.

Mo Fei felt an electric current run through his whole body in an instant, and the entire dragon body seemed to be pierced through, my day!What about the agreed 100 points of lightning resistance, how can there be such a high damage?

If you don't have the 100 points of lightning resistance, I'm afraid you will be cooked by electricity.

The color of this red lightning is so weird, is there something to say?
Mysterious voice: idiot, the lightning in the storm is not an ordinary natural lightning, but an enchantment of dragon language magic set up here tens of thousands of years ago by the ancient dragon clan. It is a powerful force called "ancient dragon thunder and lightning". That is not something your flesh and blood can control and resist, come back quickly - if you don't want to die. "

Sure enough - Gu Long Lei Dian, it sounds very powerful.

Thinking of this, Mo Fei not only didn't back down, but looked forward to it a little more, which means that after absorbing the lightning, he will also master the power of the ancient dragon thunder and lightning, so what are you waiting for!
He turned to one side, following the airflow in the dark cloud, he continued to walk through the cloud layer, looking for the location where the thunder and lightning gathered.

This is not difficult for him, the blood of the storm god in his body allows him to keenly feel the density of lightning power around him.

boom!Another lightning strike fell on him, -1080!

Glancing at the progress bar, he saw that two bolts of lightning increased his evolution rate by 4%. He quickly calculated his blood volume, 47500 points of health, and could almost withstand 40-45 bolts of lightning, but during this period he still Being able to regenerate blood by oneself, coupled with the passive 'Atreth's Life Gift', should be able to resist 10-15 more lightning bolts, calculated as each lightning bolt increases by 2%, it is enough!

Murphy immediately had a bottom line.

He flapped his wings and continued to head towards the storm. The lightning became more and more dense, one after another, continuously falling on the body of the proto-dragon.

With the absorption of energy, subtle changes took place in the dragon's body.

Pieces of purple dragon scales grew from the originally naked dragon skin, which were very sparse, but they were clearly undergoing transformation. Lightning lingered on the scales, and the entire dragon body seemed to be shrouded in the light of thunder and lightning.

20% - 30% - 40% - 50%...

Lightning flashed between Mo Fei's dragon claws, and another bolt of lightning fell. Mo Fei stretched out his claws suddenly, and caught the lightning directly in the dragon's claws. The dragon thunder jumped and struggled in the claws like a violent snake. , Murphy tried to condense it into shape, but unexpectedly, with a bang, the thunder and lightning exploded in the claws.

Although he failed, Murphy laughed out loud. It feels good to be in control of Thunder and Lightning.

The laughter was immediately interrupted by several lightning bolts falling one after another...

at the same time--

At the orc camp at the foot of Tongtian Peak, the orcs looked up at the sky in horror. For some unknown reason, the storm on the top of the peak suddenly became violent. Reflecting the dark clouds, even at the foot of the mountain so far away, one can still feel the terrifying power of the thunder.

"My God, what the hell happened?"

"Is it magic?"

"That's the power of the storm, don't be afraid, our shaman can also control lightning."

"Look, there seems to be something in that cloud—it's a dragon!"

It was indeed a dragon, but what they saw was not a dragon, but the image of Aidandron's phantom projected in the clouds under the light of thunder. From a distance, it looked like an extremely huge dragon fighting Thunder and lightning fight in the clouds.

"Master Drek'Thar, what do you think?" The orc warlord looked at the old shaman beside him.

The old shaman closed his eyes, as if sensing something.

"I felt an ancient power, strange and powerful. Those humans must have awakened some kind of ancient power! That dragon must be a very terrifying monster."

"Then what do we do?"

Drek'Thar (Prophet) "I'm going to stay here. If this force will pose a threat to the Horde, I must make sure to know in advance..."


The giant dragon, which was considered to be a terrifying monster, was suffering horrific devastation at this time.

The skin of the dragon's body was almost carbonized, but because Murphy had already entered a berserk state with less than 30% HP, he became extremely active instead.

The energy extraction progress is 95%.

Almost there!

However, at this moment, another bolt of lightning struck down, and Mo Fei suddenly felt a burst of weakness, and he fell downwards in a spiral.

He glanced at the health bar, the thunder and lightning struck so fast that his blood volume had no time to recover, and he was already in a dying state.

He tried his best to spread his wings and glide in the storm. The experience of flying countless times in the past helped him a lot. He staggered and fell on the stone platform of the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall, but he did not receive any fall damage.

Murphy struggled hard and stood up, looking at the blood volume.

There are still [-] health points, so it should be fine.

However, when he raised his head, Murphy was shocked to find that the storms in the sky were converging and rotating, forming a huge vortex, and in the center of the vortex, a group of red thunder light was gradually forming, and the thunder light became brighter and brighter , and seems to be constantly accumulating strength.

Damn, is this going to bring down the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation?I just absorbed energy, why did I still use a big move?

Mysterious voice: That is the response mechanism of the ancient dragon magic. You have absorbed too much ancient dragon lightning, and the magic treats you as an enemy, and will automatically counterattack when faced with threats. Do you think it will be all right after landing?I told you a long time ago not to take any risks.

It doesn't matter, Murphy thought, I still have life-saving skills that are useless. He is not the kind of person who will go up and take risks as soon as his brain is hot.

Of course, this trick must be used at the right time, because there are only five seconds.

He hesitated for a while, and it was only 5% short. As long as he resisted this thunderstorm, he should be able to succeed, but he only had less than [-] health points. What if he died?
Or keep it steady.

For a moment, he was extremely entangled, but at this moment——

Suddenly a hand was placed on his dragon claw, and as soon as Murphy lowered his head, he saw Roland's old face, looking at him resolutely.

Aidandron (Ancestral Dragon): "Roland, what are you doing? Get out of here, it's dangerous."

The dragon made a deep voice, but Roland heard Prince Aidan's voice from it, and he felt relieved. He was really afraid that Prince Aidan would turn into a monster.

Roland (Guardian Knight): "Your Highness, I am your Guardian Knight. How can I retreat in the face of danger? Let me help you share the damage. This is the duty and honor of being a Guardian Knight."

"And me!" Another knight rushed up.

"And me!" No.2 knight.

"In the name of the Northern Wind Knight!"

"For the King of the Mountain!"

"For Alterac!"

"For Prince Aidan!"

One by one, the north wind knights rushed up one after another. They put their hands on the charred body of the giant dragon. The flesh and blood were connected together, as if forming a whole. Stop, he didn't give orders to these knights, but they were willing to sacrifice their lives for themselves?
The game mechanism is good, and the NPC's automatic response is also good, but at this moment, Murphy looked at the group of knights around him and felt extremely moved.

Originally, he thought that the combat effectiveness of the Northern Wind Knights was really useless, and they could be called the bottom of the alliance's major knight orders, but now, he suddenly felt that these talents were real warriors.

With these 22 knights, it is better than a thousand troops!
Damn it!With such loyal and brave soldiers, this time it will surely succeed!
For no reason, Mo Fei suddenly became extremely confident, and a belief that he would win spontaneously arose in his heart.

He looked up at the sky, completely no longer considering the option of escape.

"Come on! The power of the ancient dragon thunder and lightning!"

The thunder and lightning that had been gestated for a long time finally fell, a red light flashed in front of my eyes, the sky and the earth suddenly went dark, and there was silence around, as if time had stopped.

Everything was silent, only the dark red light illuminated the resolute faces of the dragon below and the 22 knights around.

The next second—

There was a loud roaring sound and the bucket-thick red lightning crashed down with the momentum to destroy everything.

This bolt of lightning was falling on the back of the giant dragon, and the current was flying everywhere. The huge impact made the dragon lie on the ground directly. fall down.

When the thunder light dissipated, the giant dragon lay quietly on the ground, completely scorched black by the electricity, and bursts of blue smoke came out of its body.

And around the giant dragon, there were more than 20 silent knights, which made people doubt for a while that all these dragons and people died under the flash of lightning just now.

There was a dead silence on Tongtian Peak.

But suddenly, there was a flash of lightning between the giant dragon's claws, and after a few seconds, there was another crack, the dragon's claws trembled slightly, and the eyelids of Longan slowly trembled, followed by crackling!The sound of lightning became louder and louder, and the electric current ran wildly on the surface of the dragon's body. The skin that was struck by lightning like coke fell off one after another, revealing the fine purple dragon scales underneath, which were integrated into one body. After getting rid of the scorched body, the giant dragon raised its neck, revealing its ferocious face, a magnificent dragon with purple scales all over its head, and thunderous eyes flashing in its eyes suddenly emerged.

It worked!
Murphy looked at his new dragon body, feeling excited, unbelievable, and fearful for a moment. For a few seconds just now, he really thought he was going to die.

Not hanging in the game, but really dying, but the darkness faded, and he woke up again, as if he was reborn.

The power of thunder is constantly circulating in the body - such a powerful force!
He stretched out his dragon claws, and with a thought, a red dragon thunder gathered between the claws, and he threw the dragon thunder towards the sky.

Thunder and lightning shot into the storm, which immediately triggered a greater reaction.


The thunder rolled in the dark clouds above his head, as if responding to Murphy, but this time, the thunder and lightning did not show the slightest hostility. Instead, it rolled and jumped like a tamed horse, as if it was one with Murphy.

Murphy glanced at the properties panel.

[Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King) boss template, the second level of horror.Level 35, HP 47500.

Talent points: 7 points.

Basic skills: dragon claw slam, dragon bite, dragon tail sweep, dragon wing pounce.

Bloodline skills: Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike, Thunder Breath, Storm Lord (passive)...]

It worked!
He clicked on the evolution system again.

Originally, he only had one talent tree [Dragon Instinct], which was all about flying and hand-to-hand combat.

However, now there are two more talent trees.


[Storm Field/Dragon Thunder Alienation], the unique evolution system of the storm dragon, the storm dragon can control the storm, control the thunder and lightning, because you have absorbed the power of the ancient dragon thunder and lightning, so you have changed the thunder and lightning attributes you have mastered, your lightning related All the abilities are replaced with the ancient dragon thunderbolt. Putting evolution points into this talent tree can enhance your ability to control storms, harness thunderbolts and related skills.

[Power of Dominance], since you are the first Storm Dragon, you automatically obtain the identity of the Storm Dragon King and have the power to control dragons. Put evolution points into this talent tree, and you can better control your dragons. Increase the number of your dragons.

Hahaha, Storm Dragon King, I didn't expect not only to evolve successfully, but also to automatically obtain the status of Dragon King, although he is the only dragon at present... the bare commander.

The identity of the Dragon King is not very useful at present, but the power of the dragon clan is respected. In theory, as long as one's own strength is strong enough, the offspring born with other dragon clans should be storm dragons. If they can multiply and grow, they may be able to create a What about the Storm Dragon Clan?

(End of this chapter)

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