Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 266 I Don't Know

Chapter 266 I Don't Know

Haha, Storm Dragon King, sounds a bit powerful.

Mo Fei was extremely excited for a moment.

But at present, the talent points must be added first. Although there is an extra Thunder Breath, the attribute panel has not been greatly improved, and it still needs to be enhanced by talent.

The BOSS template is different from the hero template, and there are no hero specialties, hero skills or the like.

Instead, there are evolutionary routes and talent trees.

Every time the BOSS template is upgraded to a small level, you can get 1 talent point and choose a BOSS talent.

Every time the BOSS template is raised to a higher level, you can get a choice of evolution direction and evolve into different forms of BOSS.

For example, when his Black Dragon, the fifth level of disaster, reached the first level of the world, it directly evolved from a black dragon lord to an ancient black dragon.

For NPCs, templates and ranks are not fixed, and different experiences will lead to completely different bosses, sometimes even very exaggerated.

For example, a black dragon can still grow into an ancient black dragon after sleeping for 1 years because Tai Zhai lies in the nest every day, but because he has not participated in any plot events and has not gained any plot points, then it may just be An ordinary monster, or an elite monster, an ancient black dragon of an ordinary monster, it's outrageous to think about it.

Or if a little dragon participates in the battle every day, and can make achievements every time, then there may be a dragon boss.

According to the rules of the game, these are really possible situations. Although these two situations are relatively extreme, in general, the rank and template of the dragon clan are not fixed.

But players are different. For players, templates and ranks are basically equated.

Take Murphy’s original Black Dragon as an example. Murphys was a young black dragon at the skeleton level, an adult black dragon at the horror level, a black dragon lord at the disaster level, and an ancient black dragon at the world level. If you continue to upgrade , When the world-destroying boss is reached, it can automatically advance to the ancient black dragon.

Although Mo Fei prostituted himself as a storm dragon king for nothing, he was a standard adult dragon in terms of body size, with a wingspan of only 40 or so.

Since it is a directly obtained BOSS form, there is no chance to choose an advanced direction, but talent points still exist.

Murphy first opened the [Dragon Instinct] talent tree.

This talent tree contains related talents common to dragons, fast flight, flexible flight, ultra-light bones, thick scale armor, anti-magic scale armor, dragon physique, dragon blood regeneration, stone-cracking dragon teeth, enchanted dragon teeth, sharp dragon Claws, Die Hard...

Basically, they are all related to the body, either to strengthen the flight ability, or to strengthen the defense ability, or to strengthen the physical attack.

This set of talents is almost exactly the same as that of the black dragon, and Murphy guessed that it should be common to all dragon races.

Murphy hesitated for a moment. When he played Black Dragon back then, he had maxed out his flying talent and dragon's breath talent. He took the fighter-bomber route, invincible in air combat and unparalleled in the wild, but he was blinded as soon as he entered the dungeon.

This time he was a little tangled, should he continue to take the fighter-bomber route? According to the attributes of the Storm Dragon, this route is also a good choice, definitely stronger than the Black Dragon.

It's just that this seems to be a bit of a waste of this rare species.

This set of talents for fighter bombers can be used by almost any kind of dragon. Although it is very easy to use, to be honest, the depth is not particularly high.

Or take another look.

After turning off the dragon instinct, Mo Fei activated the [power of domination] talent tree.

This talent tree usually does not appear until the dragon reaches the lord level, but because he belongs to the Dragon King, he opened it in advance.

He is also no stranger to this talent tree. Both Murphys and Deathwing have [Power of Domination], but Deathwing's rank is full, while Murphys' is much lower. He took a look, The function of his dominance power is more similar to Deathwing's dominance power, with some awesome advanced functions.

For example [Consort of the Dragon King], if you use it on a dragon of the opposite sex (only within this group), it can make the other party become your spouse immediately. The other party cannot resist, and there is a certain probability that the target rank will be improved.

Dragons are all scum men and women. It is basically a standard configuration for the Dragon King to open a harem. Like Deathwing, there are a lot of dragon girls. Alexstrasza also has a bunch of male favorites, and Malygos is the only one. Otaku only love one at a time.

It's a pity that this skill doesn't work on other dragons.

Another example is [Dragon Group Summoning], summoning the dragons of the family to gather in a certain area, and all the dragons of the family will receive the call. I used it a few times in Deathwing before, and it was quite cool.

But it was also useless to him as a polished commander.

Hey, this is not bad—[Dragon Egg Transformation]——Transform dragon eggs of different races into dragon eggs of the dragon clan you control.

Before that, Murphy was still wondering how to breed dragons without turning on the mating system in this game. It turned out that he could just use the eggs of other dragons to transform them.

Then this is convenient, I happen to have a box of twelve black dragon eggs in my hand, and I will arrange for him later.

This talent Mo Fei thinks it is very necessary. There is no rush for the other talents in the power of dominance. Let's think about it after the dragon group grows stronger in the future.

Then he clicked on the [Storm Field/Dragon Thunder Alienation] talent tree.

This is the exclusive talent tree for each dragon clan. The strength or weakness of different dragon clans is reflected in the talent in this exclusive field.

The talent in the exclusive domain is often related to the dragon's breath attribute and the supernatural power of the dragon family.

[Power Lightning]: Strengthen your breath, so that your thunder breath has additional power damage and crushing effects.

[High Voltage Current]; Strengthen your breath, increasing the power of your thunder breath by 30%.

【Thunder Burst】; Your thunder breath has a certain probability to generate a thunderstorm, causing explosion damage.

[Spherical Lightning]: Your thunder breath can now highlight the spherical lightning...

Mo Fei clicked on the talent tree and looked at it. Sure enough, it was basically these two types of talents.

Talents to strengthen dragon's breath include power lightning, high voltage current, thunder burst, spherical lightning...etc.

The supernatural abilities of the storm dragon include - controlling the storm, shaping the shape of the dragon thunder, sensing the storm, storming the dragon thunder storm, summoning the wind element...etc.

The more Murphy looked at it, the more greedy he became. There are so many powerful talents.

However, he didn't lose his mind. He was afraid of random additions to talent, and he was not as good as a proficient in everything. When Murphys was numbered, he completely gave up many related abilities such as hand-to-hand combat, earth, shadow, and dragon language magic. Added to the two of flying and strengthening dragon's breath, this partial addition makes him invincible in field battles.

Now he must give himself a position before he can determine which talents to add.

After careful study, Murphy felt that he might not be able to take the bomber route this time.

Without it, now he has a hero template and a family business, and he is no longer the single dragon who couldn't beat and ran away in the past.

The enhancement of flying ability doesn't mean much to him. Coupled with life-saving skills such as thunder cloud incarnation and Noreldom's time turbulence, the meaning of flying ability is not so important.

Although the power of the dragon's breath is powerful, and it can be stacked with a lot of talents, it is extremely terrifying after being filled up, and it is still free of consumption.

But the attack method is too simple, straight forward, once restrained, it will be blinded.

To put it bluntly, it belongs to common people's gameplay. For a quasi-tyrant with legendary equipment like him now, it's better not to engage in such evil ways.

And he has the pure flame of Arundel, plus an unenhanced version of Thunder Breath, which is enough.

It is more flexible to take the supernatural route.

However, the registration ability still needs to be added a little bit, and the output can only be achieved if you are alive.

After much consideration and calculation for a long time, he finally made a decision.

He now has 7 talent points, first of all [Dragon Egg Transformation] must be added, the growth of the dragon depends on it.

The second talent, Murphy chose [Dragon Thunder Shaping], to shape your dragon thunder into a specific shape to attack, and the target hit will receive lightning/force dual-attribute damage. This talent can be very flexible used in combat.

The third talent, Mo Fei chose [Dragon Thunderstorm], this is an enhanced version of Thunderstorm, it is very useful for clearing troops in large-scale wars, being able to clear troops means that you can upgrade quickly, which is very helpful for upgrading your level in the future .

The fourth talent, Murphy chose [Storm Will], you can learn and use storm and lightning spells, divine spells, and combat skills in the form of the storm dragon.In this way, Murphy's Hurricane Armor, Thundercloud Avatar, Storm Ripper, and Summon Storm (weapon skills) can also be used in dragon form.

The fifth talent, Mo Fei chose [Huge Body Size], the body size increases by 10%, the upper limit of life value increases by 10%, and the toughness increases by 10%. Domineering, the higher the toughness, the more resistant it is to negative states or beheaded.

The sixth talent, Mo Fei chose [Dragon Blood Regeneration], which will restore an additional 1% of HP every minute during the battle, and the effect will be doubled after leaving the battle.At first glance, it doesn't seem to be very useful. He now has 1 health points, he recovers 500 points in 8 minute, and only recovers [-] points of health per second, but combined with the "Atreus' Life Gift", the effect is quite impressive.

The seventh talent, Murphy has chosen [Fast Flight], your flying speed will increase by 30%, but your flexibility may be reduced as a result.After struggling again and again, Mo Fei still ordered a little flying talent. Considering that there are various life-saving skills, such as [flexible flight], [light keel] and the like, it is fine, and it is more convenient to order a fast flight to chase or escape at critical moments.

The biggest reason is to match the 'Dragon Blood Regeneration' and 'Atreth's Life Gift'. With these three abilities, Murphy can fight the war of attrition. When he encounters an enemy he can't beat, he will run away at half health. Return to full blood and fight again when you are far away, run after a wave of consumption, return to fight again after returning to full, use it well, you can consume enemies infinitely.

After the talent was added and the choice was confirmed, Aidan Delong's body experienced another subtle change.

Feeling the power surging in his body, Mo Fei nodded in satisfaction.

Now he finally became a complete body.

Suddenly he remembered something, and looked down, those knights lay motionless on the ground, as if they were dead.

The joy he had just gained in strength disappeared in an instant.

Let me wipe, they won't all die, right?
He looked at the blood volume of the knights. Fortunately, they were all in a state of near-death, not dead, but seemed to have passed out.

But it's still a little bad, the dying state can't restore health, if there is a little snow, causing freezing damage, they might die, no, they have to give them blood quickly.

Although the storm dragon has a lot of skills, it doesn't have any blood-boosting skills. Mo Fei directly transformed into a human form, took out a blood bottle from his bag, and began to pour Roland.

One bottle down, because the blood recovery rate in the dying state is halved, and Roland's blood volume can only be restored to about 10% of the dying state, but it is safe.

It's just that Roland was still unconscious with his eyes closed, which made Murphy a little strange.

Why does this lightning still have a stun effect?And it's been so long, I'm afraid it's not a hypnotic effect.

Bottle after bottle, Murphy kept taking out the blood bottles and pouring them into the knights. Soon all the knights were restored to a preliminary safe blood line. When there were three people left, Murphy's blood bottles ran out. .

What can we do now?He simply flipped through his backpack and wondered if he could find a magic scroll for healing. He had bought many auxiliary magic scrolls before, so he might be able to find them.

Right at this moment-

The mysterious voice suddenly said in surprise—"You...returned to human form?"

Mo Fei was stunned for a moment, thinking what happened when he changed back to human form, "Is there any problem?"

Mysterious Voice: How did you do it?
"How did you do it? It was transformed into a human form." Murphy replied, wondering what kind of problem it was.

Mysterious voice: But the Proto-Dragon does not have the ability to transform into a human form.

Murphy was taken aback for a moment, and he checked the skill table. (You can also check the storm dragon's skill table in human form), and there really wasn't the skill of transforming into a human form, but the one-time plot skill of transforming the dragon disappeared, and it directly became Yes, the permanent skill of 'Dragon Form'.

That was just...

He recalled that he seemed to use it subconsciously, mainly because he used the skill of transforming into a human form in the time of Murphys and Deathwing. He is quite familiar with the use of this skill. Used it out.

"Uh...then how do dragon feeders change back to human form after they transform into giant dragons?"

Mysterious voice: It usually takes a long and painful attempt. Some people can change back to human form through perseverance and epiphany, but most people are completely lost after repeated failures and give up the idea of ​​​​turning back to human form.

Murphy was a little speechless after hearing this. He was also a little worried about how to transform back into a human after becoming a dragon, but he didn't expect to complete the transformation with an unconscious movement.

It's like hearing that there is going to be a difficult exam, but you get a perfect score after writing 1+1=2, which is very unreal.

Mysterious Voice: So how the hell do you do it?
"I don't know." Murphy replied dumbfounded.

Mysterious voice: …………

Mo Feixin said that it is better not to worry about this issue, there are still a few knights in a dying state.

It seems that the scroll of healing magic is really gone, he suddenly felt a move in his heart. .

There seems to be a shaman among those orcs, so just grab one and help increase blood.

And just to try the combat power of his storm dragon form.

Thinking of this, he directly changed into a "dragon form". This time, the transformation went smoothly. When the lightning flashed, the human prince Aidan directly transformed into the storm dragon king Aidan Delong.

His blood volume has been recovered by more than half, don't tell me, 'Atres' life gift' plus 'dragon's blood recovery', this passive effect is really good.

Mo Fei fluttered his wings and swooped down towards the orcs under Tongtian Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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