Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 267 The Wrath of the Storm Dragon King

Chapter 267 The Wrath of the Storm Dragon King

At this moment, at the foot of Tongtian Peak, the orcs were still in a state of observation. Nearly a thousand Frostwolf knights gathered in the open space outside the snakeman ruins, looking up at the sky.

"Master Drek'Thar, the thunder seems to have stopped."

At the foot of Tongtian Peak, Warlord Frostwolf said nervously to the old shaman beside him.

He hated this kind of unclear situation, and even more hated the weird thunder and the image of the dragon.

He prefers to engage humans with his ax and fists rather than face unknown mysterious beings.

Those humans must be up to something, they came all the way here... The young Frostwolf warlord frowned and thought, "Master Drek'Thar, is that thing gone?"

Drek'Thar (Prophet): "No, it's approaching - watch out!"

In the sky, a giant purple dragon shining with thunder suddenly descended from the sky, and under the cover of Tongtian Peak's dark body, it moved across the night sky soundlessly.

It was not discovered until 300 meters away from the ground.

The purple dragon scales shining with electric light on this giant dragon were unusually dazzling, and it swooped down with the aura of a king.

But the orcs are a natural fighting race after all, facing the giant dragon falling from the sky is only a short-lived panic.

"Get ready to fight!" With the angry shout of the Frostwolf Warlord, the Frostwolf knights immediately dispersed. This is the standard formation for dealing with aerial attacks. The battle at the Dark Gate taught these orcs how to deal with dragon attacks. , as long as you disperse, you can minimize the loss under the attack of dragon's breath.

"Prepare to attack!"

Countless javelin throwing axes aimed at the shadow that was approaching in the sky.

"Throw the net and prepare!"

Some Frostwolf knights took out throwing nets. Although the effect of single throwing nets against such giant units was limited, as long as dozens of throwing nets were thrown together, the flying units could still be brought down.

When the giant dragon was still a hundred or so meters away from the ground, all the Frostwolf knights shot at the same time, throwing nets, throwing axes, javelins, and everything else that could be thrown.

However, facing such dense firepower, the giant dragon had no intention of retreating and dodging. Clouds and mist suddenly filled around its body, turning into a storm thundercloud with crimson lightning flashing, which directly caused most of those physical attacks to fall. empty.

This thundercloud was extremely huge, nearly a hundred meters in size. In the thundercloud, the silhouette of a giant dragon waving its wings could be vaguely seen, and it swooped down close to the ground in an instant. The place where it passed made a terrifying thunder sound, scaring people. The wolf knights fled in all directions, and the next second the thunder cloud turned back into a giant dragon, spewing red lightning at the fleeing wolf knights.

The crimson lightning swept across the ground like a whip, and with a breath of thunder, a dozen wolf knights were killed and maimed.

Murphy, who was flying into the air, looked back but shook his head. Only five or six wolf knights were killed by this blow, and most of them were just injured. Sure enough, you can't have both, and they haven't been strengthened. The Thunder Breath's power and damage range are really limited.

And because he didn't have the talent for flexible flying, it was difficult for him to dodge the long-range attacks on the ground, so he could only rely on the thundercloud incarnation to reduce the damage.

But it doesn't matter, if there is a loss, there is a gain, let you experience the power of the Storm Dragon King today.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Stupid mortals, ignorant beasts, dare to break into my territory and disturb the rest of the Storm King. I will use storm and thunder to punish those humble ants who dare to ignore the majesty of the Dragon King." Now face the might of the Storm King! "

While hovering in mid-air, making a majestic and shocking sound, Murphy put on a hurricane armor for himself!The gust whistled and whirled around his body, deflecting all long-range physical attacks, and then Mo Fei directly activated his ultimate move - Dragon Thunder Storm!
This skill is an enhanced version of Thunderstorm. It is a full-screen big move. It is quite powerful. The only troublesome thing is that these skills need to be guided to release. They are most afraid of being interrupted, so you must activate the protection skills in advance. .

At this time, as the dragon's eyes flashed with dazzling thunder, the surrounding sky was suddenly covered with dense clouds, and the wind was strong. The hurricane rolled up the dark clouds, spinning and gathering into a dragon thunderstorm, and the rolling red thunder was throbbing in the storm, ready to move .

The orcs threw javelins and axes in vain, watching in horror as the storm took shape.

Suddenly, with a bang, a red lightning strikes down, and a wolf knight hits him, -1195!

Under the dragon thunder, it was directly blasted into pieces.

This time it really shocked everyone, one after another lightning crashed down, and wolf knights were continuously blasted into pieces in the lightning, that's right, they were pieces. The red dragon thunder not only has lightning damage but also power damage, which can The scene of directly smashing the killed target is not the usual bloody scene.

In a few seconds, the ground was covered with red mosaics.

The dragon thunder struck faster and faster, and the crimson thunderbolts continued to fall overhead, and the thunder sounded into one piece, as if destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The Frostwolf Warlord was startled and angry, commanding the wolf knights to shoot out bursts of javelins and throwing axes, but they were completely unable to penetrate the hurricane's defenses.

Several shamans accompanying the army also shot lightning bolts, but when they landed on the Storm Dragon King, the damage was completely single-digit. Murphy originally had 100 points of lightning resistance, and the Storm Dragon King itself had an additional resistance attribute. This low-level lightning magic Almost like tickling.

"Stand back, you are not his opponent, I must do it!" Drek'Thar said, standing under the storm without fear, and began to communicate with the surrounding elemental power.

The hammer in his hand gleamed, and the power of the elements gathered around him.

The wind howled, the earth trembled, and the flames suddenly appeared.

Drek'Thar (Prophet): "Storm, earth and fire, obey my command, obey my will - retreat, elemental spirits!"

Hero Skill - Elements Scatter!
A white light directly covered the storm, and the huge dragon thunder storm actually gradually dissipated under the white light.

Mo Fei couldn't help being taken aback, I rub it, it's a bit strong, and it can directly defeat his own big move.

He looked down at the old spell-casting shaman in the crowd——Drek'Thar, epic level two, level 76, HP 7250.

Isn't this the first-order epic?How did it become second-order?

It seems that after winning the battle of Jackdaw City, he has been promoted again.

The level of these guys is much higher than that of Murphy. Fortunately, the boss template is much stronger than the hero template. In addition, Murphy is a supermodel boss, so he is not in vain.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Old orc, I am impressed by your strength, but you should not desecrate this sacred territory! You should not provoke the majesty of the Storm Dragon King! My name is Aidan Delong, the master of the storm Those who control Thunder, the king of the storm dragon clan, face my wrath!"

Dragon Thunder Shaping!

Stretching out the claw, a red dragon thunder gathered in the center of the claw, and with a thought, the dragon thunder turned into a huge thunder gun more than ten meters long, and threw it out violently.

Drek'Thar didn't dare to be careless, a huge totem forcefully thrust into the ground.

Foundation Totem!

Boom, the red thunder turned slightly and landed on the foundation totem.

Hey, he even has a lightning rod, so how about you try this again——Damn, what can I do with him? It’s not easy to kill a second-tier epic hero, and there’s a high probability that a shaman hero is his own With regeneration ability.

Just kill the minions.

Fluttering his wings, Murphy continued to spit lightning at the Frostwolf knights while flying at low altitude.

Drek'Thar hurriedly shot a lava burst, but it was not easy to hit the storm dragon that was coming and going like the wind.

The slain corpses of those Frostwolf knights were strewn all over the field, and throwing emoticon throwing axes into the air was useless.

After all, it is not a professional anti-air unit.

Drek'Thar was also anxious when he saw it.

"Great Storm Dragon King, we came here with a group of humans. We have absolutely no intention of profanity. I will lead my people away."

After speaking, the Storm Dragon King didn't have any intention of stopping the killing, and started casting spells again.

Drek'Thar (Prophet): "Spirits of the wind, heed my call, and use the power of the elements to gather your forms in this world!"

Hero Power - Summon Elemental Swarms!
In an instant
Five or six storm elements composed of whirling winds and flashing thunder and lightning were summoned. These storm elements are all level 60 elite monsters, each of which is six or seven meters high, and their bodies are like activated whirlwinds, whistling towards Mo Fei killed him.

Aidandron (Storm King): "Go away, you mindless elemental creatures, the majesty of the Storm King cannot be disobeyed."

He breathed out a breath of thunder, but was embarrassed to find that these wind elements were directly immune to the damage of his breath.

Then he slammed into his body, attacking him with a body made of wind and lightning.

Of course, the attack of the storm element can only cause single-digit damage to him.

Murphy felt a little headache looking at the storm elements circling around him in front of him. This thing is immune to lightning and wind skills, and the damage of physical attacks is only 50% effective, and it flies so fast that it is almost invincible It can't be shaken off, it doesn't do much damage but it's disgusting.

But fortunately, I am not an ordinary dragon, only one kind of breath.

One dragon's mouth, this time there is no need to transform the head of the black dragon, and directly from the mouth of the storm dragon - the pure flame of Arundel!

Blazing white flames spewed out, and the breath of the dragon spewed out, and those wind elements were close at hand, and they were immediately sprayed.

The damage is full.

In the blink of an eye, two storm elements were burned to death.

Drek'Thar was taken aback, what!Isn't this the Storm Dragon King?Shouldn't it be lightning? How can it still breathe fire?

"Retreat, retreat quickly! Spread out!" He shouted loudly, and had to run quickly while these storm elements were still alive.

The Frostwolf Warlord glanced at the corpses everywhere, gritted his teeth, "Retreat!"

The wolf cavalry army immediately dispersed into dozens of small units and fled in all directions.

Mo Fei managed to kill all the wind elements surrounding him, and when he lowered his head, he saw orc cavalry running all over the mountains and plains.

Damn, it runs fast.

Now it is impossible to continue to kill, and at most a small part can be killed.

He still hadn't forgotten his purpose. He scanned the battlefield, and when he found something wrong, he swooped down and caught an orc shaman, and then flew back to the top of Tongtian Peak.

Landing on the platform of Tongtian Peak, Murphy threw the orc shaman to the ground.

"Orcs, heal them—or die!"

The orc shaman looked at the dying human knights on the ground, and immediately understood.

These humans really awakened the ancient dragon clan to fight for them, but they didn't know why this giant dragon was willing to help humans.

He roared, "No, I won't treat them, they are our enemies."

"As long as you cure them, I'll let you go."

Hearing this, the orc shaman was a little moved. If he could tell the chief what happened here, it would be possible to heal several human knights, but he still couldn't believe it.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Hmph, don't doubt my promise. I am the Storm Dragon King. My glory is not comparable to that of you despicable mortals. If you cure them, I will send you out of here and return you." free."

"Okay, I promise you, I hope you keep your promise dragon."

As the orc shaman said, he got up from the ground, walked to the group of knights, and began to treat them.

Healing Totem!

Healing wave!
Healing wave!
Healing wave!
With the repeated treatment by the orc shaman, all the knights finally recovered their healthy blood volume, but they still had no intention of waking up.

It seems that the problem does not lie in the blood volume, Murphy thought to himself.

The orc shaman stopped at this time.

"I don't have any mana anymore, but their lives should be safe. Now complete our agreement, dragon."

"Of course, as you wish." As Murphy said, the orc shaman was picked up by the dragon's claws, and he flew into the sky with his wings.

After flying out of the range of Tongtian Peak, he asked, "Is it okay to put you down from here?"

"Okay, here's fine." The orc shaman said hastily, he didn't expect the other party to send him back to the camp.

"Then, you are free." In the next second, the orc shaman felt his body sink, the dragon's claws loosened, and he fell towards the ground...

[System prompt: The system event [Icefield Pursuit] is over. According to your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 1250 plot points, and your hero rank has been raised. Now the silver rank is third, and your boss rank has been raised Alright, now it's the third level of terror. 】

Mo Fei was overjoyed, that's right, he has been promoted to another level, he is now a hero boss double template, he can also get hero specialties, and he can also get boss talent points.

It can be said that it is double growth and double happiness.

There is no rush to add talent points, let's choose hero specialties first.

The three hero specialties this time emerged in front of my eyes.

[Feat 1: Cavalry Commander (combat specialty): You led a team of cavalry to defeat a cavalry force that far outnumbered yours head-on, and thus mastered the skills of horseback fighting and the tactics of leading cavalry in battle.

Feat effect: You will not suffer attribute penalties when you are in mounted combat, and your cavalry units get a 20-point morale bonus, and can better implement your orders. 】

[Feat 2: Orc Slayer (Combat Specialty): You killed more than 100 orcs independently in a battle, and made the orcs unable to resist you, which caused the orcs to fear you.

Special effect: Your damage to orcs is increased by 5%. When you fight with orcs, each kill has a certain probability of triggering crowd fear, which will accelerate the decline of orc troop morale. 】

[Feat 3: Dragon Sorrow Knights (Legendary Specialty): The knights under your command witnessed the amazing scene of you transforming from a human into a dragon, and shared the damage of the dragon thunder with you, and endured the baptism of the dragon thunder. The ceremony allowed you to gain a deeper friendship and bond than ordinary knights and leaders, and the Dragon Sorrow Knights were born from this.

Special effect: Establish [Dragon Sorrow Knights], and automatically transform your current knights into Dragon Sorrow Knights, unlock the knight group function, and you can view the system in the lord function interface. 】

(End of this chapter)

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