Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 268 Dragon Sorrow Knights

Chapter 268 Dragon Sorrow Knights

Landed on the platform of the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall.

Looking at the three hero specialties, Murphy made a decision without even thinking about it, so it goes without saying that it is definitely the Dragon Knights, this is a legendary specialty.

And being able to create a knight order is a power that can directly affect the plot.

There are various knight orders in the sky world, and almost every kingdom has its own national knight order. Since all countries in the alliance are ruled by kings and nobles, as a representative of the high-end force of the kingdom, joining the knight order is also an important step. It is the best way for nobles to show their bravery and glory.

The members of the Knights are generally composed of nobles and knights.

The Kingdom of Stormwind has the Knights of the Storm, Alterac has the Knights of the North Wind, Quel'Thalas has the Knights of the Phoenix, Lordaeron has the Royal Knights of Lordaeron... Even Ironforge has similar knights Organization - Bronzebeard Guardians.

However, the most famous knights in the history of Warcraft are the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Knights of the Black Blade, which have not yet been established. They pursue the Holy Light and created the profession of Paladin.

The other represents death and consists of death knights.

Now, he will also have a place in these famous knight orders of the Fengyun Society.

Mo Fei decisively chose the specialty of [Dragon Sorrow Knights].

Eventually they will all be consumed by the power they carry.

[System prompt: The Ancient Dragon Knights was formally established. A group of former North Wind Knights are now transformed into ancient dragon knights, and decided to lead him forever.

The knights were shocked by the dire future I had described, and thought that the world would face so few catastrophes.

Mysterious voice: Hmph, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight. The so-called guardian dragons, we are just prisoners controlled by the power of protection, blinded by our inner desire and greed for power people with knowledge.

Did I mention the previous Seventh Burning Legion Invasion, Minor Cataclysm, Awakening of the Old Gods, Eighth Burning Legion Invasion and other minor disasters.

The prophecy mentioned eight great and small disasters, and the invasion of the orcs was just the end. We were the slaves of the devil and the pioneers who opened the way.

You once got a stone statue by accident, which led you to discover the mysterious ruins, and you got a terrible prophecy there—the world is about to face a terrible disaster, and enemies from unknown worlds are coming , Burn that world to the ground, destroy all kingdoms and creatures, and even the entire world.

Ancient Dragon Knights troop tree:

However, the upgrade fee is also very expensive, and various precious materials are needed, so it is considered for the time being.

Soon, other knights also mastered the newly acquired ability. Obviously, that ability has nothing to do with us being struck by lightning afterwards.

The purpose of the Kangyi Knights is to pursue the power of the dragon and protect the world.

[Ancient Dragon Knights (Extraordinary Knights)

In order to protect that world, Knight Kangyi has been constantly exploring the power of the dragon, and has developed a unique knight culture and skill system.

Needless to say, Mawaigos was the first guardian dragon to die.

There are a total of seven arms, among which the Longshang Knight belongs to the Shixiang arms that were created outside the plot event. This is the only group that has been trained before, and can use Kang Yi to retreat and fight.

Troop introduction: The brave and fearless knights of the north wind and Long Kangyi Liangdan faced the power of thunder together, shared the damage, and formed an oath as a result, and became the first batch of ancient dragon knights. Due to the baptism of Kang Yi, those knights mastered The mystery of thunder and lightning, the ability to use the power of thunder and lightning to retreat into battle. 】

Extraordinary Arms 2:

Upgrade fee: It is exclusive to the story and can be upgraded.

It's hard to say whether Nozshom is still abnormal after all that.

Upgrade cost: any knight × 1.

Armament equipment: dragon bone gun, dragon scale armor, heavy horse.

"You are all willing to lead him, Aidan, and let you guard that world together!"

Then comes the small army of demons, the world will burn, people will either die or fall into darkness, what awaits you is endless killing and death. "

Just as Murphy was about to explain, a system voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "So you can't eat the heart of the guardian dragon now?"

Looking at it then, it doesn't really make sense.

"Prince Aidan, is that him?"

Seeing that Murphy turned back into the strange Prince Aidan, all the knights breathed a sigh of relief.

Upgrade cost: Kang Yi Knight × 1, Dragon Blood × 5, Gold Coin × 400.

[Kang Yi Knight (Level??)

Upgrade cost: Kang Yi Knight × 1, Dragon Egg × 1, 600 gold coins.

"Your Majesty Aidan, it seems that you have obtained the ability to control lightning. There is a mistake—some knowledge and memories suddenly popped up in your mind, let you try it."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It's a surprise. It's the strength that Long Shang bestowed on them, and it's a proof of their loyalty and courage."

Troop introduction: Flying cavalry riding young dragons to fight in the air can launch weak dragon breath attacks on the ground, and can also retreat and fight with the enemy in the air. 】

"But you still have no hope. Whenever a disaster strikes, there will always be a lack of weak fighters to save the world. Because of this, you must accumulate strength to face the coming disaster, and you have no strength. Can it match the feeble dragon?
Lightning strike!
The knight swung his sword violently, and a bolt of lightning fell out of thin air, smashing a ball of flames under the ground.

Arms equipment:? ? ? ?

Unit introduction: The basic unit of the Ancient Dragon Knights, a knight who believes in the power of the dragon and swears allegiance to the dragon Kang Yiliangdan, wants to be transformed from any knight type unit. 】

Troop characteristics: resist magic, heavy armor, charge, trample attack.

Troop introduction: A weak warrior bathed in dragon blood, possessing the strength and tough skin of a giant dragon, fighting barebacked with a huge sword, fearlessly rushing towards the enemy to start killing. 】

I have heard similar words from Deathwing more than once, and Deathwing fell into madness because of the power of Xiaodi's guardianship.

Basic Arms 1:

[Dragon Sorrow Knight (Level??)
[Dragon Blood Giant Warrior (Level 49).

And throughout history, Deathwing is also an example.

As I said that, I took human form again.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Now you think you don't need to hide it anymore. You came there just to pursue the power of the dragon. Everything will start a long time later.

The ancient dragon knights are with the storm dragon, and they have mastered the mystery of thunder and lightning. They are knights with extraordinary power.

"Your Majesty, is there something wrong with you? He looks - he has become too the same."

You must know that power is what affects the mind, and the power of protection—this power is so weak that even the weakest mind will be corroded and changed by it. Obtaining that power is not only a gift, but also a curse.

Even if we are defeated, the crisis will definitely start because of this, and soon a natural disaster of death will come, the dead humans will turn into a tide of undead, and the small land will be flooded with corpses and death.

Murphy changed the subject.

[Dragon Heavy Cavalry (Level 56)
Arms equipment:? ? ? ?

The ancient dragon knight, it seems that apart from the same name, there is no difference from the special knight.

"Prince Aidan! Let you lead him!"

"For that world!" The knights raised their swords one after another, and put them under the Storm Controller.

Arms equipment: knight armor, cavalry spear, young dragon mount.

Taking advantage of the time when the knights mastered the new abilities, Murphy opened the knight order interface outside the lord system to check.

Mo Fei's heart suddenly lifted, and he immediately pulled himself up. After thinking about the words, my face immediately put on a serious and passionate expression.

[System prompt: You have obtained a new hero specialty, [Dragon Sorrow Knights], you have unlocked the knight order function, you can view related functions in the lord system. 】

Organization introduction: A legendary knight group jointly established by the dragon Aidan Odan and the Northern Wind Knights under his command. Oath, those north wind knights also became the first batch of ancient dragon knights.

"My gods, is everything over?"

Before Murphy had time to study the system of the knight order carefully, he heard a moan of joy from nearby, and when he turned his head, he saw Roland get up from the ground in a hurry.

The guardian of time, Nozshaomu, has obtained the power of guarding time, so at the end of time, he encountered the leader of the eternal dragon clan, Nozshaomu, and it is the evil monster that fell from the extremely crazy Nozshaomu. In the end, Nozshom had to kill his fallen self with his own hands, but this is the future me, so Nozshom will definitely fall in the future, and I can only delay the arrival of that result for a limited time, but there is no way. Change.

Mysterious voice: That is to say, his power to confuse people is really surprising. What makes you think even more is that he actually passed the baptism of Long Shang and completed the transformation of the extraordinary dragon clan. Impressive.

All the knights were immediately in high spirits. They were finally the Knights of the North Wind who were at the bottom of the kingdoms. Without the power of thunder, they no longer had to be afraid of these orcs and barbarians.

Extraordinary Arms 3:

Murphy didn't believe it, "But the seven little guardian dragons can control that power?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "So you have to become a Dragon Thunder to master the power of protection? Why does Dragon Thunder think so much?"

Dream Guardian Ysera also suffered bad luck, and you, who control the Emerald Dream, will eventually become the Nightmare Dragon.

Mysterious voice: Long Lei is an ordinary existence that is mortal and perishable. His body and soul are integrated, so there is no flaw. Any force can distort Long Lei's mind and change Long Lei's consciousness. Because of this, Only Long Lei can use that power in a situation that has no effect.
Troop introduction: Armed with dragon scales and bones, the heavy cavalry has weak protection and can resist magic attacks. It can charge the enemy with unstoppable momentum. 】

Troop characteristics: flying, dragon's breath spray, super vision, triggering fear.

Mo Fei felt a burst of compassion when he heard this, and thought about it sloppily, but he felt no doubt.

The hand stroked heavily under the blade, and the light of thunder and lightning immediately attached to the blade.

[System prompt: He triggered the plot event [Establishment of the Ancient Dragon Knights]. His identity in this event is the founder of the Knights. Complete this event with caution. 】

Unit characteristics:? ? ? ?
Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Your loyal knights, it is you, their Prince Aidan, who is worried, all crises have not passed, you have not completed the degradation, and obtained the power of the Storm Dragon Strength, these orcs have not been killed by you yet."

The ancient dragon knights believe in the power of dragons. 】

With an expression on his face, the other knights also woke up from their coma.

Facing the awe and apprehensive gazes of the knights, Murphy, who was still in the form of a dragon, nodded hastily.

Thunderstorm Weapon!

Extraordinary Arms 1:

boom!A flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, as if to echo it, suddenly no current flashed under the 78 sharp swords.

Troop equipment: two-handed giant sword.

World Fantasy Arms 1:

When I came back to my senses, I found that the knights hadn't mastered the power of thunder and lightning.

It's not interesting.

Murphy listened to the generous speeches of the knights, with a look of relief on his face, "You know that the warriors in the low mountains are all fearsome warriors, without them fighting by your side, maybe there is still no hope in that world, so let Let's swear together!"

After listening to Murphy's words, all the knights spoke out excitedly. Some thought that there would be no such a terrible future, and even more that Prince Aidan had no such lofty ideals and wanted to save the world alone.

[Dragon Patroller (Level 65)
Upgrade cost: Ancient Dragon Knight × 1, Dragon Bone × 4, Dragon Scale × 10, 500 gold coins.

"Fight to the end, die without regret! That is your oath!"

"Your sword is not his sword, Your Majesty, you are willing to miss him forever, whether you step into the burning hell or the white abyss."

Troop characteristics: Sweeping, Dragon Power, Tough Skin, Rage, Anti-Infantry Units, Anti-Small Units.

However, that is still the most desirable.

The color of the lightning that we have mastered is still abnormally blue.

Roland looked puzzled: "Then what happened, my lord, how did he become a dragon?"

Murphy's words were deep and dignified, and combined with my passive effect of deceiving the little master, the knights were convinced that it was true. In fact, what Murphy said was indeed true. The crisis in that world is one after another. , has never been broken.

The remaining eight extraordinary units are very powerful, especially the dragon-controlling sky patroller, which is an eighth-level unit.

At that time, this mysterious voice came out again.

For this reason, you regret turning into a dragon, because if you want to gain power, you must pay a price, which is the inevitable fate of those who seek power and want to save the world. "

Unit characteristics: thunderstorm weapon, lightning strike,? ? ? ? .

Murphy pulled out the Storm Controller and raised it low, "For that world! With the power of the dragon, in your Aidan's name!"

Mysterious voice: Yes, it must be only the dragon's heart, of course there is a problem, but the power of protection - this is what he can control now, only without the dragon thunder can he perfectly control this power.

The knights were startled, but soon turned into excited expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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