Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 269 The Battle of the Origin and the Road of the Ancient Dragon

Chapter 269 The Battle of the Origin and the Road of the Ancient Dragon

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The body and the soul are one? How does it sound like an elemental creature?"

Mysterious voice: "Hehe, that's right, the ancient dragon is an ancient existence that was born together with the world. It once ruled the world. In that primitive prehistoric era, all creatures in this world showed completely different life forms from the present. Without dirty flesh and blood, without a fragile soul, that is the purest life, and Gu Long is the ruler of this world.

In a sense, ancient dragons are indeed similar to elemental creatures, but they are higher-level life forms.

The dragon god Yamahamut is the only true god in this world, the supreme ruler, who controls the power of many laws such as the earth, life, dreams, magic and time.

The authority of all the powers of the world rests in his hands. "

So awesome!real or fake?It was rare that this mysterious voice opened the conversation, and Mo Fei continued to ask: "If Gu Long is so powerful, how could he go to perish?"

Mysterious voice: "Because they encountered powerful enemies from outside this world, ancient gods and titans, came to this world one after another.

The Old Gods are rooted in the deepest parts of the world, spreading their dark and corrupt power everlastingly.

The Titans defeated the elements and wanted to reshape the order of the world.

However, the power of the Dragon God is so powerful that even facing the attack of the ancient gods and the Titans, he is not afraid at all. In the three-way melee, the Dragon God even gained the upper hand for a time, almost expelling those lives that do not belong to this world. The masters of the world, the Titans and the Old Gods have joined forces.

In order to defeat the ancient dragon family, the ancient god cast a terrible flesh and blood curse on the ancient dragon family, stripped off the ancient dragon's immortal dragon scales, and degenerated it into a stupid and savage proto-dragon, a fragile life composed of flesh and blood, and the soul and body were gradually separated It turned out that some proto-dragons fell into corruption, and more proto-dragons were affected by various energies in the world and became various dragons.

The five guardian dragons, they used to be the dependents of the Dragon God, but as their bodies were corrupted by the curse, their souls were affected by power, greed and desire occupied their hearts, they joined hands to betray the Dragon God, and made its Weakness betrayed to the Titans.

The Titans took the opportunity to defeat the Dragon God and stripped the power of the Dragon God from his hands, but the Titans could not control this power. They were afraid of the backlash from the power of protection, so they took it as a reward and bestowed the five guardians The dragons, who have stolen the power of the dragon gods and divided and eaten them.

Galakrond, the last ancient dragon king, stubbornly fought against these rebels, but even the ancient dragon king could not fight against these rebels who had mastered the power of protection, and the fallen dragons won the final victory..."

Listening to the mysterious voice telling about the unknown past, Mo Fei became more and more confused the more he listened, wait... Why is this plot completely different from what he has heard in the past?

That’s not how the Chronicles of Warcraft was written. It’s okay for Blizzard to eat books. How did you start to eat books when you reached version 2.0?

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "But how did I hear that Galakrond is an evil existence? Galakrond wanted to destroy the world, but was finally defeated by the guardian Tyr and the five guardian dragons. After that, the Titans Also bestowed the power of the five guardian dragons?"

He clearly remembered the introduction about Galakrond that he had seen back then - Galakrond was the largest proto-dragon, with an insatiable appetite, devouring all targets within sight.His body became even bigger, but no matter how much prey he ate, his appetite was still insatiable.

He was so hungry that he couldn't find anything to eat, and even started to lay hands on other proto-dragons, even the corpses of their own kind.Galakrond's mind and body were eventually twisted by necromantic forces as they devoured the dead proto-dragons.Malformed limbs and dozens of eyes sprouted from his massive body.Death energies surged through Galakrond's uneven skin, bringing the dead back to life.

These necromantic forces infiltrated Galakrond's prey, bringing them back from the dead as mindless abominations...

Mysterious voice: "Hehe, Titans? They are just a group of hypocrites who deceive the world. They won the final victory of the original battle. Of course, they will shape themselves into a perfect image, the embodiment of justice. Anyway, they can shape history at will. No one can question the writing of the past.

But what happened will always leave traces. All life in this world has its roots. Have you never thought about where the Proto-Dragon came from? "

Mo Feixin is right in saying this, but hearing your words is quite resentful, who knows if you will distort the truth?
He was somewhat disapproving. In the final analysis, this kind of thing is the so-called Rashomon. Everyone looks at history from their own perspective and gives completely different answers.

Although there must be something wrong with the information left by Titan, what this mysterious voice said may not be completely true.

When will the official set come out—forget it, even if it comes out sooner or later, I still have to eat the book.

He doesn't care about that, power is what he really cares about.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then how can I become an ancient dragon?"

Mysterious voice: "It's very simple, continue to execute the dragon feast, but this time what you want to devour is no longer the ordinary dragon heart, those things can no longer bring you more power.

You must devour the Dragon King's heart. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The heart of the dragon king? But you just said that I still can't devour the heart of the guardian dragon?"

Mysterious voice: "Of course I'm not talking about the guardian dragon. Besides the five dragon clans, there are many different types of dragon clans. These dragon clans are also transformed from the ancestor dragons and have multiplied to this day. And the ancestor dragons are all Degenerated from ancient dragons.

In other words, most of the dragon kings of these dragon clans used to belong to the ancient dragon clan, and even if they weren't, they were their direct bloodlines.

Although the Curse of Flesh can strip most of the ancient dragon's power, a small amount of original power will still remain.

The reason why the proto-dragon can absorb any energy and turn it into its own use is because the proto-dragon still has fragments of the source power from the original era in its body, and it is by no means comparable to those inferior descendants that have reproduced after degeneration.

In other words, it does not necessarily need to be the Dragon King, but it must be the inheritance left by the first ancestor dragon. What you are looking for are those fragments of source power.

As long as you gather enough original power, you can become an ancient dragon again and become an immortal existence.

And once you become an ancient dragon, you can truly master the power of protection without worrying about being backlashed by the power.

I didn't have much confidence in you at first, because none of those ancient dragon eaters could make it to the end, but what happened just now made me think, maybe I was wrong, maybe you are the one who is destined, maybe—— You can complete the final Dragon Feast Ritual. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What if I become an ancient dragon and devour the five guardian powers? Will I become a dragon god?"

This was the first answer he thought of. Since the five guardian powers are the authority of the Dragon God, wouldn't it be equivalent to gaining the power of the Dragon God after gathering them all?

Mysterious voice: "This is not what you should know now. I will tell you the final answer only on the day you become an ancient dragon. Of course, you can also refuse to continue, but after tasting the taste of power, I will tell you the final answer." You, I don't believe you will refuse, make your choice now, whether to accept this glorious and great mission.

[System prompt: Trigger the plot task [Road to the Ancient Dragon], which is the third step of [Original Plot: Return of the Dragon God]. Whether to accept the task, yes/no. 】

Mo Fei said in his heart that he must take it, even if he can't finish it, he still has to take it, what if it can be done.

Accept the task, click to check it out.

[Road to the Ancient Dragon (Original Story Quest)

Objectives of the mission: continue to perform the Dragon Feast, embark on the road of chasing the power of ancient dragons, kill other dragon kings or the first generation of proto-dragons, rob them of their original power, and complete the final evolution.

Task reward: 2000 story points, which will make your dragon incarnation skill advanced to ancient dragon incarnation, and start the next task. 】

Warning: Completing the original plot will have a profound impact on the world view of the game, and players can gain powerful power from the plot.

However, this type of plot has a certain degree of danger. Players are required to be mentally prepared before undertaking the task. 】

[Road to the Ancient Dragon (Original Story/Ongoing)
Current Source Power: 0%. 】

Mo Feixin said that he had a goal now, but besides the five dragon clans, who else could attack them?
I remember that there seems to be a void dragon in Draenor, there is a frost dragon in Northrend, there seems to be a glazed dragon in Abyss, and there is also an eternal dragon that is blackened from a bronze dragon... There are quite a lot of miscellaneous things after careful calculation Woolen cloth.

Since Protosaurus can be combined with any kind of energy to produce new dragons, there must be many undiscovered dragons in the corners of the world.

However, most of these non-mainstream dragons are not strong and not very active, and it may take a lot of effort to start.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Can you tell me something else? For example, how did the gods come to be, what did the titans do, why did the five guardians fall? Who are you?"

Murphy asked several questions in a row, but the voice stopped answering. Murphy yelled twice, but the only response was the howling cold wind in the night sky.

Well, it seems that this guy is going to continue playing the role of Riddler.

He was a little excited, but also a little doubtful. Although this mysterious voice said a lot, he didn't dare to believe it completely. Instead, he had more doubts.

It's just that no matter how much I want to know the answer, I can only stop here.

Turning around to look at the Longshang knights, Murphy took a deep breath.

"Everyone, things here are over, let's go back."

Storm Dragon King - Transformation!
Murphy turned into the Storm Dragon King again, and a dragon with a wingspan of more than 40 meters appeared in front of everyone.

Half an hour later, Murphy slowly landed on a hill near Alterac City. When the knights on their backs fell back to the ground, Murphy turned back into a human form, and the group walked back along the road. Arrived in Alterac City.

Back in the city, Murphy arranged for Roland to lead the knights to rest, and he also went back to the palace to go offline.



The game cabin was slowly opened, and Mo Fei crawled out of the game cabin with difficulty. His body was a little weak after playing for a long time.

But the excitement in his heart made him crawl out impatiently, standing on the ground, moving his weak legs, rubbing the muscles that were a little stiff from lying down for a long time, Murphy moved around for a while, and finally regained some vitality.

Speaking of which, after staying in the game for too long, he has somewhat forgotten the real life.

He took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and drank half of it in one gulp, and cooked a big bowl of noodles for himself. After eating it all, Murphy couldn't wait to lie down on the bed.

It was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night, Mo Fei calmed down and closed his eyes.

According to his previous guess, since the power of origin can be brought back from the game to reality, once he successfully transforms a dragon in the game, he should be able to transform a dragon in reality, and use this to gain powerful power and unlock all The power of Dragon Feast.

Now we can finally see how it turned out.

In a daze, he vaguely felt the subtle changes in his body, his senses became extremely sharp, the sound of blood flowing was clearly audible, the air was filled with various auras that were originally ignored, and his skin was as sensitive as an electric shock.

Every slight change in the surroundings seemed to be transmitted to his brain.

Yes, the changes have started and I can feel them.

So wonderful, so weird, this is a metamorphosis of life form, I am about to gain power and become a new me.

Murphy silently thought in his heart——No!In the darkness, he suddenly opened his eyes. If he really turned into a dragon, in this small apartment, it wouldn't blow up the house.

No, he can't stay at home, he still wants to continue living here.

It's okay if some furniture is crushed, but if it attracts the attention of the outside world, I'm afraid it will be over by then.

Thinking of this, Murphy quickly got up and put on his clothes, picked up the car keys and went out.

When I walked to the door, I felt dizzy for a while, and strange pictures appeared in front of my eyes.

It can be vaguely recognized, it seems to be a scene in the game.

It's not good, this time Longxin ate a bit too much, and it seems that he has lost control.

He went downstairs quickly, got into his car and drove out of the city.

The car was driving on the road in the street, surrounded by colorful neon lights, that scene appeared again, obviously belonging to the memory of different dragons.

These pictures are intertwined with the scenery outside the window, making everything seem bizarre.

My mind was confused again, no, I can't fall asleep!He gave himself a mouthful hard, he must not turn into a dragon in the city.

Fortunately, the place where he lives is located on the edge of the urban area. As he changed lanes a few times, the car soon drove out of the urban area. Once out of the urban area, he immediately increased the accelerator. There were almost no traffic on the road in the early morning. What kind of car, in addition, he was taking a remote road, and he was almost moving forward at a fast speed.

In the night, it was difficult for him to identify where these roads led. He could only drive in a remote direction according to his intuition. Drove off the road and ran wildly on the dirt road.

I don't know how long it took, but the dirt road finally came to an end, the front suddenly opened up, and the car stopped in front of a beach.

In the distance is the endless darkness, the sea!
You actually drove to the beach?
Murphy was a little surprised. Although City B was a seaside city, he was busy with work before and playing games later, but he had never been to the seaside. He didn't expect tens of thousands to drive here in a daze.

He got out of the car and looked around, but there was no one on the beach in the night.

Murphy felt dizzy again, no, he had to sleep.

He turned around and fell headfirst on the back seat of the car. With the sound of waves crashing against the rocks, Murphy fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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