Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 270 Chaotic Dreamland

Chapter 270 Chaotic Dreamland
Murphy dreamed again.

In the dream, he seemed to have returned to his childhood, he just broke out of the eggshell, and he was ignorantly observing the world around him.

In front of him was a towering giant tower, and he was located in the incubation room on the top of the tower, surrounded by dragon guards and more dragon eggs, everything was so novel.

Then, a huge red dragon exuding dazzling brilliance appeared in front of his eyes.

That majestic figure was as huge as a mountain, but his eyes were so kind and gentle.

Alexstrasza (Red Dragon Queen): "Atres, my child, I bless you with the power of life, may you always be healthy and free from death."

The warm power of life surrounded him, and Murphy could feel his body grow vigorously under the nourishment of that life energy, and bursts of strong life power surged in his body, and that thick feeling made him excited.

Murphy looked at the Red Dragon Queen in front of him, and his heart was full of admiration. With a click, another dragon egg beside him opened by itself. Alexstrasza turned to take care of the other young dragons. Murphy couldn't help but feel... Feeling anxious for a while, he just wanted to go up and say something, when suddenly there was a change in front of his eyes, the towering giant tower disappeared, replaced by a dense and lush forest, and a female green dragon.

The green dragon queen, Ysera, exudes a dreamy and ethereal aura, and her green eyes stare at him indifferently and calmly.

Ysera (Green Dragon Queen): "Demsekar, my loyal guardian, I am about to enter the Emerald Dream to expel the evil nightmare that invaded from outside. During the time you are away, he must protect your forest."

However, the more Blue Dragon made himself want to think about these memories of killing Mawai Mofei, the more relevant pictures kept popping up in his mind, and the angrier Mawai Mofei was behind his eyes.

As for the roaring sound, it is doubtful that it is not Deathwing, and it seems to be because Navarras is too afraid of my father, the sound also appears normal twisted and crazy.

It turned out to be just a dream.

It was precisely because I thought of what happened later that the memory reacted naturally.

The blue dragon fluttered its wings and landed among a group of young blue dragons. I'm not a little curious about the process of the spell weaver ceremony.

Why, why do you think about those things, you want to think about them, you want to think about the things that he left Neharrin in the abyss to die, you want to think about the things that he killed my son, you want to Think about the past when he used my body to make troubles.

I looked at the woman behind me without any pity, she looked domineering, but was doomed to perish.

call!I let out a sigh of relief.

It was the voice of the Red Dragon King again, it was the same time, but the voice had the same throbbing.

As soon as that thought appeared, Blue Dragon felt a death stare, and when he turned around, he found that Nehalin was looking at me with venomous eyes.

The blue dragon felt a hatred that was gradually brewing from the depths of Navaras' heart. This was Navaras' bitter hatred for Nehalin, but that hatred was also drowned in fear, there was something wrong with it. , it was that hatred that made me finally create the magic of 'Dragon Soul Tearing'.

Wait a minute, so it worked?

Khiataz?Are you talking about you?The blue dragon was stunned for a while, I tried to adjust my sight, and when I turned my head, I saw the red dragon king lying beside me. The blue dragon vaguely felt that something was wrong, are you Khiataz?That's right, you should be Farian, that's right, that's right, what Huang Huifen, are you - Demsekar?Atres?
The deafening roar made the blue dragon tremble from the bottom of his heart, yes, it was me who was trembling, it was Navaras, the owner of that memory.

"Is there no problem, Mawaimofei villain?" I asked anxiously

It turned into a nasty blue young dragon, looking at me strangely. In front of you, there is a towering tower made of blue crystalline rocks. The energy of Goss is in the sky converging into a torrent visible to the naked eye.

"Father, little man."

Did the blue dragon say anything? Standing outside silently, savoring Navaras' hatred, huh, it's wrong or wrong, it seems that I don't recognize myself.

"It doesn't matter what he is, it doesn't matter what he does—die!"

After I walked to the altar, a figure shrouded in white and dark looked at me, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Before the blue dragon had time to react, he found himself standing under a wasteland, with a huge red dragon behind him.

That is switching memory again, I thought, and followed the dragon claw girl behind my eyes to fly back into this low tower, inside the magic hub, the king of dragon claw Mawai Mofei is mobilizing the energy of the magic net, it seems that he is about to retreat to a certain place kind of ritual.

In the last second, I opened my eyes suddenly, and my eyes turned into dark golden vertical pupils.
"Here's that traitor for you."

The blue dragon was intoxicated for a while, thinking that Mawai Mofei was so friendly to his subordinates, how could he be like a lunatic like Deathwing... I killed Mawai Huang Hui at the beginning, but now that I think about it, I don't think it's a bad idea.

"Come out for you! I want you to say it for the seventh time!"

Long Lei!

It was completely the result of my own random thinking, the other party didn't recognize me at all, but felt my memory.

The yellow vortex of Arcana Murphy!A huge energy vortex appeared in my hand, and as I waved my hand, Goth's sphere turned into a meteor and exploded a column of water under the sea surface.

That's right, it's a dream outside, those dragon kings exist at all, and those are just memories, how could they recognize you?
I was startled and angry, but this white shadow just ate my heart, and the blue dragon stretched out his hand violently on top of the fury, the ancient dragon thunderbolt!A red thunder shot out from my hand.

"Problem? Of course no problem—Deathwing? Yes, he is Deathwing, who the hell is he! Even if he turns to ashes, you will know him."

"Is he avoiding you?" Nehalin asked normally and fiercely.

Ha ha!Cool.

The blue dragon—or Navarras, stroked his sister's hair and resolutely walked out of the hiding place.

Yes, the feeling of rebirth, the feeling of mastering magic!
"That's what he said, you just weakened him with the power of life..." The red dragon king stared at me, his eyes suddenly became sharp, "He is Keshiataz, what is he? who is it?"

"I want to go out, I will kill him." Oni Huang Huifen said revived, but the fear in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Looking up, there were several peck marks on his chest.

boom!The blue dragon struggled to get up, but a shadow appeared behind my face.

The blue dragon convulsed in pain, struggling to get up, but this man stabbed me one after another, took out the beating heart from my chest, devoured and chewed it in small mouthfuls.

I suddenly noticed that everyone's chest had been dug open, revealing a bloody white hole, we looked at me silently, extremely noisy, getting used to the majestic singing, the scene behind our eyes made me I don't feel the creeps.

The dragon claws went down one by one to accept the gift, and when it was the blue dragon's turn, the blue dragon was quite excited.

After experiencing the memory fragments in the dream, you will get the corresponding power.

boom!A dark red magic shot towards Deathwing behind his eyes, and in an instant, everything behind his eyes was distorted and complete.

"Of course it is, you are just studying magic."

As soon as that idea popped up, the stern female dragon face of the red dragon male king suddenly became ferocious, and the blue dragon subconsciously wanted to move forward, and in the last second——

Deathwing behind my eyes also appeared in the form of a human being. Nehallin's eyes were like scorching lava. My skin was also etched with scars by the lava. Flames ignited in the gaps in the armor, like a monster.

"What's the matter, you're just not tired." I tried my best to hide the strangeness in my heart.

Whose memory is that?
Combining the changes of the scene and the change of identity after these few times, I suddenly came to my senses.

In the huge white lacquered stone hall, under the throne made of obsidian, sat a woman wearing white scales.

The blue dragon walked towards the altar like a puppet, and hurriedly lay down under the altar. I felt my whole body was icy hot, like a fish lying under the chopping board. The white man raised the sharp blade in his hand and slammed It stabbed up towards my chest, and the scorching metal pierced into my chest.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly found that Mawai Mofei was staring at me, his eyes gradually became hot and filled with hatred.

The blue dragon reacted abruptly. In the dream, my thinking was not completely revived, but I was still able to lose basic judgment. It was the constant scene changes and memory changes that made me gradually aware of the strangeness around me.

The blue dragon immediately realized where it was, the magic hub was the holy place of the Huang Hui clan, where the magic nets of the sky world meet.

The memory of that harvest is obviously the same, the day when Atreus broke out of the shell and received the blessing of life, the day when Demsekar was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, the day when Farian joined the Red Dragon Army, the day when Kexi The day Yataz was watched by the Red Dragon King.

The blue dragon's consciousness was confused for a while, I tried my best to get confused about what happened, yes, those were all you, what happened just now-yes, you were dreaming!
Mawai Murphy (King of Dragon Claw): "They are the new generation of fighters of the Huanghui Legion, they are the messengers who control the energy of Goss, and they are also the defenders of the magic net.

But the other party still found out.

Mawai Mofei's figure is majestic and small, obviously in Huang Huifen's memory, Mawai Mofei is undoubtedly a relatively small image.

"Staz, what is he waiting for, the ceremony will be over soon."

Huang Hui looked at Qi Zhou, and that was - Longxiang Ceremony Hall!

It is the memories of these eight dragons that I devoured, intertwined together.

"Magic, magic, and magic again. Like his mother, he only knows how to study these inexplicable things. He really knows what real power is, ah!!! Shut his mouth."

Huang Hui Fentaz showed a look of surprise and admiration, "That's right, he impressed you."

The blue dragon was taken aback for a moment, hey, Alexstrasza could actually see my resurrection?Is that a dream?How do you know you are real?

Excitement and pride surged in the blue dragon's heart, and the last second, another Huang Hui lay under my face...

"What's the matter, Keshiataz?" The voice of the Red Dragon King sounded again.

The normal rebirth is completely like the next few times, with a vague feeling of being controlled, and it is even impossible to determine whether the power exists. At that time, I could vaguely feel the layering of the power.

Damn, why is he still thinking about it?

Huang Hui felt that he was falling, falling endlessly in the darkness, until I landed on the ice-hot rock with a thud, and after a while, I hurriedly got up.

The magic net is a tangible net built by the energy of Goth, which is the source of magic power in that world, but it should be noted that the end of the magic net comes from the twisting void, and the essence of Goth is the tamed power of chaos.

This is undoubtedly my masterpiece just now.

The blue dragon raised his hand almost instinctively—the dragon soul of Navaras was torn apart!

You must be big-hearted, they can bring him weak power, cast magical magic, and achieve what he thinks in his heart, but they can't bring him to destruction.

Close your eyes, feel the power surge in your body, that time is exactly the same as in the past.

Now, in the name of your Guardians of the Weave, you bestow upon them the power and wisdom of the Spellweavers. "

Blue Dragon suddenly understood that it was his subconscious mind that triggered the counterattack of the avatar in his memory, just like Inception...

Your day!The blue dragon's heart trembled suddenly. If I were to say that the person I fear the most besides the Seven Little Dragon Kings, it really must be Deathwing. It's just that Deathwing is the weakest, Deathwing is the most evil, and most importantly, I am the most That's right, I didn't live in Deathwing. After all, the victim must have been eroded and corrupted by the power of the abyss, and left me in the abyss of rocks to wait for the inevitable crazy ending.

boom!Xiaodi was trembling, Huang Hui was about to go out, when he suddenly felt that no one was pulling the corner of my clothes, when he looked up, he found a man with long white hair and straight white hair, looking at me with fear on his face.

Like a wild beast, the blue dragon rushed towards this huge red dragon several times the size of me, and was swept away by a dragon tail sweep, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Nevaras, your son of a bitch, what is he doing? Where did he hide, come to you!"

So there is still the last trick to try - transforming the dragon!
The light of Goth fell on me, and the energy of Goth surrounded me.

I felt a warm body hug me, and Huang Hui felt a burst of excitement, but it was not weird. This excitement was suspected to come from the residual memory of Keshiataz, but for the dragon race—although the human form is getting bigger and bigger. Sexy, especially Alexstrasza, is simply tempting, but thinking that the one holding me now is a giant dragon with a body length of more than [-] meters, it is difficult for Huang Hui to enter the scene.

ah!To think, to think.

"He's too young and heavy Huang Huifen, let's give up." An arcane landed on his head, but the blue dragon suddenly raised his hand, and a huge arcane directly supported the opponent's attack.

With a roar, Nehallin still turned into the form of the king of white dragons. The terrifying giant dragon almost filled the entire field of vision. The huge dragon's head was close at hand, and the bloody mouth opened hurriedly.

It's the magic hub!
However, the fierce sound is not like the calm after the storm.

Huang Hui forgot that I was dreaming. I got up from the ground and looked at the ancient dragon eaters around me. A feeling attracted me and led me to the altar. There seemed to be nothing waiting for me outside. The crowd automatically separate,

The moment Ma Wai Huang Hui opened his small mouth to exhale, the picture behind his eyes disappeared again.

Memories—dreams—you get the idea!
I opened my eyes suddenly, and found that I was in human form, and it looked like I was still in the form of many years.

Mawai Mofei's words were not confusing, but Huang Hui was taken aback, "Fuck you, you're not mistaken, how could all those guys recognize you?"So sharp?

"It's easy Oni, I will hurt you, I am your father after all, and if you are sure to go out, who knows what I will do..."

The blue dragon almost blurted out, "Your king, you swear on your life that you will never disappoint the trust you have given you. You will definitely guard that forest..." I stared at Huang Huifen's green eyes, Saying so, the green light flickered, gradually covering my field of vision, and the picture behind my eyes changed again.

I opened my eyes again and looked at the seagulls that were blasted into charred underground.He looked at his hands again.

Everything around is not blurry, the howling storm, the crimson thunder, there is no mistake, that is not Tongtian Peak.

With Naharrin's current state, Navaras probably understood what happened, but the blue dragon probably guessed that it must have been affected by the ancient god's loud words before rebirth.

Oni Isera!I recognized it immediately.

Naihuang Huifen suddenly let out a roar, covered her ear with one hand, stomped her left foot nervously, every time it landed, Xiaodian trembled. 1
Everything was complete in front of my eyes, and the blue dragon suddenly woke up from the dream. I found myself lying on the beach on my back, with one hand raised downwards, still maintaining the movement of casting spells. , a seagull was lying peacefully under the beach, with white smoke all over its body.

Let me find my self-awareness in the dream.

"Farian, come on, is he very weak? He wants to become a warrior of the Red Dragon Army, so use all his strength to attack you."

It cannot be said that it is the most revived area of ​​Goss energy in the whole world.

The blue dragon was stunned to find that the scene behind his eyes had changed again, and the red dragon king disappeared.

Naihuang Huifen laughed like a lunatic, then talked to herself, and after a while, became furious again because of the blue dragon's gaze.

Of course, the day before that Starz was bestowed the title of 'Spellweaver' had not yet come.

Oni Isera in the back looks very young, but there is still a shadow of the charming face of the future, it is too much male version of you, you look less like a dark gothic The gloom and yes Ann.

I looked at Qi Zhou, and was surprised to find that there were people all around us. We had different shapes. There were no Arathor-style armors, no older leather armors, and even some primitive people with naked lower body and majestic muscles. modeling, but without exception, we are all mighty and majestic ancient warriors.

But it's also okay to meet each other. Blue Dragon vaguely felt that those strange dreams were actually the process of me gaining power in reality.

The pure flame of Arundel!The head of the white dragon emerged out of thin air, spraying out blazing white flames, gushing out below the sea surface, boiling the sea water to a boil.

The magic power in my body is still continuously produced. I close my eyes and can vaguely feel the changes in my body. That time it will definitely disappear like before.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the crimson lightning condensed into a thunder gun in his hand, and when he shook his hand, the thunder gun shot out, exploding a ball of sparks under the sea surface.

Yes, this is your heart!

"Huang Hui Fentaz, your faithful companion, his behavior tonight is really wrong."

Huang Hui heaved a sigh of relief, the last dream to read should come back to life.

If I meet him, I'm afraid I can't hide it in my heart, and I will be recognized immediately.

"Little Huang Hui Fentaz, you will lose to him, ah!"

The blue dragon's rebirth felt it, or judged based on past experience, all the memories left by the dragon clan, and the memories that appeared in my dreams are often the most profound memories after his life.

Nehallin suddenly raised his head and stared at me, "What's the matter with his eyes? Is he hating you? Or is he planning some conspiracy? Hahahaha, it's bad, it makes the hatred deeper Well, maybe one day that hatred can make him lose any power!"

(End of this chapter)

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