Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 271 Dragons in the Real World

Chapter 271 Dragons in the Real World

Violent energy surged in his body, the bones made a crackling sound, and the feeling of tearing came from all over his body.

Murphy felt as if he was going to die at that moment.

Oh my god, it hurts so fucking badly.

His body was still swelling and getting bigger, and the severe pain made him almost go into shock for a while, but Mo Fei knew that he must not lose consciousness at this time. In the game, if he failed to transform a dragon, he would turn into a monster, but it might not be the same in reality.

If it really turned into a half-human, half-dragon monster, it might not be as good as the end in the game. At least in the game, you can find a horned cat to live on.

In reality, there are people everywhere, and when they are discovered, the army is attracted, and the tanks and cannons are bombarded, I am afraid that they will be bombarded into scum, if luck is better, it is probably the fate of being arrested and sliced ​​​​for research.

Ahhhhh!Mo Fei screamed and continued to complete the dragon transformation. It stands to reason that he has already transformed a dragon once in the game, so it should be very easy in reality.

However, the process was surprisingly difficult. With great difficulty, the limbs were transformed into a dragon shape, but the wings were stuck on the back and could not be stretched out.

The severe pain had almost exhausted him.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Fei suddenly realized the problem. In the game, he was Prince Aidan, a level 35 hero, with a physique of 50 points, and various attributes far surpassing ordinary people. However, in reality, he was just an ordinary person. It is estimated that he does not even have a constitution of 10.

It is naturally much harder to endure the pain of transforming a dragon.

However, the Dragon Transformation Ceremony had already started at this time, and Mo Fei couldn't stop even if he wanted to, so he had to bite the bullet and continue.

ah! ! !He once again let out a horrific roar, mustered all his strength and violently stimulated the energy in his body, trying to break free from the human body, the muscles and bones under the skin swelled, and purple dragon scales grew out of the skin , finally—huge wings grew out from the back, stretched out, and in the blink of an eye, a giant dragon with a body length of more than 40 meters appeared on the beach.

Huh-huh-huh!The storm dragon panted heavily.

It worked!It really succeeded?Murphy looked at the huge shadow cast on the beach by the dawn sun in disbelief.

Feel the feeling of dragon claws stepping on the beach.

His dragon tail unconsciously stirred the sand behind him, leaving clear traces.

Although he had always fantasized about the arrival of this moment, when everything actually happened, it was so unbelievable that for a moment, he felt that he was still in the game.

However, the car not far behind told him that all this was true, and that he really turned into a dragon in reality.

dragon!Dragon!He stretched out a dragon claw fascinatedly, feeling the powerful power of this brand new body.

At this time, he felt so powerful, it was not comparable to that cowardly human body.

Yeah, why not?Wouldn't it be a hundred times stronger to be a dragon than a weak human being?

No!Don't think so!As soon as this idea came up, he immediately extinguished it.

This is a psychological struggle that dragon eaters must go through. Changes in the body will also affect the mind, and the impact of power is particularly strong.

However, it is always right to take a test flight.

Murphy flapped his wings slowly. First, he flapped slowly to feel the air flow surging under the wings. Every flap made his body float upwards.

Murphy ran a few steps on the beach, and then suddenly flew into the sky.

Haha, this is the feeling, the feeling of flying freely.

Murphy started flying very low, but soon the anticipation in his heart made him forget to be cautious, and he flew farther and farther towards the sea, and flew higher and higher, reaching an altitude of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

The outline of the city can be seen in the distance. At this time, the sky is just bright, and the figures of human beings walking on the street like ants can be vaguely seen.

Mo Fei suddenly felt like he was being watched by someone, and his ecstatic heart suddenly calmed down, no, no, he can't be seen by others.

Yes, since it is easy to be seen and inconvenient to test the flight in this world, why not just go to the parallel world to test the flight?

He quickly landed back to the ground, purple light flashed in the dragon's eyes, and the air in front of him suddenly twisted.

Noreldorm's time turmoil!

As if an invisible door opened, Murphy suddenly disappeared.

In the next second, he appeared in a seemingly identical world.The city was still in the distance, but it seemed to have changed slightly.

This should be the parallel time and space he traveled through last time, there is no special reason, it's just a feeling.

Since it is a parallel time and space, then he is not afraid of attracting attention, Mo Fei thought in his heart, wondering if it is because Hualong has just mastered the confidence brought by the huge power.

Murphy flew towards the sky above the city without any scruples.


at the same time--

"I love you walking alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel down, I love you who have persisted in despair and refused to cry..."

Xiao Yu was thinking about what to eat tonight, when the phone rang suddenly, interrupting his thoughts, connected the phone, and asked casually.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Hello, is this Mr. Xiao Yu?" said a serious middle-aged man's voice.

"it's me."

"Your test results have come out, um, did you receive our email?"

"Received, I just wanted to read it, but you said it was the same, what's the result of the inspection?"

"Unfortunately, you have a tumor in your head, and because of its special location, it is difficult to treat it with conventional surgery." The middle-aged man's voice was both sympathetic and businesslike. Said the tone.

Xiao Yu's expression froze when he heard this, and then he burst out laughing, "You must have been sent by someone to prank me, right? Haha, I was almost bluffed by you." He said half-jokingly, and at the same time hoped to hear The other side admits.

"Mr. Xiao, I have to tell you seriously that this is not a prank. Your test results are very clear. The detailed results have been emailed to you, and you can check them in your message bar."

Damn, what are you kidding, Xiao Yu quickly opened the email on his mobile phone, and sure enough, a physical examination report clearly told him that what the man said was true.

The brain tumor has a special location. According to the data, the brain tumor will continue to grow, and the patient is still in a safe state within a year. However, due to the compression of the brain nerves by the tumor, some visual and auditory hallucinations may occur. This situation will gradually worsen over time, and after [-] months, the patient will enter a critical period. Due to the continuous growth of the brain tumor, the pressure on the brain nerves is increasing, and the final result will be brain death.

Clap, the phone in Xiao Yu's hand fell to the ground, it's over, it's over now, I didn't expect that I would hang up so soon at such a young age.

No, this can never be true!As soon as Xiao Yu gritted his teeth, he must have lied to me, it must be!

Suddenly, there was a shout from a distance, and the behavior on the street screamed and pointed to the sky.

Xiao Yu didn't realize what happened at all, and his heart was completely covered by the distress of terminal illness. It wasn't until the surroundings suddenly became abnormally quiet that he was surprised to find that there was no one on the street.

Boom!The sound of the explosion made him raise his head suddenly, and when he saw the picture in the sky, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

It's over, it seems that this brain tumor is probably real, and I'm afraid it's already in the advanced stage, I actually saw a dragon flying in the sky, I rely on it, there are even fighter jets.


Murphy kept adjusting his posture to avoid the pursuit of fighter planes.

He was also a little speechless in his heart. He didn't expect that after flying two laps over the city, fighter jets would be attracted. What a joke.

City B is not a military center.

But since it is a parallel time and space, it is not impossible.

Originally, he only wanted to go back to his own world after wandering around for a test flight, but now facing the sudden appearance of fighter jets, he felt a little more competitive in his heart.

It's just a good time to see how the Storm Dragon's capabilities compare to modern fighters.

He accelerated suddenly, trying to shake off the opponent. Since the storm dragon is of wind attribute, it is undoubtedly a good dragon in flying ability, and it has the characteristic of controlling the storm. There is almost no air resistance when flying at full strength.

In an instant, it flew out at a speed close to the speed of sound.

However, with a whistling sound, the fighter plane directly overtook him from the side. The fighter plane drew a graceful arc in the air, obviously trying to force him out of the flight path.

Murphy shuddered with excitement. This kind of extreme speed racing makes people's blood boil.

He accelerated again, crazily cutting into different air currents, trying to increase the distance, but the fighter plane was always behind him.

This fighter jet flies so fast, it seems that the power of the wings is not as good as the jet engine.

How did he know that the pilot on the fighter plane behind him was even more shocked than him.

"Tower tower, I am Falcon, the target has been locked, the repeat target has been locked, please instruct."

"Did the other party reply?"

"No reply, no reply, and I don't think it should be able to reply."

"Why? The target is a drone?"

"It's not a drone, it looks like a—dragon?"

The voice of the pilot was a bit unconfident. It's no wonder that anyone who saw the monster in the fairy tale ran out could not believe it.

"Dragon? Falcon, what are you kidding?"

"It's not a joke. The target is about to enter the urban area. I request to shoot it down, otherwise it may cause unknown risks."

The tower was silent for a moment.

"Ask for permission to shoot it down!"

Da Da Da Da!

Two strings of flames suddenly struck from behind, and Mo Fei had already guarded against this attack, and turned in a general direction to dodge.

He can't compete in racing, but in terms of mobility, the dragon clan is much better than the mechanical combat skills.

Da da da!Da da da!
Bullets whiz and fly.

While dodging Murphy, he didn't forget to look back.

Suddenly there was a burst of flames under the wing.

Day, it's a missile.

Thunder exhales.

A bolt of lightning blasted out, hitting the missile.

boom!There was a loud explosion, and a ball of fire appeared in the sky, causing the onlookers below to look up for a while.

"Falcon, you have entered the sky above the urban area. If you continue to fight, you may accidentally injure the people. Find a way to drive it away from the city before attacking."

"Falcon received."

The fighter flicked its tail and cut into the airspace ahead again to intercept it.

However, Murphy saw that Mingtang was coming. He wanted to drive him away, but it was okay, the more this happened, the more it showed that the fighters were wary.

Then just fly down.

Murphy swooped directly, swooping down towards the ground at a large angle.

The fighter jet flew into the air, and could only watch helplessly as he flew into the building.

Seeing that the fighter plane didn't fire, Mo Fei had some confidence in his mind, and quickly flew between the buildings.

The fighter plane obviously couldn't fly so low, so it could only wait and see in the air.

However, at the same time, the figure of the army also appeared on the ground.

Mo Fei felt more and more outrageous, how could there be so many troops in City B in this world?City B over there is just a little-known third-tier town.

Or is there something inside that I don't know about.

Seeing more and more threats, Murphy decided not to stay any longer, and switched back to his own world by using the space-time turbulence.

Fortunately, the anchor point of Norrelldorm's space-time turbulence is fixed. Once he returned to his own world, he automatically returned to the beach next to the car, and there was no one around.

Phew, finally came back, looking at the deserted beach around, Murphy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Without too much hesitation, Murphy immediately turned back into a human form.

Compared with transforming into a dragon, the process of turning back into a human was much easier, and then he found that his body was chilly.

Looking down, there were no strands on his body, and his pale skin was exposed.

Fortunately, there is no one around, otherwise it would be a shame.

The reality is not as convenient as the game after all, I didn't expect it to explode.

He quickly opened the trunk of the car and dug out a set of clothes that he didn't know when he threw it there for a change of clothes. It was a bit dirty, but it was better than naked.

Driving on the way home, Mo Fei hummed a ditty excitedly. Although it was only a short one-hour dragon transformation experience, although this feeling had already been experienced in the game, but in reality , this feeling is unparalleled.

The car gradually drove into the urban area. Looking at the pedestrians coming and going and the peaceful streets around him, Murphy felt detached from reality.

The incarnation of a giant dragon is already so powerful that it can even compete with modern fighter jets in the air. If you can incarnate an ancient dragon, or even a dragon god?Can it also become a god-like existence in reality?
When Murphy thought of this possibility, he became very excited.

That's God.

What kind of concept was that... It was so exaggerated that it even made him feel a little crazy.

He has already made up his mind at this time. After returning, he will put all his energy and resources into the game. No matter what, he must complete the way of the ancient dragon, and then find a way to win the power of protection. If he can succeed, then his life will be destroyed. It is really complete.

His stomach suddenly growled, and Mo Fei came back from his fantasy. He felt that he would be so hungry that he could eat a cow. Transforming a dragon obviously consumes energy. It seems that becoming a god will have to wait first. Alright, let's have breakfast first.

PS: The state is not very good today, and the writing of this chapter is a bit unsatisfactory.

But time was running out, so I had to send it out.

If you think there is a problem, please raise it. If enough people raise it, I will overhaul it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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