Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 272 Local Tyrant Aidan and Militia Captain

Chapter 272 Local Tyrant Aidan and Militia Captain

Murphy opened his eyes suddenly, stood up from the bed, pushed open the bedroom door, looked at the busy scene in Alterac Palace outside, and took a deep breath involuntarily.

Sky World, here I come!

Returning to the game this time, his mood is completely different from the leisurely game mentality of the past. This time, he has a firm goal.

Continue to execute the dragon feast, capture the source power fragments, transform into an ancient dragon, and finally ascend to the position of Dragon God.

The Way of the Ancient Dragon, here I come!

Striding out of the bedroom, Murphy immediately called Roland Knight over.

Roland greeted him with a knight salute, "Your Highness Aidan, is there anything I can do for you?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Knight Roland, now I appoint you as the deputy head of the Dragon Sorrow Knights to be responsible for the related operations of the Knights. Now go and gather the knights. We are about to start action. I It is decided to advance all the Dragon Slayer Knights in order to upgrade their weapons, equipment and skills."

Roland immediately understood, but his face showed a look of embarrassment: "Your Highness, the equipment upgrade and extraordinary advancement of the Dragon Warrior Knight are indeed powerful, but I am afraid it will cost a lot of money. To complete the armament requires a lot of precious materials and a lot of gold coins."

"Haha, gold coins are not a problem, don't worry, there will be materials, and there will be gold coins."

Murphy said confidently, originally he was playing games to save as much as he could. After all, he was used to being poor in the past. It is rare to earn this 2000 million old capital, and he expects to spend it slowly in the second half of his life. I'm afraid the price-performance ratio is not high enough.

But this time, Murphy has already made up his mind. He is determined to be a kryptonite. Problems that can be solved with money are not a problem.

Seeing Murphy's confidence, Roland immediately expressed his trust, "Then I'll call everyone. By the way, Your Highness, there is one thing I need to confirm with you. Will our knight order be made public?"

"Well, this is indeed a problem."

Murphy pondered slightly, he had already studied the Knight Order system yesterday.

The knight order is a military organization with knights at its core, and in this world, usually only nobles can become knights, and with knights, the knight order can be expanded and more dragon knights can be trained.

Only when the knights are made public can noble recruits and knight-errant knights be attracted to join the knights.

Of course, the specific number of noble recruits and knights that can be attracted mainly depends on the prestige of the knight order. Like the Royal Knights of Lordaeron, because it is a national knight order, it has the endorsement of the kingdom and has tens of thousands of prestige. Naturally, it can attract a large number of reserve forces. .

For example, the Knights of the North Wind are much worse. There are also knights established by some local nobles, such as the Black Boar Knights and the Blue Dolphin Knights.

After all, the Dragon Sorrow Knights are also extraordinary knights. Those who have extraordinary advancements were established by himself, the prince. Presumably, the initial reputation should not be too bad.

Another advantage of the Open Knights is that you can get a one-time reputation reward of 1000 points, which is an exclusive reward for players who create the Knights.

20 points of prestige can increase one point of dominance, 1 prestige is equivalent to 1000 dominance value, and counting the prestige earned from defeating the orcs yesterday, his dominance value directly broke through the 50 mark.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. Once the knights are disclosed, it means that the knights appear in the plot and will be affected by the plot.

As the so-called dust of history falls on a person, it weighs a thousand catties. Although the Knights are much stronger than an individual, they have not reached the point of detachment.

The Knights of Dragon Sorrow were established by the Prince of Alterac and the Knights of the North Wind, which means that the fate of the Knights will be highly bound to the kingdom. If Alterac is destroyed, the Knights will either die, even if they survived It will also lose a lot of reputation and influence, and become a wild monster force.

But Murphy still decided to make it public. At this point, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Once Alterac is defeated, everything will be closed.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Let's make it public, Sir Roland, spread the news of the establishment of the Dragon Slayer Knights, let more people know the existence of our Knights, and at this moment when the kingdom is in danger, we must cheer up People's hearts."

Roland (Knight of Longshang): "Yes, Your Highness, well, since it is going to be made public, I suggest that it is best to use some methods to improve the reputation of the Knights.

I personally have three suggestions, Your Highness may wish to consider one or two. "

1. Hire bards.If you want to expand your reputation, the easiest way is to hire bards to sing about the deeds and greatness of the Knights in the tavern. This will cost gold coins, about 398 gold coins.

2. Hold a contest.The tournament is held to openly recruit knights to join the Knights, and as long as it is successfully held, a "champion knight" will be obtained. Doing so requires 2015 gold coins.

3. Grant knights fiefs.Provide a fief for the knights of the Dragon Sorrow Knights, which can greatly increase the number of recruited knights, but each recruited knight needs to consume an additional 100 gold coins to buy the fief.

Your Highness, please make a choice. "

Murphy immediately thought about it, Knight Roland is indeed very experienced, and he knows so much about the operation of the Knights, so the deputy leader he chose was right.

But these three methods are simply burning money. A gold coin costs ten yuan, hiring a bard costs 4000 yuan, holding a martial arts tournament costs more than 2 yuan, and giving a fiefdom costs 1000 yuan.

Normally, it would be impossible for Mo Fei to agree even if he was beaten to death, but this time he only hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

"Okay, let me do it all."

Roland was taken aback, "Your Highness, but if you do this, the gold coins..."

"Don't worry, the gold coins will be in place soon, here is a thousand gold coins you take first, first hire the bard, and I will give you the rest later." Murphy said and patted Roland on the shoulder, "You first Go get busy, I'm going to make money right now, come as soon as you go."

After separating from Roland and leaving the palace, Murphy went straight to the tavern.

While walking, he opened the mall casually and directly exchanged 200 million coupons.

It is more convenient to buy coupons at auctions than gold coins.

Then he sent a message to the studio player named Liu Suifeng who sold his gold coins back then.

Aidan: Dude, come on business, big business, let's talk.

Liu Suifeng: Received.

As soon as he heard that there was a big business, Liu Suifeng moved very quickly. After a while, Liu Suifeng appeared at the door of the tavern.

Sitting down in front of Murphy, Liu Suifeng asked impatiently.

"Prince Aidan, how many gold coins do you want to buy this time?"

Mo Fei said lightly, "Give me 20 gold coins first."

Liu Suifeng was taken aback, 20 gold coins, that's more than 200 million. When did the poor princes in Alterac ever get so rich.

"Prince Aidan, are you sure? The price of gold coins has been rising now. 20 gold coins cost 230 million RMB."

"No problem, it's just over 200 million, it's nothing."

Mo Fei waved his hand and said boldly.

But there was a burst of blood in my heart. Damn it was more than 200 million, enough to buy a Dragon Slaying Sword, and I could buy a house with three bedrooms and one living room.

But compared to the temptation to become a god, money is nothing, just spend what you need.

Liu Suifeng's eyes lit up, "Haha, Brother Aidan, you are too bright, no problem, I will collect gold coins for you, it may take a while, you have to wait for me for a while, and the number you want It's a bit big, and it's risky to turn around, so you should pay a deposit first."

"It's okay, I'll wait for you here," Murphy said, and sent 20 yuan directly.

Anyway, if there is a system, he is not afraid of being hacked.

Murphy watched Liu Suifeng leave, stood at the door of the tavern and waited patiently.

Just as Liu Suifeng left, the city gradually became lively.

Teams of soldiers marched into the barracks in the city, militia troops from villages and small towns all over the kingdom, kingdom legions from various great successes, and private soldiers from various noble territories.

Looking at the bustling troops in the city, Murphy nodded slightly. No matter how weak Alterac is, it is still a kingdom. If it is mobilized with all its strength, its strength is still considerable.

It is related to the survival of the kingdom, and this mobilization ability is quite in place.

Murphy looked around, and suddenly saw several familiar figures.

Hey, isn't that those old fishing men?
When Murphy left Alterac for a business trip to Stormwind City, he handed over the management of the village to those old fishing men. Yesterday he sent Razidanan to recruit the militia, but he did not expect these old men to follow.

Youran Nanshan guest, Zhuge Jianguo, General Liu, and a militia captain called Veteran Liangjian, this is the first time I have seen this one, and they should be with them too. Look at those old men with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes around Veteran Liangjian It looks like a military leader.

He didn't go up to say hello.

Those people didn't notice him either.

Just confirm with Razidanan on the side where the army is stationed.

When the soldiers had all entered the barracks, the old men wandered around the city.

"Is this the city of Alterac? It's really a strong city." The veteran said, looking at the towering city wall and the arrow towers above it with a sword.

After circling around the city wall a few times, there was a bit of surprise in his eyes, "It's kind of like that, don't tell me, it really fits the ancient military architectural concept."

Razidanan picked it up at the right time: "Hey, old man, do you still have research on ancient military affairs?"

"Hmph, it's all about wars. How much difference can there be between modern and ancient times? It's nothing more than maximizing the terrain advantages that are beneficial to the defenders. Look at this city wall. Although it looks Gothic, it obviously has a bit of edge. The nature of the castle is not just as simple as looking good.”

Zhuge Jianguo (mage): "Old leader, I have already said that this game is not ordinary, but why do you have to be a militia captain? It would be great to be an adventurer with us, unfettered, dead Don't be afraid, you, the militia captain, seem to have to spend money, right? If you die, you'll be gone."

"What's the point of being able to resurrect after death? Isn't that a shame? If we want to fight a war, we have to deal with them seriously and fairly. And don't think I don't know. You adventurers are background boards, Passerby A, no matter how much you do, it’s not true. Although I’m gone if I die, as long as I don’t die, I can make contributions and change history.

It's what the game website says—by the way, plot characters.

Just relying on the command art that I have honed over the past ten years of military career, plus the five hundred townspeople in Songmu Village, I can make a career no matter what. "

The old men were a little speechless. The captain of the militia was an elite template, at most he was half a plot character - he could participate in the plot, but he could not initiate the plot, and his combat power was about the same as that of an adventurer. What can he do when he really goes to the battlefield? use.

And they can barely be considered 'veteran players'. After playing these few months, they have some understanding of the background of this game. This world is a world of heroic boss fights and gods and demons dancing wildly, just like Journey to the West. Even if you are a militia captain, you can't do anything like a big devil or a little devil.

However, the three old men also knew themselves as the old head of the regiment. If it sounds good, they will be determined and unwavering. If it sounds bad, they will not hit the south wall and not look back.

He said haha ​​and didn't say much at the moment.

On the contrary, Razidanan couldn't help reminding: "Old man, you'd better not be too careless, those orcs are elite, they are very difficult to deal with."

"Elite? I'm playing elite. Didn't you see what screen name I got? Let me tell you, I just didn't catch up with the time. If I was born during the Anti-Japanese War, I would definitely be Li Yunlong's second-no, yes I have nothing to do with Li Yunlong.

What kind of beastman and birdman, you will know how powerful you are when you go to the battlefield. "

Seeing the cheerful expressions of the three old men after speaking, the veteran also saw the three old men's thoughts with his bright sword, "I won't tell you, I will lead the soldiers into the barracks for training."

After speaking, he turned and entered the barracks.

The three old men were all a little funny. The old team leader didn't join the game at first, but he didn't expect to be more energetic than anyone else after joining the game.

Leisurely Nanshanke (Hunter) "I think the old regiment leader must have relapsed from his addiction to leading troops."

Zhuge Jianguo (mage): "I think the old commander just wants to fight. After all, he has been a soldier for so many years, but he has never fought a single battle. He must be unwilling. He has been addicted to the game." It's good too."

General Liu (soldier): "Hey, do you think we should remind him that the so-called militiamen are cannon fodder, and they are nothing on the battlefield."

Zhuge Jianguo (mage): "No, let him experience it slowly. Besides, dying in battle is a different kind of romance."

Murphy didn't hear a few people talking, but he was a little surprised. He didn't expect so many militiamen to come to his small village.

But he didn't take it too seriously. The militiamen were weak in fighting power, so they were nothing but cannon fodder when they went to the battlefield.

The real victory still depends on the performance of heroes and elite troops.

As long as he can arm an army of extraordinary knights, he will definitely be the coolest boy on the battlefield.

Liu Suifeng finally came back.

"His Royal Highness Aidan, I have transferred the gold coins you asked for."

"Okay, it's pretty fast."

"After all, this is what we eat. Come, come, let's make a deal."

The two started trading directly, because there was a system as a transfer, so there was no need to worry about problems. Soon 20 gold coins went into the backpack, and 230 million turned into a bunch of numbers in the backpack.

Murphy still felt unreal, and the money was too easy to spend.

But if you buy everything, don't think too much about it. When the auction started, Mo Fei went straight to the auction, ready to start the buying, buying, buying mode.

(End of this chapter)

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