Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
In the past, when Murphy bought things, he always calculated and compared them repeatedly, for fear that the purchase would be expensive. Sometimes he would directly choose the low-end version in order to save money, or simply use the next-level exquisiteness to make do with it. But this time, he directly used the maximum The purpose is to improve one's own strength.

Money or something, just drop it.

The first is the upgrade material for the Dragon Knight.

Keel, 800 coupons per piece, 80 first.

Dragon scales, he has a lot of these things. He has slaughtered so many dragons before, and picked up a lot in his bag. Dragon scales do not need collection skills. As long as the dead dragons will drop, they can be picked up directly, so there is no need to smash them. money.

Dragon blood, a bottle of 600 coupons, directly bought 100 bottles, although the dragon blood giant fighter is the bottom of the three extraordinary advancements, but it is stuck at the perfect level of 49, which means that this unit is in the It belongs to the top-tier existence in the 4th-level arms, and the price/performance ratio is absolutely super.

Moreover, the price of dragon blood is also much cheaper. In the future, there will be more knights in the knight order, which is very suitable for a large number of violent soldiers.

Dragon eggs, this is a bit difficult to deal with. Mo Fei searched the auction, but he couldn't find a single dragon egg. Instead, he saw several advertisements for long-term collection of dragon eggs. It seems that there are many people who are eyeing this thing. .

Fortunately, he has twelve dragon eggs in his hand, so he can still train a batch.

In fact, materials such as keel and dragon blood can be collected directly from dragon corpses with collection skills. Of course, they must be above the master level, but Mo Fei did not learn the collection skills, mainly to avoid being collected Behavior occupies a special position, so the opportunity to harvest more materials was wasted, and now it can only be bought with money.

"Damn it, Mr. Ni's method of pretending to be coercive is too deliberate. Isn't he an extraordinary unit? He can even ride a dragon. I heard that Stormwind City has created an extraordinary unit 'White Dragon Air Strike Knight'. Thinking about how loud he is, he made it out, amazing, what kind of dragon is he, it looks quite unique, what attribute?"

It won't work if you go up to another tenth level later, when the dragon-slaying giant sword is in one hand and the storm controler in the other hand, gods will block and kill gods and Buddhas.

Aiden nodded, and was about to give a few words of encouragement when a quiet sound suddenly sounded inside.

At the beginning I was willing to buy it, but that time I completely saved it. As the saying goes, less skills means pressure on the body, less combat skills, and fewer contingency plans when fighting. Less is better.

"Oh, you understand, you understand, you are asking if you are wrong."

Aiden looked at the shape of the Dragon Knight, whether the knight's equipment has changed little, or this knight suit, because there is a Roland knight's dragon-shaped battle robe missing in the armor, the lance has become longer, and the tip of the spear is shining Under the light of thunder and lightning, the ear protectors of the dragon wings are missing on both sides of the helmet, which looks very cool.

Lion Slash, Whirlwind Slash, Fearful Slash, and Hao Hui, the Eight Gods of Warriors, took it directly. The total cost of the eight books was [-].

That thing is a big pet, so it has no combat power, it doesn't look hateful, and if it spits out a lightning ball, it will only do a few damages.

Just looking at the shape, it is quite mighty and domineering.

Longlin obviously understands what a hero template is, but the system will automatically convert the player's words into content that NPCs cannot understand.

"Hehe, that..."

Barrett Crazy Fang (Frostwolf Special Envoy): "You are ordered by your chief to come here to issue an ultimatum to the human king here. The place in Haohuijike is very bad. You Frostwolf orcs will make their homes here and kill the dragons." Xuntianke Valley is given to you, we will fight them, otherwise, let’s go to war.”
That kind of legendary combat skill is a rare commodity, and it can be seen a lot outside the game, and it is even more common to be listed in the auction, so you can miss it.

Skill Effect: Make him unable to hold a two-handed weapon in one hand and fight back, but the damage caused by the weapon will be reduced by 20%.

Aidan (Prince Long Xuntianke): "Speaking of which, Long Lin, he should slow down to the hero template, right?"

Attributes are also quite impressive.

With a flash of golden light, a Roland knight and a dragon egg disappeared in place, replaced by a mighty dragon knight riding on the back of a storm dragon.

Of course, the weak belong to the weak, and those extraordinary units are really burning money. The upgrade materials plus the upgrade cost will cost tens of thousands of each.

The skills are also two less thunder attribute skills than the special Alteran master.

Under the body is the armor made by Hao Hui and the keel. The helmet is full-covered, and even the horses are covered with armor. The weapons are dragon spine spears and keel swords. The whole body is equipped with dragon-style equipment. Hence the name.

Yes, local tyrants really play well.

Those green-skinned monsters were indeed as terrifying and barbaric as they had been rumored to be. With their tiny fangs, weak muscles, and majestic physique, those monsters were less terrifying than trolls.

Learning conditions: 100 strength attributes.

With a flash of white light, a dragon-mounted heavy cavalry appeared behind his eyes.

Then Aiden bought another set of thorium ingots, two sets of mithril ingots, found a junior dwarf blacksmith player, and added a bunch of Hao Hui outside the bag, and made himself a set of Murphy plate armor.

King Haohui sat under the throne, looking at the orcs on the steps with fond and relaxed eyes.

"Awesome! Now the entire game has produced players with extraordinary units. I'm afraid they can be counted with a single slap. Tsk tsk tsk. It's convenient to reveal how they did it."

Master Hao Huiji (extraordinary unit) - Level 65, HP 1800.

After replacing the newly built Murphy suit and learning all eight warrior skills, Aiden returned to the palace in high spirits.

The small door of the palace fortress opened hastily, and the orc envoy climbed onto the wolf and retreated out of the conference hall. The two sides of the conference hall were full of nobles and princes.

Although there are only 71 people in total, the look is too domineering.

A row of Alteran masters soared under Longxuntianke City, which was very impressive.

Thinking of the savage monsters like tens of thousands hiding in the valley of Long Xun Tianke, Hao Hui couldn't help being covered in dao.

Hao Hui nodded in satisfaction, assuming he is an extraordinary soldier, he looks very handsome.

Now it’s not a bit embarrassing to have no dragon scales. I’m an elite template, and I have a way to upgrade extraordinary units, so I can only ride my dragon patrol steed and wear the standard equipment of the Northern Wind Knights.

I patted a brother beside me, "What's the situation? Why are you protecting those orcs?"

That blood volume is equivalent to superimposing the blood volume of the knight and the young dragon together.

Hao Hui didn't mean to hide it. Sooner or later, the troops will be drawn out to fight, and there is a way to make a high profile. Moreover, a proper display of strength will attract fewer allies, "Hehe, what's the matter, just upgrade your private soldiers It’s just a class of arms, after all, there’s going to be a war.”

It must be in reality. It is quite troublesome to train an Alteran master. First, you need to hatch the dragon eggs, and then let the knight and the young dragon establish a relationship, quickly develop, cultivate feelings, and train the knight to fight in the hole Only with the most advanced skills can you become a real dragon knight.

The 22 dragon and thunder knights belonged to the ordinary unit, the optimized version of the Haohui knight, the worst unit that Dasuo wanted to relegate.

When Aiden and Dalabun walked out of the palace, the orc messenger Dasuo walked back to the gate of Longxuntianke.

It was not the Alteran Rider who was chosen.

In contrast, the North Wind Knights are no longer civilians, let alone those of the seventh and eighth ranks.

Aiden clicked ten in one breath, and upgraded ten Alteran masters.

I didn't check the unit attributes.

Those orcs were also bachelors, without any fear, they rode wolves and walked towards the palace with small strides.

When Hao Hui and Dalabang arrived, what they saw was not like that.

Adding Haohui's own 100 points of lightning resistance, 50 points of shadow resistance, 100 points of fire resistance of the Dragon Slayer Talisman, and 50 points of fire resistance of the Lava Body, I can't beat the elemental resistance. Quite astonishing, almost reaching the level of full elemental resistance.

Directly choose to hatch, and with a click, a storm hatchling is hatched.

The bad thing is that elite units can't directly change equipment. Aiden gave me the Bloodfury Knight suit that he replaced, and at least he could save 200 HP.

Especially the fire resistance is as low as 230 points, and the special fire spells have almost no damage to me.

Now that cheap old man who our princes are most afraid of surrenders to the orcs, once the order is issued, our princes will be passive.

"Storm drake, who spits lightning."

Let's keep it for now.

Aiden took out seventeen white dragon eggs and directly ended the transformation of the retrograde dragon eggs. In fact, using white dragon eggs directly can't upgrade the Altlander. The difference between the two is that the mounts are the same, but the dragoons mainly rely on It's not the dragon's breath, the weaker it is, the worse it is. The white dragon is actually worse, but since he is the Storm Dragon King, this extraordinary unit naturally has no unique characteristics.

Aiden glanced into the small door and saw the bad princes running in.

Longlin thought for a while, "Then nodded, you really feel that your strength has not retreated recently, and maybe there is no possibility of breakthrough."

The orc stared at the human king behind him without any fear, and he didn't care about the orders of the guards to scold and salute.

Dalabun stared straight at the outlander and the dragon-mounted heavy cavalry in front of Aiden.

Then I took out the keel and Murphy, and chose the retired dragon heavy cavalry.

Aiden casually called Dalabang who passed by the door and asked, "What happened?"

Damn, that old guy is even more particular about that kind of thing. If it were someone else, Aiden might believe that I really value etiquette, but if it was that old guy Cheng Longshang, Aiden's first thought was not that the guy was keeping things for himself. Route.

Hao Hui (King Long Xuntianke): "Orcs, tell me why they came to your castle."

In the past, the law-playing professions would be more nervous.

[Titan's Grip (Legendary Combat Technique)

After some shopping, Aiden spent more than two million coupons to finish the job. Looking at the balance in the bank account, Aiden thought that being a kryptonite really burns money, but the effect is really immediate. .

Aiden put the big guy under his shoulders, and while walking, the young dragon turned back to automatically fly and follow, but he thought in his heart that his storm dragon king form was not useful at all, if he clicked on the talent of 'level promotion' later, he would directly To upgrade a young dragon to a young dragon, I can't prostitute a storm young dragon's mount for nothing. If I can directly transform a dragon, the meaning of that mount is small.

After two days of small battles, I will go to the battlefield. At that time, it must be safe to move without a group of elite generals and guards. Although the master of Hao Huiji is bad, he can guard the right and left at any time.

"It's an orc. We sent an envoy. It is estimated that they are going to fight—wocao! What's the situation with him?"

Troop characteristics: flying, lightning dragon breath, super vision, inducing fear, thunderstorm weapon (common skill), lightning strike (common skill)...

Dalabang said: "If those orcs can be killed, what if the old man Long Shang wants to surrender?"

A total of seven people, one envoy, seven guards, surrounded by murderous looks cast by countless adventurers, must be a group of kingdom guards standing aside, I am afraid that those orcs will be dismembered in an instant up.

Murphy's plate armor set is only lower in defense, and does not provide the same amount of resistance based on the inlay.

Aiden mainly chooses red ink non-chips and blue ink non-chips. A full set of equipment adds 80 points of fire resistance and 70 points of ice resistance. Fire and ice attacks are the most common elemental damage.

"It's time to slow down. In history, Long Shang surrendered when the Orgrim soldiers overwhelmed the land. Now you are facing tens of thousands of orcs from the Frostwolf clan, surrounded by alliance countries. No matter how cowardly, it should also be so brainy.

Aiden looked at the last remaining dragon egg, thought about it, and decided to use it himself.

Let's see what those orcs are here for. "

The upgrade materials for the arms are done, and the next step is not to buy skill books.

Is it wrong or wrong, it is worthy of being an extraordinary unit, that attribute is quite powerful, I can't see how much deterrence a team of dragon knights can create under the battlefield when the two armies are in a small battle.

Skill introduction: Legendary combat skills used by weak ancient warriors. It is said that humans in ancient times were blessed by the Titans. Their extraordinary power prevented them from killing bears and tigers with bare hands, so they could not retreat and fight with two-handed weapons at the same time. 】

Then I searched for lower-level legendary combat skills, which are quite common, but I actually found one after thinking about it.

There are not so ten mighty and domineering knights by his side, which is full of danger.

It seems that after finishing the next battle, Longlin will be able to retire as a hero.

Talk is better than nothing.

Aiden finished training Hao Huiji before the seventeen dragon eggs were transformed.

Troop characteristics: resist magic, heavy armor, charge, trample attack, thunderstorm weapon (common skill), lightning strike (big skill)...

Is it outside the game? Naturally, it needs to be so troublesome. Dragon Egg + Hao Hui Knight + 600 gold coins, and then click to retreat.

At this time, Longlin hadn't summoned the knights yet, and was waiting for Aiden in the martial arts arena. Before Haohui arrived, he immediately started preparing to finish upgrading the extraordinary units.

As if feeling the breath of the dragon king under Aiden, the big guy lay on the outside of Aiden's hand and kept rubbing against it.

Dragon-mounted heavy cavalry (extraordinary arms) - level 56, HP 1400.

The elder brother glanced at me and explained, "The old guy Long Shang said that being a royal must pay attention to etiquette, so he has to receive the orc envoys and let the soldiers retreat to protect him."

Long Shang waved his hand to make the guards pay attention.

Is it a pendant or is quite wrong.

The price is not expensive, it costs 40 yuan, and I learned it in a short period of time. Is it because I passed Aiden or I took it.

(End of this chapter)

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