Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
The first to attack is the ultra-long-range firepower of both sides.

Orc catapults shoot flaming stones, and Alterac ballistas shoot huge catapults, killing a few wretches with each blow.

Boom boom boom!A series of explosions blasted several clusters of flames in the army of orcs.

It was the dwarven mortarmen of Lordaeron's army who were attacking with mortars.

King Aiden looked enviously. Alterac is poor and remote, and the siege weapons are still old weapons such as catapults and ballistas. How can a big dog like Lordaeron have already spent a lot of money from Ironforge? The dwarves introduced mortars, a cross-age hot weapon, and hired a large number of dwarf gunners to accompany the army.

It has to be said that Tenaris is definitely a good player in terms of building relationships and finding allies. The Lordaeron army not only has dwarf gunners, but also elf mages and dwarf engineers. In terms of overall strength, it is far stronger than Austrian. The arms of Trank constituted a single feudal army.

The two sides came and went, greeted each other with a bombardment, and while hurting each other, the army's front began to move forward slowly, approaching each other.

The 2-strong army moved very slowly, and the orcs also rarely used F[-]A's reckless tactics, and they also maintained their formation and approached slowly.

The first to strike next, without any suspense, are the adventurers from both sides.

Unlike the NPC army with a strict formation and obeying orders, these adventurers do not have any fixed positions and battlefield tasks. Anyway, adventurers are unorganized and undisciplined masters, so no specific tasks are assigned to them before the battle. Instead, let them attack freely and use them as skirmishers in front of the two armies.

At this time, a group of daring mages and warlocks with high skills rushed to the front of the opponent's formation one after another, dismounted and began to cast various AOE spells, blasting towards the army formation.

Blizzard, flame rain, chain lightning... All kinds of AOE magic are smashed wildly. Such a dense formation is simply a paradise for players to spawn monsters and upgrade.

And because of the restrictions of the military order, the soldiers who were bombarded couldn't hide if they wanted to. When waves of blizzard and flame rain fell, groups of orcs fell down immediately.

Old Saurfang looked angry, "These damned adventurers are disgusting, archers—kill them!"

Swish, javelins and arrows rained heavily, and the long-range troops in the orc army shot wildly at these daring spellcasters. However, mages and warlocks who dare to do this are generally relatively high-level and have powerful protective magic Protection, such as frost shield, demon skin, stone skin technique, and some even have teammates close to protect, holding up the shield to absorb firepower, and most of the javelin arrows are blocked.

It wasn't until Drek'Thar threw out a super-large lightning chain and knocked down a dozen players that the rest were more or less restrained.

The orcs also sent some adventurers to attack, but compared with the alliance, the level of adventurers in the Horde is much lower. Most of them are only in the [-]s and [-]s, and those at the [-]th level are considered masters.

There is no powerful magic at all, and it is easy to hang up after receiving the set fire.

After several rounds of mutual probing magic battles, it was obvious that the alliance had the upper hand.

However, the tribe also has a backup. At this moment, just behind the army of the tribe, more than a dozen high-ranking shamans are jointly casting spells. On the ground, a huge summoning circle is gradually being completed.

As a dazzling white beam of light rose into the sky, an ice elemental lord with a height of more than 30 meters was summoned.

'Ice and Snow King' Lockhora (Lord of Ice Elements), third-order disaster, level 86, HP 124000.

As soon as the huge figure appeared on the stage, everyone present was stunned, and the orcs let out a burst of high-pitched cheers, boosting their morale.

'Ice and Snow King' Lockhora (Ice Elemental Lord): "I am the Ice and Snow King from the Frost Land, let the ice and hoarfrost freeze everything!"

Super-order blizzard!
As the power of the elements around the ice elemental lord continued to gather, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the cold wind howled, forming a huge cloud of ice, and densely packed hailstones crazily fell down.

It was also a blizzard, and the range of the adventurer mage was only a dozen meters, but the area of ​​the boss was over a thousand meters, covering almost half of the battlefield, and huge hailstones fell crazily. Although the hailstones were not very dense, the lethality was astonishing. , One hit would cause over a thousand injuries, and the human soldiers fell in pieces, causing heavy casualties all at once.

The situation of victory immediately tilted in the direction of the tribe.

But the princes here are not vegetarians, and they immediately retaliated. Several French princes rushed to the front of the two armies and began to fight back with heroic magic.

Although the damage range is slightly worse than that of the ice elemental lord, it can't stand up to many people.

After a few big moves, the tribal army also suffered heavy casualties.

Looking at the crazy harvesting experience of several legal brothers, Mo Fei felt itchy in his heart. With so much experience, it's no wonder these guys are so high-level. In this kind of large-scale war, it is simply an experience harvester.

Although some points can be allocated due to the relationship of the team, it is nothing compared to the starters.

It is too unreasonable not to reap a wave.

It is still too slow to gain experience from the hero template, even the power of the dragon's breath is much worse, you still have to become a dragon.

But before turning into a dragon, there was one more thing to do. He winked at the brothers around him, and everyone immediately understood.

Several princes rushed to the front of the two armies and roared loudly.

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Listen, you stupid orcs, Aiden, the king of the mountain, is here. Hurry up and surrender, and spare your lives, or I will kill you all."

A generation of military advisers (Prince of Alterac): "The great mountain king is brave and fearless, and is invincible in the world. You despicable orcs have no chance. Surrender, beg for mercy, and tremble before the power of the mountain king."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Human warriors, cheer, the mountain king is fighting with you, this is your glory, warriors, for the mountain king! Kill!"

Get some chips (Prince of Alterac): "The king of the mountain is the best! The tribe pigs are all idiots! If you don't surrender, you will all be sent to the West!"

Several other princes lined up the prepared four banners and erected them behind Aiden.

On the first side it read - KING OF THE MOUNTAIN.

On the second side is written - the world is invincible.

The third side reads - Orc Buster.

On the fourth side, it reads——to kill everything.

When these princes did this, Aiden's face changed drastically, "You guys, what are you doing?"

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, you don't have to be so excited, father. We all know your bravery and fearlessness. This is just a surprise prepared to show your father's kingly demeanor."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, father, as the king of the mountain, you deserve such honor. Let those orcs know your majesty and arrogance, and they will definitely run away."

Aiden was speechless for a while, he didn't think those orcs would be frightened, he knew very well the quality of the 'King of the Mountain', and he was all supported by his ancestor's name.

At this moment, there was movement in the orc army, and the orc infantry on both wings launched an attack at the same time, and at the same time, an elite wolf cavalry unit also rushed towards this side.

This cavalry unit is composed of fourth-rank soldiers, consisting of Frostwolf Knights and Blackstone Wolf Knights. The leader of the soldiers is dressed in a domineering battle armor full of fangs and barbs, and holds an exaggerated soul-breaking battle ax. It was old Saurfang.

Seeing this group of orcs coming straight towards him with a murderous look, Aiden saw the posture and hurriedly beckoned to his son to escort him.

"Hurry up--"

The princes obviously didn't understand, "Father, are you going to fight that orc general yourself?"

"Haha, as expected of the father and king, good job."

"Father is mighty, father is domineering!"

Aiden (King of Alterac): "You bastard, what are you going to do? Get out of the way. I'm going to command the battle." Aiden said as he pulled his horse and wanted to go back, but a row of ten princes behind him was about to go. It is so tightly blocked that there is no way to retreat.

Darkseid even secretly put one on the mount under Aiden's crotch-'evil fanaticism'.

[Evil Frenzy: Make a target gain a 50% attack speed bonus and a 30% movement speed bonus, and make it lose its mind, and frantically attack the nearest enemy to him for 60 seconds. 】

Strictly speaking, this skill is a buff skill, so it will not be judged as an attack by the system.

The war horse was caught in an evil frenzy, its eyes turned red immediately, and it rushed forward as if it had gone mad.

Isn't the closest enemy to it the old Saurfang in front.

"Damn it!" Aiden was so frightened that he desperately pulled the rein of the horse, but he couldn't pull it.

When old Saurfang saw it, he immediately showed a look of admiration. As expected of the king of mankind, he dared to challenge him single-handedly!Alright, then let me fight you fairly, and let me see how powerful the King of the Mountain is.

"Get out of the way, this human warrior is my opponent!"

Seeing the orc warlord on the opposite side raise his battle ax high, the black ax was as big as a millstone, Aiden was so frightened that his soul would fly out.

He doesn't have the courage to fight head-on. Fortunately, Aiden is also the king of a country, and the equipment on his body is still very good, especially a few magic accessories and magic rings.

A white light flashed from a ring on his hand—dispel!
The war horse's eyes suddenly regained clarity.

Seeing the old Saurfang rushing towards him wielding his soul-splitting battle ax, Aiden tried to run away, but at this moment, there was a shout behind him.

"Father, don't be alarmed, Feng comes first!"

It was Lu Bu, the god of war, who charged towards him with a Destroyer halberd in his hand.

Aiden was overjoyed, "My son—"

In the next second, a cold light flashed by, and Aiden's war horse was directly beheaded.

Aiden was thrown off his horse in an instant.

He got up in a panic, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw Lu Bu, the god of war, killing a frost wolf cavalry on the right without looking back.

Old Saurfang's mind was full of question marks, and Aiden's eyes turned black with anger.

Grab the chest jewelry and launch it directly.

Holy Emblem - Shield of Holy Light.

A golden protective shield immediately protected him. This is the treasure he obtained from the Holy Light Cathedral at a great price. With 5000 points of durability, it will definitely be able to resist until he runs back.

However, at this moment-

"Father, don't be alarmed, Sigritte is here!"

Wanfa retreat!
A super powerful dispelling magic fell on him, and the magic shield on Aiden disappeared instantly.

Sigret's dispersing magic didn't distinguish between good and bad, all of them disappeared, and then killed a frost wolf cavalry on the left without looking back.

Aiden was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood—Nizi!
"Father, don't be alarmed, Darkseid is here!"

King Aiden waved his hands in fright, "Don't come! Don't come!"

However, there is room for him to refuse.

Evil Mania!

Aiden's eyes turned red, he turned and rushed towards old Saurfang.

At this time, old Saurfang also recovered from the shock.

Although I don't know what's going on, but let's talk about it first.

What a human king, old Saurfang couldn't help feeling a little admiration in his heart, he dared to rush over without a horse.

He brandished the soul-cracking battle ax and charged head-on...

3 minutes later--

[World Announcement: Alterac King Aiden Perenold took the lead in the Battle of the Icewolves, fought against the Orc High Warlord Saurfang, and died heroically. This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky .

King Aiden was the first king who died in battle in the First Orc War. His bravery and fearlessness made the name of King of the Mountain sung by the world. 】

(End of this chapter)

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