Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 279 Brothers Sacrifice to the Heaven, Boundless Mana

Chapter 279 Brothers Sacrifice to the Heaven, Boundless Mana

Alsace was commanding the army of Lordaeron to fight the orcs on the opposite side. Suddenly, he felt something, and when he turned his head, he saw an unforgettable scene.

Old Saurfang pulled the soul-splitting battle ax from King Aiden's corpse. Around the king, five or six princes were fighting bravely with the Frostwolf knights, but they were prevented from rescuing their father.

This...Alsace was shocked immediately, why did the king die just after the fight started?

By the way, this King Aiden is too reckless, so many warriors under his command don't need it, so he has to go up and fight the orc general alone...

His young heart couldn't understand what happened for a moment, and fell into a short-lived state of stupor, until the tsunami-like shout woke him up from his daze.

"The king is dead! The king is dead!"

Waves of exclamations sounded one after another, spreading around like dominoes, and soon the entire alliance army was affected by this sudden incident.

Those adventurers were particularly astonished, why did the king die before this fight?
Some adventurers who were close were lucky enough to witness the whole process, and they said one after another—you local rich players can play it, and it’s too exciting.

More players are guessing how this event will affect the entire game.

Aiden's death is not a small matter for the whole game. After all, he is also a majestic king, and the leader of the faction. If he dies, he will die.

At the beginning, the Centaur Empire became the optional race for adventurers. After that, for a long time, various wild monster races became popular. Many rich studios began to spend money on those humanoid wild monster races. Trying to copy the superior experience of the centaur.

Now that something like this has happened, I'm afraid that in the future, those kings and chiefs should be more careful, and they can't prepare to be "helped to look good" by their own bunch of dutiful sons one day.

But these are all things for later. At this moment, because of Aiden's death, the battlefield has also undergone drastic changes.

[System prompt: Your army leader has been killed, and the morale value of the army in your camp has been reduced by 20 points. 】

When Murphy heard the sound of the system prompt, he suddenly screamed in his heart that something was wrong. The morale of the human army is not very tough. The morale depletion rate is the standard 1.0, that is, for every 1% of casualties, morale will drop by [-] point.

If the morale is full at 100, it will collapse when it drops to 50. In other words, more than half of the casualties will cause a group of soldiers to collapse and lose their combat effectiveness.

Now it has been reduced by 20 points, which means that the damage tolerance of the troops has directly become 30%. Once the loss exceeds three layers, it may lead to collapse.

Fortunately, this worry only lasted for a few seconds, and the next moment, the system prompt sounded again.

[System prompt: Your teammate 'Generation of Military Advisors' has activated the hero specialty [Sorrowers must win], you have obtained 5 layers of berserk BUFF, and the morale of the army in your camp has increased by 25 points. 】

[Dead soldiers must win: Whenever you have a teammate killed in battle, you and your teammates will get a layer of 'Rage' gain, all attributes will increase by 5% (only for hero templates and elite templates), and morale will increase by 5 points (only Soldier template only), lasts for 30 minutes, in the story mode, the closer the relationship between the fallen teammate and you, the more layers of rage will be generated, up to 20 layers can be stacked. 】

Since King Aiden is the father of a generation of military advisers, he immediately stacked five layers of rage for everyone, which is equivalent to a 25% increase in temporary attributes.

And the morale of the king's army was even higher, and everyone's eyes were red, vowing to avenge the king.

"For the father! Kill!"

"For the king! Kill!"

With the loud shouts of killing, the Alterac king's army attacked across the board. Teams of Alterac infantry, highland swordsmen, and highland warriors lined up neatly and charged towards the orcs on the opposite side.

The princes also shouted and launched an attack on the old Saurfang. Under normal circumstances, everyone is quite afraid of such an epic hero. The difference in rank is too much, and the fight is really bad.

It's like when Wang Kuang met Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms, it usually took three to five rounds, and he might be killed if he was not careful.

But now with the blessing of BUFF and the large number of people, everyone feels that it is still possible to fight for a wave.

If you want to do this thing, then the plot points are absolutely indispensable. In addition, you must take back the body of King Aiden. No one has touched Aiden's equipment. Everyone is a dutiful son. This inheritance cannot be cheap. Outsiders are not.

Old Saurfang was taken aback. He didn't expect that the morale on the opposite side of beheading a king didn't mean to be defeated at all, but exploded instead.

"Hmph, that's fine, then let me experience how powerful you highland humans are!"

He swung his battle axe, and the wolf knights behind him immediately gathered towards him.


At the same time, Durotan also dispatched the main force of the orcs, and hundreds of infantry launched a counter-charge towards the Alterac king's army.

The two crowds collided violently. On one side were the highland warriors with soaring morale, and on the other side were bloodthirsty and warlike savage orcs. The swords cut into the flesh, the steel tore the armor, blood flew, and the flesh and blood splattered. Reached its bloody peak.

"Damn it! What the hell are you doing? I should have launched the attack first." The orc warlord Young Wolf Lord on the left cursed secretly, and it became a war of attrition.

"Let's go too!" He roared, and the orc army on the left also launched an attack.

The morale of the noble legion is much worse, because they do not belong to the same "battle group" as the first generation of military divisions, so these noble lords do not enjoy the BUFF gain of "dead soldiers must win" at all, but their morale is low because the king died in battle.

You can only stay on the defensive, so the key to the battlefield becomes the battle in the middle area.

At this moment, seven or eight warriors and knight-type princes had already besieged old Saurfang. Old Saurfang was not afraid at all, and led the wolf knights to charge left and right on the battlefield, showing no intention of fighting. .

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "He must be stopped before he can be besieged! Fifth brother, eighth brother, sixteenth brother, let him dismount!"

Wronged souls!

Slow down!

The legal princes behind the formation released various control magics one after another. Without exception, all these magics fell on old Saurfang's mount. Old Saurfang himself was extremely resilient, and ordinary control magic was easily defeated Exemption, but his mount does not have such strength, a few spells make it fly into the air, running in place as if in slow motion, surrounded by the princes who were caught up, old Saurfa Er could only roar angrily, and jumped off the worg.

"Come on you human scum! Just come on!"

Five or six princes rushed up together.

The one who took the lead was God of War Lu Bu. For this day, he had practiced with several brothers for a long time. It is almost impossible for a war-god-level NPC like Old Saurfang to win in a single duel, and his killing ability is super strong. You can't get into a fight, you have to go with one blow, and you can have a chance to win by constantly consuming and pulling.

At this time, several people resorted to this tactic. The god of war Lu Bu charged forward and swung his halberd far away. It's a charge, a sword is swung out.

Then came the third and fourth.

All go away with one blow, and they are not willing to fight.

Two more princes rode horses and bowed their bows, constantly harassing and shooting from a distance. These princes got down in such a chaotic battle, which made old Saurfang completely tired of coping.

He was hit twice by accident, and even though he only lost a few hundred HP, it still brought great confidence to the princes.

"Go on, that's it, don't fight him at close quarters, charge him non-stop!" Lu Bu shouted and charged and killed him again.

Old Saurfang's blood volume was only over [-], and he wouldn't be able to handle it in a few more rounds.

At the same time, an invisible figure sneaked behind old Saurfang.

Leonardo Perenolde was hidden in the shadows, and the two daggers in his hands were all coated with full-level deadly poison, which could not only cause additional poison damage, but also increase the probability of a fatal blow.

He stared at the battle situation, looking for an opportunity to cut in. Fighting head-on was not his field, but it was definitely his specialty to sneak up on behind-the-scenes.

Suddenly, Xiao Hongchen charged again, Saurfang finally couldn't bear it anymore, he used a hero skill 'Trample the Earth', with a bang, the earth trembled, and the surrounding princes all fell into a short moment of rigidity, Saurfang I will then rush to give chase.

Leonardo was overjoyed, it was now!Hey, brothers, I will accept this head——

However, when he took a step, he suddenly felt like a hair standing on his head in his heart. He turned around suddenly at the very moment, and a slashing sword was slashing head-on.

Shadow stand-in!

brush!The war blade cut Leonardo's figure in half, and then disappeared into a black shadow.

Leonardo's figure appeared not far away, looking at the orc sword master holding a war blade in front of him with an angry face, he really felt like he was going to die just now.

The enemy in front of him was far beyond Leonardo's expectation. It turned out to be an orc sword master. Looking at the name again—"Samuro? It turned out to be you."

"You know me?" Samuro was a little surprised.

"Of course I know you, the Sword Master of the Burning Blade Clan, I didn't expect to be here..."


Leonardo's voice stopped abruptly, he lowered his head in disbelief, and the blade of a war blade burst out from his chest.

What, how is this possible!Could it be that--

"Since you know that I am the Sword Master of the Burning Blade Clan, then you should know that we Sword Masters can use mirror images."

Behind him, another Samuro said and violently stirred the blade! -
5911 (fatal blow)!

[System prompt: Your teammate 'Leonardo' was killed, and your teammate 'Generationist' activated the hero specialty [Sorrower must win], and you gained 3 layers of berserk buff. 】

What! ?Someone died again?

Murphy, who was leading the dragon-mounted heavy cavalry to kill the orc infantry, clicked on the battle group list, and sure enough, another brother was hanged, it was Leonardo, the master assassin.

How did this item hang up?Murphy was a little puzzled.

However, this is only the beginning.

[System prompt: Your teammate 'Xiao Hongchen' died in battle, your teammate 'Generation of Soldiers' activated the hero specialty [Sad Soldiers Must Win], and you gained 3 layers of berserk buff. 】

[System prompt: Your teammate 'Get some french fries' died in battle, your teammate 'Generation of Soldiers' activated the hero specialty [Underdogs must win], and you gained 3 layers of berserk buff. 】

(End of this chapter)

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