Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 280 The Wrath of the Storm and the Power of the Balrog

Chapter 280 The Wrath of the Storm and the Power of the Balrog
The more the old Saurfang fought, the more frightened he became. Why did these human fighters fight more and more fiercely?In the beginning, he was able to use his own strength and experience to show a crushing posture to these young human princes. The opponents relied entirely on their numbers to deal with him, but at this time, as the momentum of these human warriors became more and more powerful, he Began to be overwhelmed gradually.

The point is that his blood volume is not enough. Even if he is a ninety-level epic hero, his blood volume is only in the early [-]s. If he is consumed by six or seven princes in circles, he will take a few hits. Seeing that the blood bar dropped to half.

The wolf cavalry under him wanted to rush up to increase their numbers, but were stopped by human soldiers.

Many adventurers began to gather around, wanting to join the battle group.

Various magics have already started to activate towards him. Although the defense and toughness are extremely high, and most of the magics can dodge saves, it still puts old Saurfang into a crisis.

"Die! Orc!" An assassin adventurer suddenly appeared behind the old Saurfang, stabbing at the back of the old Saurfang with a backstab, but with a flash of the knife, the human assassin was chopped into pieces alive. two halves.

Samuro's figure appeared beside old Saurfang, and the two were back to back.

Old Saurfang (High Overseer): "I thought you wouldn't dare show yourself."

Samuro (Burning Sword Master): "Haha, without me watching over your back, I can't tell Orgrim if you're dead."

The princes were a little surprised that another epic hero came. The old Saurfang was already very difficult to deal with. Here comes another one. What's the matter?
A generation of strategists (Prince of Alterac): "Don't be afraid, everyone. I'll keep stacking BUFFs for you all the time. If you die two more times, the stacks will be full. There are [-] layers of berserk BUFFs. Even if you are an epic hero, you will be dead. ah."

As soon as these words came out, the god of war Lu Bu and the princes who rushed to the front line cursed in their hearts, "Why didn't his grandma come up?"

A generation of military advisers (Prince of Alterac): "I'm not stacking BUFFs for you guys. Hey, you guys in the back, go too, don't just watch."

The next few legal princes could only move forward and throw magic from afar.

Consume these two epic heroes remotely.

However, a healing wave filled with life breath suddenly injected into old Saurfang's body, and after the healing wave bounced off, it landed on Samuro again.

Old Saurfang's injuries immediately recovered a lot.

But saw Drek'Thar riding a wolf and leading the wolf cavalry charging up.

Drek'Thar (Prophet): "Haha, how can we do without me in a team battle, you go up, I'll support you." As he spoke, he sent another chain of lightning, sending the dozen or so spectators around him straight away. string.

Everyone was dumbfounded now, three epic heroes!How to fight this?
A few timid ones were ready to retire, but Lu Bu, the god of war, gritted his teeth: "Brothers, you can't retreat. If you do, it's over. Let's fight. We still have more than a dozen brothers, stacked ten A few layers of BUFF, no matter how hard it is! Charge with me, kill the healer first!"

At the same time, Murphy did not go up to join in the fun.

He is now leading his dragon-mounted heavy cavalry, constantly rushing to kill the formation of orc infantry.

He used a very classic tactic-the hammer anvil tactic.

After the orc infantry and the human infantry were fighting each other, he led a group of cavalry around the enemy's rear and charged the enemy's rear with all his strength.

Each charge can knock dozens of orcs into the air and kill them, and after a few back charges, a group of orc infantry can be crushed.

The dragon-suited heavy cavalry can be called a humanoid tank, and its impact power is not comparable to that of the North Wind Knights. Just ten dragon-suited heavy cavalry in the front row drove the charge of the entire North Wind Knights.

In such a short period of time, he has commanded the Knights to cooperate with the infantry to defeat three or four orc brigades.

Thanks to the efforts of these cavalrymen, otherwise, with the strength of the orc infantry, the human beings would have been pushed down long ago.

This specialty of mourning soldiers must win is really easy to use. Murphy cut down an orc with a sword, and looked at the high-moralized knights behind him and nodded in satisfaction, especially in such a large-scale war, dead heroes The more soldiers there are, the higher their morale will be. High morale can not only ensure that they will not collapse, but also improve their attack efficiency. The more they fight, the stronger they are.

A message suddenly flashed in the private chat channel.

A generation of military advisers: Brother Aidan!Where are you? Hurry up to increase the number of staff, we are going to be overwhelmed.

Just after reading it, the system prompt sounded again.

[System prompt: Your teammate 'Rescue the Dead and Heal the Wounded' died in battle. Your teammate 'Generation of Soldiers' activated the hero specialty [Soldiers Must Win], and you gained 3 layers of berserk buff. 】

Save lives and heal the wounded?Who is this.Murphy has no memory of this name at all, there is no way, there are too many brothers to remember all of them.

However, it can be seen that the situation is indeed a bit dangerous.

Murphy turned his horse's head and rushed towards the battlefield in the middle. As soon as he got close, he saw three orc epic heroes chasing a dozen brothers running around.

Old Saurfang waved the soul-breaking battle axe, and launched the whirlwind directly. This guy seems to have advanced the whirlwind into a hero skill. When spinning, he can turn the bloody wind blade, smashing everything in front of him. of crushing.

Moreover, it can continuously bring out small whirlwinds flying in all directions, just like a meat grinder.

And Samuro followed closely behind, picking out the prince who was alone. When they met, they would be cut off by a mirror image. Four orc sword masters who could not distinguish between real and fake were surrounded on all sides, chopping down randomly, and one of them would be stabbed if he didn't pay attention. butt.

Drek'Thar followed behind. Healing Wave, Life Resuscitation, Bloodthirsty, and Purification performed perfectly as a supporting role. Occasionally, he would use Chain Lightning to clean up the crowd of adventurers.

Wocao, are these three guys so fierce?
Seeing the three epic heroes fleeing with their heads in their arms, relying on the constant increase of soldiers and adventurers to support the scene, Mo Fei was also shocked.

If the king's army of Alterac is defeated, those noble troops will definitely follow suit. The Lordaeron army is a guest army, and it is impossible to fight to the death, so I am afraid that this battle will be lost.

Looks like it's time to scale up.

Murphy gritted his teeth.

With a loud roar, his body suddenly released a dazzling thunder.

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Wow, brother, what is your big move? You are so stupid—wait a minute, how did you become a BOSS?"

That's right, after Mo Fei transformed into a dragon, he directly became a boss template, and his blood volume was directly increased by ten times.He wasn't going to fight those three epic heroes. The difference in rank was so great, and there were three people on the opposite side. Even Hualong was not enough to see, so he might as well use his flying advantage to directly behead Durotan.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Let Dalabon call up the militia to defend the front line. My knights will be under your command temporarily. I will kill Durotan."

Sigret gritted his teeth, "You go, I promise to protect the front."

Mo Fei soared into the air, and with a dragon roar, eleven dragon-controllers followed up.

A group of storm dragons spit lightning frantically down below while flying.

The lethality is astonishing, especially Mo Fei's incarnation of the Storm Dragon King, combined with the talent bonus of the Son of the Storm, the damage is doubled directly, and it also has splash damage. The electric current rushes down in one bite, and the orc infantry falls in piles.

The experience value is directly swiped on the screen.

Murphy is not interested in fighting, and there are more important things than killing monsters and leveling up.

He continued to accelerate, and soon flew over the battlefield. In the distance, where the Frostwolf army's main formation was, Durotan was riding a huge white wolf, dispatching the orcs to continuously attack.

Seeing the Storm Dragon King approaching rapidly in the sky, Durotan's expression froze, the Storm Dragon King really came!

And judging from the opponent's posture, it was obvious that he was coming for him.

Fortunately, I was already prepared.

He suddenly stretched his hand to his waist, and at the moment the Storm Dragon King swooped down and exhaled thunder, he also shook his hand violently.

Hero skill - extremely effective trapping technique!

This is a hero-enhanced version of the snare skill (Wolf Knight Throwing Net).

[Extremely effective trapping technique: Throw a super giant hunting net to catch a target, making it fixed in place and unable to move. If the target is an air unit, it will forcibly drag the target to the ground for 30 seconds. This skill Can be used on BOSS targets. 】

Murphy felt his wings tighten and he fell towards the ground.

Dozens of wolf cavalry immediately rushed towards the place where he fell.

Thundercloud incarnation!

The falling dragon instantly turned into a ball of bright red lightning, and the moment it landed, the explosion knocked the surrounding wolf cavalry upside down, causing death and injury.

The wind and snow dispersed, and the storm dragon stretched its wings, looking at Durotan in front of it with thunderous eyes.

An orc and a giant dragon looked at each other, and they both saw each other's determination in each other's eyes.


Just as the Alteracs and the Frostwolf orcs were fighting on the ice field, there was also a bloodier battle going on on the other side of the eastern continent.

boom!The violent explosion blasted a gap in the thick walls of Stormwind City.

The orc infantry who had already lined up and waited outside immediately poured into the gap.

Ner'zhul dissipated the violent fire elemental power in his hands, and nodded in satisfaction with the effect he had created.

Ner'zhul (Shadow Moon Chief): "No one can resist the power of the elements! Ragnaros, the great fire elemental lord, thank you for lending my strength! In front of the Fire Demon King and the Horde, who is there? Can resist this invincible force, these tiny human beings are simply vulnerable—hahahaha."

After signing the contract with Ragnaros, his mana has grown by leaps and bounds. Not only has he recovered the power of the peak period in the past, but it is even worse. Now even if Gul'dan appears again, he is sure to kill that traitor one-on-one. .

But speaking of which, where did this thing go?Haven't heard from him for a long time.

A voice suddenly sounded deep in Ner'zhul's heart.

Ragnaros (Lord of the Fire Demon): "Hehehe, ignorant mortal, you know nothing about power. What I borrowed from you is only a small part of my great power, and I Compared with those truly great beings, it is only a small part of them, do you want to see the real power? Then please please me, maybe one day, you can taste what you want."

Ner'zhul was taken aback for a moment, there is actually a stronger power than this?True or not, in his opinion, the power of Ragnaros' Balrog is already the most powerful power he has ever seen, even compared to the power of fel energy mastered by Gul'dan. weak.

You must know that the elemental creatures in Azeroth are more than one level stronger than Draenor, and they are even more powerful?What would it be?

He was curious and puzzled in his heart, although he felt that Ragnaros' tone had something to say, but Ner'zhul still couldn't resist the temptation of this power.

"I will try my best to serve you, the great Fire Demon King, and I am looking forward to the day when I will witness that great power with my own eyes."

When Ner'zhul communicated with the Fire Demon King, the orcs rushed into the gap in the city wall like a tide, and as soon as they rushed in, countless adventurers came to welcome them.

"For the Alliance!"

"For Stormwind City!"

"For Demacia!"


Fierce melees raged at every breach in the walls.

The catapult is still firing ammunition towards the city, and the adventurers on the city wall are also constantly releasing magic downwards and shooting arrows.

Like every day before, the battle situation once again became anxious.

hold on!
Varian watched the fierce battles around the city walls, and heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. After this period of fierce battles, the army of Stormwind City has already lost all casualties, and only a few thousand people are left. Now it is all relying on adventurers and enemies. Fight a war of attrition.

Although the adventurer will be hanged with a 'wounded' DEBUFF after being killed in battle, which will reduce the attribute by 30%, it will basically be useless after three deaths.

But fortunately, this DEBUFF will be refreshed every day. If it weren't for these adventurers who went on and on and died again and again, Stormwind City would have already fallen.

He has already predicted the next situation, and there is a high probability that it will be a war of attrition with no results.

All he had to do was watch out for the orc heroes.

However, just as Varian thought so.

The violent tremor made Varian stagger at his feet. When he turned his head, he saw a scene that horrified him. Stormwind City was built on the side of a mountain, with mountains on both sides. Now the barrier protecting Stormwind City is gushing Out of the magma and flames, a huge gap opened at the mountain pass. Ner'zhul and dozens of shamans surrounded the mountain and cast spells collectively, summoning the reality projection of the Balrog King.

The flames swirled and rose, and a huge pillar of fire hundreds of meters high rose into the sky, turning into a huge human figure made of huge flames and lava.

Ragnaros (projection of the Firelord): The first-order boss of Destroyer.Level 100.The life value is 1215000.

Although it is a projection, the combat power is only one-fifth of the main body, but just looking at the shape, it is completely the same as the main body.

The apocalyptic aura instantly shocked the alliance players on the defensive side.

Ragnaros (projection of the Lord of Fire): "Destroy, small human beings, burn, filthy mortal dust, let the fire purify everything!"

It swung the Hammer of Sufras with all its strength, and when the hammer fell, the explosion shattered the broken city wall. The huge shock wave sent countless Alliance and Horde fighters flying away, leaving a huge explosion crater.

Immediately afterwards, a rain of lava fell from the sky, burning the ground into a sea of ​​flames. Countless fire elements emerged from the flames, frantically igniting everything around them.

The projection of Ragnaros didn't last long, such a powerful elemental creature, even with all the power of Ner'zhul and his men, could barely keep it alive for a minute.

In just 1 minute, Ragnaros disappeared.

However, in this 1 minute, the city wall that Stormwind City relied on for survival was completely destroyed.

Now, the urban area was completely exposed to the tribe's army.

The orcs cheered loudly, but the defenders in the city were silent for a while.

"Get in! No one left! It's time to win the battlefield war."

Orgrim gave the order ruthlessly, and the orc army, which had already been waiting in full battle, roared and charged towards the burning Stormwind City.

More than a dozen Goron breakers rushed in first. These huge monsters with a height of more than ten meters have super thick blood volume and anti-magic ability. They completely ignored the intensive magic attacks and rushed into the crowd. Every punch can smash dead a soldier,
A dozen Gron breakers put the front-line adventurers into a hard fight.

"Hold it, pull it out, pull it out."

"Give me a sip of milk! I can't bear it anymore."

"Where did all the members of the Potian Guild go?"

"Go up to the roof, all the archers go up to the roof."

Before these Goron behemoths were dealt with, the tide-like orcs had already rushed to the front, instantly defeating the scattered formation of the adventurers.

Adventurers have to use guilds, teams, or even squads as units to defend in the streets and alleys of the city, and use the narrow urban terrain to resist the attacks of a large number of orcs.

However the orc chieftains and warlords shattered this last effort.

Kargath Bladefist leads his outlaw orc warriors in brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Kilrogg Deadeye and his blood ring priests summoned a blood-colored mist, and all adventurers who inhaled the mist lost their blood, and after death, they would turn into voodoo corpse puppets, attacking living humans everywhere, The scene is like biochemical doomsday.

Raid Blackhand brandished a pair of knives, killing one team after another of adventurers.

The warlord heroes played by those players were also not to be outdone. To gain enough plot points in this carnival, all NPCs with a reputation were targeted.

"Defeated! Lost!"

"It's over, and the opponent can summon a big screw, how can I fight this?"

"For the Union - oops!"

Watching the army of orcs rushing into the city frantically, Varian only felt his eyes were red.

no!I can't just lose like this, I am the invincible Varian, I will not lose, never!

"Kill!" he roared, and led a small group of palace guards to rush towards the enemy. Salamaini slashed wildly, and one orc after another fell under his sword.

boom!A hotel collapsed suddenly, and a monster with rock-like muscles and huge one-eyed appeared in front of Varian. The terrifying figure was more than ten meters high. The big sword stabbed hard into the one-eyed Goron giant beast.

Pooh!Blood splashed everywhere, and the giant beast crashed down.

Varian stood on the body of the goron behemoth, panting heavily.

He looked around blankly, the orcs were flooding the city like a black tide.

It's over!It's really over!
As the blood in his heart gradually cooled, he finally fell into despair.

A black figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the black-skinned orc in front of him looked at him with a grin.

Red Blackhand (Blackstone Warlord): "It was you, Varian, you killed my father and ruined my father's glory. Now I want to take back my glory."

Kargath Bladefist (Chief of the Shattered Hand clan): "Red, this human is not easy to deal with. Let me help you. I want to see what a human being who can defeat Black Hand is capable of."

Varian raised his sword to meet the enemy without fear, but immediately a second and a third orc appeared...

Hundreds of orcs surrounded him, and Varian's heart sank. Am I going to die here today?
(End of this chapter)

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