Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 281 The Arrival of Ancient Kings

Chapter 281 The Arrival of Ancient Kings
No!This is definitely not my fate, Varian!I will kill all these nasty orcs, and the banner of the Stormwind Kingdom will never fall!

Varian has a tough mind and strong self-confidence that he shouldn't have in his grade. This kind of self-confidence not only comes from the adventures and battles he led adventurers around the world in the past few years, but also from a kind of secret. It feels like the world is an epic drama and I am the hero in that drama.

I was destined to accomplish a great cause, and even if I had to die, I should have perished with the most evil and powerful enemy in the final decisive battle, instead of dying at the hands of these despicable orcs in front of me.

He was in a trance for a while, but was immediately brought back to reality by an evil laugh.

Kratos (Chief of the Temple of War): "Wo Cao, it's Varian, brothers, come here, Varian is here! Hahahaha, I caught a big fish today."

The invincible hunk (awe-inspiring chief): "Where is it? Where is it? Don't do it yet, let me join in."

Da Shuai (the chief of the Infernal Walker): "There is also me, how can such a big scene be without me!"

Hulala was surrounded by a group of orcs again, and there was an increasing trend, including many chiefs and warlords. At this moment, everyone completely forgot about the attack on Stormwind City, and they all surrounded Varian.

It made Reid Black anxious enough.

Red Blackhand (Blackstone Warlord): "Get out of the way, this prey is mine! Only I am qualified to win this honor."

Ba Dao Wuqing (Chief Ba Dao): "Get out of here, you think you are the second generation of officials and you can black equipment, what a fart, your father died long ago."

Greenskin King (Warhammer 4K Chief): "That's right. Of course, whoever has the ability to take the human head will get it. Let me say that everyone will attack together. One person and one knife can get an assist."

Varian's heart finally sank, it's over, it's really over now!Looking at the countless orcs on the third and outer floors, he felt the end of death for the first time.

However, despite the despair, he was relieved in his heart, even if he died, as a child of the Storm Royal Family, he must not be timid at all, just let himself fight to the end.

He grabbed Salamaini's hilt with both hands and broke it hard. With a click, the two-handed sword split into two again, the Shadow Ripper and the Shadow Predator.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Come on - despicable orcs, for the glory of the Kingdom of Stormwind, fight with me."

Marshal forced (the chief of the Infernal Walker): "Wasao, King Wa broke his chopsticks."

Ba Dao Wuqing (Ba Dao Chief): "Famous scene! Famous scene! Has anyone recorded it? Send me a video back."

Kratos (Chief of the Temple of War): "Wawang set up a big FLAG for himself. It seems that he is really hopeless today."

Greenskin King (Warhammer 4K Chieftain): "Don't fucking ink, I'm going to fuck!"

At the moment when the battle was about to start, a burst of shouting and killing suddenly came from the outer periphery of the encirclement——from the direction of Storm Fortress.

"For the Alliance!"

"For Stormwind City!"

"For King Wa!"

"Wa Wang, please don't break your chopsticks, we are here to save you!"

As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw Wuyang Wuyang's adventurers rushing over like a tide. There were tens of thousands of people. The leader was riding a heavy armored horse, wearing a golden storm armor, with a king's crown on his head, and holding a lion heart sword. , One orc with one sword, directly killed the formation of orcs.

Because they wanted to encircle Varian, the orc formation couldn't resist at all. They were crazily attacked by this wave of adventurers and were directly defeated.

Kratos (Chief of the Temple of War): "Wo Cao, there are so many greedy adventurers, everyone run."

Da Shuai (the chief of the Infernal Walker): "The fourth natural disaster is coming, run, run!"

The strongest son-in-law (Chief of the Bloody Hand Rentu): "The wind is tight—too hoo."

Ba Dao Wuqing (Ba Dao Chief): "Draft, run a woolen yarn, the opposite side is full of wounded, all of them are wounded - do it! Rubbish, all of them are rubbish, don't care, I will run too!"

In the blink of an eye, these player chiefs led their people to retreat, leaving Red Blackhand and Kargath Bladefist stunned.

Nima, don’t you want to be so shameless, a dignified tribal warrior, licking his face to grab the head when he meets alone, he will run away when he sees a lot of people on the other side, it’s too shameless.

However, seeing the situation on the opposite side was overwhelming, the two could only lead their troops to retreat.

In fact, what Ba Dao Wuqing said is correct. Most of these [-] adventurers were killed in battle before, with wounded DEBUFF hanging on them, and some even hung two or three times. Judging by the large number of people, in fact, there is really no fighting power.

But fighting this kind of thing is a kind of momentum.

Varian was also inexplicably shocked. Seeing the adventurer quickly protect him, he heaved a sigh of relief. Although he had made up his mind to die, it was better not to die.

A steady and powerful hand suddenly fell on his shoulder.

As soon as Varian turned his head, he saw King Lane looking at him with complicated and relieved eyes.

Ryan Wrynn (Storm King): "Varian, my child, you are worthy of being a descendant of the Storm King family. Even in the face of desperation, you are not afraid. I have been a little worried about you in the past. You have taken on the responsibility of your grade. Some burdens, excessive fame and vanity will distort your heart, and heavy burdens will crush your mind, but now it seems that my worries are unnecessary.

Perhaps it is a better choice for the kingdom to be led by you. Stormwind City may fall, but the blood of our Stormwind royal family will never be cut off. Come on, boy, let us fight our way out! "

Varian suddenly felt a warm current rushing into his heart, and his eyes couldn't help being moist.

Ever since he won the title of King Va and gained the support of adventurers, he felt that he and his father had become a lot stranger, but today, he finally found the warm feeling of being protected by his father when he was a child.

A strong sense of security and self-confidence made him excited. He got on a horse led by a storm knight and followed King Lane towards the port.

During the period of the siege, in addition to defense, Varian also did many things, including evacuating civilians in the city, and through the continuous transportation of King's Harbor, most of the population of Stormwind City has been transported away. After leaving this place, there are only two or three warships left in the port at this time, which are specially reserved for King Lane.

The father and son led the adventurers all the way to King's Harbor, and they were constantly blocked by the orc army along the way.

Although most of the adventurers used DEBUFF, they managed to get to the outskirts of the port with the help of the father and son.

However, when he arrived here, Varian felt another chill in his heart.

The orc army had completely occupied the port. Obviously, the orcs were not stupid. In order to besiege and kill the remaining defenders in the city, the port was naturally the priority to occupy.

The only two warships left the port, hesitating in the offshore several kilometers away from the pier.

A dense crowd of orcs is blocking the road leading to the coast, and the number of them is too dark to count.

Varian looked behind him again. Most of the tens of thousands of adventurers he had brought along just now had died, and there were only more than 3000 people left. There was no way, they were all 'wounded' and had no combat effectiveness at all.

A warm and powerful hand rested on his shoulder.

"Don't be afraid, don't despair, my child, I will fight side by side with you, in the name of the kings of the Stormwind Kingdom, let us fight to the end, and live up to the name of the royal family."

Looking at his father's majestic face, Varian also nodded vigorously.

"Fight to the end! Kill"

The father and son rode their horses and led three thousand remnant soldiers to kill the tens of thousands of orc army at the port, and the shouts of killing soared into the sky.

In the distance, Orgrim was watching the battle with the help of the shaman's 'perspective' spell, and he couldn't help feeling a little respectful when he saw that scene.

But the homage was fleeting.

"Tell Saurfang, no matter what, the human king must be destroyed!"

In order to capture the city, the tribe lost too many troops, and only the death of the human king can draw a perfect end to this war.

At this moment, King Saurfang, who received the order, immediately mobilized his troops, and a large army blocked Varian and King Lane.

Compared with the old Saurfang, King Saurfang is equally brave, but he is better at commanding troops to fight. At this time, he is sitting in the formation and constantly dispatching troops, and he has no intention of going up to one-on-one.

Varian also saw the orc warlord riding on the wolf. Obviously, this person was responsible for besieging and killing their father and son. Perhaps killing him would cause the enemy to fall into chaos and rush out.

He galloped towards King Saurfang.

But there were orc warriors standing in front of him constantly, and the number of adventurers behind Varian fought less and less. He alone could not kill him after all.

The horse screamed and fell to the ground. Varian fell to the ground, swinging his swords like a whirlwind.

Heroic strike!Blade Flurry!Parry and fight back!Lion's Tooth!
Ding ding ding dong, the sound of weapons colliding could be heard endlessly, puff puff puff, the double swords continuously pierced through the orc's flesh and blood.

Suddenly a black shadow flashed in front of him, "Die! Human!"

Red's swords criss-crossed and attacked. Red Blackhand seized this opportunity very well, at the critical moment when Varian ran out of moves.

Varian was exhausted, so he could barely resist, clang!The two flicked their knives at the same time, but Reid Blackhand was full of energy, and immediately followed up with a roundabout slash, followed by a double slash with one blow. Varian was hit several times in a row, and his blood volume seemed to be less than half.

He could only roll in embarrassment to avoid the follow-up combo, and before he recovered his strength, Reid flew towards him.

Hero Combat Technique - Death Raid!
It's over!Varian's heart sank. He couldn't even roll over physically at this moment, and he couldn't dodge this blow at all.

In the next second, a towering figure suddenly blocked in front of him.

clang!The two knives slashed on a shield with a lion pattern.

"Don't try to hurt my son!"

Shield bash!boom!This blow directly stunned Reid Blackhand.

Lion's Tooth!A ray of sword energy knocked Red off balance,——Storm attack!Leaping up, a sword pierced Red Blackhand's chest.


The orc warrior who wanted to avenge his father died in the hands of the target's father.

The adventurers rushed up from behind the two and fought with the orcs who surrounded them again.

Kicking Red Blackhand's body aside, King Lane turned around covered in blood, and he stretched out his hand to pull Varian up.

"Get up, boy, the battle is not over yet."

The two looked around.Of the three thousand adventurers, only five hundred remained, surrounded by an army of tens of thousands of orcs, like a small boat in the tide, which may capsize at any time.

Fortunately, the remaining [-] adventurers are all [-] or [-]-level large, and generally they have never failed, so fighting power is absolutely necessary.

However, although he can hold on for a while, it is almost impossible to kill him.

Varian looked at the pier that was close at hand, and he clenched the hilt of his sword unwillingly.

"Damn it, is it still a failure? If the alliance's reinforcements came earlier, we could have won!"

"The reinforcements are not coming back." King Lane looked at Varian bitterly, "Don't you understand, Tenaris will not let me leave here alive."

What?Varian was shocked. He was still young. He used to think that the alliance countries were too rotten and slow to face the crisis. He had promised that the army would come to help soon, but until now the alliance army is still gathering in Arathi.

Now that I heard King Ryan's words, an answer that I have been unwilling to face is ready to come out. Could it be that I thought wrong from the beginning?Tenaris - this is clearly waiting for their destruction.

He looked at King Lane in disbelief.

King Lane nodded heavily.

"From the very beginning, the alliance's reinforcements will not come, but I have always had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the old guy will find out with conscience, let go of his obsession for the sake of the overall situation of the alliance, and hope that other kings and lords will speak up for justice, but now I see Come on, I am still too naive. In the face of power, no one can stand the test.

Tenaris has betrayed us for power after all, and so has the Alliance! "

King Llane grabbed Varian's arm.

Ryan (King of Stormwind): "Child, I'm afraid I can't walk with you in the future. You must leave alone. These orcs are targeting me, the king of Stormwind Kingdom. As long as you are with me, you will have no chance to leave alive." , we can only split up, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

Varian (The Storm Prince): "But!"

"Nothing to worry about, go my child, and may the gods be with you."

He shoved Varian violently against his steed.He raised the Lionheart Sword in his backhand, and divine light gushed out from his body.

"O former kings of the Stormwind Kingdom, your heir Ryan Wrynn prays to you. When this kingdom is in trouble, lend me your strength and fight with me!"

King Hero Skills - Ancient Kings Come!
A series of golden human figures emerged around Ryan, each fully armed, with a majestic face, wearing a lion battle robe, a total of 27 ancient souls of kings, instantly shocked the surrounding orcs.

"Go my child and complete your mission."

After finishing speaking, King Ryan waved his sword and led the souls of ancient kings to kill the orcs. Countless orcs immediately surrounded them in all directions, and there was a slight omission on both sides.

Varian burst into tears, watching the figure disappear in the orc tide, he clenched his teeth tightly.

"Soldiers of Stormwind City! Kill!"

He got on his horse and charged towards the sparse formation on the other side.

When King Saurfang saw this, he couldn't help showing a dignified expression. While arranging shamans to purify these ancient king souls, he dispatched troops to besiege Varian and his adventurers. He knew very well that King Lane was important, but Varian, the human who killed the previous great chief, was an even greater threat. If he was allowed to leave alive, he would definitely be the tribe's great enemy in the future.

Seeing that the road ahead was once again filled by orcs, the adventurers shouted.

Star Scar (thief): "Wa Wang, go, we will end! Brothers of the Fifth Heaven, open the way for Wa Wang!"

Dozens of fighters turned on their death rage one after another. While burning their blood, they frantically slashed and killed the orcs blocking the way, and they also died one after another in the melee.

Witch Diandian (mage): "Wa Wang, go away, we are dead! Brothers of the dusk of the gods, go to the ice ring!"

Dozens of mages kept using Frost Nova to freeze the orcs they were chasing after, but they were immediately shot to death by the dense javelins and arrow rain.

Fudo Gale (Hunter): "Everyone from the Wind Clan gave me big moves to clear the way!"

A large number of long-range output occupations, all kinds of skills at the bottom of the box were used, completely ignoring the defense of the two wings, and all blasted into the pile of orcs in front.

However, it was also killed in large numbers by the orcs squeezing over from both sides.

Dust with the Light (Paladin): "Wa Wang, go away, we will nurse you, brothers in the temple, all the healers will add blood to the king of Wa, give me milk to death!"

The light of the healing technique continued to fall on Varian's body, and his previously lost health points instantly filled up, while other adventurers who lost their healing fell under the orc's knife one after another.

Varian's eyes were completely blurred by tears. Amid waves of Wa Wang Wa Wang's shouts, he galloped on horseback, brandishing his swords vigorously, killing, killing, killing!

He waved his weapon mechanically, with only one thought in his mind, he must not fall down here, he was burdened with too many expectations.

For the restoration of the Stormwind Kingdom, for his father's expectations, and for the adventurers who believed in him and died for him, he must live.

Suddenly, there was nothing in front of him, and he had already reached the seaside.

(End of this chapter)

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