Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 282 The End of the First Orc War

Chapter 282 The End of the First Orc War
In front of you is the stone trestle of King Harbor Wharf, under which is the deep sea water.

Varian looked at the vast sea in front of him, but stopped on the spot hesitantly for a while, the shouting and killing behind him continued, those adventurers were still fighting, but their voices became weaker and weaker, he knew that he had to Immediately make a decision, jumping into the sea is the best choice, but his swimming ability is only average, once the orcs catch up to him and shoot arrows at him in the sea, then he will become a living target.

At this moment, a figure jumped directly beside him into the sea, but it was a druid who turned into a black panther. The moment the black panther fell into the water, it had already turned into a fat seal. Spinning around in the water, he yelled at Varian.

Fat Gugu (Druid): "Wa Wang, jump up, I'll take you away."

Varian hurriedly got off his horse, but looking at the horses beside him, he felt a bit reluctant. This horse carried too many memories of him. When he was a child, his father rode these horses to drive him around. At this moment, he didn't have time to think about it. He had already given up too much, and there was nothing he couldn't give up on just a war horse.

Varian jumped up and fell into the sea with a plop. The chubby seal immediately swam to his side. Varian grabbed the smooth and cold skin of the seal. The seal flicked its tail and turned towards the distance. The big boat swims.

At this time, a group of orc archers also chased to the edge of the pier. The leading orc general looked at Varian in the sea, and immediately ordered to shoot arrows into the sea, but unexpectedly, the archers shot a round of arrows, and dozens of arrows appeared out of nowhere around them. A few thieves assassins come.


puff puff.

Several ambushes followed by backstabs, killing a dozen orc archers in an instant. Although they were immediately overwhelmed by more orcs, they managed to make the seals swim out of the range of the bows and arrows.

With a flick of his tail, several wolf cavalry who were rushing forward were swept away.

Spreading its wings, the dragon and thunder surrounded it, and the power of the storm gathered over the dragon.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Varian turned around to look. The captain of the ship, a group of sailors, and some poor people and soldiers who evacuated at the end all looked at him with sad and desperate eyes.

Dragon Tail Sweep!

He had to think clearly about where to go next.

I don't know which player roared, and a group of shamans immediately shot lightning bolts one after another.

[World Announcement: Storm King Ryan Wrynn fought heroically in the Battle of Stormwind City, and was finally killed by the orc army led by King Saurfang.


It wasn't until a snow-white figure approached quickly, and when he was more than ten meters away, he suddenly jumped up and slashed at him with the battle ax in his hand, that Mo Fei had no choice but to stop guiding.

Durotan roared in satisfaction.

Storm Rift Slash is mainly wind attribute physical damage, and it also has a crushing effect. Since Mo Fei releases this skill with a thunder knife, it also comes with a lot of dragon thunder damage. If you have the ability, take this trick and see!
Durotan's face changed when he saw it.

The eleven dragon patrollers who had been circling in the sky immediately swooped down, and the lightning breath continued to blast, knocking down the orcs in pieces. Residual targets make up the knife.

Varian's face changed suddenly. He looked towards the pier. The dazzling golden light that was rushing wantonly in the crowd had disappeared. Varian's teeth were gritted. There is no doubt that his father King Lane - dead.

The thunder light dissipated, the storm subsided, and Durotan barely got up from the ground amidst the smoke and dust, his whole body was covered in scorched black marks.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the purple dragon thunders shone ominously in the storm, and they bombarded down in succession with Mo Fei's thoughts.

boom!The thunder light dissipated, but Durotan was unscathed. The battle ax in his hand flickered with lightning, and even absorbed all of Murphy's thunder breath.

Mo Fei immediately shifted the landing point of the dragon thunder to his feet. Many orcs were killed before they got close.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Die—an ant!"

Blazing white flames spew out hundreds of meters away. After transforming into a dragon, the power and range of the dragon's breath completely exceeds the secret technique of dragon feast used in human form.

With a wave of his wings, the howling wind immediately spun around the surroundings, and those javelins, axes, bows and arrows were deflected one after another, and they did not fall on him at all.

At the same time, the fall of Stormwind City also caused a violent shock to the top leaders of the alliance, making them realize that only by uniting can they defeat this group of barbaric and powerful enemies from another world.

After a mouthful of dragon's breath, Durotan circled around half a circle, and as soon as the dragon's breath was strong, Durotan charged over on a wolf.

"Don't shoot at it, rush up to me!"

Instead, he chose to wave his wings forward, and leaped backward with the help of the wind. He jumped back and landed on the ground a hundred meters away. After opening his mouth, a breath of thunder came out.

And this time the world announcement rang three times in a row, as if afraid that the players would not notice it. It has to be said that the same is the king, this row is completely incomparable.

It also made Murphy recover from his short thoughts. Now is not the time to think about these things. Let's solve the battle in front of us first.

Dragon Thunder Storm!

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Hmph, courage is commendable, but who said I was alone, Knight of Dragon Sorrow—attack!"

This laid a good foundation for their next second war.

Ryan Wrynn was the second king who died in battle in the First Orc War. His bravery and fearlessness made the name of "Storm Lion" be sung by the world.

Murphy's lightning resistance is as high as 200 points, making it completely immune to ordinary lightning spells, and only hero-level electric spells can cause some damage.

Dragon Thunder Transformation!As soon as the Storm Dragon King stretched out his claws, a scarlet lightning gathered in the dragon's claws and turned into the shape of a thunder knife.

However, these lightning bolts fell on the Storm Dragon King, but they just splashed electric sparks on the dragon scales, causing no harm.

I don't know who was the first, one after another, people knelt down in front of him.

But he himself is not weak either. Murphy was actually a little surprised. He didn't expect that he was so strong. Although the boss is stronger than the heroes of the same level, he singled out an epic first-tier hero Jia Yuanyuan with a terrifying third-tier boss. The continuous small soldiers are actually very supportive.

Varian accepted all this calmly. He knew that these soldiers were indispensable to complete his revenge.

The thunder knife was swung out, and the red dragon thunder turned into a sky-cracking storm and made a piercing roar, drawing a crimson trajectory in the air. At that moment, it seemed that the sky was also torn apart.

It's Durotan riding the Frost Wolf!

He jumped onto the ship's side suddenly, "Soldiers of Stormwind City, people of Stormwind Kingdom, just now my father, your king died, for his people, for the glory of the kingdom, but I say You swear, this is by no means the end of everything. Although the Kingdom of Stormwind has fallen, it will eventually rise again. I swear on my life, Varian, that I will avenge those enemies who betrayed us."

With King Ryan's death in battle, Stormwind City finally declared its fall, and the tribe finally won the final victory in the first orc war. Although there are still remnants of human troops standing firm in the western wilderness, they have been unable to have a substantial impact on the strategy of the orcs. threaten.

And his giant frost wolf mount also rushed over from the other side at the same time.

A huge wolf-shaped phantom appeared around his body, and rushed towards Mur Fei at an astonishingly fast speed, and as soon as he ran, the wolf-shaped phantom also ran along with him.

And Durotan also took advantage of the situation and swung his axe.
667 (speed damage bonus 73%)!
I'll go, the damage is a bit high.

Storm-crack the sky-slash!

Varian closed his eyes, and his brain was thinking quickly. After a while, he opened his eyes suddenly again, with a determined look in his eyes, "Go to Lordaeron! There is someone I must meet."

Not only them, in the wetlands, in Southsea Town, in Lordaeron, there are refugees from the Kingdom of Stormwind who were evacuated there, and in Arathi, where his uncle, the Grand Duke of Lothar, is seeking help from the Alliance, Bolvar The Duke led the remnant soldiers to stand firm in the western wilderness.

He pulled the wolf's back violently, trying to dodge, but it was too late, he only moved half of his body away, and was still hit by the force of the storm, and his whole body flew out.

Dragon Claw Slam!

Shrinking his neck suddenly, dodging the menacing axe, Mo Fei swung out with a claw.

5 minutes later--

Hurricane armor!

There were so many adventurers, but only one escaped. Varian was both angry and sad. He was about to say thank you, but suddenly there was a burst of warm cheers from the direction of the pier in the distance. The cheers were so high-pitched. , can even be heard on the sea more than 1000 meters away.

Kor'kron honor guards swarmed up, wielding greataxes and spears.

Moreover, humans and wolves can attack in coordination, and one round is more than 1000 damage.

The pure flame of Arundel!

With the fall of the Stormwind Kingdom, the southern part of the Eastern Continent has completely become the tribe's sphere of influence, and the tribe has thus gained a huge strategic advantage and a window of development. The tribe has its own territory and strategic depth in this continent.

Damn, this ax is probably also a legendary plot weapon.

What!King Lane is dead?Has Stormwind fallen?
While fighting inextricably with the Kor'Kron Glory Guards led by Durotan, Murphy suddenly heard the voice of the world announcement.

"Use spells! Use spells!"

There will be hundreds of shaman adventurers rushing over to add blood to Durotan. Although the amount of milk is not very large, it can't stand the crowd.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Now you know how weak your power is - small mortal, feel the fear!"

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

Mo Fei continued to guide the dragon thunder, and at the same time paid attention to the blood volume. After the talent was added, his blood volume was 52250 points. This exchange can completely change it.

Varian felt a frantic rage.

But so what if it can absorb lightning damage, Lao Tzu's dragon's breath is not limited to this one.

In the blink of an eye, his blood volume was filled up.

However, flames are not lightning after all, and they don't have such a fast speed. When Durotan saw the flames erupting, he immediately rushed to the left of Emofei.

Several arrows and throwing axes fell on him, knocking out more than 500 of his blood.

Murphy frowned slightly. It was impossible to kill Durotan without killing all these annoying adventurers.

Snapped!Varian's big wet hands grabbed the side of the boat, and a sailor grabbed his hand and pulled him aboard.

Murphy concentrated on targeting Durotan, this guy was as expected tough.

Aidan Delong (Storm Dragon King): "Hmph, stupid mortals, your ridiculous spells are useless to me. I am the Storm Dragon King, the incarnation of thunder, and the wind, lightning, and everything are under my control. How dare you Use such power to deal with me, hahahaha—ignorant ants, pay the price for your ignorance!"

Frostwolf spirit!

A new war is about to start again.

Murphy directly chose to fly his wings. He didn't fly too high. The opponent had trapping skills. If he flew too high, he would be caught by the net and become frozen.

Judging by the way he kept accelerating, it was obvious that he had to repeat the old trick.

With the death of King Lane, Varian will undoubtedly become the new king.

Crimson lightning bolts fell continuously, and the landing point of these dragon thunders could be controlled by thoughts. Even though Murphy blasted towards crowded places, groups of orcs died under the bombardment of dragon thunders.

Boom boom boom!

Murphy was stunned and speechless for a while, it was too coincidental that two human kings 'died in battle' on the same day.

Immediately afterwards, Fat Goo also climbed onto the deck and changed back into a human form, shaking off the sea water from his body like a puppy.

Moreover, they died at the hands of the Saurfang brothers. Now the Saurfang brothers have become famous in the alliance, and they have completely become famous—is this considered as two famous kings?
But in this way, the plot of the game is finally on the right track again, and it can be regarded as matching the original history.

"Your Highness, where are we going next?" the captain asked seriously.

Although the giant dragon is powerful in hand-to-hand combat, because of the perspective, the most fearful thing is that the enemy will run to the crotch to have a pedicure, and even if you want to aim, you will not be able to aim at the target.

"For the Horde!" As if echoing it, another wave of hundreds of orcs rushed towards Murphy, and many Frostwolf shamans rushed to heal Durotan, not only the Frostwolf shamans, but also many adventurers They rushed over to help. Most of the adventurers in the tribe were not high-level, and it was not feasible to fight alone, so they were completely split up. Warriors were directly used as infantry, hunters were used as archers, and the legal system was much more comfortable. All stay in the front line to be responsible for logistical support.

This blow knocked out a quarter of his blood volume, and it really dealt him a hard blow.

The left wing suddenly felt a pain.

The flames chased the back of the white wolf's buttocks and burned wildly. They couldn't catch up with Durotan's speed, but instead burned countless orc warriors rushing up to increase their strength.

Durotan grinned, "Storm Dragon King, your power is indeed very powerful, but here you are alone, and I—have countless warriors! Perhaps the strength of the orcs is indeed weak, but we will never be afraid—— Locke Taoga!"

But the white wolf nimbly dodged and dodged, and then bit the storm dragon's hind leg.
452 (Bite attack)!

Murphy had even considered running away if he couldn't beat him.

At least if it was replaced by his Black Dragon, there would be absolutely no chance of winning the current battle at the third level of terror.

Fortunately, the combat power of the Storm Dragon King is obviously much stronger than other dragons of the same rank.

Even if it is a step-crossing challenge, it is not in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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