Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 284 Thundercloud Wrath

Chapter 284 Thundercloud Wrath

Let's see you're still alive!At a height of nearly a thousand meters, you will be killed if you fall.

Murphy looked at Durotan who was falling down not far away, and let out a wild laugh.

However, although Durotan's face was shocked, he did not show a look of despair.

"Treacherous dragon, everything is not over yet!" He let out a roar, and took out a spell exuding strange energy from his pocket - [Wind Erosion Mark], which was specially made by Drek'Thar The consumables he prepared could summon a small wind element after use, which was originally used for communication or investigation at critical moments, but at this moment, it just happened to come in handy.

Summon the wind elementals!
Durotan crushed the wind erosion mark, and with a flash of white light, a small two-meter-tall wind elemental in the air was immediately summoned.

The body of the wind element is a mass of whirling wind, without limbs in the strict sense, and has its own flying ability.

"Hold me!" Durotan ordered immediately.

The wind elemental immediately flew under him, enveloping him like a whirlwind. The wind elemental could not fully carry Durotan's strength, but it was enough to slow down his falling momentum, somewhat like a parachute effect.

Murphy was a little surprised when he saw it, but he still had this trick.

Thunder breath!

Durotan raised his battle ax and absorbed the damage directly.

As for the wind element, it is immune to lightning damage.

Murphy was speechless for a moment. He hovered around Durotan, ready to use Arendre's pure flame to hit him hard.

However, Durotan launched the attack first, and when Murphy approached him three to forty meters away, Durotan suddenly leaped towards him.

Wolf attack!

His figure leaped into the air like a hungry wolf, and rushed towards the giant storm dragon in front of him. Murphy was taken aback. He didn't expect that this creature could launch a counterattack under such circumstances.

He hastily turned aside to pass the vital point, puff!Durotan struck the left shoulder with an axe, deeply embedded in it.
4970 (armor penetration attack)!

Durotan had stacked several layers of buffs before, plus the speed damage bonus, this attack was intended to kill, but because it was difficult to use force in mid-air, it could only deal about [-] damage.

But even so, it also made Murphy suffer a lot. You must know that he only has more than 5 blood in total, and this blow killed 10% of his blood.

He twisted his neck vigorously, wanting to throw Durotan down, this position was quite awkward, his claws couldn't reach it, and he couldn't bite it.

Durotan finally seized the opportunity, how could he let go, he tightly hugged the smooth scales on the dragon's neck, pulled out his battle ax with all his might, and was about to deliver another ruthless blow.

Mo Fei hastily used Thunder Cloud Avatar again!

boom!The dragon turned into a thundercloud again, but Durotan's ax slammed into the air.

However, this is not over yet. The blow just now has completely angered Murphy. He originally wanted to play some elegant sixth moves, but now——Murphy decided not to hold back.

Thundercloud's Wrath!
This is the second stage skill of Leiyun's incarnation.

Falling vertically to the ground in the form of a thundercloud, the moment it hits the ground, it changes back to its original form, and at the same time releases the power of thunder in the body, causing double damage of knocking and lightning to the enemy that hits the enemy.

Generally speaking, this move is equivalent to a displacement + impact skill, but this time, Murphy used it as a throwing skill.

If you don't want to fall, then I will help you fall!
Holding Durotan in his arms, he fell straight towards the ground.

On the battlefield at this moment, humans and orcs are fighting together. An orc infantry just killed a human infantry. When he looked up, he saw a group of crimson thunderclouds crackling in the distance, heading straight towards him. It fell to the ground like a shining meteor.

A thunderbolt exploded.
6192 (speed damage bonus 375%)!
The explosion set off a huge shock wave and radiant lightning. When the lightning dissipated, the storm dissipated, leaving a huge crater on the ground, and the Storm Dragon King stood in the center of the crater with his wings spread.

Ten meters away from it, there was an orc lying impressively, it was Durotan.

You are super speculative after eating my trick, now it looks like you are still alive!Murphy looked proudly at the orc chief in front of him. He never thought that Durotan would stagger and stand up again. He was already in a state of near death, his armor was shattered, and due to the explosion, his whole body was covered by dragons. Lei was burned and almost couldn't stand still, but the glory of being the chief of the Frostwolf prevented him from falling down.

He stared at the Storm Dragon King in front of him, holding the battle ax tightly in his hand.

Murphy couldn't help but marvel at the tenacity of the tiny orc in front of him.

Aidandron (Storm Dragonlord): "You're tenacious little orc, even though it's pointless, it's all over."

Durotan (Chief of the Frostwolf): "I am the chief of the Frostwolf Clan, and I am a warrior of the Horde. As long as I have one breath, everything will not end—for the Horde!"

He roared and jumped up, using his last strength to launch a deadly jump and chop.

However, this blow was in vain, and the giant dragon in front of him suddenly disappeared. Durotan only felt a tightness in his chest, but at this moment, he could no longer hold back his strength. land.

Durotan's consciousness was blurred for a while, he knew that he was no longer able to do it, damn it!Why is this evil dragon so weird? He had a burst of powerful combat power for a while, but he didn't have a few chances to display it, and every time he seemed to hit the cotton.

He wanted to get up again, but a foot of a combat boot stepped on his back, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "As I said, it's over - Durotan!"

Durotan was extremely shocked, he turned his head with difficulty, looked at the strange human behind him, "Are you—that dragon? But how is it possible, I—"

Pooh!The giant sword directly pierced his back, passed through his chest, and firmly nailed him to the ground.
1768 Fatal Blow (1034 Excessive Damage)!

Durotan finally closed his eyes.

[World Announcement: The Frostwolf Chief Durotan fought bravely in the Battle of the Icewolf Fields, and was finally beheaded by Alterac Prince Aidan himself. This event is a related plot of the plot campaign [Alterac War].

Durotan's death will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the outcome of this battle, and the event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicle. 】

As soon as the announcement sounded, everyone was shocked.

The young wolf master and the cold wolf owl who were leading the Frostwolf Left Legion to attack the human aristocratic coalition were shocked. They haven't finished fighting yet. Why did I get cut off?

Especially Young Wolf Lord, he couldn't figure out how Durotan would be killed by someone. Durotan is also an epic hero after all, and there are old Saurfang, Drek'Thar, Samuro and other epic heroes beside him. Hero support, isn't this too ridiculous?
All of a sudden, the morale of the orcs suffered a huge blow. They didn't have the hero specialty of [Sorrowers Must Win], which sacrificed teammates to improve their combat effectiveness.

Han Langxiao looked nervous: "What should I do, brother?"

The young wolf master gritted his teeth, "Intensify the attack, we must quickly defeat the left wing of the alliance, and then pinch the enemy's central army, then we will still have a chance!"

At the same time, the right wing led by Alsace also gained a huge advantage. Lordaeron's reinforcements were originally elite, and their combat power was stronger than that of the king's army in the middle. forward.

At this time, the left wing of the orcs slammed into the right wing of the alliance, and the left wing of the alliance slammed into the right wing of the tribe. The entire battlefield was like a merry-go-round.

at the same time--

Murphy hurriedly touched Durotan's body.

This is an epic hero, or a plot kill, and the drops are really not ordinary.

This time, more than a dozen pieces of equipment were found, and there were several pieces of epic equipment alone.

He didn't take a closer look, and put all of them in his bag. Compared with the equipment he picked up, he was more excited about the result of this battle.

It is not in vain that I have spent so much money and resources on this account, and now my account has been completely cultivated into a strong account, and it is so easy to leapfrog and challenge epic heroes. This time he used not What is an official cheat like Deathwing, but a power that truly belongs to him.

With such a powerful force, why worry about failing to succeed in the hegemony and the godhood.

PS: I have recovered from my cold, and I will start two changes a day tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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