Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 285 Washing the White Weak 3 Points

Chapter 285

Before the surrounding enemies attacked, Murphy quickly checked Durotan's drop.

Of course, what he valued the most was Durotan's two-handed battle axe.

[Oxen Savage Ripper (legendary/two-handed axe)
Story Weapon: Unique.

Attack power: 99-195.

Armor Break +40.

Equipment Requirements: Strength 44.

Durability: 763/800.

Weapon Special Effect 1: Seal of Oxen (Passive).Raise your weapon, absorb elemental attacks targeting you, and store energy. Only one elemental energy can be stored at a time.

Current energy storage: 295/3000 (lightning energy).

Weapon Special Effect 2: Oxen's Wrath (Active).Swing the weapon, release the energy stored in this legendary battle ax, attack the enemy with the power of wind and fire, water and earth, thunder and electricity, and even the power of all things, so that your next attack will randomly trigger an attack spell, the type of the spell Related to power and stored energy.

Weapon Introduction: According to the legend, the weapon used by the ancient orc warrior Oxen in the world of Draenor. It is said that Oxen defeated five powerful elemental spirits with this battle ax, and sealed part of the power of the elemental spirits in this battle axe. Among the axes, thus gaining the power to control the elements.

With this battle ax, Oxen beheaded countless powerful men, thus earning him the title of 'Savage Ripper'. 】

Good stuff!Murphy was very pleasantly surprised. He originally thought that Durotan didn't drop any good things, but he didn't expect the weapon that exploded to be so impressive.

This is definitely an artifact against legal professions. It can not only absorb elemental damage but also provide a stable explosive skill.

The only regret is - it is an axe, which is somewhat useless for Murphy, a sword-specialized fighter.

In fact, famous warriors with axes are rare across the entire human lineage.

But it doesn't matter, it is a legendary weapon after all, it is very good to sell it for money or exchange it for your own equipment.

The second item dropped was a horse rein.

[Reins of Frostwolf Fenris (Epic/Mount).

Use: Summon Frostwolf Fenris to serve you.

Mount form: Movement speed increased by 100%.

Battle Pet Form: Level 40 Elite Frostwolf.

Item introduction: Frostwolf Finley is the strongest of the many descendants of the Frostwolf King, not only can be used as a battle partner, but also can be used as a mount for mounted battles. 】

This is a good thing. The biggest difference between the wargs of the tribe and the horses of the alliance is that the wargs can help fight in addition to riding.

And the shape of the white wolf is also quite cool, not bad, this one can be kept for your own use, an epic mount, quite a face.

The third piece is a cloak.

[Wind Fang's Embrace (Epic/Cloak)

Armor +12.

Stamina +4.

Strength +4.

Agility +4.

Item introduction: Durotan once couldn't control his anger in a battle and fell into a bloodthirsty state.After he slaughtered all the moving creatures around him, he found that he accidentally killed his partner Bailang Fengya in a bloodthirsty state.

It is said that from that day on, Durotan wore Windfang's pelt to the last moment of his life, in memory of his loyal friend and to warn himself of the horrors of killing. 】

It's another piece of top-quality equipment. Although it has no special effects, it has added a full 12 points of attributes, which is quite powerful, and Mo Fei directly replaced it.

The fourth item is a battle flag.

[Frostwolf Chieftain's Banner (Epic/Banner)

Use: Inspires nearby friendly units, giving them 30 morale (this effect is only valid for Orcs).

Item introduction: The battle flag of the Frostwolf clan is usually carried by the chief himself. When the chief waved the battle flag and landed on the battlefield, the surrounding orc warriors would be greatly encouraged. 】

This thing is a bit tasteless, 30 morale is very useful, and it can instantly save the morale of a team of collapsed soldiers during a war, but the problem is that this thing is only effective for orcs, which is very painful.

It seems that I can only go back and exchange some equipment with the players of the tribe.

The fifth item is a necklace.

[Brutal Tooth Necklace (Excellent/Necklace)

Equipment: Attack power +20.

Item introduction: A necklace made of beast fangs, a decoration used by orcs to show their strength and status, it is said that it can enhance the courage and strength of the wearer. 】

This thing is still a bit worse than the dragon slayer's flame amulet. Murphy didn't wear it and stuffed it into his backpack casually.

The sixth item, to be exact, the sixth to tenth item, is a complete set of leather armor equipment.

[Savage Warrior Set (Excellent/Leather Armor)], a set of blue leather armor with good attributes, divided into breastplate, leg armor, shoulder armor, gauntlets, and boots.

The effect of the suit is strength, agility, stamina and all attributes +10. Generally speaking, it is not bad, but the armor is a little lower, so you can wear it with the dragon scale suit on your body.

In addition, there are some consumables such as wind erosion marks, flame marks, tribal rations, and healing potions. The value is not high, and it is better than nothing.

Murphy took stock of it, and thought that this one was really fruitful.

While Murphy was inspecting the loot, the battle on the left and right wings of the battlefield had already come to an end.

Hurricane Impact!

Boom, a powerful wave of air sent four or five human soldiers flying out. The storm giant released a combat technique, and then waved an ice rock pillar in a destructive dance, easily destroying the tens of meters of soldiers. Temporary line of defense.

Orcs swarmed from both sides of the storm giant.

"Kill, kill! Revenge for Durotan!"

"Kill all these humans!"

After the infantry, there were countless Frostwolf cavalry chasing and killing them, and the sound of killing was loud.

At this time, the coalition forces of nobles had been forced to the edge of the battlefield. Several noble lords were beheaded in the battle, and the rest were terrified.

Baron Andrew (Lord of White Hart Castle): "We have lost, we have lost! We must retreat."

Earl Adalian (Lord of Ravencrow City): "We can't retreat, this war is not over yet, we must stick to the front line and hold back the enemy! Lord Barov, where are you going?"

Barov looked at Count Adalian in front of him with a sneer.

Duke Barov (Lord of Darrow City): "Don't you understand, Aiden is dead, and no matter whether he wins or loses, a power struggle will soon break out within the kingdom, and it may even break out civil war.

Aiden didn't arrange an heir to take over the throne. With so many princes, how could there be no civil strife.

We must preserve our strength, otherwise we will lose everything in the ensuing chaos, so—please forgive me. "

Earl Adalian (Lord of Ravencrow City): "You coward! You are simply making excuses for your own selfishness."

"Ha, so what."

After speaking, Barov simply stopped trying to hide anything.

"Soldiers of Darrow County, you have shed too much blood for this war. It's time to leave and retreat with me! I've had enough of this war."

As soon as Barov withdrew, other plain nobles also chose to retreat one after another. The high mountain nobles had the heart to resist, but the high mountain nobles didn't have many soldiers, and suffered heavy losses in the previous battles.

No matter how self-sustaining it was, it started to collapse after a little resistance.

Seeing the defeat of the coalition of nobles, the young wolf master felt relieved, and finally defeated the nobles of Alterac, and then only needed to reinforce the main force of the central route army and Saurfang to attack the humans.

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Warlord): "Second brother, you lead a team of cavalry to drive away those Alterac nobles and ensure that they will not regroup again. I will lead the main force to support the middle!"

Frost Wolf Owl (Frostwolf Warlord): "Go, brother, you must win."

At the same time, the battle on the right wing has also been decided.

"Die monster!" Arthas rushed forward bravely, his shield parrying the throwing axes and javelins flying towards his face.

Shield bash!Bang, the shield knocked the troll chief unconscious.

Cleave!Huo Zhixin drew a beautiful arc of light in the air, splitting the troll leader in front of him in half.

The Chieftain of the Frost Trolls - Darkur was killed.

Due to the limited number of troops, the leader of the left wing of the tribe is the frost troll chief Dakul. It is a bit difficult for Arthas to deal with those epic heroes, but it is still very easy to deal with this small boss of the fourth-level silver.

Poor Dakur was originally a wild monster boss, and the strength of the fourth level of terror can be regarded as a bully, but after joining the tribe, he became a hero directly, and the fourth level of terror was converted into silver level four. His combat power plummeted, and he was defeated by Alsace Kill with one sword.

The dwarf gunners exploded randomly, and the royal knights of Lordaeron easily defeated the remaining troll troops with a few charges.

Seeing the enemy's defeat, Alsace did not love to fight. He knew that the key to this war was the battle in the middle. Whoever can defeat the opponent in the middle first would win the war.

So he sent a royal captain to lead the cavalry to chase and kill the fleeing enemy, but he himself led the main force towards the middle to help.

All of a sudden, almost all the troops from the alliance and the tribe rushed to the central battlefield.

At this time, unexpected changes have taken place in the central battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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