Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 288 Hollow Phalanx and Napoleon Cannon

Chapter 288 Hollow Phalanx and Napoleon Cannon

The Young Wolf Lord was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously.

The [-] army has been defeated, and the defense line composed of a mere [-] militiamen is nothing.

As for artillery, in the high magic world of the sky world, guns and artillery are nothing new, and they are not very powerful. The airships have been researched, so there is no sense of existence.

For a real fight, it still depends on the strength of the arms with real swords and guns.

At this time, he directly ordered, "Kill!"

Nearly a thousand Frostwolf Beasts rushed up screaming.

A dense rain of arrows shot out from behind the spear array, but fell on the herd of beasts, causing only dozens of casualties, and the herd of beasts rushed to the front of the militia line in the blink of an eye.

Veteran Liangjian (Militia Captain): "Steady - steady - steady - two rows and three rows come forward and form a hedgehog formation!"

The spear militiamen in the back suddenly took a step forward, and those in the third row took two steps forward. The three rows of militiamen were closely connected, and their spears formed a three-row array of spears like hedgehogs. Those frost wolves bumped into it and were immediately stabbed. Thoroughly cool.

This wave is a reverse speed damage bonus.

Pooh!Pooh!Pooh!In one charge, hundreds of war beasts were sieved by the hedgehog formation, and some were still struggling and biting, but they died soon in front of the formation under the vigorous stabbing of the three rows of spearmen.

Boom boom boom!
Whoosh whoosh!
The archers and artillery behind the spears kept firing, and every moment more Frostwolves were shot.

Lord Young Wolf felt distressed when he saw this, this is an elite army.

"Go around, go around and attack on both sides."

However, when the wolves went around to both sides, what awaited them was more spear formations.

The veteran flashed his sword and used these two thousand militiamen to form a hollow phalanx.

In the end, after nearly half of the casualties, the remaining wolves scattered.

He lost!The young wolf master felt a bit unacceptable for a while, one thousand three-level soldiers were actually defeated by two thousand first-level soldiers.How could a third-level soldier lose against a first-level soldier?
He instinctively found that something was wrong with these militiamen.

But it doesn't matter, the strange militia on the opposite side only has 2000 people. The key now is to reorganize the formation. There was no formation before, and the formation was too chaotic. Although the militia on the opposite side was defeated, the orc army also completely messed up the formation.

As long as the formation is reorganized and the troops are attacked with strict military force, these low-level militia groups will die in any formation.

Thinking of this, he hastily asked someone to blow the horn, and withdrew the scattered arms.

Seeing the orc's brief retreat, Dalabun let out a sigh of relief, frightened to death, almost thought it was going to be over just now.

More than 2 militiamen were killed by three or four thousand. Fortunately, the morale of the militiamen recovered quickly, and they were barely able to fight again in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a person squeezed in from the crowd and opened his mouth to curse, "You idiot, what kind of battle are you fighting? Can you command?"

A roar made Dalabang turn around suddenly, and he saw a militia leader with a square face looking at him angrily.

Dalabeng thought that I was a dignified prince... However, when he saw the eagle-like eyes and stern face of the veteran, he was a little embarrassed, but he refused to suffer.

"Damn, it sounds like you know how to fight."

Veteran Liangjian (Militia Captain): "Of course I will. I have been a regimental commander and have studied modern military history."

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "Oh my god, you're so awesome, really, how old are you?"

Veteran Liangjian (Militia Captain): "Of course it's true. The situation is urgent. Give me the command. You must immediately arrange the next tactics, otherwise the next wave will definitely be over."

Dalabun and Sigrit looked at each other, but Sigrith shrugged, saying that I don't have any specialties in war, so you can figure it out.

"Okay, you can command." Dalabang is also a decisive leader, knowing that he has no command skills, and he has no skills and expertise to lead an army except for the specialty of peasant riots. After all, heroes are generally strengthened. Personal combat ability is the main thing. If he hadn't acquired three garbage specialties at once, he wouldn't have chosen the peasant riot specialty.

The veteran Liangjian was not polite, and directly called the militia captain over.

The biggest problem with this militia regiment is that the command system is too rough. There is no top-to-bottom command system at all. Apart from the regiment leader Dalabang, the militia captain is the next step down. A militia captain has thousands of people under his command. 800 people, ranging from 200 to [-] people, it is impossible to form a too strong troop composition.

In the past, they were all drawn out as cannon fodder. If we really want to use all the militias to fight, we will expose our weaknesses.

The veteran flashed his sword and directly called out the militia captains with the highest ranks and the most leaders.

"Great, Rex, Ed, Mars, Napoleon, Beckham, Dao Wang Wu, Qin Feiyu, the eight of you are responsible for being regiment leaders, forming eight temporary militia groups, and each of you chooses five militia captains Deputy, make up 2000 troops.

When forming the formation, arrange it according to the formation I just had. The infantry and spearmen are in front, and the archers are behind to form a hollow phalanx. Remember not to rush. Our task is to defend. As long as we defend, we will win. The two phalanxes are separated by 100 meters, and the artillery positions are the core. They are spread out in a nine-square grid circle. Go, act now, we are running out of time. "

Several militia captains called by him immediately acted, and Dalabang looked surprised, "How do you know these people?"

Veteran Liang Jian (Militia Captain): "Nonsense, ever since I knew there was going to be a war, I have been drinking with these militia captains to bond with each other for the past few days. Can you be unfamiliar? But you, the commander-in-chief, don't even have anyone under your command. You know? I haven't seen you in the barracks for the past few days."

Dalabang felt ashamed for a while. To him, these militiamen were just a group of NPCs. What is there to talk about with NPCs? Anyway, they are the face of the public. When there is a war, let them go up and send them off.

This will see this strange militia captain player commanding, suddenly a little speechless.

"Then what are we doing?" Sigret asked suddenly.

"Have you seen the formation I put up? This is called the hollow square formation. It is a very classic formation in modern warfare. Generally speaking, musketeers should be used to form it. But now the situation is urgent, so we can only make do with it." Use it.

My large hollow phalanx is composed of nine small hollow phalanxes, with artillery archers as the output and infantry spearmen as the city wall. First, I will continue to consume the enemy's morale and strength in a defensive posture, and wait until the enemy's offensive is frustrated and falls into chaos. Then use the elite cavalry to kill the enemy.

Our biggest problem now is that we don't have elite cavalry,

The cavalry in your hands is the only mobile force we have. If you two have the courage, you can become the captain of the cavalry. When the enemy's offensive is frustrated, you two must go out to chase and force the enemy to disperse. "

The two of them had also watched war movies, and they knew about the hollow phalanx. They didn't expect that someone would use this tactic in the game, and they were surprised.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "No problem, I may be a bit short at commanding large armies to fight, but I'm still very good at leading troops into battle."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "I'm fine, Dalabon, go ahead, I'll give you back support."

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "Damn, don't think I don't know. Didn't you say you're going to change your job as Moon Night God of War? You're still pretending to be a nanny, why don't you be so cowardly."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "I don't call it cowardly, do you know that I am cautious, and I just accepted the task, and I am far away from changing jobs, so now I can only use spells to support you."

While the two were arguing, the orc army in the distance had already arranged its formation. With the sound of the shrill horn, nearly ten thousand orc infantry charged again.

The veteran greeted with a flash of his sword, and the two princes hurriedly led the less than one hundred knights into the small square in the center of the large hollow square.

"Here we come!" The veteran said in a deep voice with his sword bright, his eyes fixed on the battlefield ahead.

The face is sinking like water, but the heart is rising and falling like a tide. This is called a big war. I have blocked the soldiers for so many years, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to go to the battlefield in the game.

The tidal wave of orc infantry slammed into the three hollow phalanxes in the front row.

Cruel hand-to-hand combat began immediately.

"Fire!" The veteran gave an order with his sword shining.

The cannons fired shells, turning over and killing the orcs. Each cannon could deal hundreds of thousands of damage. Dalabang and Siegret looked at these cannons curiously. It is understandable that modern military technology was used in the array, but even these artillery pieces looked very familiar to the two of them at this time.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "I'll go, this is the Napoleon cannon."

Siegret (Prince of Alterac): "Napoleon Cannon? You read that right? Is there a Napoleon Cannon in this game?"

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "You read that right, I have cleared countless times in the Age of Empires, and the Napoleon Cannon is my favorite. Where did you get the blueprints?"

The veteran flashed his sword and directed the artillery to bombard the orc infantry crowded in the gap between the lines, and said nonchalantly, "Of course I drew it myself."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "What? You drew it yourself? Are you a master in engineering?"

If the engineering skills are upgraded to the master level, you can DLY blueprints yourself, but this kind of thing can only be done by hero players who specialize in engineering. How can a veteran militia captain do it?
The veteran flashed his sword, but it was even more strange than the two, "What engineering? I don't understand what you are talking about at all. I just drew it from memory, and then hired a group of dwarf blacksmiths to help build it. Don't tell me, those Humpty Humpty doesn't drink very well, and he would get into a fight if he drank too much, but his craftsmanship is really good, they can do all the blueprints I drew.

I drank eight meals with them, and I made them feel comfortable. Not only did I not ask for overtime pay, but I also added some silver or gold to my artillery. It is said that no matter how bombed, it will not explode, and I don’t know the truth. Fake.

Don't say these are useless, get ready, you are going to attack. "

In just a few minutes, the three hollow phalanxes in front were almost destroyed. The militias were just militias after all. No matter how high the morale was, no matter how good the formation was, they couldn't last long, especially when those storm giants charged into the formation. On the battlefield, after the militiamen in the front row were easily destroyed with a storm blow, the three hollow phalanxes suddenly crumbled.

However, their role has already been brought into play. The attack of the orc army was completely absorbed by the three hollow phalanxes, so the orcs in the front row were all caught in a melee and out of formation, while the six hollow phalanxes here still maintained their formation. With a complete establishment, the archers in the phalanx kept firing arrows.

The artillery is also constantly bombarding the enemy's formation.

"Concentrate your firepower, kill those big guys, fill me up with medicine, and blast his mother with all your strength."

Boom boom boom!
A storm giant was instantly hit by five or six shells, each of which launched an armor-piercing attack.

The storm giant with more than 1 HP was blasted out of health and fell down.

The other storm giant was even more unlucky. He was hit in the head by a shell, and he was headshot directly, dealing a fatal blow.

Considering the hit rate of this muzzle gun, the element of luck is obviously greater.

As the storm giants were killed one by one by the artillery, the offensive of the orc army stopped immediately.

Although they defeated the three hollow phalanxes, the momentum of the charge was lost. When these orc infantry rushed to the three hollow phalanxes in the second row, they fell into a war of attrition with the militia infantry in the front row. There is no way to break through.

This kind of war of attrition is extremely beneficial to the alliance, because the formation has been set up, and the artillery and archers in the hollow phalanx can output damage with maximum efficiency.

But the orcs can only rely on the front row to fight.

For a while, the orc infantry fell down row by row, and the support troops behind them couldn't get up at all.

The young wolf lord kept letting his wolf cavalry go around to the enemy's rear, but the concept of the back row did not exist in the large hollow square formation. What the wolf cavalry circled to the back was still facing the hollow square formation waiting in full force, just like a wolf catching a hedgehog. At the bottom of the mouth.

Seeing the casualties of the orc troops soared to more than [-], the young wolf lord had no choice but to let the soldiers withdraw to regroup.

The orc infantry retreated in disorder, but the veteran's eyes lit up when he saw the sword.

"The opportunity is here, attack quickly!"

Attack?Are you kidding, Dalabon is a little dumbfounded seeing thousands of orc infantry in front of them, and the hundred cavalry under their hands, wouldn't it be a gift if they couldn't chase them?

What do you know, it is not so easy for the troops to retreat, hurry up, if you don't rush, you will miss the opportunity, remember to keep an eye on the cavalry on the opposite side, don't chase too far, come back after killing for a while.

Dalabang gritted his teeth - kill!

The infantry in the phalanx moved out of the way, and Dalabonba and Sigret led a hundred cavalrymen to kill them.

The ten dragon-mounted heavy cavalry led by Roland, who rushed to the front, were like a razor, knocking down the orc infantry blocking the way and killing them to the ground.

One hundred cavalrymen say no more, say less, and launch a concentrated charge, each time they can defeat hundreds of orc infantry, causing huge damage to them.

The key point is that these orc infantry are in a state of retreat, and it is difficult to reorganize a counterattack.

Moreover, those ten dragon-suited heavy cavalry charged so powerfully that even the orcs couldn't withstand the charge with their bodies in heavy armor.

With the rise of Dalabangbasha, he completely forgot the veteran's instructions to shine his sword, and just led the cavalry towards the place where the orc infantry gathered.

The young wolf master looked at the corners of his mouth, but gradually turned up, damn it!
"Wolf cavalry—charge!" He personally led nearly a thousand wolf cavalry to launch a counter-charge.

This wolf cavalry unit can be said to be the last elite in his hands. Seeing Wuyang Wuyang's wolf cavalry outflanking, Dalabang immediately panicked.

"Retreat, retreat—"

But it was too late, the young wolf lord's entry point was very subtle, directly cutting off the retreat of the hundred cavalry from the side.

Seeing the [-] cavalry surrounded, Dalabangba and Sigret were in a panic.

A dragon's roar suddenly sounded in the sky, shaking the sky.

As soon as Sigret raised his head, his face was filled with surprise.

"It's Brother Aidan!"

In the next second, the Storm Dragon King swooped down, and a thunderous wolf cavalry man fell on his back.

Murphy raised the altitude, hovered here, and looked at the densely packed orc army below. He was a little surprised. He thought that Dalabang was a bit powerful, and he was able to fight against the 2 orc army on the opposite side with more than [-] militiamen. Back and forth.

Even if you are a little reckless, it's okay, let me help you, and get some experience by the way.

Finding a suitable position, he spread his wings directly.

Dragon Thunder Storm!

The wind and thunder gathered in the sky, and the red clouds churned.

Boom boom boom!The dragon thunder was like rain, and immediately bombarded the orc army even more panicked.

This is much more powerful than Napoleon's cannon, and the orcs who were bombed by red thunder all over the sky suffered heavy casualties.

The veteran stared at the sword with keen eyes. This firepower is at least at the B52 level.

It seems that even if it is a war in the game, the air force is also very important.

Why don't I go back and build a few dragons to raise them, set up the air force, and then get out machine gun tanks. When the time comes, the three armies of the sea, land and air will gather together. Even if we can't do modern warfare, at least we can bring the level of technology to the level of World War II. .

The current cranky thinking did not delay him from grasping the combat skills.

When the time came, the veteran jumped onto a big rock with his sword, "Attack all-out!"

The militia army suddenly stopped maintaining the hollow phalanx and launched a full-scale attack.

It was only then that Murphy noticed that it seemed that it was not Dalabon who commanded the militia army, but a certain militia captain.

He didn't pay too much attention to it, instead, he actively cooperated and blasted the dragon thunder towards the place where the orcs were most dense.

Whenever the orcs wanted to gather to form an formation to resist, he fired several dragon thunders and ordered the dragon sky patrollers to dive and bomb.

Now the army of orcs couldn't stand it anymore, their morale completely collapsed, and groups of them retreated.

The young wolf master gave the storm dragon king who was raging in the sky viciously.


(End of this chapter)

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