Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 289 A Song of Ice and Fire

Chapter 289 A Song of Ice and Fire

While the militia army on the right wing of the alliance army was fighting the orcs hard, Alsace on the left wing was also leading the army of Lordaeron to attack the tribal army in the middle.

Strictly speaking, this army of Lordaeron can be regarded as the "top horse" in the army of the three-way alliance. The army of the Kingdom of Lun is almost the most comprehensive integrated army.

There are kingdom infantry for close combat, Royal Lordaeron knights for cavalry, dwarven mortars for long-range, and even a large number of mage and priest troops to support the battle.

It is completely incomparable with a poor country like Alterac, whose legal system relies entirely on the temporary recruitment of adventurers.

However, at this time, this fully equipped army was blocked in an ice field by an unexpected enemy.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Fire! Fire with all your might and blow that thing out of me!"

Boom boom boom!The mortar fired continuously shells, exploding on the body of the ice elemental lord Lokhora, causing ice cubes to fly and snowflakes to splash everywhere.

The mages accompanying the army also ventured closer and lined up, raining fireballs at the huge ice element in front of them.

But these attacks are all offset by the Ice King's constantly generating frost armor.

boom!Another fireball was shot out, watching the wounds condense and recover quickly, the military mage commander shook his head.

Lucas (Royal Mage): "Your Highness is useless, this is Alterac in the world of ice and snow. For elemental creatures, they can constantly rely on the environment to restore their health in home battles, especially elemental lords. They are born With the ability to mobilize the power of elements, we have no way to kill that big guy in this environment, unless—”

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Unless what?"

"Did you see the blue spar on that monster's chest?"

Alsace nodded, the huge ice elemental lord, in the middle of the body composed of ice and rock ice, exuded a dazzling ice blue light, released from the translucent body.

Every time the elemental lord casts a spell, the light will shine with it.

"That is the elemental crystal nucleus, the energy core of elemental creatures. As long as you destroy that thing, you can kill it."

That being said, it is definitely not that easy to do.

The ice elemental lord is more than 30 meters high, and the location of the elemental crystal nucleus is about [-] to [-] meters high. The ice elemental lord's body is covered with a hard ice shell, and it is not easy to break through.

Alsace gritted his teeth, "No problem, I will personally lead the knights to charge, and you command the mages to use all their spells to cover us."

He said the joy of pulling out the fire, and rode his horse to the front of the battle.

"Royal knights of Lordaeron, it's time to show your courage and honor. Draw your weapons and charge with me! Let's finish the final blow to these barbaric orcs!"

Following Alsace's order, five hundred royal knights of Lordaeron formed an attack formation, followed by a thousand vassal knights, and Alsace was at the arrow of the attack formation. Since then, he has been living in the shadow of more than 40 brothers and more than 30 sisters. Every time he encounters a problem, someone will solve it for him in advance.

In case of danger, someone will always stand up for him.

When they encountered danger at sea, Aidan led his troops to rescue him. When he fought the orcs in the Kingdom of Stormwind, his second brother, Varian, stood in front of him.

Although he has been participating in the battle from the beginning to the end, he has been following the 'leader' all this time. As a prince, this makes him somewhat unconvinced.

Alsace didn't have any burdens in his heart like he did in his previous life, it was purely because of his competitive spirit, if he was really so willing to be a foil?But it's completely unreasonable, deep down, he also has his pride.

Now is the time to prove your strength!
Alsace thought, leaning down, gently stroking the horse's cheek,
"Come on, invincible, gallop with me, I will depend on you to eat this one, rush to that monster's body, and create a chance for me to make a move!"

As if understanding Alsace's words, the war horse named 'Invincible' under his crotch neighed, as if answering him.

Alsace was instantly full of confidence.

"Draw the sword!"

Shuashuashua, there was a sound of a sword blade being unsheathed.


With Alsace's cry, [-] knights charged.

The ground was trembling, Lordaeron knights were all heavy cavalry, horses and armor, and [-] horsemen charged collectively like thunder.

On both sides, the infantry corps also launched a coordinated attack.

Of course, the King of Ice and Snow is not fighting alone. If it is a single BOSS, no matter how strong the combat power is, it will not be able to withstand the attack of an entire army. Under the feet of the Ice Elemental Lord, there are countless tribal players defending. The formation suddenly became restless.

Crowd (warrior): "Wo Cao is a fool, let's go together, and we'll send it off after we've done it."

Ace Killer (Rogue): "Fuck, what are you doing, everyone is wounded, what are you doing?"

The sadness of that arrow (hunter): "Heaping heads, we have so many people, he will be piled up to death, this guy is just a brat, why can't he die."

Such a burst of clamor really attracted the interest of many players.

This is the future Lich King. If it can be killed, a few leg hairs will be a rarity for them.

The point is that this is the period of the plot campaign. Killing Alsace can completely change the plot. This kind of temptation is not ordinary. Although there is a high probability that the head will be counted as the head of the ice elemental lord... But there will be no shortage of equipment.

So Wuyang Wuyang's tribal players gathered towards the center.

Then he was hit by fifteen hundred heavy cavalry.

boom!The Royal Knights of Lordaeron slammed into the crowd of players unstoppably, picking up the orcs one by one with their spears.

These orc players generally only have more than ten or twenty levels, and they are as fragile as clay tiles in front of the 20th-level Lordaeron Royal Knights.

A dazzling blue light suddenly appeared from the body of the Ice and Snow King Lokhora behind the player—the Ring of Frost!
The huge ring of frost spread out in all directions.

Everything it passes through is frozen in place.

Jump!Alsace let out a loud roar, and Invincible jumped up, four or five meters high in one leap.

He perfectly dodged the ice ring coming close to the ground, but the knights behind him were not so lucky. One ice ring froze seven or eight hundred knights, and only two or three hundred knights dodged it like a model.

This is the horror of BOSS on the battlefield. A big move is often a full-screen attack.

These frozen knights had to fight the surrounding orcs on the spot, but Arthas didn't stop, his eyes were fixed on the huge ice and snow king, on the elemental crystal nucleus on the chest of the elemental lord .

The elemental crystal nucleus lit up again, and as soon as the Ice King raised his hand, the frost energy immediately turned into a violent icy airflow and hit him.

Cone of Ice!
This magic is a mage's basic ice spell, and the normal casting distance is only seven or eight meters away. However, when released by the ice elemental lord, it is hundreds of meters away, and the casting range covers most of the area in front of it.

Alsace had nowhere to hide, but he was not in a panic, he had someone to support him.

Lucas (royal mage): "Flame elf, obey my call, and turn into an invisible enchantment to block the severe cold and ice—the flame enchantment!"

The flames formed a red shield around Alsace, resisting the blow firmly, but the light of the barrier also dimmed.

Alsace was not surprised by this result, and was even relieved. This was the last support provided by the army mage, and the next step was up to him.

He kicked the horse, and was about to go around to the side of Lok Hora, and rush up along the slope of its body made of ice, but unexpectedly, when the ice elemental lord raised his right hand, ice and snow instantly covered and condensed around its 'short' arm, A huge arm with a length of more than ten meters was condensed, and the fist at the end of the arm was the size of a house, and it smashed towards Alsace.

It's over!Alsace felt a chill in his heart, he didn't expect this thing to have melee skills.

He raised his shield to block, but he had no confidence in his heart. The fist formed by the condensed ice was the size of a house, but the shield in his hand was only three feet wide. The huge difference in size made him feel like he would be hit by a fist. The illusion of meatloaf.

The next second—boom!A bolt of lightning hit the joint of that arm, blasting the arm to pieces.

Arthas used his shield to block the shattered ice, and when he looked up, he saw a storm dragon hovering in the sky.

Aidandron (Storm Dragon King): "Go young warrior, complete your mission and kill that monster."

It's Big Brother's voice!Alsace's heart was agitated for a moment, even though the voice became very deep, he could still hear it.

'Ice King' Lockhola (Lord of Ice Elements): "Go away, impolite reptile, don't block Lockhola's will."

Polar light!

A pale beam of light shone directly on the Storm Dragon King, and the Storm Dragon was immediately covered with a layer of ice, not only slowing down, but even tending to freeze gradually.

(Damn it, this guy is a bit powerful, as expected of a disaster-level elemental lord.) As Murphy thought about it, a few more thunderous breaths shot towards him.

Everyone is a BOSS. Although the ranks are a few levels behind, it is still possible to pass two moves.

Seeing that the ice elemental lord was attracted by the sudden appearance of the storm dragon, Alsace didn't hesitate anymore. He kicked the horse, and Invincible flew up, rushing up the slope of Lockhora's body.

Lockhola also realized something was wrong at this time, he shook his body suddenly, and wanted to turn around, but Wudi suddenly stumbled and slipped off the ice.

However, at this time Alsace was only seven or eight meters away from the element crystal nucleus.

Fearless cut!
Alsace stepped on Invincible's back, jumped up with all his strength, and swung his sword in mid-air.

Click!This sword was falling on the chest of the Ice and Snow King, and the scorching blade pierced deeply into the ice shell.

Alsace was half hanging on it, but found a very embarrassing thing - the sword is not long enough!
Fortunately, his sword is not ordinary.

Weapon Special Effect Casting—Activate!
Weapon Special Effect 2: Casting.Your attacks will damage the enemy's armor, reducing the enemy's armor value and armor durability. This effect can only be restored by repairing.

I saw that the joy of fire suddenly shot out a dazzling scorching light, reflecting the crimson light on the ice shell, and the thick hard ice shell melted quickly, and Alsace stabbed inward with all his strength, half of his body got into it. Go in, and finally penetrate the ice crystal nucleus with a sword.


The ice elemental lord let out a painful roar, click!The energy of the ice element in the ice crystal nucleus poured out violently, and even the sword body made of fiery flames was frozen by this energy.

boom!With a violent explosion, the huge body of the Ice and Snow King turned into countless huge ice blocks and collapsed.

Arthas emerged from the snowdrift, feeling extremely excited, "Hahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded, I, Arthas, beheaded an elemental lord!"

Just as he was about to raise his sword to celebrate, he was suddenly stunned.

The flaming sword of Fire Joy is frozen by frost, forming a strange weapon of frozen flames. The power of ice and fire has formed a perfect balance. Inside the icy sword is a stagnant flame. It looks very miraculous.

"what's going on?"

Alsace looked at the Binghuo sword in his hand with a look of surprise. He had a feeling that the sword seemed to have become stronger. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the introduction of the name on the sword. If he saw it, he would probably be even more excited.

[Song of Ice and Fire (two-handed sword/legendary)...

5 minutes later--

A wolf cavalry rushed not far from Saurfang in a panic.

"Lord Saurfang, the Ice King was beheaded by Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, the adventurers of the tribe were defeated, and the defense line on the left wing of our army has been penetrated."

Brox Saurfang (High-ranking Warlord): "What! How is this possible, the King of Ice and Snow is the Lord of Ice Elements, just a human prince..."

"It's the storm dragon. The King of Ice and Snow was attacked by the giant storm dragon, so he was attacked and beheaded by the human prince."

Saurfal suddenly looked ugly, damn it, this is not good—it doesn't matter, as long as the young wolf lord's army launches an attack, everything will be fine.

Another wolf cavalry rushed over, but he recognized this one as the one sent to deliver orders to the young wolf lord.

"Lord Saurfang, the young wolf lord's attack has failed! His army is blocked by the human reserve force, and he cannot come to make peace."

What!Saurfang was completely dumbfounded now, "How is it possible, the human reserve forces are all militias, why can't he even defeat a group of militias?"

"It's the storm dragon. It was almost won, but suddenly a storm dragon rushed into the battlefield..."

Saurfang was speechless, how come there are storm dragons participating in the battle everywhere?
This is the advantage of the flying unit. You can fly wherever you need it on the battlefield. You can participate in the plot of the whole scene, and you can create a sense of presence everywhere.

Drek'Thar (Frostwolf Prophet): "What about Brox?"

Brox Saurfang (High Warlord): "There is no other way, you lead the army to retreat immediately, and I will stop the rear."

Drek'Thar's expression changed, the reinforcements were repulsed, and the defense line on the left wing was pierced again. This means that this place will soon become a battlefield for the alliance army to besiege. If he takes away another part of the army, wouldn't it be——

"Perhaps there is another way."

Brox snorted coldly, "Don't you understand? We have already failed, and we have to leave something behind. I have failed Orgrim's entrustment and Durotan's trust, so I must stay and bear the burden." My responsibility, I am the one who killed the human king, they will not let me go for revenge, as long as I stay, you can take the opportunity to retreat.

The Frostwolf Clan can't do without you, let's go, or it will be too late. "

Drek'Thar sighed, knowing that Brox was right, "Farewell, Brox—I will tell others about your bravery."

After Drek'Thar finished speaking, he didn't hesitate anymore, and with a greeting, he led the orcs of the Frostwolf Clan to retreat.

Brooks looked at the alliance army that was gradually besieging him.

He turned over and rode on the wolf, and rushed directly to the alliance's central army.

Brox Saurfang (High Warlord): "I am Brox Saurfang, High Warlord of the Horde, come face me you scum of the Alliance!"

The movement of the tribe naturally cannot escape the eyes of the princes of the alliance.

"The Horde is running!"

"Catch up! Don't let them escape."

"Catch them separately, we must round them up!"

The princes still wanted to pursue separately, but Saurfang had already turned on his berserk and rushed over directly.

"Your opponent is me!"

Bloody rage-charge-whirlwind!

After a while, the old Saurfang killed like a meat grinder, leaving behind corpses all over the ground in an instant. He no longer considered command and tactics, and completely entered the battle as a soldier. The old Saurfang burst into a shocking combat effectiveness.

The princes were furious, they didn't expect to be so arrogant at this time.

Immediately surrounded and beat up.

I'm still afraid of you without a nanny!
Murphy ignored the scuffle below. He had already gained too much limelight in this plot battle, so let someone else get the headlines.

Just took the opportunity to kill some mobs to upgrade.

As Murphy thought, he frantically breathed thunder at the retreating orc army.

The mana is almost exhausted, and the Dragon Thunder Storm is useless, but Thunder Breath is a basic skill, which does not consume mana and can be used casually.

After chasing for more than ten miles in one go, Murphy gave up the pursuit until he encountered a volley of tribal anti-aircraft ballistas.

After this day's slaughter, he has actually risen up to four levels, and now he has reached level 39. Sure enough, the leveling up is fast in battle.

When he returned to the battlefield, the world announcement finally sounded.

[World Announcement: As the high-ranking warlord Brox Saurfang was beheaded by Alterac Prince, the Battle of the Ice Wolf Field also ended. The Horde suffered a disastrous defeat in this war and lost a lot of money troops, and killed two key leaders, Brox and Durotan.

The failure of this battle announced the end of the offensive of the Horde North Army, and also indicated that the Alliance would no longer be constrained, and could concentrate its forces to fight against the Horde's invasion. A full-scale war between the Alliance and the Horde was about to begin.

Due to the retreat of Duke Barov, the left wing of the Alterac Legion was in crisis. The split between the Duke of Barov and the Kingdom of Alterac was a foregone conclusion. The power struggle within the Kingdom of Croatia has also gradually surfaced.

The mysterious storm dragon king Aidan Delong appeared on the battlefield in this battle, and his appearance seems to indicate that more extraordinary powers are beginning to intervene in this war that affects the entire eastern continent.

This event has been recorded in the Sky Chronicles. 】

(End of this chapter)

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