Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 290 Consecutively Ascension to 2 Levels - Frostwolf Camp

Chapter 290 Rising Two Levels in a Row - Frostwolf Camp

[System prompt: According to your performance in the plot battle [Battle of the Ice Wolf Field], you have obtained 3750 plot points, your rank has increased, and now you are at the fifth rank of silver, and you have obtained a new hero specialty, you You can check related content on the hero specialization interface. 】

I wiped it, and it actually increased two levels at once, which is a bit powerful.

Murphy was very pleasantly surprised. Although he knew that he had contributed a lot in this battle, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as 'turning the tide of the battle by himself', but this was the first time he encountered such a thing as being promoted to two ranks at a time.

Generally speaking, the higher the rank, the more plot points are needed to upgrade, and at the same time, the less plot points can be obtained in plot events.

So it's quite rare to go up two ranks at once.

A silver-level hero like him has limited combat power, and it is usually difficult to play a big role in a plot battle, but Murphy is an outlier, because he can transform into a storm dragon king and directly transform into a boss form of the same level. As a result, his combat power completely did not conform to the common sense of his rank, and even his boss was an enhanced version of the boss, and this was the astonishing result of a two-rank promotion.

Murphy couldn't wait to check the hero specialties this time.

This time, six hero specialties were directly brushed out, many of which were legendary specialties.

[Specialty 1: Backstabbing (combat specialty).You killed a hero from behind in a sneak attack in a battle, so you realized that the trick to killing is to catch him by surprise, and to launch a fatal blow with the enemy's back is the only way to kill someone.

Benefit: When you strike from behind an enemy, you have a higher chance to land a critical strike. 】

[Feature 2: Orc Destroyer (combat feat/legendary): You independently killed more than 1000 orcs in a battle, and made the orcs unable to resist you, which caused the orcs to attack you. fear.

Special effect: Your damage to orcs is increased by 10%. When you fight with orcs, each kill has a certain probability of triggering group fear, which will accelerate the decline of the morale of the orc troops. Because the orcs are too afraid of you, you must Horrible legends about you will be spread in the orc society, and you will get 1 legend value. 】

[Specialty 3: Dragon Thunder Knight Trainer (professional specialty/hidden): Your knight group played a huge role in this battle, and the thunder power of Dragon Thunder Knight shocked the audience, which made the world know about Dragon Thunder. With the great reputation of the Knights of Death, Dragon Thunder Knight has also become a hidden profession that adventurers talk about, and the attention of the group of adventurers to the Knights of Dragon Death has increased.

Special effect 1: The number of knight recruits obtained by the Dragon Sorrow Knights increases by 10 every week.

Specialty Effect 2: Open a new advanced career for adventurers - 'Dragon Thunder Knight', which is an advanced career for 'Knight' and 'Warrior'.

All Dragon and Thunder Knights under your command will automatically unlock the professional trainer function. As the leader of Dragon and Thunder Knights, you will therefore become the founder/professional mentor of Dragon and Thunder Knights, and get the job transfer authority of this advanced profession. 】

[Feat 4: Flying Killer (Combat Specialty): In this battle, you have killed a large number of enemies in a flying posture, so you have mastered the essentials of fighting in the air.

Specialty effect: When you are in the flight state, your dodge ability is increased by 10%, the hit rate is increased by 10%, and you are not punished by the casting delay caused by the flight state imbalance. 】

[Feat 5: Lonely Brave (combat specialty/legendary): You face a large number of enemies in a battle with one enemy, and finally defeated the enemy, so you have mastered the key to be unrivaled in the enemy pile, even face to face You have no fear of thousands of troops.

Specialty effect: When there are no friendly units around you and you are surrounded by enemies (the number of enemies is greater than or equal to 10), you will get an extra 5% attribute bonus. The more enemies there are, the higher the attribute bonus will be. , can stack up to 50%.

Your abilities will also have a higher chance of reaching their power cap. 】

[Feat 6: Thunder Phantom (Honor Specialty/Legend): The power of thunder you displayed in this battle has left a terrible memory in the hearts of your enemies, so you have obtained a title exclusive to you—— —'Thunder Phantom'.

Whether it is orc or human, there are legends about the 'Thunder Phantom' Aidan Delong (the Storm Dragon King).

Feat Effect: Add the prefix 'Thunder Phantom' to your character name and gain 3 legend points. 】

Murphy looked at the six specialties in front of him and quickly weighed them.

Choose two out of six, this has to be carefully considered.

Backstabber - he had learned this specialty before, but he didn't choose it at the beginning, and he didn't plan to choose it this time either.

There is a high probability that I will take the BOSS route in the future, and I am afraid that it is unlikely that I will have the opportunity to do things like stabbing a knife in the back.

Orc Destroyer - it should be an advanced version of Orc Slayer, he has learned that specialty before, and it can be unlocked only by killing 100 orcs in one battle, but this Orc Destroyer needs to kill 1000. The buff effect is also higher, 10% damage is still very powerful, but it is a bit tasteless if it is only useful to orcs, and it can be used in the second orc war, but wait until the second orc war If it is over, then this feat will probably be useless——PASS.

Dragon Thunder Knight Trainer - Murphy studied this specialty for a while, and then opened the system to check, and finally figured out what was going on.

Once this specialty is chosen, an advanced class will be added to the game—Dragon Thunder Knight, which requires the basic occupations to be warriors and knights to advance.

The game World of Firmament has basic occupations and advanced occupations. For example, knights are basic occupations, and paladins are advanced occupations. Warriors, knights, and priests can all advance to paladins.

In fact, from the perspective of the plot, the profession of paladins has not even appeared yet, and the paladins will not really appear until the establishment of the Knights of the Silver Hand, but for adventurers, of course, they are not limited by this.

The authority obtained by this specialty is to set the advanced tasks of the profession, as well as the advanced conditions, and even release the advanced tasks.

In other words, if I choose this specialty, I will be the patriarch of Dragon Thunder Knight in the future, which is equivalent to the status of Illidan and Demon Hunter.

It's still exciting to think about it. .

Of course, even if the adventurers advance to Dragon Thunder Knight, it doesn't mean that they can completely control these adventurers. It is equivalent to opening a vocational technical school.

These adventurers are only nominally members of the Knights of the Dragon, but they are not under their control, but they can issue professional tasks to them.

Another biggest advantage is - you can sell professional props.After all, it is a new profession that has just been released, and there must be many players who want to try it out.

You can't miss this one. Murphy chose the third one without hesitation. Opening up the adventurer profession is very important for expanding the influence of the knight order.

Flying Killer - Murphy quickly gave up this specialty, and he can't fly in the hero state. Although the boss form can fly, but the dragon's body is too big, even if the dodge rate is increased by 10%, the trick is still to be hit. It's really nothing significance.

This feat should be used for professions that ride and fight after opening the flying mount.

Lonely Warrior——This feat is quite exciting for Mo Fei. In fact, this feat is really not very useful for ordinary heroes, because after all, the combat power of heroes is limited. If a person is really besieged by hundreds of thousands of enemies, it is not easy for even an epic hero to get out, and he might die.

So it's really useless for ordinary heroes.

But for me, a hero who can become a BOSS, it’s completely different. A BOSS will always fight a group. If you enter a 40-man raid and become a BOSS, it is equivalent to an additional 20% increase in attributes, which is quite impressive. up.

If it is a guild book of 100 people, it is equivalent to increasing the attribute by 50%.

This must be chosen.

As for the last Thunder Phantom feat, this stuff is just funny. Legendary value is useful if it is said to be useful. Biography of Song Jiang's function.

In addition, the right to speak can also be improved in plot events.

But it doesn't help much in combat, it's just convenient to deal with different forces, and it's incomparable with legendary combat expertise like the Lone Brave.

With the plan made, Murphy made his own choice.

[Dragon Thunder Knight Trainer] + [Lonely Brave].

After choosing specialties, Murphy rode the newly acquired Frostwolf mount to join his brothers.

This battle was fought quite tragically. Although they won, the losses were extremely huge.

The king's father 'died in battle', and seven brothers died. There were originally 27 brothers, but now there are only 20 left.

The noble lords who participated in the war also suffered countless casualties, especially the nobles of the high mountains, nearly half of them were killed because of the iron head.

But there is good news. After this battle, Roland led the dragon-suited heavy cavalry to charge and fight, and finally advanced to a hero. Although he was only a bronze-ranked one, he finally became a plot character.

This made Razidanan jealous.

All the princes gathered on the snow field, next to the corpses of King Aiden and old Saurfang (both corpses were touched, and it is not known who did it).

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "What shall we do next?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Needless to say, of course they took advantage of the victory to pursue and completely destroyed the camp of the Frostwolf orcs. As the saying goes, it is better to pursue the poor with the remaining brave, and not to be known as the overlord."

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, he's going to kill him while he's sick, and Barov's [-]-year-old boy can't let go, he dared to run away halfway, fortunately, our brothers are brave, Otherwise, he will be cheated to death in this battle."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, yes, that bastard Barov will definitely be killed. By the way, Dalong City will also be taken back. We are going to hold a prince council soon. We just take this opportunity to get those disobedient The nobles are all gone, take back the land."

But Barov would have gone back to his home territory long ago, but the camp of the Frostwolf orcs was in the Alterac Valley, so they could launch an attack immediately to avoid long nights and dreams.

The princes gathered their forces, the main force of the king's army is now only [-], the militiamen still have [-], plus the [-] Lordaeron army, there are still [-] troops.

After the princes had reassembled their troops, they immediately headed towards the Alterac Valley to kill, and they would definitely not give the tribe a chance to breathe.

Originally, the Alterac Valley was very vast, and it was still very troublesome to find the location of the orc camp, but in this battle just now, countless orcs fled, and the traces left behind were extremely clear, which was just right for tracking.

The army rushed into the valley of Alterac, and followed the traces left by the orc deserters. At night, they finally came to the entrance of a valley with steep terrain, and looked at the orcs on the high ground outside the valley. The Arrow Tower, and the rough orc fortress in the valley, there is no doubt that this is the camp of the Frostwolf Clan.

But at this moment, the entire camp was pitch black, as if there was no one there.

(End of this chapter)

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