Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 292 Countering Rebellion and Alliance

Chapter 292 Countering Rebellion and Alliance

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "The first cup, let us respect the sacrificed soldiers. It was their bravery and sacrifice that allowed us to defeat the barbaric orcs and win the final victory."

"The second cup, let us respect our father King Aiden. He fought bloody battles and died bravely. He is worthy of the reputation of the King of the Mountain! Not to mention the glory of the Perenold family."

"The third cup, let us pay tribute to the allies from Lordaeron. To win this victory, their selfless assistance is also indispensable."

"Let's raise our glasses together to celebrate this rare victory. The barbaric enemy of the Alterac kingdom, the orc tribe from another world, has finally been wiped out!"


In a burst of cheers, everyone toasted and drank together to celebrate the victory.

The banquet hall of the royal palace was immersed in laughter and laughter.

This is the third day after the Battle of the Icewolf Fields, in Alterac Palace Castle.

After a whole day of chasing and killing, the army finally withdrew to Alterac City.

The clearing in the past two days has achieved some results. Dozens of scattered orc troops have been wiped out, and there are thousands of people.

After such a blow, the few Frostwolf orcs left in the first place suffered another heavy blow. Today, the number of Frostwolf orcs is less than [-], and they are scattered among the vast Alterac Mountains. Time can no longer pose a threat to the kingdom of Alterac.

The only regret is that several orc heroes were not caught, Samuro, Drek'Thar, Draka, Young Wolf Lord, Cold Wolf Owl -- oh yes, and the future tribal chief Thrall.

Especially Thrall, this guy is a man of destiny, he has really grown up, the future is limitless, maybe he can really turn things around.

But these are all things in the future. Thrall is still just a kid now. It will take ten years to grow into the great chief who leads the tribe. It is estimated that it will be two or three versions later.

Now that they finally won this battle, and also killed Aiden, who was an eyesore, the princes were naturally very happy, and it was time to share the benefits.

Earl Adalian (lord of Ravencrow City): "My distinguished princes, now that His Majesty the King has passed away, someone must take charge of the overall situation again. In my opinion, the most urgent task is to elect a new king to inherit the throne."

As soon as these words were uttered, the audience fell silent. The high mountain nobles who participated in the meeting had suffered heavy losses in this war, and they really didn't have much right to speak. As for the plain nobles, they didn't know whether they had ghosts in their hearts or other reasons. None showed up.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Your Excellency, don't worry, we brothers have already discussed this issue, since there is only one king's throne, but there are as many as 20 princes who have the right to inherit, so in order to avoid Disputes We have unanimously decided that the Alterac Kingdom will adopt a parliamentary system in the future, and our twenty princes will form a princely council, and major matters will be voted by the princely council."

What!Count Adalian was taken aback, the nobles were even more surprised, and Alsace was equally shocked.

Such things as parliamentary system are not unheard of in Firmament World, and they are very common, but they are usually supported by kings and racial leaders. How can a country be governed by a parliament?

In fact, the princes also feel that this matter is not very reliable. Who doesn’t want to be a king? The problem is that there are too many wolves and little meat, and there is only one king. Whoever becomes the other people are not convinced, and they can only do so at present.

However, Adalian quickly calmed down. In the current situation, this was considered a solution. It was better than a civil war between princes. Now that there are internal and external troubles, stability is the priority.

Earl Adalian (Lord of Ravencrow City): "I deeply admire the wisdom and generosity of the princes. On behalf of the nobles of the mountains, I am willing to obey the decision of the parliament."

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "Hahahaha, it's easy to say, in fact, we have already discussed the first topic - Duke Barov fled the battle, and several nobles fled the battlefield with him, This kind of behavior is the betrayal of Chiguoguo. They betrayed their king and even their own people. Therefore, the Alterac Prince Council passed the first resolution with a full vote. Duke Barov will be regarded as a traitor. The Dalong City and its surrounding lands and castles under its rule will be taken back to the state and will be redistributed by the Prince Council.

There are also those few nobles who defected together, and all of them will be handled accordingly. "

The high mountain nobles were also a little surprised. They didn't expect the Prince Council to be so ruthless and declare treason directly. This is to force Barov to rebel.

It must be known that Darrow County is the richest region in the Kingdom of Alterac. Together with the territories of other plain nobles, its territory occupies a quarter of the Kingdom of Alterac, and its population has reached a third. .

This is the rhythm of civil war.

However, the mountain nobles and the plain nobles already have enmity, so of course they won't speak for it.

Count Adalian wondered, "The kingdom has just experienced a war, and the troops of our nobles from all over the country suffered heavy casualties. I'm afraid—"

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry about your Excellency Adalian. Our Prince Council will send out the king's army to carry out the crusade. You nobles can send troops at your discretion. It doesn't matter if you don't send troops. You have paid enough, although Just go back and rest."

Of course, this matter does not require the nobles to send troops. In wars, whoever sends troops wins. It is rare to have a chance to justifiably grab the territory. Of course, the fat will not flow to outsiders.

Among the twenty princes now, there are quite a few who have no fiefs, and most of the fiefs are only a small dilapidated village, just taking the opportunity to reap a wave of benefits.

Parliament is where power is exercised, but land and castles are where the real interests lie.

With a fief, you can collect taxes, and with a castle, you can build troops. Whether it is to fight for hegemony in the future, or to make money from a separatist party, or even sell it to a studio, it will be a waste of money.

So killing Barov, taking down Dalong City, and taking down the surrounding castles and towns is the next main task.

As for the war with the Horde, wouldn't there be other kingdoms in the Alliance fighting against it? Alterac Kingdom, as the penultimate weak chicken kingdom, doesn't need to participate.

Arthas finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Everyone, I just received a sad news that Stormwind City has fallen, and King Ryan died heroically."

As soon as these words came out, all the princes looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that this was news when it happened, you just got the news.

However, he still had to show shock on his face.

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "Gods! How did this happen?"

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Damn, the Kingdom of Stormwind is so useless, it was destroyed so quickly, we are still thinking about going to rescue them after defeating Barov."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, isn't it just a bunch of trash orcs? You see, we won the battle easily, and we won in the field. The Kingdom of Stormwind is also known as the direct blood of Emperor Thoradin. The city can't be defended, it's too wasteful."

The nobles were also shocked. The princes could swear at will, but they knew the difference in national strength between Alterac Kingdom and Stormwind Kingdom. They didn't expect the orcs to be so fierce. The Stormwind Kingdom is one of the two poles of the alliance. So destroyed!

Count Adalian (Lord of Ravencrow City): "When did this happen?"

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Just two days ago, on the same day that His Majesty Aiden died in battle."

The nobles sighed again.

Alsace said again: "Princes of Alterac, the armies of the alliance countries have gathered in Arathi Kingdom, and the special envoys of various countries have gone to Lordaeron to hold a meeting to discuss the upcoming war. I think Alterac The Kingdom of Ke won't stay out of it, will it?"

The princes hurriedly gathered together to discuss again.

This matter must still be participated in. The brand of the alliance cannot be lost at present, and those who should be recruited still have to be recruited, but the civil war is also to be fought. After all, the territory is all real money.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "How about this, the main force should attack Darrow City and other castle territories of traitorous nobles, and at the same time send a few princes to lead [-] militiamen and [-] north wind knights to participate in the meeting Mengmeng, we have just finished a big battle, so it is reasonable for fewer people to go. Although the fighting power of [-] militiamen is a little weaker, but anyway, there are enough people, and it doesn't look too shameful. As for who goes, everyone is voluntary.

Of course, considering that you can get a lot of plot points by participating in the alliance, the territory obtained by countering the rebellion will not be scored.

Whether you want plot points or territory, everyone takes what they want. "

Murphy's proposal caused a lot of discussion, but when you think about it carefully, it is reasonable. After all, players pursue different things. Some people just want to get some real money, while others want to feel the feeling of participating in changing history. Some people want to play the business game.

Others are just for upgrading explosive equipment.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "I'm going to suppress the rebellion."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "I'm going to suppress the rebellion too!"

Darkseid (Prince of Alterac): "And me."

In the blink of an eye, everyone expressed their opinions one after another. The princes who were going to participate in the suppression of the rebellion accounted for the vast majority. After all, the territory was a real benefit, especially the big cities such as Nanhai City and Dalong City, each of which was priceless. Grab the next one and send it.

Maybe it is more profitable than starting a company in reality.

Although participating in the alliance will give you some plot points, usually not too much, unless you participate in the follow-up war with the tribe, but that will be in the future, and fighting with the tribe is risky. In the battle the day before yesterday, 27 princes died. Seven of them were lost, but these seven lost all their money. Not only did they lose their numbers, but they even lost their seats in the Prince Council.

Although it is possible to build a son number to inherit the fief and inheritance, but building a new number is a lot of money, and it has to be practiced from scratch.

Moreover, the king is dead, that is to say, the newly built account does not have the title of prince, so there is no way to inherit the seat, which can be said to be a huge loss.

It can be seen that the risks and benefits of participating in plot battles are directly proportional.

In contrast, suppressing rebellion is much safer. There are not many high-ranking nobles in the plains of Barov, and they are all lord templates.

However, Murphy chose to join the alliance without hesitation. To him, the territory really didn't mean much. Even the only fief, Songmu Village, was handed over to those old guys.

Only power is truly valuable.

That's why he made this proposal. With the temptation of the territory, most princes will definitely give up their qualifications to join the alliance.

Siegret also raised his hand, "I'm going to join the alliance too."

Dalabang hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth, "I'll join the alliance too."

These two are old partners, and now all three of them are Silver Level [-], and they are about to advance to Gold Heroes, so naturally they all want to go further.

"And I."

As soon as Lu Bu, the god of war, raised his hand, he also chose to join the alliance, "I didn't take the opportunity to participate in the last war, so I can't miss it this time."

Finally, it was decided that four princes would lead [-] militia troops and a small number of knights to join the alliance, and [-] princes would lead the king's army and the remaining [-] militia to counter the rebellion.

The plan was made, everyone returned to the banquet, and Murphy informed Alsace of the decision of the Prince Council.

After hearing this, Alsace expressed his understanding. It would be great if the Kingdom of Alterac could send troops.

When the banquet was finally over, Murphy came to the wilderness on his stomach.

He was going to Lordaeron tomorrow, and Murphy was looking forward to it.

The premise of the battle gave him great confidence. With his current strength, he is enough to make a difference in the next battle. When the level and rank are strong enough, he can continue his journey of ancient dragon 1. the way.

But before setting off, he still has one more thing to do, and that is to add the BOSS talent.

Boss form has no specialties, and every level up can cut off a talent. Before that, he had one talent point that was useless. In addition to the previous two consecutive levels, he now has a total of three talent points in his hand that can be added.

His current state and strength can be said to be quite satisfactory, life-saving ability, AOE ability, single target output, defense ability, elemental resistance...

There are almost no obvious shortcomings.

Compared with dragons of the same rank, it can be said to be a hexagonal warrior.

But there is a specialization in the art industry, and I still have to choose a development direction next.

Considering that my main goal is to seize the power of the source and achieve the way of the ancient dragon, and to deal with those powerful dragons with the power of the source, I must further improve my lethality.

There are two ways to increase attack power.

1. Strengthen the ability of melee damage.

2. Enhance the damage ability of Dragon Thunder.

In the battle between bosses, hand-to-hand combat is the most efficient. When I played Deathwing, slaughtering dragons was like chopping wood and cutting melons.

But after thinking about it for a while, Murphy felt that this route was not suitable for him. Melee combat relied on strength and the strength of minions. He was currently only an adult dragon, not even an ancient dragon, and there was no advantage in taking the melee combat route.

Moreover, the melee combat ability of all dragons is not bad. There are only a few sets of attack modules, and no matter how enhanced they are, they will not be able to play well.

Let's take the route of Long Lei's injury.

With the blessing of the Son of the Storm's talent, the damage is enhanced by 50%, so it's unreasonable not to take this route.

With this clear idea, Murphy quickly chose this skill.

The first talent, Murphy chose [Storm Sensation]: Perceive the location of the nearby storm, and when you are fighting under the storm, the power of thunder breath and dragon thunder ability will be increased by 30%, and the flying speed will be increased by 30%.

Under normal circumstances, this talent is actually a bit tasteless. Without it, storms are not common, and the restrictions are too great.

But strong is strong because Murphy has the weapon skill of "evoking a storm", which is endlessly fun to use with it.

The second talent, Murphy chose [Power Lightning]: You can activate this effect during the battle to strengthen your thunder power, so that your thunder breath and dragon thunder abilities will have additional power damage and crushing effects .

Force damage is also physical damage, and the crushing effect is very useful against enemies with high armor, especially the dragon scales of the dragon clan. Once crushed, the defense and resistance will drop greatly.

The third talent, Murphy chose [Superconducting Induction]; you can activate this effect in battle, your thunder breath and dragon thunder ability will superimpose a layer of 'electrode' on the hit enemy, and it will happen after three superpositions A 'Superconducting Explosion' that causes 975 Lightning damage and paralyzes the target for 1-5 seconds.

After adding the three talents, Mo Fei turned into the Storm Dragon King, and immediately felt some subtle changes in the Dragon Thunder in his body.

Electricity flowed in the body, and the power of thunder lingered between the dragon's claws.

That's right, that's the power!

Whether it's orcs and tribes, or those ancient dragons living in the corners of the world waiting to be hunted by themselves, just wait, the Storm Dragon King is here.

(King of the Mountain Volume - End).

PS: If you want to read the same type of book, I recommend my other book "Full-time BOSS", which can be regarded as the companion volume of this part-time BOSS.

PS2: There are more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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