Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 293 Tenaris' plot

Chapter 293 Tenaris' plot

Guyel carefully hid behind a spruce tree, watching in horror the few human adventurers fighting with a crampon bear in front, and shouts could be heard coming from the wind from time to time.

Aragon (Warrior) "Nurse me, milk me! The damage of this bear is so high."

Yawen (pastor): "I'm almost out of mana! You drink the blood bottle yourself."

Legolas (Hunter): "Warrior, don't run around, be careful—I'm going to zoom in!"

Aim and shoot - the arrow of the wind!
Whoosh, an arrow pierced straight into the left eye of the crampon bear, and a critical strike directly killed the crampon bear with a quarter of its health remaining.

"Hahaha, my arrow is accurate enough."

The three adventurers were quite excited, and they didn't even notice that there was an orc kid not far away secretly observing them.

After the three adventurers finished touching the monster's corpse and left, Goyle carefully touched it out.

He walked up to the dead body of the crampon bear, took out a small knife, and cut off a piece of the bear's meat, and now there was finally something to eat.

Five minutes later, Gouyle was hiding in a bush, nibbling on cold bear meat and reminiscing about the events of the day.

Go'el had been wandering the wastelands of Alterac for three days, desperate to find his brother, or his mother, or Master Drek'Thar, or any orc he knew.

But the Frostwolf clan seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden, without a single trace left. In the past three days, he could only see all kinds of scary monsters, snowmen, crampon bears, and frost ghosts...

Of course, there is the one that scares him the most—greedy adventurers.

These adventurers are simply frenzied. They swept across the snow field and killed all living creatures, even a rabbit or a squirrel...

Suddenly, a sense of danger made him show fear in his eyes.

Goyle hurriedly stopped chewing, holding the dagger in his hand, and hid in the bushes tremblingly.

One Punch Man (Monk): "Hey, are you sure you read it right? There are no monsters here at all."

Hawkeye (Hunter): "That's right, my 'Tracking Humanoid' clearly shows that there are humanoid hostile creatures here."

The hunter groped around annoyed, and Goyle buried his whole body in the snow for fear of being discovered.

The hunter only saw the white flowers around him, and simply whistled to summon the battle pet.

"Sniff, look for it."

The cliff wild boar named Xixiu immediately sniffed everywhere, getting closer and closer, approaching in the blink of an eye.

not good!Guyel was terrified in his heart, knowing that he couldn't hide, he got up and ran.

It was immediately exposed to the sight of the two adventurers.

Goel (orc child), civilian template, level 5, HP 100.

One-Punch Man (Monk): "Hey, it's an orc child, Goel? It even has a name. Could it be a mission monster?"

Hawkeye (hunter): "Don't care what it is, it's a red name anyway, and it's over." The hunter bent his bow and set an arrow, aimed and shot it.

Whoosh!When the arrow hit the back of the heart, Guy felt a pain in the back of his heart, and lost consciousness when his eyes went dark.

After an unknown amount of time, Goyle opened his eyes in a daze, and he found himself standing on a snow field with no one around.

The two previous adventurers disappeared without a trace left.

Sure enough, it happened again...

Goyle was a little puzzled and numb at the same time. This kind of thing had happened several times these days. Once, he was accidentally discovered by a group of direwolves. He thought that these direwolves could be tamed, but unexpectedly they were torn apart in the blink of an eye. .

Then he found himself in an unfamiliar place, intact—only the leather jacket was gone.

Later, he was killed by a Frost Wraith and lost his leather boots.

Then came a few adventurers, and that time he lost his hat.

Whenever he encountered a monster or an adventurer, he would suddenly feel pain, his eyes would go dark, and when he regained consciousness, he would appear in another completely strange place.

What did you lose this time?

He checked himself, and was disappointed to find that the dagger was missing.

Guyle sighed, he didn't know what was going on, what would happen if everything on him was gone?

He thought desperately, and walked forward in a daze.

This time he refreshed in a good position, unexpectedly located on the edge of a valley, all the way down the snow slope, and soon saw green grass and trees.

The melted snow water converges into a river, and beside the river is a wooden house in the wilderness, with red brick walls, blue tiles, wooden doors and windows, and the smoke is slowly rising, and the aroma of food makes his mouth water Come.

For three days he had eaten nothing but a few mouthfuls of raw meat. He wanted to eat, but houses meant humans, and humans meant danger.

He subconsciously touched his pocket, and then remembered that the knife was gone.

Looking at the peaceful hut in front of me, smelling the aroma of food.

Gritting his teeth, Goyle walked into the hotel.

Even if you die, you have to eat your fill first.

There was no one in the room. On the dining table in the living room, there were grilled pork chops, toast, oatmeal and a bottle of wine. The food was obviously just cooked, and it was still steaming. Broth was stewed in the hanging pot of the fireplace. Everything is so strange and beautiful.

Suddenly, Guy's eyes lit up, he picked up the pork chop and began to eat it.

After one bite, the taste of soft and tender pork mixed with spices and honey hits the taste buds.

too delicious!This was much more delicious than the diet he ate in the tribe in the past, and it was hundreds of times more delicious than cold raw meat.

Goyle gnawed it with a big mouthful, then picked up the broth and poured himself a bowl, and swallowed it down, the boiling hot broth dispelled the cold air on his body.

He picked up the wine bottle and took another sip, then spat it out with a wow. He was still not used to the taste of human alcohol, so he immediately focused on things again.

Guyel ate voraciously, completely forgetting everything around him, so that he didn't notice an old man came out of the kitchen, looking at him with surprise and interest.


bang bang bang!Fat Gugu knocked on the door of the VIP room, "Wa Wang, we have arrived at the Royal Port of Lordaeron."

Fat Gugu was a little nervous, Varian had locked himself in the cabin for three days, and never opened the door except for delivering meals occasionally.

When the food was delivered, Fat Gugu could see Varian sitting in the darkness of the cabin with a blank expression on his face. He seemed to be in an extremely heavy grief, and he seemed to be thinking about the answer to some difficult question. Well, Fat Gugu is understandable, no one will be happy when his father dies, how heartless that is - at least he thinks so.

The door of the cabin was swung open, revealing Varian's gloomy and decadent face, but he looked much calmer now.

"King Wa? You..."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Call me Varian from today. I am not a king yet, let alone be called a king. Before driving those barbaric orcs out of my kingdom, I will be your father. Before Wang takes revenge, please stop calling me Wa Wang."

"Um, alright, Your Highness Varian, we have arrived at the Royal Port of Lordaeron, about you take a rest? Adjust your state, you look a little..."

"No, it's not necessary." Varian said calmly, "I've thought a lot these days, and I've thought through everything, wars, kingdoms, power... Hehe, power is a kind of poison, it makes people become Insane, but I'm not going to get carried away by this poison, I know what I'm going to do, I'm ready."

As he spoke, as if to prove all this, he suddenly smiled brightly, as if his father's death had never bothered him.

Only the coldness in the depths of his eyes proved that Varian was not as happy as he seemed.

Fat Gugu felt inexplicably uneasy looking at that smile, and he wanted to say something, but Varian had already walked towards the shore.

On the pier's trestle, two mighty Royal Knights of Lordaeron lined up on both sides, and more than a dozen royal musicians were blowing welcome horns.

It can be seen that Lordaeron still attaches great importance to Varian's arrival.

The team that came to greet them was led by two princes, who stood at the end of the trestle bridge and were responsible for welcoming them.

When Varian walked over, the joyful expression immediately turned into a grief-stricken expression that pretended to be calm again.

Adam (Prince of Lordaeron): "Prince Varian, welcome to Lordaeron, my father deeply sympathizes with your experience, he hopes you can treat this place as your home, please settle down first, and then I will take you to meet your father."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Thank you for your kindness, but my father died at the hands of those filthy orcs, and I am desperate for revenge. This time I came here to ask for help, and I urgently want to see Ty Your Majesty Naris, if you may."

The two princes looked at each other and nodded, "Please come with me, Your Highness."

Half an hour later, Varian followed the two princes into the main hall of Lordaeron Palace.

The shape of the main hall of the Lordaeron palace is quite peculiar. There is a throne in the empty hall, surrounded by a circle of high platforms. It is said that when discussing affairs, the envoys of various countries stand on the high platform and speak around the throne. The strange layout is quite reminiscent.

It is said that during the ancient Arathor Empire period, the emperor of the Arathor Empire used this to show his dignity, and at the same time, the high platform far away can also avoid the occurrence of assassination incidents.

Compared with the round table hall in Stormwind Fortress, this place looks a bit more royal and majestic.

But today was not a formal meeting, so Varian was able to talk to Tenaris up close.

Tenaris is a burly middle-aged man who is nearly fifty years old, with golden hair and a dignified face. He wears a crown on his head. Metal corners, with some primitive and rough style of the Arathor Empire period.

Varian just glanced down before bowing his head. He knelt on one knee and saluted Tenaris as he would before a king.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Your Majesty Tenaris, thank you for your help in receiving the refugees from Stormwind City at this critical time. As the Prince of Stormwind, I am deeply grateful for that."

Tenaris looked at Varian. He had heard Varian's name from various sources. It is said that Varian beheaded the former chieftain of the tribe with his own hands, and defeated him with seventeen warriors and a group of adventurers. The [-] orc army won various wonderful battles.

These legends are widely circulated and are too bizarre to give people a very unreal feeling, but Tenaris has done a detailed investigation and knows that they all happened for real. The teenagers are particularly afraid.

Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to be hostile at all, and even showed a hint of tameness. It seemed that the War of Subjugation finally taught him to judge the situation.

When Tenaris thought of this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "You're welcome. As a member of the alliance, I don't think countries should distinguish each other too much. The right way is to help each other. I guarantee that the people of the Stormwind Kingdom can get Properly placed, I will treat them as 'my own people' and love them."

Varian trembled slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face as he leaned over and bowed his head, "Own people"?Hehe, can't help revealing your thoughts so soon?

For the countries of the alliance, the population is the greatest resource. In this world of countless racial disputes, only by increasing the population can the national power be strengthened. Only a strong national power can conquer aliens and consolidate the kingship. Obviously, Tenari Si has some thoughts about these refugees from the Stormwind Kingdom.

"Your Majesty's generosity is admirable, but as a prince, this should be my responsibility. Please don't be too polite, Your Majesty. Please keep a record of the resettlement expenses of our refugees in Lordaeron. Wait until the lost land is conquered. After the kingdom is restored, I will definitely repay you double."

"Haha, Prince Varian, you are too polite. I knew your father, King Ryan, when we were young. We have a very good relationship, just like brothers. I am very sad to hear the news of his death. Ryan values ​​responsibility and honor too much. Even if you die, you have to protect the Kingdom of Stormwind. Although it may be disrespectful to say so, I think he's acting out of his will.

Of course, his courage is still admirable, but I think sometimes, we should be more realistic.

But you are right, as a prince, you should restore your country, but have you ever thought that your brothers were either killed in battle, or their whereabouts are unknown, and there may be an accident.

Now you are the direct heir of the Stormwind Kingdom. If you die again, the Stormwind Royal Family will be at risk of becoming extinct. In order to avoid this tragedy, I think you should get married first and have children. "

Varian was stunned for a while, he didn't expect Tenaris to suddenly get involved in marriage.

But Tenaris said to himself: "As a prince, you must look down on ordinary noble girls. Only a princess is a good match. I happen to have a few daughters who are not yet married, how about..."

If it was the previous Varian, he would probably be embarrassed and even shy when he heard such words, but now, after experiencing the death of his father and the fall of Stormwind City, Varian has fully understood the rules of the Game of Thrones. up.

He instantly understood Tenaris' true purpose. Once he married the princess of Lordaeron, the offspring they gave birth to would naturally become the crown prince of the Stormwind Kingdom, and if he 'died in battle' again, then The inheritance of the Kingdom of Stormwind fell into the hands of Tenaris.

At that time, the Stormwind Kingdom can be annexed without bloodshed, and the hegemony of the Lordaeron Empire will naturally come into being.

Such a conspiracy instantly made Varian feel a little cold in his heart.

(Tenaris, you old bastard, are you so impatient?).

He thought in his heart, but his face didn't change at all, and he didn't even refuse, instead showing just the right embarrassment.

Now the Kingdom of Stormwind needs the help of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, to help resettle refugees, and to help restore the country in the future. If you can't tell, you must not offend King Tenaris.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "I can't make a decision easily on this matter. My father just passed away. These are not the passing aways that need to be considered right now. Maybe after we arrive in Arathi and meet my uncle Duke Lothar , Discuss with him and give His Majesty an answer."

This reason is also sufficient, and Tenaris is not too persuasive.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "Haha, you should, then you should settle down first, after so many things, I think you must be tired.

Oh, by the way, envoys from various countries will arrive in Lordaeron in the next few days. Let's discuss the next strategy and help the Stormwind Kingdom restore the country. "

(End of this chapter)

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