Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 297 God of War Lu Bu's Calculations and Tenaris' Ambition

Chapter 297 God of War Lu Bu's Calculations and Tenaris' Ambition

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "Well, it is really a joy to have a godson like you. As a godfather, I have nothing to give you. By the way, the Lordaeron royal family recently The Knights have newly bred a batch of top horses, I will give you one, and you can pick it yourself."

God of War Lv Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Thank you, father, for the horse."

When the group finished their meeting and walked out of the palace, Murphy dragged the God of War Lu Bu aside.

"Damn, what are you doing, kid, why did you suddenly come out and say, are you going to be a second or fifth son and betray us brothers?"

God of War Lu Bu hurriedly explained: "What are you talking about, am I the kind of double-faced person who stabs a knife in the back?"

Mo Feixin said that your name already says everything.

"Then what are you trying to do? If you don't make it clear to me today, our brother will have nothing to do."

God of War Lu Bu had no choice but to explain in a low voice, "I did all this to become the Lich King."

"The Lich King?" Mo Fei couldn't figure out how the God of War, Lu Bu, was thinking about how the Lich King got involved with Godfather Bai. 1
God of War Lu Bu explained, "Think about it, why did the undead disaster break out in Lordaeron in history, and why did Arthas eventually become the Lich King? One of the biggest reasons is that Lordaeron is the most densely populated in the entire eastern continent." region, the entire Seven Kingdoms of the Alliance plus dwarves, elves, gnomes and other forces, Lordaeron is the largest kingdom and the most densely populated.

And the undead must be a huge number to form a climate, so Lordaeron must be the key area for the outbreak of the undead natural disaster.

As the crown prince of Lordaeron, Alsace shoulders the responsibility of defending the kingdom, so he will be eroded by the anger of revenge in the end.

His potential is particularly high, and once he is blackened, he can implode in Lordaeron, so he will naturally become the target of the Lich King.

Of course, according to our current timeline, it is estimated that there will be more candidates to become the Lich King. All Lordaeron princes should have the opportunity. Of course, the premise is that they can go to Northrend to pull out Frostmourne.

There is no rule here that you must be your own son to have this opportunity. Anyway, as long as you have potential, can implode in Lordaeron, and can be dazzled by revenge and anger, it should be enough to meet these three points.

My own potential is absolutely nothing to say. Now that I have worshiped Tenaris as my adoptive father, I naturally meet the second point. When the undead natural disaster breaks out in the future, I will have an opportunity to intervene. At that time, I will take the first step Go to the Cult of the Damned party line, and then slaughter Stratholme before Arthas, and then go to Northrend to find the Dreadlord, and then pull out Frostmourne, then I will become the chief death knight Well, according to the development of the plot, maybe I will be able to become the Lich King in the future. "

Mo Feixin said, damn it, your little calculation is too loud, but he thinks that the god of war Lu Bu is completely whimsical. There are so many princes in Lordaeron, and the classic plot of natural disasters is known to almost all players. At that time, a bunch of sons rushed to slaughter the city, and the strong went to pull out Frostmourne, how could it be your godson's turn.

Murphy said his thoughts, but Lu Bu, God of War, laughed, "Haha, you can't say that, at least I have a chance in this way, before there was no chance, now even if there is only a 1% chance , You can also fight for it, in case it succeeds.

Why do you think those local tyrants spent millions to be Tenaris' son?Isn't it just that I think I can intercept the Lich King? It's equivalent to a few million whores for nothing. It's definitely not a loss. "

"And don't I still have you guys here? If there is a chance to compete for the Lich King, everyone help me, maybe it will be done. If I want to become the Lich King, I can't do without the support of my brothers." Good thing, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse must have been chosen from among the brothers.

For those of the legal system, let a big lich take care of it, one person and one floating city, how about it, are you interested in mixing with me? "

Mo Feixin said that he has a fart interest. I am a majestic Storm Dragon King. He is taking the ancient dragon line and has a bright future. It doesn't match your undead line at all.

Apocalypse knights are nothing, if I become the Lich King, maybe I can consider it.

Sigret is also not interested in this. He is taking the route of the Moon Night God of War, which can be regarded as a bit forced. He has little interest in joining the Lich King as an undead.

Dalabang looked excited, "Hey, this is good, this is good, I happen to be a knight, so don't forget about me, brother, I don't ask too much, just give me a place for the Apocalypse Knight."

God of War Lu Bu (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, it's easy to talk about."

Mo Fei was speechless, what year was the story of the natural disaster, it should be the third war, and now the second war has not yet been fought.

Starting to think about beautiful things so early, it feels like buying a lottery ticket and dreaming about winning the jackpot.

But even though he felt unreliable, he also understood the thoughts of the God of War Lu Bu.

"Okay, you're right, but Tenaris has been eyeing Alterac all the time, so take it easy and don't really sell us."

Lu Bu, the god of war, agreed, "Don't worry, I'm smart."

The four brothers left the main hall of the palace, and when they reached the gate of the palace, they saw a familiar figure—Varian.

Murphy nodded with the other three and walked over alone.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Varian - thank the gods, you are fine, I heard that Stormwind fell, but I am very worried about you, by the way, about His Majesty Ryan, please forgive me .”

Varian nodded, and said in a sad tone: "You too, I also heard about His Majesty Aiden's death in battle."

Varian's tone was quite sympathetic. In his eyes, Murphy was probably the one with whom he had the most common language. Not only was he sworn brother, but also his father died on the same day.

Murphy felt ashamed. Although he didn't contribute too much to Aiden's death, he was one of the accomplices. This kind of "benevolent father and son filial piety" is completely different from Varian's.

But on the surface, he naturally showed a sad expression.

"Hey, both King Ryan and my father are real warriors. They fought to the death against the evil orcs. In this critical moment, perhaps it is their fate to be kings. Let’s talk about what’s next, this war has just begun, Varian, don’t worry, I will definitely do my best to help you restore your country.”

At this time, Arthas also arrived, and immediately ran over when he saw Varian.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Second brother, it's good that you're fine. Next, we can finally fight side by side. We fought against the Frostwolf orcs with my eldest brother before, but there were bloody battles." Alsace said excitedly Talking about the excitement of the battle that day, he pulled out the "A Song of Ice and Fire" behind him and showed it to Varian.

Varian was quite indifferent towards Alsace. Alsace talked for a while, seeing Varian's expression was cold, his voice couldn't help but lowered.

He didn't know much about the strife and struggle within the alliance, but from a military point of view, he also knew that the fall of Stormwind was directly related to the hesitation of the alliance's reinforcements.

"Second brother, I can't do anything about Stormwind City. My father strictly ordered me to deal with the orcs in Alterac before going south to reinforce Stormwind City. Who knew it would happen..."

Varian shook his head, "I don't blame you Arthas, you are still young and don't understand the truth of this world, you are still subject to the constraints of power.

But my father's death was not a coincidence Alsace, sometimes the darkness in the human heart is more terrifying than the orcs, if it weren't for your father..." He hesitated to speak, "I'm sorry I have to say that, but I I can no longer trust you now. "

Alsace's face suddenly turned pale, and he said, "Second Brother...I"

Varian already nodded at Murphy, turned and left.

Alsace became anxious immediately, he has always been a fan of Varian, "Brother, second brother..."

Murphy patted Alsace on the shoulder. He was not surprised by Varian's reaction. Tenaris was planning the Stormwind Kingdom so much. Varian would be out of his mind if he could let it go. It was enough not to turn against Alsace directly. It's ok.

He was able to make it clear to Alsace that he had actually trusted Alsace. If he really didn't trust Alsace, he might pretend to be false and put on a show.

It's just trust, trust, but my father is dead, and I can't do it if I continue to hang out with the enemy's son.

He explained it to Alsace, and the more Alsace heard it, the more ugly his face became.

"Is this really my father's conspiracy? My father deliberately killed His Majesty Ryan?"

"It's not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy is certain. His Majesty Tenaris, like Varian, has the ambition to unify the alliance and rebuild the empire, but he is more unscrupulous in his approach."

"No, it's impossible! My father is definitely not that kind of person!" Alsace shouted excitedly.

Murphy didn't say anything, just patted Alsace on the shoulder, "If you really want to know the truth, why don't you ask your father yourself? Of course, remember not to mention me and Varian, you Alsace is a smart boy, you should know the seriousness of the matter."

Arthas gritted his teeth and nodded.

Ten minutes later, Arthas met Tenaris in the garden of Lordaeron's palace.

Alsace (Prince of Lordaeron): "Father! I'm back!" He didn't forget to salute first.

Tenaris (King of Lordaeron): "Ah, Arthas, you are finally back, let me see, well, you look much stronger again, it seems that war is the best whetstone , I have heard about your feats in Alterac. You led the army of Lordaeron to defeat the mighty Frostwolf orcs and frost trolls, and even beheaded and expelled an ice elemental lord with your own hands. It is worthy of my Menethil family child.

Your bravery reminds me of your grandfather. "

Tenaris grinned at the sight of Arthas.

I don't know why, although there are more than 40 sons and more than 30 daughters, but this youngest son is my favorite.

I always feel that I am closer to Alsace. As for the other sons and daughters, Tenaris has an inexplicable sense of alienation and is too lazy to get close.

Alsace was very pleased with Tenaris' praise, and he would probably be extremely proud if he had changed it normally, but at this moment he just wanted to clarify the doubts in his heart.

"Father, I have a question for you. The fall of Stormwind City and the death of King Ryan, were all of these in your plan?"

Tenaris' face suddenly became serious when he heard this, "Why do you ask that? Who told you what?"

Alsace remembered what Murphy said, so naturally he would not tell the truth.

Shaking his head, he said: "No one said anything to me. This is a possibility I came up with during this period of time, but I don't quite believe it. This should not be what you do. This should not be the behavior of a king. .”

Not only was Tenaris not annoyed when he heard this, but he became happy instead, "Haha, I didn't expect you to grow up so fast. Very good, it seems that the Kingdom of Lordaeron has a successor. The growth of force certainly makes me happy, but wise Improvement is the most important quality of a king.

I can answer your question, yes - and no.

The fall of Stormwind City was indeed foreseen in my plan, but Ryan's death in battle was unplanned, hehe, that idiot who was dazzled by the sense of honor actually died fighting for a group of civilians, Uri People in the En family really don't have very good brains, so you must not imitate them. When encountering such a crisis, the right way is to preserve yourself first.

Only the survival of the royal family can the kingdom survive. "

Alsace was shocked by this answer but relieved, deep in his heart, he already felt that it was very likely to be true.

At least the father did not deliberately kill King Ryan, he comforted himself.

"But isn't it a betrayal of our allies to do so?"

Tenaris taught patiently: "You have to understand Alsace, any achievement is built on the victim, and now a great achievement is in front of our eyes.

The time is ripe for Alsace. Originally, the development space of Lordaeron has reached its limit, but it seems that fate is on our side. Fear will bring unity. The invasion of orcs is an excellent opportunity, a completely An opportunity to integrate alliances and build the Lordaeron Empire.

Why do you think I bought so much ore from the dwarves?Why do I want you to apprentice Muradin's Bronzebeard?Why do you think I married your sisters to Gilneas and to Stromgarde.

Do you want to spend a lot of supplies to relieve the refugees in the Stormwind Kingdom, and spend money to bribe the elf nobles in Quel'Thalas?
It's all for this day.

This world is dangerous, and the arrival of the orcs proves this, and the only way to make the family and the kingdom survive forever is to strengthen oneself.

After thousands of years, my Menethil family has finally waited for our glorious moment, the moment to establish the Lordaeron Empire.

Arthas, my child, from the moment you were born, I have high hopes for you, I am proud to watch you grow up day by day, become a strong and wise warrior, these words I have never said to anyone But today I want you to understand that the Alliance must unite, and only Lordaeron is capable of doing so.

I will build a mighty empire, and one day, my life will come to an end, and you, will be crowned king and rule the world. "

Tenaris was talking and thinking about it, with endless ambition and fanaticism in his eyes.

Arthas looked at Tenaris in shock, at his father, the first time he saw Tenaris confide in his heart.

As soon as he thought of taking on this heavy burden, a heavy pressure immediately came to his mind, making him almost out of breath.

Crowned as king?Build an empire?Is this really a fate I can bear?Alsace had doubts in his mind for a moment.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"But, isn't there still a big brother? There are also the third brother and the fifth brother. There are many people who are more qualified to inherit the throne than me."

When Tenaris heard this, a complex look appeared on his face.

Indeed, Alsace was not the crown prince, his eldest son, Godwin Menethil, was the crown prince of the kingdom, and even he could not easily change this point.

Possessing the title of 'The Glory of the Holy Light', Godwin is a justifiable new king no matter in terms of achievements or popularity.

However, for some unknown reason, Tenaris has always been unable to arouse much affection for this almost perfect eldest son.

"Yes, those brothers of yours are excellent princes, but..." Tenaris hesitated to speak, he couldn't tell where the disgust in his heart came from, and he tried hard to think clearly The reason, but just like the countless times of thinking in the past, there is no clue at all.

In that thoughtful thought, his expression gradually became distorted and hideous.

(End of this chapter)

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