Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

(Yeah, why do I just not like that guy Godwin? He is obviously very good.) Tenaris is also a little puzzled, (Is it because of something he did when he was a child? Then what is it?)
Tenaris tried to recall the past with Godwin, but was horrified to find that his mind was blank, as if nothing had ever happened between the two of them.

He couldn't even recall any scenes with Godwin.

(No, definitely not, he's my oldest son, I must remember something.)
Tenaris dug deeply for a while, and some memories finally emerged in his mind, very few, strictly speaking, just a few fragments.

Tenaris vaguely remembered.

When he was seven years old, Godwin seemed to often listen to an old man telling stories. The strange thing was that he didn't remember such an old man in the palace at all.

At the age of ten, Godwin began to practice swordsmanship, and his talent was extraordinary.

When he was 12 years old, Godwin had a dream. After waking up, he gained the power of the Holy Light. He merged the sword technique with the Holy Light, and realized the combat technique called Holy Light Slashing Evil.

At the age of 15, Godwin used holy light to purify a village polluted by evil spirits, and beheaded the powerful evil spirit alone.

At that time, Godwin became a senior priest of the Church of the Holy Light and began to formally participate in the affairs of the kingdom.

These memories are engraved in his mind like oil paintings, but apart from that, he has no memory of Godwin. The more Tenaris thinks about it, the more he feels something is wrong, everything is so strange, he desperately It was completely futile to dig out more memories. His expression became more and more distorted and ferocious. Alsace, who was on the side, looked shocked and couldn't help but patted Tenaris on the shoulder.

Tenaris came back to his senses suddenly, panting heavily, covered in cold sweat.

"Father, what happened to you just now?"

"Nothing." Tenaris also felt a little strange, what happened to him?He instinctively didn't want to think about this question, but just shook his head, and the weird feeling in his mind just now disappeared.

He immediately felt a lot more relaxed, but fortunately, he hadn't forgotten his previous plan.

"In short, I decided to leave the throne of Lordaeron to you to inherit." Tenaris said firmly.

Then he looked at Alsace earnestly, "Although you are the last born among all the children, I have always had a feeling that you are the real king who can inherit Lordaeron, promise me Alsace, don't let me I'm disappointed."

Facing his father's expectant eyes, Alsace could only nod his head with difficulty no matter how reluctant he was.

"I promise your father, but what about elder brother?"

"He will understand...Of course, in order to avoid accidents, don't mention this to anyone, let it be a secret between you and me, and when all the conditions are ripe, I will announce the passing of the throne Here you are, before that, you have to grow up as much as possible, and you have to gain enough hearts.

Tomorrow, I will hold a dinner party. At that time, you will have to communicate more with the envoys of various countries. This time, all the powerful figures from various countries will come to the alliance. You need to attract more popularity. The king is a heavy burden, and there must be enough Don't let me down if you have good communication skills. "

Alsace nodded, turned and left.

The next day, Tenaris began to arrange the dinner, and sent invitations to the envoys of the kingdoms.

Of course, Murphy also received it.

In the evening, Murphy and the four of them came to the banquet hall together.

Players still like to hear about things like dinner parties. First, they can eat, drink, and enjoy the food and wine at the court banquet. Second, they can also take the opportunity to get to know each other with royal players from other kingdoms and make friends. Familiar faces, if you are lucky, you can meet a few historical celebrities, get up close, and at the same time feel the feeling of participating in history.

To Murphy's surprise, the four of them immediately became the focus of the audience as soon as they walked into the living room. Although his perception ability was a little low, he could already see it with his eyes alone. The surrounding princes, princesses, generals and lords , all looked at them, especially those players, who were almost blatant, not only watching but also whispering, pointing at them.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why does it feel like you're being targeted." Dalabang said in surprise.

Sigret picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, "Be confident and get rid of the feeling, we are being watched."

Several people are a little puzzled.

Alterac Kingdom, as the bottom power in the alliance, has always been there to make up the numbers. Naturally, they have no sense of existence as a group of idiot princes. This was the case when they fought against the Horde in the Stormwind Kingdom before. When did they receive so much attention? up.

At this time, a person came up enthusiastically and greeted the four of them.

"Hey, good evening bro. I'm Prince Biaogo Proudmoore from Kul Tiras. I'm very fond of you. It's a great honor to meet you today. It's a great honor to meet you."

As he spoke, he shook hands with the four of them one by one, with an excited expression, which really made Murphy a little speechless.

"I said Brother Biao, we are just a few ordinary little princes, do we need to be so excited?" 0
"Haha, don't be too modest, you guys. The feat you did is amazing. It has been spread on the Internet for a long time. You can kill your father while fighting with the orcs, and then take the opportunity to seize power. Don't say it, awesome!
——Speaking of which, if there is an opportunity, can you pass on your experience? To be honest, our princes of Kul Tiras also have a lot of ideas in this regard, but we have little experience and lack of opportunity. In this regard, you are also considered seniors. Ah, I also hope that you don't hide your secrets and teach us more.

Let me tell you, we definitely won’t learn in vain. If we can get to the top, it will definitely be useful to call us Kul Tiras in the future. "

Mo Fei finally understood now, and felt ashamed for a while. He didn't expect them to become famous because of this incident.

Sure enough, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Looking at the eyes of the players around, I immediately understood why they had such weird expressions.

Murphy still wanted to clear things up, but Lu Bu, the god of war, laughed triumphantly: "Hahahaha, it's easy to say, everyone is a prince of the royal family, there is no inconvenience, just give advice, exchange experience is still okay Well, let me tell you that I planned this. Who is the king of Kul Tiras—Admiral Proudmoore? No problem, easy to handle, this can definitely be done , let me tell you that you can do this..."

Speaking of the god of war, Lu Bu put his arms around Brother Biao and went to exchange experiences.

Then Dalabang and Sigret were also invited away. At present, the old kings are generally in power in all countries, and players can only build the Prince and Princess. However, according to historical development, most kings still have many years. can live.

If they want to be successful, they have to wait for a long time. At first, everyone was safe, but now they found out that the princes of Alterac played such a showy operation, and they were successful. They suddenly had an idea.

Looking at the enthusiastic posture of the princes and princesses who came to them to learn from them, Murphy was speechless.

It seems that the royal families of the alliance countries will not be peaceful recently, and I don't know how many kings will be "benevolent fathers and filial sons".

While Murphy was looking around, Varian walked towards him.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Brother, you're here too."

Murphy nodded, "Although I don't like this kind of scene, the necessary communication still needs to be carried out. The war between the Alliance and the orcs is imminent, and a tacit understanding must be reached among all countries. I think this is also the purpose of this dinner. .”

Varian didn't answer, but said directly, "I'm about to leave Lordaeron."

"What? Where are you going?"

"Northrend, I am going to find the Death Artifact with Master Kel'Thuzad. You are the person I trust the most, so I hope you can know."

Murphy was even more surprised now, the plot has changed too much, Varian went to find the Death Artifact?If he was found, wouldn't that mean that Varian was going to replace Arthas as the Lich King?
But it's not right, the Lich King of the first generation in history was Ner'zhul, and Ner'zhul was put on the crown of domination by Kil'jaeden, sealed in a set of armor ice coffins, and then thrown into the Icecrown Glacier Yes, but now Ner'zhul is still alive and kicking, assisting Orgrim to prepare for war.

In other words, the Lich King should not exist yet.

Then, where should the current Crown of Dominion and Frostmourne be?

It is not even certain whether Murphy has appeared.

This is to blame the glass slag for eating too much books. There are several theories about the origin of the Crown of Dominion and Frostmourne, and the game Sky World is different from the original world view of World of Warcraft. , which made it completely impossible for him to judge the historical development of this timeline.

But one thing is certain, if Varian really goes to Northrend, there will be no good results. Frostmourne is a magic sword. Holding this sword will corrupt the soul. He is also Varian after all. My brother, of course I don't want my brother to degenerate and become black.

It doesn't matter if it's a player, but for these plot characters, whether it's blackening or death is real.

"Why don't you stay and fight with us? Now that the Alliance has reunited and concentrated all its troops, this kind of strength should be enough to defeat the Horde. As long as we continue to fight step by step, the Stormwind Kingdom will be restored sooner or later. "

Varian shook his head: "I have my reasons...Brother Aidan, why don't you go to Northrend with me, there are three Death Artifacts, Master Kel'Thuzad and I have discussed it, Commander The crown belongs to him, Frostmourne belongs to me, and the third one, if you are willing to go with me, then it can belong to you."

There are three death artifacts?No, there should only be the Crown of Domination and Frostmourne, so what the hell is the third one?

But since it is an artifact, it must be of the same level as the Crown of Domination and Frostmourne, and there are many dragons in Northrend, so it is possible to find the original power, which is also a choice.

Murphy was hesitating when a voice suddenly sounded.

"Good evening, both of you, are you still used to staying in Lordaeron? As the crown prince of Lordaeron, you can't let the guests feel disappointed."

As soon as Murphy turned around, he saw a handsome blond guy looking at him and Varian with a sunny face.

'The Glory of the Holy Light' Godwin (Knight of Light), epic second-tier hero, level 90.The life value is 12500.

(End of this chapter)

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