Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 299 The Fate of the Three Brothers

Chapter 299 The Fate of the Three Brothers
As expected, Lordaeron is full of local tyrants and kryptonites, and there are even players of epic heroes.

Looking at the blond prince in front of him, Murphy couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart. Thinking about how Alterac doesn't even have a gold-level hero, it's really more difficult than others.

However, he is not in vain in the face of this krypton gold boss who ranks far higher than him. With the experience of killing Durotan solo, he no longer has so much awe for creatures like heroes, no matter how high the opponent's rank is. With his current strength after transforming into a dragon combined with the hero specialty of [Use the weak to defeat the strong], he doesn't pay much attention to it.

Unless the opponent is the kind of situation with the support of a complete Raiders team.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hey, isn't this Brother Godwin, the legendary Glory of the Holy Light—Honor of Lordaeron, I have admired your name for a long time."

'Glory of the Holy Light' Godwin (Prince of Lordaeron): "Hehe, it's nothing but a false name, but you can't compare to Prince Aidan. You are the warrior who defeated Durotan with your own hands, and you are a strong man who has mastered the power of the dragon. "

Mo Fei said in his heart, he seems to be a caring person, and he knows that he has the ability to transform into a dragon.

"Haha, where is it? It's just luck that I did a hidden mission and gained some abilities. It's not a big deal, it's just a transfiguration."

The two chatted about business, and Godwin looked at Varian who was at the side again, "This must be the 'Storm God of War' Prince Varian, it's a pleasure to meet you, I regret the death of King Lane .”

Varian didn't expect that the prince of Lordaeron would be so good at acting. It was as if he had never seen him before. His expression was flawless, but he didn't have such superb acting skills, or he was too lazy to act. Anyway, he He was about to go to Northrend soon, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Varian (The Storm Prince): "It's an honor to meet you too, Prince Godwin."

"Is His Highness Varian satisfied with the hospitality he received in Lordaeron? Is there anything that needs my help? If so, please feel free to ask. I will fully cooperate."

Varian shook his head, "There's nothing I need. In fact, I'm going to leave Lordaeron soon, so——I can only thank His Highness Godwin for his kindness."

Godwin was slightly startled when he heard this, and sighed with a half-smile on his face, "Well, that's really a pity, I thought I could have a good conversation with His Highness Varian."

Mo Fei listened to the conversation between the two and thought something was wrong. Why did the two feel that there was something in their words? The atmosphere was very subtle.

When Godwin left, Murphy couldn't help asking Varian curiously, "Have you two known each other before?"

Varian shook his head, "I don't know each other, it's just the first time we met—let's not talk about those irrelevant people, Brother Aidan, do you want to go to Northrend with me?"

He was anxious in his heart, and there was some anxiety in his tone.

In the past, Varian always felt that he was invincible. With the help of adventurers and his personal bravery, he would not be afraid to fight against the entire tribe.

Killing the black hand at the beginning made him completely let go of himself, feeling that he could overthrow the tribe by himself.

However, the reality dealt him a heavy blow. It turned out that his strength was not invincible, even he couldn't resist in front of the tide-like army of orcs.

He was sometimes a little confused. Back then, he defeated the [-] orc army with a dozen warriors and some adventurers. Why was it so different this time?

But one thing he was sure of was that there had to be more allies.

He has also been in touch with Murphy's power. If such a powerful ally can join him, his plan will undoubtedly have a higher success rate.

However, Murphy knew that this trip would probably be in vain. Whether it was based on the historical trajectory or considering the system's intervention in fate, the Crown of Dominion and Frostmourne might not show up yet.

Kel'Thuzad did find the Lich King in history, but this was the beginning of his fall.

Murphy said with a serious face: "Varian, I think you are a little too caught up in the thirst for power, which is not a good thing, I hate those orcs as much as you do, and I also want to avenge my father.

But putting hope on an illusory artifact, in my opinion, is a very extreme behavior. I prefer to believe in the power of unity. In this crisis, the only way to unite the power of the entire alliance is to Defeat the orcs.

Stay and fight with me, remember your original plan, let us complete it together. "

Varian was speechless for a while when Murphy said it. He knew it was reasonable. However, his father's sacrifice, the fall of Stormwind City, and the betrayal of King Tenaris made him unable to give up his hope. Put it on those so-called allies.

Only the power in your own hands can be truly trusted, and it is the key to saving your kingdom.

He shook his head, "Maybe what you said is right, but - I have already made a choice, I can no longer trust the alliance, and instead of wasting time with those people, I would rather use my own strength to save my country .

Let us work together to defeat the orcs in our own ways. "

Murphy sighed secretly in his heart. He knew that Varian couldn't be persuaded, so he could only nod his head.

"Big brother, second brother."

A nervous voice sounded, but it was Alsace who came over with a wine glass.

According to Tenaris' instructions, Alsace wandered around the field. Although he is a little younger, he has a record of expelling the ice elemental lord, but he will not be underestimated, especially those players. But the future Lich King made friends with Alsace one after another, and successfully completed the task.

Seeing Murphy and Varian at this time, he couldn't help walking over.

"Second brother, I know that some things cannot be changed, but I just hope you understand that I will never betray you."

Seeing Arthas' serious expression, Varian couldn't help but sighed.

"I know third brother, you and eldest brother are people I really trust, but in our respective positions, there are some things we have to do.

It's better not to talk about these unhappy things, I'm about to leave Lordaeron, let's have a good drink tonight. "

"Are you leaving Lordaeron?"

"Yes, I am going to Northrend, to find my future destiny there."

Northrend!Alsace meditated on this strange name, but couldn't help but feel a touch in his heart, as if something was waiting for him there.

Impulsive in my heart, I blurted out: "Let me go with you, second brother, maybe I can help you."

"No, you are up to your own destiny, no matter what your future is, but it will certainly not be on the cold land of Northrend."

Alsace wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say, so he picked up the wine glass depressedly.

at the same time--

Godwin turned and left, and when Varian was out of sight, his originally sunny face darkened instantly.

As soon as he waved his hand, Heidao Dixi immediately appeared beside him.

"Go and investigate for me immediately. What Varian has done in the past few days and who has he talked to. I want to find out what he said about leaving Lordaeron."


Plot characters like Varian are the focus of attention wherever they go, and it is easy for players to pay attention and record information. Heidao Dixie made a clear investigation after he left for a short while.

She told Godwin about Varian's whereabouts in the past few days.

Godwin immediately understood the problem, "What? Varian talked to Kel'Thuzad? He also recruited troops in the refugee camp, and recruited a large number of adventurers at the Adventurer's Guild. Are you going to explore Northrend?"

Godwin couldn't help but feel stunned for a moment. He also knew the plot of Warcraft, and immediately understood Varian's purpose.

Is this kid going to find Frostmourne?This is a bit of a hell.

Dish the Black Knife (Shadowwalker): "Is there something we need to do?"

Godwin laughed, "There's no need to kiss, all we need is to spread the news, and then someone will take care of it for us."

Hei Dao Dishi followed Godwin's gaze, but what she saw were the princes of Lordaeron, she immediately understood.

The reason why there are so many princes in Lordaeron is that many of them came here for Frostmourne, waiting for the natural disasters to come in the future, cutting off Arthas.

If Varian knew that Varian was going to find Frostmourne, these guys would definitely intervene. These people don't have much courage to break history, but it's absolutely fine to tear each other down as shit-stirring sticks.

 PS: Sorry for not updating yesterday, these two days have been a bit stuck, because history has undergone tremendous changes, so I have been deducing the next development of the plot and the various choices and changes in the fate of the plot characters.

  I also need to check the information to find out what the plot characters at this point in time are doing, as well as the roles played by the players in these plots. It took a little time to sort out the clues.

(End of this chapter)

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