Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 300 'Ming' People Don't Tell Darkness Chapter [-]

Chapter 300 'Ming' people don't speak dark words
Just when Godwin was secretly arranging the backup, the three brothers had already had a drink in a side hall.

Varian's country was broken and his father died, and he was in a depressed mood. It was rare to meet two brothers at this time, so he naturally had no restraint in drinking.

Alsace is not a human being inside and out now, and his mood is equally depressed.

Although Mo Fei was in a good mood, he could only pretend to be a confidant brother at this time and comfort the two brothers.

With his relief, the two finally let go of the estrangement in their hearts. The three of them exchanged glasses and changed their drinks.

When Alsace woke up in his bedroom the next day, it was already broad daylight.

He rubbed his head, which was a little dizzy from the hangover, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he thought of the successful reconciliation with Varian.

After washing up, Alsace was ready to go to the restaurant to have breakfast with his father and brothers. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he heard the voices of his brothers.

Meow King Menethil (Prince of Lordaeron): "Father, that Varian recruited troops in the refugee camp, and he has bad intentions."

Winter is approaching Menethil (my prince of Lordaeron): "Yes, father, Lordaeron is the capital of the king, how can foreign troops be allowed to run amok here, the troops recruited by Varian must be transferred away Just do it."

Elsa Menethil (Princess of Lordaeron): "I also heard that Varian is going to organize an expedition to find treasure in Northrend, and now the war with the orcs is about to begin. This guy doesn't want to avenge his father, but If you want to find treasure, you must teach him a lesson."

Alsace was taken aback when he heard that, he already knew about Varian's going to Northrend before, but he didn't expect that his brothers and sisters would also know about it, and they would even trip up the second brother .

He couldn't understand at all why Varian would be targeted by these brothers and sisters, but this did not prevent him from dissuading him.

"Father, Prince Varian wants to find artifacts to fight against the orcs, not for his own selfish desires. Please don't interfere with this matter. He recruited an army just to prepare for the expedition, and he will leave soon."

Tenaris originally had a disapproving expression, but when he heard that Varian was going to find the artifact, his face suddenly became serious.

"What artifact? Please explain it to me carefully."

Alsace yelled inwardly. He had promised not to reveal it, but considering that his brothers and sisters already knew about it, it seemed that there was no need to hide it.

"I just heard about it. It is said that it is a magic sword that can help him defeat the orcs."

Those brothers and sisters suddenly showed such expressions.

Jon Snow Menethil (Prince of Lordaeron) "Little brother, you don't want to believe everyone, what magic sword, I think it's Varian's words that he is afraid and doesn't want to join the war and wants to hide in Northrend Forget it, we are all your own brothers and sisters, so we can still deceive you."

Barbarian King Conan Menethil (Prince of Lordaeron): "That's right, that shitty place in Northrend doesn't poop, and there's not even a hair on it, so don't follow me."

Anna Menethil (Princess of Lordaeron): "Yes, yes, you are the heart of our Menethil family, but please don't take risks in Northrend. If something happens to you, we will How sad these brothers and sisters are."

Arthas was puzzled for a while, and he thought that the second brother was going to Northrend, why are you all talking about me?
Tenaris' face was cloudy and uncertain, "That's enough, stop talking, Arthas, I know you have a good relationship with Varian, but you don't want to interfere in this matter."

He hesitated for a while, "Conan the Barbarian, Jon Snow, I have two tasks for you, Conan the Barbarian, you go to the refugee shelter immediately, there is an army recruited by Prince Varian, immediately confiscate this army , and go to the Adventurer's Guild to issue a ban on going to Northrend.

Jon Snow, take an army to the port and detain me the warships of the Kingdom of Stormwind. "

"It's the father, let's do it immediately." The two looked at each other as they spoke, and they both saw each other's excitement.

Arthas blushed in shock, he never expected this to happen anyway.

After half an hour—

Arthas finally found Murphy and Varian who were having breakfast.

"It's not good, second brother, the father detained your ship, and forcibly transferred the army you recruited, and issued a ban, prohibiting adventurers from exploring Northrend."

What!Varian was startled at first, and then a hint of anger appeared on his face. Murphy thought Varian was going to explode, but he calmed down after only a few seconds.

"I see."

Murphy was a little surprised, hey, isn't this kid quite irritable, why is he so calm all of a sudden?Sure enough, he has grown up, and he is able to hide his emotions and anger.

Varian looked at Arthas and asked calmly, "Did you tell King Tenaris that I was going to Northrend?"

Alsace hastily explained: "Of course not, it was my elder brothers who suddenly mentioned this matter to my father in the morning, and I don't know where they got this information, and they even slandered you, saying that you are afraid of and orcs. Fighting so I want to hide... I tried my best to persuade my father, but my father seems determined..."

Varian snorted coldly after hearing this, "It has nothing to do with you, someone wants me to do something."

Murphy's heart moved, but he thought of the strange conversation between Godwin and Varian last night, "How about I tell my brothers to lend you some of the battleships of the Alterac fleet?"

Varian shook his head: "No, it's not just about the battleship. The most important thing is that someone wants me to do something for him. If you don't handle this matter well, even if you solve the ship's problem, it will still be a problem." If you are in trouble, just leave this matter alone, I will naturally find a way to solve it."

Murphy couldn't help being curious, what is the solution?

However, he still knew something about Varian. Once he was sure of what he had done, he would definitely not look back and could only nod his head.

"Well, as long as you have your own score, if you have any trouble, just come to me, and don't be polite to me."

"I will, Brother Aidan."

After breakfast, the three brothers separated again.

Alsace still had the task that Tenaris had arranged for him to do, while Murphy returned to the temporary residence of his Knights.

Today's Longshang Knight hasn't finished his training yet, he can transform 50 Dragonshang Knights every day, which is considered a daily necessary job.

When the princes divided the family property before, he specially asked for the remaining five hundred Beifeng knights.

Since the princely council is now leading the country, the army has naturally become everyone's private property. If you issue a mission directly in the name of the council, you can lead the army without restriction.

Even though the Knights of the North Wind have no bright spots in the fourth-level soldiers, and they are not outstanding compared with the knights of other countries, but no matter how bad they are, they are still knights. They meet the transformation conditions of the Dragon Knights. Become an extraordinary unit, and you can turn decay into magic.

Therefore, in addition to training Dragon Martyr Knight every day, Murphy also went to the auction to collect materials.

Dragon scales, keel bones, dragon blood, dragon eggs, buy as many as you want. After more than a week, Murphy has invested more than 200 million yuan. The average cost of an extraordinary unit is as high as 5000 yuan. It is nearly ten thousand.

Murphy is going to transform all five hundred knights into dragon knights, and then advance to a super unit, and then they will be able to run rampant in the world.

In order to improve his strength, Murphy also went all out.

At the same time, Varian also came to the Cathedral of Light in Lordaeron, where Prince Godwin practiced the Holy Light.

However, Godwin did not practice Holy Light today, but was practicing combat skills. When Varian came to the training ground, Godwin was practicing against a middle-aged knight with a burly figure and a majestic face. Although the sword fight was just a practice fight, both of them were filled with the power of the holy light, obviously there was no perfunctory in the slightest.

Varian couldn't help but be a little surprised after taking a few glances. Both Godwin and the middle-aged knight who fought against him are very skilled in martial arts, especially the combination of holy light and combat skills. The two golden lightsabers kept colliding. The momentum is amazing.

Godwin's profession is a knight of light, which is different from the paladins among those adventurers. Strictly speaking, no formal paladin profession has yet been born at this time, such as Uther, Tirion Fordring, Strictly speaking, Mograine and the others are not paladins at this time, but more like fighters who practice holy light, knights who practice holy light, and priests who practice combat skills.

In the past, holy light was only used for healing, so everyone was still groping for how to use holy light to fight.

And wait until the Knights of the Silver Hand is established, the paladins will be officially born, and the holy light combat skills will mature.

boom!The two wooden swords collided again, and the golden holy light knocked each other back.

The middle-aged knight said with emotion: "Your Highness Godwin, your martial skills have improved again, especially the fusion of holy light, which really admires me."

"Haha, His Excellency Uther's combat skills are also superb-ah, it seems that we can only go here today, and I have a guest."

The two looked at Varian who was aside.

Varian also stepped forward to greet the two.

"Good morning, Prince Godwin."

"Ah, Your Highness Varian, aren't you going to Northrend? Why did you come to me?"

Varian looked directly at Godwin, and the two just stared at each other. Godwin's face was flawless, as gentle and sunny as ever.

Varian was even a little shaken, whether it was because he thought of human nature too darkly, maybe all of this had nothing to do with him.

"It was King Tenaris who seized my fleet, transferred the soldiers I recruited, and issued a ban on the adventurers I recruited from exploring Northrend."

Godwin suddenly showed a surprised expression, "What! Why did my father do this? Oh, this is really incomprehensible. I'm sorry, Your Highness Varian. My father is too obsessed with rule and power, and he is too obsessed with anyone who might challenge his majesty. I deeply regret that, if I had my own way, I would not let this happen, I am really sorry."

Hearing the last sentence "If I can make the decision", Varian immediately realized that all this must have something to do with Godwin, and his previous guess was completely correct.

He smiled, since he wants to play games, then I will accompany you.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Do you still remember what you mentioned yesterday? You said that you can come to you if you need anything. Maybe I do need your help, such as persuading His Majesty Tenaris."

(Didn't you want me to kill Tenaris, I agreed).

Godwin nodded: "Of course, if there is a need, I will try my best to help you." (I keep my word, get ready to do it.)
Varian (Prince of Storms): "I'm going to see King Tenaris to explain this matter. Does Prince Godwin have any suggestions for this?"

(Do you want me to kill your father now?)

Godwin (Prince of Lordaeron): "Father is preparing to hold a military parade to review the royal army of the Kingdom of Lordaeron to boost the morale of the subjects. I thought it would be more appropriate to talk to him about this matter again, and I also I can help you lay the groundwork during this period, and then I will send my attendants to lead the way for you and make arrangements for the audience." "

(It's too early to do it now. It's just right to do it after the military parade. I will help you get rid of the guards. You just need to do it.)
Varian (Prince of Storms): "That's fine, then I'll wait patiently for a few days, but Prince Godwin, you won't forget today's promise, will you?"

(Don't turn your back on it after I get it done.)
Godwin (Prince of Lordaeron): "Of course not. As the heir apparent and future king of Lordaeron, I have always followed the path of honor and will never allow my reputation to be tarnished in the slightest. It must be done, and I will never go back on what I promised.”

(As long as I become the king, everything is easy to talk about. The fleet, army, and adventurers are all handled within the body, and even if I want to get rid of my own suspicion, I will clean up the whole thing for you.)
"Oh, by the way, I heard that the Horde sent many orc assassins to win the victory by assassinating the top leaders of the Alliance. Your Highness Varian must be careful. Even Lordaeron may not be absolutely safe. I once warned However, the father should be more careful about this matter, it is best to carry out a large-scale alert and search inside the royal city, but unfortunately the father is not willing to go to war because of some rumors."

(Just turn the blame on the orc assassins when the time comes.)
Varian nodded, "I'll pay attention." Then he turned and left.

Uther listened to the conversation between the two, but said seriously: "Your Highness, is there really an orc assassin?"

Godwin smiled slightly, "Of course, and it's still deeply hidden, but don't worry, my father is protected by the gods, so nothing will happen to me—right?"

(End of this chapter)

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