Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 303 Boss Thrall

Chapter 303 Boss Thrall
at the same time--

Thrall—or Gooyle—was wolfing down a bowl of porridge.

He has lived in this human hut for two days. From the fear and nervousness at the beginning, to the gradual adaptation now, Gouel adapts very quickly.

But even though he was already familiar with everything around him, he still didn't let go of his guard.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, no one will grab you." The old man watched Sal eat while trying to communicate with him, but found that the other party did not respond at all.

He couldn't help but shook his head, "Boy, can you speak?"

Goyle didn't mean to respond at all, and still buried himself in cooking.

The old man shook his head involuntarily, and said to himself: "Isn't this kid a fool, he can't even speak."

Guy stopped suddenly, and he looked at the old man in surprise: "How do you know my name is Sal?"

Seeing that the little orc in front of him finally spoke, the old man couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Oh, you're really a fool? How could someone give a child such a name, oh, I get it, I guess it's for the sake of making a living."

Thrall was confused, but after these two days of getting along, he already felt that the old man in front of him was not malicious, "It wasn't my parents who gave me this name, it was the adventurers in the tribe, they all called me Thrall Boss..."

The old man couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this, "Those adventurers are really not human. How can they bully children like this? Are they all elementary school students?"

"No, the adventurers are all good people. They speak nicely and treat me very well. When the tribe retreated, they all voluntarily stayed to stop the enemy. They... all died...."

When Thrall said this, his eyes turned red, thinking of the adventurers who grilled meat for him and picked fruits for him, as well as his dead father and lost brother and mother.

However, he did not shed tears. Durotan had taught him since he was a child that tears could not solve any problems and would only expose his own weakness.

"It's all those hateful humans. They killed my father, Saurfang, and my friends. One day I will avenge my father."

As soon as the words fell, he immediately felt that something was wrong. The old man in front of him was also a human being, and hurriedly explained: "You give me food, you are a good person, and I will not seek revenge from you."

The old man couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Hehe, what you said is really unreasonable. You orcs have killed so many humans all the way north. Don't those humans have children? Who should they seek revenge on?"

Sal was taken aback when he heard this. He was only a five-year-old kid, so how could he think of so much.

"That—that's because they are weak, and if they are weak, they deserve to be bullied."

The old man's eyes suddenly became cold, he grabbed Sal's neck, and the huge force made Sal almost suffocate.

"Now you are the weak one between us, do you think I should kill you?"

Sal was frightened and froze, his whole body was stiff, but the old man suddenly laughed again, touched his head with his hand,
"Hahaha, I am teasing you, I am really a fool, if I want to kill you, I will kill you, so hurry up and eat your food."

When Sal was full and sat in front of the fireplace, the old and the young fell into silence.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Thrall finally couldn't help asking.

The old man glanced at him, "It's no good for me to kill you. You little brat is only level five, and you won't lose a hair even if you kill it. I don't want to kill you, old man. Of course, the most important thing is my personal life." Morality does not allow me to do this, killing a child or something is too tasteless, even if it is an orc child."

Thrall was at a loss: "What is morality?"

The old man said leisurely: "Morality is something that people create to make themselves better when a civilization reaches a certain level. It is something that only exists between higher creatures, and it is the boundary that distinguishes humans from beasts.

Beasts have no morals, because for them, survival is the most important thing. They use all their strength to hunt, prey, develop territory, and reproduce.

Only when all the conditions necessary for survival are met?Only beasts can think, justice and evil, noble and despicable..."

The old man's words made Thrall even more confused. The Frostwolf clan has always been struggling between life and death. Even when they were in Frostfire Ridge, they faced harsh weather and ferocious beasts. Although he had never experienced the old life, But I have heard it countless times from the mouths of the tribe.

Later, with the outbreak of the fel energy crisis and the decline of Draenor, the life of the orcs became even more difficult.

After coming to the new world, the Frostwolf clan has also fought all the way, and has never had a truly peaceful and prosperous life. Even he, the chief's son, has to work hard to survive. In his opinion, isn't this a normal thing? ?

"But this is life?" Thrall argued.

"No, that's not life for you. You're just alive. There's no essential difference from beasts. I've learned about the history of your orcs. All you're doing is following the instincts of beasts and trying to survive. , whether it's the pursuit of power, or fighting and killing.

Only when you do something that has nothing to do with survival, but purely for fun, can it be called 'life'.

For example, I don't kill you because I don't like killing, although from the perspective of survival, killing you before you grow up is the best choice. Have you ever seen a wolf keep a pet?
Another example is that the reason why I came to this world is to seek some pleasures in life, to build a hut in the wilderness, to go fishing, to hunt, to experience the customs of this world and so on.

This world is much more interesting than I imagined. When my son bought me a game helmet, I scolded him, saying that he wasted money and was fooled by advertisements, but don’t say it, it’s really here , It's much better than staying at home all day waiting to die in reality. "

Saar didn't understand what the old man said, so he scratched his head.

The old man didn't mind, he smiled slightly, and took out a pair of carved wood chess from the cabinet beside him. This chess set was carved from oak wood, and the workmanship was very rough, but he thought about it.

"Come on, it's okay to be idle, let's have a plate."

"what is this?"

"Chess!" The old man said another word that Sal didn't understand.

But after all, he is the future chief of the tribe, and his IQ is still higher than that of ordinary orcs. With the introduction of the old man, Thrall quickly understood how to play chess, and immediately understood that this was a simulated war.

This actually got him interested.

The old man still talks about martial arts more or less.

"Since it's your first time playing, let me give you a set of chariots and cannons."

Talking about removing the three chess pieces, Sarton felt that he had a great chance of winning. Humans defeated the orcs because they had more people. Now that they have more troops than the opponent, wouldn't they be sure to win?

However, it was no surprise that the two of them came and went, and Thrall was checkmate after walking a few steps.

"General—you lost." The old man looked very interested, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all because he was bullying Mengxin.

Thrall was not convinced, he looked at the pieces on the chessboard, "My soldiers are obviously more than yours, so why is it whoever loses?"

"Your veteran is dead. Does the veteran understand—it's your great chief. If the great chief dies, you lose."

If Thrall was struck by lightning, it turned out that it was because his father died that the Frostwolf clan was defeated?

He was very vague about the war that happened before, because he was too young, no one told him what happened. However, looking at the checkmate game, he suddenly realized something. He touched the chess pieces and imagined these things. It was the orc warriors and wolf cavalry on the battlefield, imagining their father standing majestically in front of the two armies, and then being killed by a monster that fell from the sky—the general!
Then the orcs lost the war.

The image in his mind was so real that Thrall shuddered.

"Come again!" Thrall said seriously.

After more than a dozen rounds - "General!"

"Come again!"

This time Thrall persisted for more than 20 rounds.


"Come again!"


"Come again!"


"Come again!"

As the old man continued to play, his expression gradually became serious. This 'fool' had obviously mastered the rules of the game, relying on the number of pieces he desperately wanted to exchange with him, and even threatened him a little.

The old man took a few steps and even had to think seriously.

"General!" It was Thrall who shouted this time.

The old man carefully observed the chess game and was sure that he was powerless, so he could only overthrow his old man.

"You won." He said, looking at Thrall in surprise, thinking that this orc kid is quite talented.

However, he had some doubts. Could this orc child be disguised by a computer program?
After all, they are all NPCs in the game, and their behavior intelligence is probably related to the computing power of the computer.

Maybe it looks like a little green-skinned orc, but it's actually an alpha dog behind it, so I won't be wronged if I lose.

However, he didn't make a conclusion too early. After staying in this world for so long, everything still feels very real to him, and it doesn't feel like a game at all.

"Again—I won't let you this time."

Thrall played with the chess pieces silently, "Why is the hero (general) so important?"

"The reason why heroes are important is that heroes can lead the ethnic group to victory, stand up when the country is in crisis, turn the tide, support the building and the general, and write legends and history...

But the most important thing is to be able to make people willing to follow him, to unite a group of scattered people into an unstoppable organization.

We must know that only the organization can fight against the organization, and only the advanced organization can eliminate the backward organization. Without the organization, all victories will be impossible to talk about, so heroes are so important. "

"Of course, neither the Frostwolf Clan nor the Alterac Kingdom are considered advanced. A primitive tribe is a feudal kingdom. Hehe, it's nothing more than fifty steps and a hundred steps. The feudal kingdom can crush the primitive tribe. Horde, but once faced with a more advanced organization, it is nothing."

Thrall seemed to have realized something vaguely, but couldn't explain clearly for a while, but felt that he had grasped the key point.

He was puzzled and asked: "Are there other types of organizations besides the human kingdom and the orc tribe?"

"Of course there is—" The old man became interested when he said this, and he stopped playing chess at all. He took out a pipe and lit it for himself, and took a few puffs first—he didn't enjoy this in reality. Every time I take out a cigarette, my wife beats me.

"Let's just say that when I was young, it was really a battle..."

As Sal listened to the old man's recounting of the past, a strange light gradually appeared in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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