Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 304 Assassin's Creed and Murphy's Trick

Chapter 304 Assassin's Creed and Murphy's Trick
The streets of Upper Lordaeron have been extremely lively in the past few days. With the presence of missions from various countries, both the business district and the magic district are very popular. Lordaeron is the commercial center of the Alliance. Various precious materials and expensive Magical creations can be bought here, so wealthy politicians from various countries will also take advantage of their free time to wander around and shop.

However, under the scene of this prosperous age, some unharmonious things still happen occasionally.

"For the Horde! Lokta-Oga!"

With a roar, suddenly several orc thieves and assassins appeared around Antonidas who was walking, and for a moment they greeted Antonidas with scimitars, daggers, and axes. These people were obviously knowledgeable Yes, I know that epic heroes like Antonidas have a lot of HP, even if the HP of an algorithm class is low, there must be seven or eight thousand.

Therefore, they all greeted at the vital point, that is, rushed to deliver a fatal blow, and if they aimed at this epic hero with a fatal blow, they might explode a purple outfit or something.

Seen from a distance, five or six burly orcs surrounded an old man and slashed wildly, as if they were about to tear him apart in an instant.

However, Antonidas is such a character, he does not know how many magic items are hung on his body, and several jewelry rings with constant protective magic are activated at the same time.

In an instant, four or five layers of shields of different colors appeared on his body, and this series of attacks were all blocked by the shield without any suspense.

Although Antonidas was unharmed, he was taken aback, and a look of anger appeared on the face of the sneak attacking enemy.

"You despicable beasts, how dare you act presumptuously in front of me!"

Arcane Blast!

Boom, five or six orc thieves were instantly smashed to pieces by the powerful arcane energy, and the remaining few who were far away couldn't see it well, so they turned and ran away.

However, where to escape.

Arcane Missile!

It was a simple and simple move, but the power of the Arcane Missile cast by the Archmage was naturally incomparable. More than a dozen energy balls appeared around Antonidas, blasting and killing the orc assassins who were trying to escape one by one like a storm.

"Master, master, leave one for me!" Jaina excitedly raised her staff——Arcane Shock!Boom, the last orc assassin was also accounted for.

The little girl's face was flushed with excitement, and she kicked the orc corpse on the ground with her little feet in leather boots.

At this time, a group of royal guards finally rushed over.

"Oh, what happened here, Wocao is Master Antonidas, are you all right, Master."

"I'm fine, but these despicable orcs are getting more and more arrogant. I have been assassinated three times in the past two days. As the security officer of the embassy area, can't you do something?"

Faced with Antonidas' accusation, Lu Bu, the god of war, was also a little helpless. He regretted taking this job now. After two days, the orc heroes did not wait, but the orc adventurers emerged in endlessly. They came out to die like going to the market. It's not that he took the wrong medicine, but he focused on the characters in the plot, and often the result was that the entire army was wiped out.

But because he is an adventurer, he can be resurrected after death. No matter how much the god of war Lu Bu has taken precautions in the past two days, it is useless. Not only have the orc assassins not decreased, but they have become more frequent. The messenger asked someone to initiate an assassination.

In the end, they actually succeeded a few times, but due to the absence of the participation of the plot characters, the few plot characters who were killed were only seriously injured, and they came out of the Holy Light Cathedral alive and kicking the next day .

"I will step up my precautions—if it is really impossible, I will go to the palace and send a group of guards to help."

While the two were talking, in an unremarkable two-story building not far away, Varian was watching what happened downstairs through the attic window.

In his heart, he was not surprised by the rampantness of these orc assassins. Godwin said that he was going to blame the assassination of Terenas on the orc assassins. Unexpectedly, there were so many orc assassins. It seems that there must be some connection between the two , the appearance of these orc assassins always feels a bit too coincidental...

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

As soon as Varian turned his head, he saw Heidao Dixie in tight black leather armor coming up from downstairs.

"Prince Varian, it seems that you arrived early, are you so eager to see me?" Heidao Dishy's voice was provocative.

Varian was unmoved, "Stop talking nonsense, did you bring anything?"

"Of course." Heidao Dixie said, and took out a purple magic orb and a sheepskin map.

"This is the orb of deceit. It can transform a humanoid creature into a different humanoid creature. The plan is very simple. After the military parade starts tomorrow, you will go to see King Tenaris. Tenaris will think that you are going to be subdued. , will definitely meet you, so you take the opportunity to pretend to be an orc and kill him.

King Tenaris has eight elite king guards, two court mages and two court priests, but with the strength of your Storm God, you can handle it.

Remember to leave someone alive, so that things will be dumped on the orcs. It just so happens that orc assassins keep appearing recently, which is very suitable for throwing the blame.

After the matter is over, you just need to retreat along the route on this map, my master has already arranged everything. "

Varian took the orb and the map and played with it casually. The purple orb exuded a strange magical light.

The map is also very detailed.

Sounds like a foolproof plan, but—

Varian glanced at Heidao Dish, "How can I believe that you won't cross the river and tear down the bridge?"

"Please rest assured, Your Highness Varian, my master is not hostile to you, and besides, what good will it do to my master?

Any betrayal requires the temptation of interests. The reason why King Tenaris betrayed the Kingdom of Stormwind and did not send reinforcements is because he hoped to be surrendered by the Kingdom of Stormwind, but my master has no interest in this matter. He only hopes to inherit Lordan Lun's throne, if he betrays you, won't he be afraid that you will announce all these secret agreements?That would undoubtedly be very detrimental to him.

So don't worry, he'll want to cover it up more than you will.And once you become king, my master will urgently need to launch a war against the orcs to increase his prestige, so he will definitely help you restore your country. What better way to improve his reputation within the alliance than helping a troubled prince restore his country? "

The words sounded like this, but Varian was no longer the ignorant boy he used to be.

"I need you to pay half of the salary first."


"Return the Storm Fleet to me. As for the soldiers I recruited, you can keep them and return them to me after the matter is over."

Heidao Dixi shook his head, "This matter was done by the king himself, and my master can't make the decision."

"Hmph, he is the crown prince of the kingdom, so he must have some power. Don't tell me that he can't even use a few ships. Anyway, I won't do it until you show your sincerity."

"Prince Varian, you are asking my master for help, don't be too arrogant."

"Hehe, your master has spent so much effort to make this happen. I think he is more anxious about this matter than I am. Go ahead and tell him my conditions. Tomorrow is the military parade. Time waits for no one."

Heidao Dixi was a little annoyed, but he still closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about the pros and cons, but he was actually communicating with Godwin through the private message channel.

"Well, my prince agreed, but the warships of the Stormwind Kingdom are personally supervised by the king's people, and my master can't use them, but I can send you a few warships from the Lordaeron fleet. As for the captain and sailors, please You recruited yourself."

Varian nodded, "Okay, that's it."

Varian quickly had his men take over the ships.

He doesn't trust Godwin, but he really wants to kill Tenaris. Regardless of whether Godwin will turn his face after the matter is completed, he is ready to go to Northrend as soon as possible, and the time agreed with Kel'Thuzad will be soon. arrive.

Before it all started, though, he needed to say goodbye to someone.


Half an hour later - in a room in the embassy area.

Varian (The Storm Prince): "Brother, I'm leaving."

Murphy was a little surprised, which was a bit abrupt, "Has the matter been settled? Have you convinced King Tenaris?"

Varian shook his head, "Not yet, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Tomorrow I will go to see King Tenaris, explain the stakes, and ask him to return my fleet and soldiers. King Tenaris is a A sensible person, I think he should agree to my request."

Murphy couldn't believe it, Varian's attitude was too straightforward, right?

His expression became serious: "Varian—second brother, are you hiding something from me? If there is any trouble, you can tell me. As your eldest brother, we have sworn together, I will absolutely help you.

Don't worry if Tenaris wants to mess with you, so what about the king, mess with my Aidan's brother, and it's over. "

Varian was touched for a while, but he still shook his head, "I'm afraid you can't help me with this matter."

Mo Fei thought that there was something wrong, "That's not necessarily true, how do you know I can't help you if you don't tell me?"

Seeing that Murphy was so determined, Varian no longer concealed it, and told Tenaris about his purpose and the agreement he had with Godwin.

At the end, he said: "That's the way it is. Godwin has already made an agreement with me. I will help him kill Tenaris, and he will help me restore the country after he succeeds to the throne.

I'm still not sure if he'll keep his word, so I've made a few arrangements in the dark that should work, but if there's one thing I've learned from this year's war with the orcs, it's that things don't always It went according to plan, so I'm still a little worried. "

Murphy was extremely surprised when he heard it, "Wow, this Godwin is really courageous, and he wants to play the role of fatherly kindness and son filial piety."

The problem is that our brothers were a partnership of more than 20 people. You are too confident to play the role of fatherly kindness and filial piety by yourself.

And back then they achieved all this with the help of orcs. Your Kingdom of Lordaeron is in the rear, and there is no threat from orcs at all. Can you still do it like this?

There have been a lot of orc assassins active in Lordaeron recently, so it must have been him.

Yes, that's right - nine times out of ten, it's true that there are no conditions to create conditions.

Murphy thought for a while. Godwin's promise may be true, but it may also be false. What if he turns his face at that time, throws the blame directly on Varian, and then annexes the remnants of the Stormwind Kingdom? ?
Although the Orb of Deceit can turn into an orc, but there are so many Lordaeron mages, it would be bad if someone used dispel magic to remove Varian's disguise.

This kind of thing cannot be risked.

He turned his mind around twice, and suddenly had an idea.

"Yes! You do this, do this, do this again! It should be safe."

Varian was dumbfounded, "But, can this work?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely work, but you can't do it alone, and neither can I. You have to ask adventurers for help. Don't you have many adventurer followers? Ask them for help."

Varian shook his head and sighed, "They all died in the battle in Stormwind City." Tears flashed from the corner of his eyes, and he recalled the tragic scene in King's Harbor back then. Countless adventurers died with blood Paved the way for him to survive.

Murphy smiled mysteriously after hearing this, "That's not necessarily the case. Adventurers have their own skills, and there may be other survivors. Why don't you go to the Adventurers Guild to have a look, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

(End of this chapter)

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